Tag Archives: unconscious thought cloud of the world

Monsanto Nightmare . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 8 June 2018; revised on 8 May 2020

    • Hate Bomb Malware
    • Rules of War: Do Not Target Civilians
    • Our Thought Forms Affect Everyone on Earth
    • Global Latitudinal Impact of Thought Forms Carried by Circulating Electric Charge That Precedes Dawn and Follows Sunset
      • About Thought Forms
      • Personal Experience of Inrushing Thought Forms Before Dawn and Just After Sunset
      • Scientific Research on Earth’s Circulating Electric Field
        • Earth’s Electric Ring Current
        • Increased Density of Eastward Electric Field Just Before Dawn
      • Increased Density of Eastward Electric Field for An Hour After Sunset
      • Will Humankind Rise Up Against ‘Black Ops’?

Dear Ones,


Hate Bomb Malware

I had the weirdest dream in 2013, that past President Obama had been nanoteched up with a nanobot that pulled in a carefully thought out Army-Navy spy satellite anti-Jihad black ops program, a form of psychic-cyber mind control aimed at terrorizing Muslims into believing that, if they felt lovingly toward their Imams and the men in their mosques, then a bomb would explode in their hearts, and kill everyone in the mosque.

That a rogue Army-Navy guy … a Republican, maybe? … had got hold of the program, and, after bickering with lobbyists from the blue chip stock companies, settled on quite a good deal with Monsanto …

Link: “Monsanto Protection Act: Does the Monsanto Protection Act create a ‘precedent-setting limitation on judicial review of genetically-engineered crops’?” … https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/monsanto-protection-act/ ..

Result of which was nanobotting of the president, who, according to this wild nightmare, could not get out of office without selling the world food supply to Monsanto. Result being the Monsanto Protection Act rider.

Talk about Snopesville. I will never eat arugala again.

Anyway but, ever since then I have felt for past President Obama. Who in the world is not affected by that darned notion that we will be dead in the water if we truly love someone?


Rules of War: Do Not Target Civilians

I have been reading about the Rules of War …

Link: “What are the rules of war and why do they matter?” by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC),19 October 2016 … https://www.icrc.org/en/document/what-are-rules-of-war-Geneva-Conventions ..

I found out that it is against international law for civilians to be targeted in warfare. As Ascension proceeds, the world is rising to telepathic Awareness. Understanding of the nature of the noosphere, and of the formation and movement of thought forms throughout the noosphere, is no longer limited to a few select people with clair abilities …

Link: “Boomerang Effect of Evil Thought Forms,” by the Theosophists, published on 11 May 2015 …  https://wp.me/p2Rkym-3cX ..

Our Thought Forms Affect Everyone on Earth

Now everyone on Earth is beginning to understand that the thought forms we think affect everyone else on Earth. The Butterfly Effect has confirmed this notion, although it has not yet been taken to heart, on a wide scale, in a positive sense, and its implications with regard to the collective, worldwide clouds of thought, both conscious and unconscious, have yet to be fully utilized.

Global Latitudinal Impact of Thought Forms Carried by Circulating Electric Charge That Precedes Dawn and Follows Sunset

About Thought Forms. Thought forms are everywhere on Earth. These thought forms have an electromagnetic component; what is termed in the School of Theosophy manas (mind) and kama (desire). –from Citation: “Thought Forms,” by Annie Besant and Charles Webster Leadbeater, 1905, pp 19-20. Through intuition I would add that manas corresponds to the electric field, and kama to the magnetic force (the two making up electromagnetism).

I say this because I have read about that electricity is important in the function of the neurons which comprise the human nervous system; and that desire has a magnetic quality of attracting to oneself the object of desire. As well, through the practice of yoga I have found that building the human magnetic force results in good luck and charismatic appeal; loss of this built-up magnetic force has the opposite effect. (This points up the importance of practicing yoga daily.)

Personal Experience of Inrushing Thought Forms Before Dawn and Just After Sunset. I have personal psychic intel regarding an inrushing of thought forms into my own mental bodies just before sunrise; I experience this so strongly that I find it uncomfortable to be sleeping till sunrise. I find it easier to deal with the jumbled influx of other people’s thought forms while wide awake and either standing or sitting, so that my spine is erect.

I have also noticed that thought forms carrying negative emotions are more likely to swoop into my mind just after sunset. Because being near the computer screen and accompanying electronics weakens my personal electromagnetic field, making it more susceptible to impingement by these negative thought forms from other people, I generally stay away from my computer and other electronics in the evening after sunset.

It must be that the electric component of thought forms causes them to be carried along with the circulating electric charge that precedes sunrise and follows sunset on Earth. If this be true, then thought forms targeted at an Islamic nation are carried by the latitudinally circulating electric charge that follows sunset, from the Middle East, through the semi-somnambulent, prime time television watching nations, and back to their point of origin within a 24-hour period. Then, they continue circulating through the noosphere, day after day.

Scientific Research on Earth’s Circulating Electric Field. Here is what science I could muster to back up what I learned through electromagnetic field (EMF) clair sensitivity  …

Earth’s Electric Ring Current. “A ring current is an electric current carried by charged particles trapped in a planet’s magnetosphere. It is caused by the longitudinal drift of energetic (10–200 keV) particles. … Earth’s ring current is responsible for shielding the lower latitudes of the Earth from magnetospheric electric fields. It therefore has a large effect on the electrodynamics of geomagnetic storms. The ring current system consists of a band, at a distance of 3 to 8 RE  … [Earth radius], which lies in the equatorial plane and circulates clockwise around the Earth (when viewed from the north). The particles of this region produce a magnetic field in opposition to the Earth’s magnetic field and so an Earthly observer would observe a decrease in the magnetic field in this area …. The negative deflection of the Earth’s magnetic field due to the ring current is measured by the Dst index.

“The ring current energy is mainly carried around by the ions, most of which are protons. However, one also sees alpha particles in the ring current, a type of ion that is plentiful in the solar wind. In addition, a certain percentage are O+ oxygen ions, similar to those in the ionosphere of Earth, though much more energetic. This mixture of ions suggests that ring current particles probably come from more than one source.” –from Link: “Ring Current” in Wikipedia … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ring_current … CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported

Increased Density of Eastward Electric Field Just Before Dawn. Apparently there may be a similar depletion of equatorial plasma density, accompanied by a large electric field increase just before dawn. –from Link: “Observations of the generation of eastward equatorial electric fields near dawn,” by M. C. Kelley, F. S. Rodrigues, R. F. Pfaff, and J. Klenzing, in Ann. Geophys., 32, 1169–1175, 2014 … www.ann-geophys.net/32/1169/2014/
doi:10.5194/angeo-32-1169-2014 … © Author(s) 2014. CC Attribution 3.0 License … https://www.ann-geophys.net/32/1169/2014/angeo-32-1169-2014.pdf … Received: 18 November 2013 – Revised: 17 July 2014 – Accepted: 25 August 2014 – Published: 19 September 2014 ..

Increased Density of Eastward Electric Field for An Hour After Sunset. There is decreased equatorial plasma density and increased density in the eastward electric field for about an hour after sunset. –from Citation: “Ionospheric Space Weather: Longitude Dependence and Lower Atmosphere Forcing,” edited by Timothy Fuller-Rowell, Endawoke Yizengaw, Patricia H. Doherty, Sunanda Basu (in Google Books) … See: 12.1. Introduction, paragraph 4

Will Humankind Rise Up Against ‘Black Ops’?

As humankind begins to understand the effect ‘black ops’ such as conspiracy theory malware that subverts Islam for the sake of corporate oil interests, will we rise up against psychic hate crimes, in the same way that we speak out against hate crimes in the physical world?

If putative ‘black ops’ thought forms full of hatred are sent, say, from Los Angeles to the Middle East, then will these thoughts of hatred not damage the minds of all the people along the way, between these two geographic locations? Would this not, in a psychic sense, be an infringement of the international law that civilians not be targeted in warfare?


Whether these thought forms gather momentum or loose it, depends on the daily load of violent thought forms added to or subtracted from the noosphere. This applies especially to …

  • Violence in mass media,
  • Corporate lobbying efforts amongst our government officials,
  • Wars, including black ops, and
  • Hate groups that may pass under the radar in our native lands.


In a less strident manner, intergroup rivalry, especially rivalry between religious groups, adds to the daily load of violent thought forms in the noosphere.

By my lights, the great religions of the world might more aptly seek points of interfaith agreement than reasons to begin terrorist campaigns, one against the other, whether through thought forms or through overt acts of war.


This is one noosphere. Our thought forms create our noosphere. Let us dream of peace, harmony, and unity on our beautiful, blue boat home …

Video: “Blue Boat Home,” by Scott McNeill,18 April 2009 … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtZUM0JhLvc ..

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

dreams, nightmares, visions, Army-Navy, military, Secret Service, black ops, psy crime, psychic crime, nanotech, nanobots, spy satellite, Jihad, Monsanto, Monsanto Protection Act, love, unconditional love, fear of intimacy, groups, malware, Jihad, Imams, Muslims, Islam, Islamic terrorism, United States terrorism, anti-terrorist, military, corporations, social issues, social activism, lobbying, world food supply, economics, war, mind control, Nuremberg code, noosphere, thought forms, Rules of War, civilian casualties, collateral damage, collective unconscious, unconscious thought cloud of the world, violence, mass media, corporate lobbying, government, hate groups, terrorism, skinheads, butterfly effect, peace, harmony, unity, religions of the world, interfaith, religious rivalry, law, international law, black ops, demon wars, urban legends, conspiracy theory, politics, Middle East, United States, astrogeophysics, Earth EMF, sunset, countries of earth, kama, manas, thought, desire, School of Theosophy, human EMF, EMF sensitivity, dawn, negative emotions, emotions, Earth’s electric current, noosphere, ring current, astrogeophysics, space weather, Earth’s atmosphere, clair senses, psychic abilities, latitude, geography, life on Earth, telepathy, human telepathy,

How Do Predators Hypnotize Their Prey? . by Alice B. Clagett *

Begun on 31 May 2018; published on 26 June 2018
I feel this article may help us understand how sociopaths can hide in the midst of normal people for years, without being detected.

Image: “Fox Women (Kitsune in Human Form), Japanese style woodcut by Bertha Boynton Lum, 1908, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bertha_Boynton_Lum,_Fox_women,_1908.jpg … public domain … DESCRIPTION: Three women in kimonos, holding hands and dancing languidly in a circle under the full moon.

Image: “Fox Women (Kitsune in Human Form), Japanese style woodcut by Bertha Boynton Lum, 1908, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bertha_Boynton_Lum,_Fox_women,_1908.jpg … public domain …

DESCRIPTION: Three women in kimonos, holding hands and dancing languidly in a circle under the full moon.

    • The Mongoose and the Mamba
    • The Stoat and the Rabbit
    • The Cuttlefish and the Crab
    • The Wolf Pack and the Hare
    • Case Study: The Man with the Demon and a Twitch [Castratrux – Basal Vampire]
    • What Is the Hypnotic Mechanism Used by a Person Obsessed or Possessed? [Castratrux – Basal Vampire]
    • Sidle and Strike: A Martial Arts and Boxing Technique
    • Swinging Motions Used in Hypnosis
    • On Lulling a Baby to Sleep with a Rhythmic Movement or Noise
      • Rhythmic Movement of the Baby
      • Rhythmic Cloth Stroke on Baby’s Face
      • Rhythmic Noise
      • Eye Fixation and Eye Fatigue: Habit of Associating a Physical State with Unconsciousness
      • Rocking the Baby and Eye Fatigue
      • Mesmeric Hand Pass and Eye Fatigue
      • Equilibrium Disorientation and Eye Fatigue
      • Slowing the Rhythm (Frequency Following Effect)
      • Predation as an Encounter of the Unfettered Primitive Mind of an Antisocial Personality (ASP) with a Victim’s Socialized Mind which Represses Thoughts of Killing
      • The Lull or Sleep Effect: Casting of Consciousness into the Unconscious Realm
      • Childhood Socialization through Nay-Saying by Parental Figures
      • The Shadow of the Personality: Deeply Repressed Bubbles of Hate
      • The ‘Bad Little Child’ Inside Us
      • Habits That Associate Conscious Mind to Unconscious MInd
      • Similarity of ASP’s Hunting Method to Baby Eye-Tiring Techniques
      • The ASP Rat-a-Tat Effect: Rapid Rhythm of Nay-Said Thought Forms May Be One Way to Induce a Trance State
      • Simultaneous Strike ASP Dyad (Folie à deux)
      • Simultaneous Strike ASP Threesome (Folie à trois)
        • Thuggee Cults of India
      • Simultaneous Strike ASP Six (Folie a famille ou coterie)
        • Binding Down of a Person’s Third-Eye Point
      • Simultaneous Strike ASP Eleven (Folie a famille ou coterie)
      • The Non-Pattern
      • The Pattern That Lulls, and the Strike
      • Simultaneous Strike by a Pack [Castratrux – Basal Vampire, Heart Vampire]

Hello, Dear Ones,

I have been doing a study, on youtube, of the ways that animals that are predators use to hypnotize other animals so that they can catch them.  I have a vision of how this knowledge will benefit humankind, which I have described in the Conclusion.

Continue reading

Human Habitation of Mars: Effect on the Ascension Process . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 22 May 2018


Dear Ones,


I recently got a subscription to “National Geographic” (1) that also gives me online articles. Luckily so. Today’s email had a link to this article …

Link: “Year of the Bird: These Are the Dinosaurs That Didn’t Die,” by Victoria Jaggard, photographs by Robert Clark, National Geographic … https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2018/05/dinosaurs-survivors-birds-fossils/?utm_source=ngp&utm_medium=crm-email&utm_content=wildscience_20180521&utm_campaign=editorial&utm_rd=%3C#itlscript%3E${CONTACTS_LIST.RIID_?c}%3C/#itlscript%3E&cmpid=org=ngp::mc=crm-email::src=ngp::cmp=editorial::add=wildscience_20180521::urid=%3C#itlscript%3E${CONTACTS_LIST.RIID_?c}%3C/#itlscript%3E ..

Also linked to in the email was this National Geographic article …

Link: “Meet the Crew Preparing for Human Life on Mars,” by Nadia Drake, photographs by Cassandra Kios, published 4 May 2018, National Geographic …   https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/proof/2018/05/mars-on-earth-nasa-training/?utm_source=ngp&utm_medium=crm-email&utm_content=wildscience_20180521&utm_campaign=editorial&utm_rd=%3C#itlscript%3E${CONTACTS_LIST.RIID_?c}%3C/#itlscript%3E&cmpid=org=ngp::mc=crm-email::src=ngp::cmp=editorial::add=wildscience_20180521::urid=%3C#itlscript%3E${CONTACTS_LIST.RIID_?c}%3C/#itlscript%3E ..

The juxtaposition could not have been more apt, although most likely subconscious.

As you may know (search my blog categories:  Mars – Martians  … and …  Bacteria ) life on Earth originated on Mars. About 4 billion years ago, meteorites from Mars brought early, intelligent, bacterial life to Earth. Over the aeons, this intelligent life has morphed to a more gentle, less warlike life form, here on Earth. The superb genetic engineering abilities of this, the Elder Race, have resulted in the many larger life forms now on Earth, many of which act as protective biohabitats or Earth colonies for intelligent Martian bacterial life forms housed in their guts.

Those bacteria still on Mars, existing as they do as solo survivors in extreme planetary conditions, are still of the more primitive, warlike mentality.

As you may know from your reading of my earlier work, there are 10 times more bacterial life forms than human cellular life forms in the human colon. Thus when humans voyage to Mars, they will bring with them the gentler variety of Earthly bacteria.

I am clear that the bacteria of Earth want to re-establish contact with the bacteria of their home world. But what will that re-establishment of contact mean, both on Earth and on Mars? Are the bacteria of Earth aware of how different they now are from the bacteria of Mars, their home world? Or will this be a hard and bitter lesson won?

If human life is established on Mars, then there will be interbreeding of Earth bacteria with the more warlike Martian ancestral bacteria. Thus, those human space colonists that return to Earth will bring back more warlike bacteria.

As discussed in a prior blog, these bacteria’s mind fields and emotions cause repercussions in the unconscious thought cloud of the world by adding emphasis to human autonomic nervous system thought forms … the sort of thoughts associated with the reptilian brain … to do with survival, war, fear of death, grounding, territorial aggression, sexual aggression, the instinct to have sex, creativity, the will to do things in the world, world domination, and so on. They do this by adding a sort of drumbeat backdrop … an added emotional drive … to the subconscious thoughts expressed through our lower 3 chakras, which are located in the general area of the colon. This is sometimes referred to as the gut brain.

Intuitively I feel that the result here on Earth will be more energy threads of warlike tendencies, and also of territorial and sexual aggression, as expressed through our social interactions here on Earth.

On Mars, the opposite will take place amongst the ancient bacterial peoples there: They will become less warlike, less territorially and sexually aggressive.

This translates into a better time on Mars, and a more difficult time on Earth, as the unfoldment of the Ascension process continues. In more fearful timelines, it will result in Apocalyptic scenarios both on Mars and on Earth.

Among those whose hearts and minds are set upon the feelings of faith, hope, and charity towards other beings, the timelines will result in an improvement or upliftment of the energies of the Solar System as a whole, as the martial astral airs of Mars begin to clear.

We who feel faith and hope and charity, in alignment with the Heart and Mind and Will of God, can help merge the Apocalyptic timelines with the timelines of New Life on New Earth.

As our Solar System is uplifted, so will its butterfly effect be felt throughout this Universe.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

More on these two “National Geographic” articles in the next blog, which has to do with meteorites as transport for genetic material in intelligent strains of Martian bacteria, from Mars to Earth … Link: “DNA Upgrade for Earth 66 Million Years Ago: Chicxulub Asteroid … Cosmic Ray Consuming Bacteria,” by Alice B. Clagett, https://wp.me/p2Rkym-8Iw ..

See also … Link: “Compendium of the Martian Archives: Bacterial Colonists of Earth,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 9 July 2017; last updated on 25 August 2018 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-7sz ..


“I Am of the Stars” blog categories: Mars – Martians  … and … Bacteria

Link: “Butterfly Effect,” in Wikipedia … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butterfly_effect ..


(1) Link: “National Geographic” … https://www.nationalgeographic.com/subscribe/magazines/?key=NGMSEMJ5&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhcWE6NiZ2wIVh1uGCh1PAw6NEAAYASAAEgK_BPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

National Geographic, meteorites, Mars, Martians, bacteria, interspecies communication, space travel, Mars colonization, gut brain, unconscious thought cloud of the world, New Earth, colon, thought forms, genetic engineering, evolution, evolution of the species, biology, genetics, autonomic nervous system, survival,  war, fear of death, grounding, territorial aggression, sexual aggression, war, peace, New Creation, reptilian brain, subconscious, Solar System, Universe, butterfly effect, faith, hope, charity, timeline merges, Apocalypse, End Times, space travel, space exploration, grounding, territorial aggression, sexual aggression, survival, war, fear of death, sexuality, will power, Earth, life on Earth, origins of life on Earth,

Package Dream . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 16 May 2018; published on 11 July 2018
The sidebar has been excerpted from a blog published on 3 May 2020
Symbolic metaphors: To give someone ‘the boot’ …
and … I’ll die of embarrassment if people find out!

    • A Very Vivid Dream
    • Public Humiliation as a Way of Making Up for a Capital Offense?
    • Using A Symbolic Object or Action to Represent Having Sexual  Intercourse
    • ASPs as ‘Flow-Throughs’ for the Collective Unconscious
    • The Voodoo Doll Actor that Delivers the ASP Energy Package Past the Prison Fence of Societal Expectations
    • Sidebar: ‘Normalization’ of Paraphilia on the Silver Screen

Dear Ones,

Here is a video about a very vivid Package Dream I had about two months ago. I have put off publishing it because I feel that my explication could use improvement. Finally I decided to just go ahead and release it. Here goes: First the dream, then the video, then an edited Summary of the video …


Drawing: “Package Dream,” by Alice B. Clagett, 16 May 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com … LEGEND: The Package Dream: A man stands in a prison yard. A guard is nearby, and I sense, but cannot see, a few inmates here and there inside the yard. The man is putting a package wrapped in brown paper over the top of the prison fence, sliding it between the top of the fence and the first of three strands of barbed wire. He says: “M— will send the package out.” The guards and inmates applaud. The man says: “People know what I do but they don’t do anything about it.”

Drawing: “Package Dream,” by Alice B. Clagett, 16 May 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com LEGEND: The Package Dream: A man stands in a prison yard. A guard is nearby, and I sense, but cannot see, a few inmates here and there inside the yard. The man is putting a package wrapped in brown paper over the top of the prison fence, sliding it between the top of the fence and the first of three strands of barbed wire. He says: “M— will send the package out.” The guards and inmates applaud. The man says: “People know what I do but they don’t do anything about it.”

A Very Vivid Dream

A man stands in a prison yard … A guard is nearby, and I sense, but cannot see, a few inmates here and there inside the yard.

In front of the man is a 5-foot fence, and above it. three rows of barbed wire. He has a package maybe 8 inches by 12 inches by 2 inches, wrapped in brown paper and sealed up with tape. He is inserting the 8 inch x 2 inch edge of the package through the fence above the top of the fence and below the lowest strand of barbed wire.

He says: M— will send the package out.

The guards and inmates applaud.

The man says: People know what I do but they don’t do anything about it.



Public Humiliation as a Way of Making Up for a Capital Offense?

Let’s say that there were a case where a person was using a starring role in a movie to offer penance for having done serial killing. Now that is a very interesting thought process: That by playing the role, in front of the public, or in front of other people, of having been that, they are absolved of that.

It reminds me of a case (an astral story; ‘psy in the sky’) I ran into some years ago, where a person murdered a woman for money for the group that they were in, and then went to the person in charge of that group and said: Look what I’ve done.

As penance, that person assigned that they should publish a biography or curriculum vitae online, that indicated they were looking for a job as an Assassin. So Assassin was indicated as their career choice. The person in charge said that they had to leave that online for a month, as penance.

What is that? Public humiliation as a way of making up for a capital offense?  I cannot figure it out. But I know it means something very important, in terms of antisocial personality syndrome. Maybe later it will come to me.

Using A Symbolic Object or Action to Represent Having Sexual  Intercourse

Then though, I think it has something to do with deeply repressed sexual desire in some people who exhibit antisocial personality disorder … and how they sometimes use symbols to represent, for instance, their phallus … and then insert this symbolic phallus … a ‘foreign object’ into somebody else, because they consider sexuality to be beneath them, or bad. Yet they have the drive to express themselves sexually. And so a way of wussing around the situation is to symbolically perform the act.

Along that line of inquiry I recall a dream I had about an astral figure putting a boot in my abdomen. As a visual re-enactment of a subconscious metaphor, this might mean to my subconscious mind that he is “giving me the boot.’ That might be considered a symbolic act of rape with a boot … an object used as a substitute for a man’s penis.

Similarly, the act of spitting on someone who is kneeling to you might be considered a symbolic act of ejaculation. The act of inserting a pen into an orifice of a child might be considered symbolic rape, or sexual intercourse.

I feel that both these instances have to do with subconscious symbolism based on a metaphor or figure of speech. An applicable figure of speech might be: I’ll die of embarrassment if people find out! So then, the person feels under threat of death if they perform the act of sex, as their preference is to have sex with young children, and that is frowned upon by polite society. Rather than face the threat of death, they devise a symbolic, ‘arms length’ means of acting out sexual intercourse.

If the substitute sexual act is done with a fountain pen or with spit, then it may seem to be sexual intercourse, at least to the subconscious mind. Yet the act is performed in such a way as to prevent the threat of death, according to the limited understanding of the subconscious mind of the person performing the act. Ironically, the forcible use of a fountain pen as a substitute penis is termed ‘forcible sexual penetration with a foreign object’ in a legal sense, and carries with it legal consequences. 

I see online that substitution of spit for semen, like substitution of feces or urine for semen … termed coprophilia and urolagnia, urophilia, or ‘golden showers’ … is a form of sexual play termed ‘spit fetish’. It may have to do with salirophilia, a sexual fetish to do with linking of sexual arousal to soiling another person.

In my work I define the term ‘paraphilia’ as being to do with illegal sexual fetishes, in the sense that force is being used against another person in performing the act of sexual intercourse. It seems to me the ‘spit fetish’ would fit more the term ‘fetish’ than the term ‘paraphilia’ according to my definition.

ASPs as ‘Flow-Throughs’ for the Collective Unconscious

I will tell you another thing that happened on the astral plane, that had to do with voodoo, and voodoo dolls. I feel the notion of voodoo has a deep subconscious basis; it represents a principle of the deep subconscious mind.

Voodoo practitioners feel that they can put pins in a voodoo doll, and that will adversely affect the health of the person that the doll represents. Taking this one step further, antisocial personalities sometimes apparently degrade the astral matter of a person to the point where the person is very susceptible to mind control. The mind control ability that the antisocial personality feels derives from his conscious perception of the Collective Unconscious flowing through him. The ASP is consciously aware of the Collective Unconscious because his point of awareness within his Higher Mental Body is the primitive reptilian portion of the mental body in the center of the head …

Link: “The Brain’s Limbic System: Play and Exploration; Love, Joy!” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 5 December 2016; published on 1 February 2017 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-6Zc ..

Link: “Reptilian Strands Resolving in the Noosphere,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 4 December 2017 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-7Yg ..

The antisocial personality or ASP feels the Collective Unconscious … or Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World … flowing through his mind, and into the mind of the person that is mind controlled. Therefore the latter’s astral matter is degraded, and their Soul begins to receive Soul wounding.

Then, instinctively, the antisocial personality uses to his own advantage these people who have been mind controlled. For more on this, see my Spiritual Adept Short-Cuts blog series …

Link: “Spiritual Adept Shortcuts Series,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 23 June 2018; revised on 30 April 2020 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-9su ..

These people that have been degraded, or made into ‘donkeys’ carrying the dark energies … or ‘donkified’, you could say … are a little like voodoo dolls … only they are alive. In other words, they are victims of voodoo who can be used to transport the dark energies of the antisocial personality into other people in the world.

They could,for instance, be his arms and legs, if he is bound down, for some reason, in a particular locale; say, in jail.

The Voodoo Doll Actor that Delivers the ASP Energy Package Past the Prison Fence of Societal Expectations

So then now, back to other forms of symbolic passing on of energy. It seems to me like the antisocial personality may feel that all the objects and people in the world are like but tools through which his energy passes, altering the world that he sees.

So for instance, if he were to get a ‘donkified’ person … or ‘voodoo-ized’ person … an ‘undead’ person … to perform in a movie that represented evil, such as serial killing, then that would be, to his mind perhaps a flowing through of what he might consider himself to be himself … the Collective Unconscious or Collective Subconscious.

Sidebar: ‘Normalization’ of Paraphilia on the Silver Screen

The 2018 movie “Bad Samaritan” is about a serial killer who is a bondage and discipline (B/D) antisocial personality. From the antisocial stance, it seems to me this movie might be seen as an attempt to win over the ‘normal’ public to the notion of paraphilia or sexual deviation, by presenting the joy the serial killer gets in performing ritual acts of B/D, yet at the same time ‘softening’ the ending by allowing the ‘normal’, the hero, to reverse the roles and perform B/D upon the serial killer.

The feel of the “Bad Samaritan” movie, to my perception, is like that of the 2018 movie “Tag” which popularizes the prison game of ‘rape tag’ by ‘softening’ it so that it appears to be a socially acceptable game of male bonding.

Link: “Bad Samaritan (2018),” in IMDb … https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3203528/ ..

Link: “Tag (2018),” in IMDB … https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2854926/ ..

From an intuitive stance, I feel it possible that many movies have been made in the last 20 years that represent the antisocial point of view. As to whether the entertainment industry is being influenced by ASPs through mind control, or whether the problem may lie nearer to home, I cannot say.

It is because of the antisocial tenor of many modern offerings on the silver screen that I feel very strongly the importance to the Lightworker of grounding in the real world rather than in the world of virtual fantasy.


The ASP might identify with the subconscious or unconscious energies of the noosphere in a state of Ego … a state of not recognizing the individuality of anything but himself … this energy flowing out of him, through another person that he considers to be a ‘thing’, or an animal, or an object; and then from that person, who is being represented on the silver screen, that would then affect and ‘donkify’ other people … maybe millions of people … maybe the entire world … in the image he has of himself as, say, Satan incarnate.

This way of looking at people as ‘voodoo dolls’ through which he can manipulate the hologram is a hallmark of the mind of the antisocial personality. I recall my mother used to term it ‘megalomania’ or as having ‘delusions of grandeur’. She had a ‘bounce back’ way of looking at people like that, as if they had no relation to her, and could not harm her. I feel hers was a healthy way of seeing the issue, from the point of view of psychology.

In my writing, I term the megalomanical point of view the ‘Circle of One’. There is more about that and about the antisocial personality in my blog categories: Circle of One  …  Antisocial personalities  …  ‘Feral children’  … and …  Feral drives – pack instincts

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

The Sidebar was excerpted from …  Link: ‘Normalization’ of Paraphilia on the Silver Screen,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 3 May 2020 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-hSN ..

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

crime, reparation, punishment, capital offense, capital punishment, killing, murder, serial killers, social opprobrium, public humiliation, foreign object, symbolic sexual intercourse, sexual repression, psychology, psychiatry, law enforcement, voodoo, voodoo dolls, donkey, donkified person, collective unconscious, unconscious thought cloud of the world, antisocial personality, ASP, circle of one, people as objects, mind control, dreams, visions, undead, Satan, jail, correctional system, astral case studies, Drawings by Alice, flow-through, antisocial personality, megalomaniac, delusions of grandeur, Virtual reality psychosis, culture, Movie reviews by Alice, entertainment industry, paraphilia, bondage and discipline, B/D, male bonding, feral drives, economics, Castratrux – Basal Vampire, bonding,

A Blessing to Dispel the Rotterdammer Curse . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 19 April 2018; published on 29 April 2018; updated on 30 September 2018
Previously titled: A Blessing for the Malspeak Word ‘Rotterdammer’

    • “A Blessing to Dispel the Rotterdammer Curse,” Channeled by Alice B. Clagett, Image, Soundtrack and Words

Composite Image: “’Rotterdammer’: Targeting the Mother for Violence,” by Alice B. Clagett, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com .., CREDITS: Painting of the woman is adapted from “Woman with a Parasol – Madame Monet and Her Son,” by Claude Monet, 1877, from Wikipedia, public domain. Crosshairs image is adapted from “Image:Reticles.png,” by jellocube27 at English Wikipedia, public domain.

Composite Image: “’Rotterdammer’: Targeting the Mother for Violence,” by Alice B. Clagett, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..,

CREDITS: Painting of the woman is adapted from “Woman with a Parasol – Madame Monet and Her Son,” by Claude Monet, 1877, from Wikipedia, public domain. Crosshairs image is adapted from “Image:Reticles.png,” by jellocube27 at English Wikipedia, public domain.

Dear Ones,

This blessing was created for the astral malspeak word ‘Rotterdammer’ … but I feel it would work equally well for any malspeak phrase heard on ‘the astral airs’. There are an edited  Summary and a soundtrack after the video …



Dear Ones,

This is a blessing of transformation for the word ‘rotterdammer’, which I sometimes hear being spoken by other people on the astral plane. That word has some unfortunate connotations to it, to do with misogyny, which is hatred of women.

Meaning ‘rot or damn her’, rot or damn the woman. And it also refers to the word ‘dam’,  which is the female horse (from the Middle English dam, meaning ‘lady’). So in a way, it has that connotation of denigrating women to animality … animal status … Of casting them down. And ‘rotter’ has a feeling about it, like ‘kill a person’ … ‘rot her’.

Rotterdammer: Sometimes I hear this word; it has become a very popular word on the astral airs (the ‘internet’) just because it is subconscious in a lot of people, in this day and age, in the Atlantean Age, to not give woman the proper respect that they have had in the prior age.

Coming around now, is clearing. And this is a way of assisting in the clearing of the Divine Feminine.

In your mind, if you hear that phrase either coming from your own auric field (or aura), or coming from someone else by way of telepathy, or through the ‘astral airs’ in the noosphere and so forth … even from the unconscious thought cloud of the world … As soon as you hear that word, you say …

“A Blessing to Dispel the Rotterdammer Curse”
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
Image, Soundtrack and Words
19 April 2018

Visualize a mother and child, free of trouble, and full of spiritual Light, as in this painting by Claude Monet …

Image: “Woman with a Parasol – Madame Monet and Her Son,” by Claude Monet, 1877, from English Wikipedia … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman_with_a_Parasol_-_Madame_Monet_and_Her_Son#/media/File:Claude_Monet_-_Woman_with_a_Parasol_-_Madame_Monet_and_Her_Son_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg … public domain

Image: “Woman with a Parasol – Madame Monet and Her Son,” by Claude Monet, 1877, from English Wikipedia … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woman_with_a_Parasol_-_Madame_Monet_and_Her_Son#/media/File:Claude_Monet_-_Woman_with_a_Parasol_-_Madame_Monet_and_Her_Son_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg … public domain

Soundtrack and Words


May the word ‘rotterdammer’
Be returned to the sender,
Blessed and transformed
With the violet flame
Of Saint Germain.        (x3)

. . . . .

There are many very commonplace malware words and phrases circulating through the ‘astral airs’ right now. These malware phrases are a kind of ‘curse’ that can sour the astral airs. Rather than letting that happen, it is a good idea to use the above transformation technique. Whatever phrases you hear, can be substituted for the word ‘rotterdamer’ in the same remedy spoken above.

For instance, there is the exceedingly common, and to me, vexing phrase: F— her in the boo— hole … which, when heard, has an ungrounding effect, can be transformed to the Light like this …

May the phrase 
‘F— her in the boo— hole’
Be returned to the sender,
Blessed and transformed
With the violet flame
Of Saint Germain.

Lately I have been hearing the phrase: V– will take her bookbag off … spoken very plaintively, regretfully, in the astral airs … To transform the sad emotions in this phrase, it might be similarly blessed …

May the phrase 
 ‘V– will take her bookbag off’
Be returned to the sender,
Blessed and transformed
With the violet flame
Of Saint Germain.

Then there is the sentence: We have no relationship … This is being used as an astral ‘sign-off’ to remove astral ropes tying a person telepathically to another person on the subconscious plane. When I hear this phrase on the astral airs, I feel insulted and slighted. So I may try blessing and transforming it thus, on the telepathic plane, when I hear it …

May the phrase
‘We have no relationship’
Be returned to the sender,
Blessed and transformed
With the violet flame
Of Saint Germain.

and so on.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

blessings, affirmations, prayers, Saint Germain, St Germain, rotterdammer, misogyny, noosphere, unconscious thought cloud of the world, telepathy, malware, malspeak, violet flame, Atlantean Age, Divine Feminine, curses, malspeak phrasesF— her in the boo— hole, V– will take her bookbag off, We have no relationship, curses, grounding, sadness, ostracism, symbolism, subconscious symbolism, drawings by Alice,