Category Archives: Sustainable living – survival

Fletch . by Alice B. Clagett

Image: “Fletch,” adapted from Image by Ciara Houghton from Pixabay, Pixabay Content License

Image: “Fletch,” adapted from Image by Ciara Houghton from Pixabay, Pixabay Content License

. . . . .

Dear Ones,

Can you feather your shaft?

In love, light and joy,
This is Alice B. Clagett.
I Am of the Stars … and so are you!

Written and published on 13 February 2024


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Lightworker Clair Knowledge of Souls and Ashamedness Subconsciously Felt by Others . by Alice B. Clagett

Lightworker Clair Knowledge of Souls and Ashamedness Subconsciously Felt by Others

Image: “Incoming Light: Archangelic Light 2 – Mishe Mokwa Trail, Circle X Ranch, Santa Monica Mountains – Nature Spirits,” by Alice B. Clagett, 16 February 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Incoming Light: Archangelic Light 2 – Mishe Mokwa Trail, Circle X Ranch, Santa Monica Mountains – Nature Spirits,” by Alice B. Clagett, 16 February 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

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    • Introduction
    • Terrible Hot Water to Do with Other People’s Soul Secrets
    • Can Black Magic Help Keep a Country Safe? Gosh, No!
    • Is Knowing Other People’s Soul Secrets a Good Thing?
    • The Shamer’s Daughter
    • Shall I Make a Telepathic Changeup to Native American Nicknames?
    • The Negative Substitution Effect in Psychology and Western Medicine
      • Developed and Developing Countries
      • Psychological Labeling versus Mentoring
      • Physical Siddhis or Psychic Powers of Lightworkers
      • Story About Me Achieving the Breathless State
      • Benefits of Learning Physical Psychic Powers
    • Lightworker Sensitivity and the Psychology of Limitation
    • Substitution and the Housing Market in Los Angeles
    • Accentuate the Positive!
    • Video Credits



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.


The topic for today is: The subconscious taboos of others that are the landmines of the telepath’s existence.

There is an Ascension gift to be able to look into a person’s Soul and know the very deepest secrets of a person’s Soul.

I do not know that this clair ability has been gifted with a name so far, so I will call it Clair Knowledge of Souls.

This Ascension gift can be either positive or negative, and resoundingly so. It could be considered an Ascension drawback in one sense and an Ascension gift in another. It all depends on the positive or negative nature of the perception of the other person’s Soul. So this is quite a weighty topic.

I remember, from the very beginning of my Ascension process I had this quality of being able clearly to see the greatest secrets of another person’s Soul. This has to do with yoga and the development of the third-eye point most likely … or maybe the crown chakra or higher … or all the higher chakras.

So, as we begin to develop those chakras through the practice of yoga, or through other methods of honing our Awareness, the issue of knowing other people’s secrets … whether very good or very bad … comes up.

Terrible Hot Water to Do with Other People’s Soul Secrets

I remember when I first began the Ascension process, I got in terrible hot water because of this. I was meditating with a group of people who had a very big secret, and that secret was buried in their subconscious minds, and when I looked at them, that secret would leap out at me. And as I became aware of it, they became aware that I knew about it. Do you see?

In the particular instance in question … It is so amazing that you are going to have trouble wrapping your mind around it … It seemed to me that the leader … the original founder of that group was an intersex person or hermaphrodite who had presented himself to the world as a man, and who had gone to great lengths to cover up the fact that his physical shape and his psychological attributes were very different from those presented to the world.

As fate would have it, over time this secret came out, in the Inner Circle of this meditation group, and many people who were also intersex people or hermaphrodites from all over the world would come to that place and become members of it.

Amongst the people in the meditation group, there was a memory of someone that they greatly revered … their founder … who had this secret. And there was also a contingent of people who had this same quality and this same secret.

A complicating factor was that this secret was so greatly buried in their minds that it created a kind of black magic effect that pursued the person who discovered it. They were known all over the world as being black magic people because of this.

The cause of the black magic had to do with the darkness of the secret, not with the strength.

Can Black Magic Help Keep a Country Safe? Gosh, No!

Military groups and secret services around the world sometimes side with groups who have psychic powers that are negatively aspected. This has to do with the mission of military and secret services to protect their countries from territorial aggression; and so, they have an inclination towards ‘power over’ … defensiveness .. and it seems to them that it might be possible to harness, for instance, black magic or negatively aspected psychic superpowers to protect their nations.

Well, protection of nations is a really important aspect of life on Earth. Of course, there is the question whether condoning black magic or negatively aspected psychic superpowers will help achieve this goal.

My hunch is that the exact opposite will occur … that nations which kowtow to black magic will fall to nations that espouse family values; that stand for the high principles such as truth and justice, and happiness for their people.

I have never known black magic to bring happiness to anyone. That is my feeling about it … that it is the wrong call, for a nation to choose black magic as its guiding light.

Secret services and military all over the world are known for revering negatively aspected superpowers, and so therefore I had a concern, on many different levels, about getting away from this meditation group and those people.

And in addition, there was a story, on the astral plane, that no one had ever escaped them … that all the people had been driven mad, or driven to suicide, or murdered by assassins from the group, and so forth.

Later I found that only one other person had ever made it through, and that no one dare mention this thing … and so forth and so on.

Is Knowing Other People’s Soul Secrets a Good Thing?

I am still alive, and that other person is still alive; and I think the people themselves have become … after 25 years … less secretive about their secret.

And so that is a good thing. But it is my very first example of the Ascension gift of the Awareness of other people’s deep Soul values.

What leaps out is quite dangerous to the Ascensioneer. It can compromise your life.

On the other hand, it can be a very good thing, because as we are walking down the street we know immediately: This man is carrying a gun; he intends harm, or he is angry … he has a violent disposition. Whatever dangers await us, we are very aware of them … more aware than most people.

So two things happen: One is that people do not like us because we know their secrets, and they go to great lengths to alienate other people from us for that reason. And two is that we can stay alive because we can avoid these kinds of people.

I have to say I am very grateful for the second quality … the one that allows me to stay alive … because there are many amongst my Lightworker friends who, during the Ascension process, have lost form for lack of that attribute.

This reality is a dangerous place, and that attribute is intended by our Ascension team to allow us to stay alive.

The Shamer’s Daughter

Now let me go back to the first thing … the thing that makes people shun us. Last night I was watching a movie called “Skammerens Datter.” It means “The Shamer’s Daughter.” It is from a book by Lene KAABERBOL. It has to do with an old Norse tradition of seeking out women who had this Ascension ability to see deeply into the Souls of other people.

Those women were used as judges and peacekeepers to find the true worth of a person’s Soul, and in a particular instance, to settle issues that might otherwise result in war. Sometimes they were very successful at this.

A ‘shamer’ was someone who saw the shame in other people. And so the other people who were psychically viewed by the ‘shamer’ felt ashamed.

That is the same gift as what I have been speaking to you about … the gift of Awareness of other people’s Souls. But the interesting thing about the book and the movie is that the emphasis is completely on the hidden psychological secret that is considered to be extremely bad … to be taboo.

Over the years, what has happened with regard to this Ascension gift is that I have run into person after person, on the psychic plane and on the physical plane, who has a deep, dark secret. In fact, I would be inclined to say that every person on Earth has a deep dark secret!

And those people are so intent on no one knowing about that, that the minute that I see that secret and they become aware that I know about it, they take a dislike to me.

Then after awhile, when I think about these people, the first thing that pops into my mind is their extreme negative response to me because I know their secret … and also popping into my mind is their secret, which is bad, to say the least, because the more I think of those people, the more I think about their big, dark secret, and the worse their antagonism towards me gets, on the subconscious plane, even from afar.

In a way you could say that their negative subconscious state of mind with regard to this awful thing … whatever it is … over the many intervening years has influenced me to the negative too, because the first thing I think about, when I think about people, is their secret … the secret they do not want anyone to know. And that is bad.

Shall I Make a Telepathic Changeup to Native American Nicknames?

This morning I was looking into the psychological principle of substitution. My idea was this: I remember the Native Americans … the First Peoples of America. They got round all this by naming people a certain name that expressed one of their finest qualities. It might be ‘Running Deer’ … someone who is very fleet of foot; it might be ‘the Eyes of the Eagle’ … someone who had very sharp eyesight; it might be ‘the Wise Owl’; it might be ‘the Gentle Rabbit’.

They would think up something that expressed the Soul qualities of the person that are very positive … some very good quality. And they would call them by that name every time they thought of them or saw them.

So the Native Americans … the First Peoples … thought of a way to strengthen the positive subconscious cohesiveness of their tribe by expressing the positive Soul qualities of each person in the tribe.

I thought that might work for me. I can come up with something that strikes me as the most wonderful quality of each of these people with the deep, dark secrets … and off all the people that do not have deep, dark secrets.

And every time I think of them … every time I telepath with them … every time I see them in my mind … I can say, for instance: ‘He who makes friends easily’ … ‘She who studies hard’ … ‘He who teaches courage’ … ‘She of the sharp and lively wit’ … and so forth; things like that.

I could come up with a nickname for everybody that is very positive. And in that way I might rewire … for my own sake … this negative conditioning that has been occurring with regard to other people; and I might begin to see everyone else in a very positive sense.

The Negative Substitution Effect in Psychology and Western Medicine

Developed and Developing Countries. I did some research this morning on the substitution effect. It is tangential to my topic for today, but it is very interesting. For instance, I got to thinking

One interesting thing that I found out is that there is a negative substitution effect that is recognized to occur when an organization or an area of study rushes to substitute its own expertise for the native ability of the people it is trying to help.

This might happen in a developing country, for instance, where people from a developed country rush in and assume that the people there have no resources – when in fact the latter have resources in place.

And these people from the developed countries keelhaul the structure that is in place in the country, and perhaps trample on the people’s feelings by substituting their own goods and systems for the goods and systems priorly in place for the people.

Psychological Labeling versus Mentoring. That reminded me of the modern discipline of psychology … and also, to a certain extent, Western medicine … which seem to ramrod about and assume that a patient who comes to them is ill and is in need of help, rather than (in the case of psychology) approaching a positive mentoring attitude to help a person regain or restore their psychological health.

In other words, psychology today seems to be a labeling process imposed from the outside on people who might otherwise think well of themselves. They might … because of a positive attitude towards themselves … heal more quickly, psychologically, you know?

In a way that is similar to the developed countries moving into the developing countries with aid responses that ignore the local structures in place. It tramples on people’s self-respect.

Physical Siddhis or Psychic Powers in India of Lightworkers. And then with regard to modern medicine …. in the case of Lightworkers, we have many clair abilities. In India, in ages long past, certain of the Lightworker abilities were acknowledged as ‘siddhis’ amongst the spiritual elite of India. And so these qualities have been known for a long time.

One of the siddhis is the ability to alter bodily functions; one of those functions that can be altered is blood pressure. Another is the rate of the heartbeat. Then there is physical temperature that can be altered, and respiration can be stopped or started up again.

In fact, there are stories in India about people who were buried alive, and stopped breathing for 500 years; and then their hibernating bodies were uncovered and they began breathing again; you see?

There are many things unacknowledged by Western medicine that were acknowledged to be possible in ancient India, and still are today.

These were acknowledged as psychic abilities, and these the Lightworkers of today call Ascension gifts, because of the fact that all humankind is beginning to receive and actualize these gifts.

Story About Me Achieving the Breathless State. I remember in the early days, when I was practicing with that meditation group … the one with many psychic abilities … the one that began to dislike me intensely … that one! … that many special psychic effects occurred.

For instance, I could sit in meditation for a day or two, and barely breathing … or not at all … and still come back to Awareness, the same as I was when I started out the meditation.

The fact that I was not breathing during that time is acknowledged in India. But in modern medicine they might call that an illness. You know?

It is very helpful, if you are in the ocean and cannot breathe, not to have to breathe, don’t you think? But in everyday life, if you stop breathing, then people start pointing their fingers. You know how it is! If you want to practice that technique of breathlessness, it is good to go to a very quiet place … a place where you feel safe, and where other people will not see you or discover you until you stop doing that, I feel. It is a very restful effect.

Benefits of Learning Physical Psychic Powers. And it is good for the self-respect to be able to do things that many other people are not able to do. It helps us leap out of the mold of the reality as it is perceived by many people, and into a new world … a New Life on New Earth.

It helps us to understand that miracles are possible; that we can create reality; that we can optimize reality; and that we ourselves have Free Will and the power to do all this, through God’s grace here on Earth. Informed by the abilities sent down to us by God, through our Ascension Team, we can accomplish many things on Earth … a lot more than they say on the TV sitcoms; many, many more.

We can completely transform reality. It hard to aver this, day after day, when we are confronted by the social conditioning of limitation.

By lack of limitations … by becoming aware of our Ascension gifts, we can overcome negative conditioning that unfortunately exists in our culture today.

Lightworker Sensitivity and the Psychology of Limitation

To get back to Lightworkers and Ascension gifts, there is also an issue of very great sensitivity of Lightworkers. For instance, I have the gift of electromagnetic sensitivity … you could say, to do with the energy fields of other human beings and my own energy field.

The last time I looked, the World Health Organization had a negative spin on this. They call it hypersensitivity to the electromagnetic force. They think of it as a disease. Now this negative notion of the world towards our gifts of supersensitivity might be helpful to us, in a way.

If what our gifts are is perceived by the world as negative … as disease … then it is possible that we might get government money for this ‘disease’. On the other hand, it is not so good, because then we might begin to think of ourselves as ‘damaged goods’, you know?

Substitution and the Housing Market in Los Angeles

The next thing that I looked into this morning had to do with economics. It is a substitution theory with regard economics and changing prices in the market. It is a sort of a ‘wuss-around’ topic because there are some people that say prices may rise, and people may be ok with that because they look for cheaper goods, and so they are happy anyway. And there are people that say: Well, if people cannot afford anything, then that is a negative thing, and substitution theory will not work in economics anymore.

For instance, I am looking at the housing market in Los Angeles in the last few years, and my thoughts along those lines go like this …

It is way too high. And in addition there is the cost of utilities, which is outrageous. The money that people are capable of making cannot compare to the cost of living in Los Angeles. And this has been the case for the last few years.

So the first thing I have noticed that my neighbors in my community have done is that they have been on a fixed income, say, or they have been unable to earn more at their jobs, or they have lost their jobs and they want to keep their houses.

They might try to take out home loans. They might conserve water and electricity and gas. They might do their own home repairs. They might do their own home maintenance. And eventually they might have their water turned off altogether, or to the very lowest point, where they cannot even take a shower except once a month, or they can only use water for drinking … like that.

And then some financial catastrophe might occur where they simply cannot make ends meet. At that point they have two choices: They can find an illegal way to make money. There are a million ways to do that.

They might try robbing houses. The possibility is very great that they will end up in jail if they do that.

They might try rolling drunken people after the bars close.

They might try holding up a bank.

There are a lot of wild schemes out there when people feel that they simply cannot afford their home and they feel that their greatest good is to stay in their home. And so we are running up against instances of many people suddenly popping up violent … maybe killing each other … simply because they are under such tension with regard to meeting their living expenses here in Los Angeles.

The other thing that can happen … and this is the negative substitution effect … is that a person can no longer afford the goods that have gone up in price; a person can, for instance, no longer afford a home here in Los Angeles.

And then they have to move out of their home. And then they have to figure out what to do next.

We have … what? … 75,000 homeless people here in Los Angeles right now, and the question is, what to do about it?

I have a question why do not just lower the value of housing? What stops that from happening? What stops us from substituting a value that is affordable for everyone? What is going on there?

And in the substitution process in the subconscious mind … when we see other people’s subconscious minds … what is it that stops us from looking to the most positive secret thing in another person’s Soul and mind?

Accentuate the Positive!

Another theory that I ran across today has to do with the possibility that through mental substitution we can change our view of reality; we can change what we perceive as reality by substitution.

Over the years what has happened for me as a Lightworker is not very good, because popping up in people’s minds is a very negative, most awful thing that has occurred to them in their life. They may have lived a very good life … a very exemplary life … because of this very thing; because they made a decision at that point that they would never do such a thing again, for all you know. They cannot tell the world about it, but it has positively affected the direction of their life.

So my idea is that we have to pick the positive thing instead. We have to find the positive thing. It might not be their positive thing; they might be dwelling on the negative thing.

But as Lightworkers, we have to look to the most positive thing in that person’s Soul Awareness, and substitute that.

Will this work? … If we substitute ‘he who runs like the deer’ … ‘she who has laughter in her voice’ … ‘he who is a wise owl’ … ‘she who is gentle like the rabbit’ … If we substitute that for these awful negative things that are going on, then what will happen in our own minds?

The answer is: It may change our own reality. That is what I feel. It may optimize our reality if we do this. It may get round all this psychological mumbo jumbo.

So that is what I am going to try. I hope it has the desired effect. I thought I would let you all know, because it could be that you are encountering the same types of troubles.

I wish my fellow Lightworkers the very best reception in the world, because a positive impression upon the world … to be completely open about it … increases our chances of survival immensely.

All right! So we will not be known as the Shamer’s Daughters. We will be known as those who lift people up and bring them to Awareness and help them to achieve their potential of Light.

And it will help in the meantime our own outlook on life, and lift us up, if we are able to look at the most positive thing in everybody who comes to us with their deepest, darkest, most awful stuff.

So the people approach us with a negative attitude on the telepathic plane, and we substitute a positive thing. It may not change their Awareness, but I feel it will change ours.

That is the message for today. There are plenty of things to think about. I wish you all the very greatest and happiest and most inspired life that ever may be.

May God bless you,
And keep you safe,
And be with you
Through all your days.

In love, light and joy,
This is Alice B. Clagett.
I Am of the Stars … and for sure, you are too!

See you at my website Awakening with Planet Earth.

What a topic! … the social taboos that are landmines of our progress; the social taboos of others that are landmines of our progress through the third dimension.

Filmed and published on 20 October 2023


“Lightworker Clair Knowledge of Souls and Ashamedness Subconsciously Felt by Others”
by Alice B. Clagett
Filmed on 20 October 2023
Location: San Fernando Valley, CA

Produced by Shoes
on 20 October 2023
CC BY-SA 4.0 International


Link: “Why Do Negative Substitution Effects Happen?” from “Principle to Practice: A User’s Guide to Do No Harm” …,should%20not%20be%20replaced%20wholesale. ..

Link: “Is the Substitution Effect Negative for Consumers,” by the Investopedia Team, 29 September 2023, reviewed by Robert C. Kelly … “Is the Substitution Effect Negative for Consumers?” … ..

Link: “Income and Substitution Effect,” 21 September 2021, by AnalystPrep …,that%20particular%20good%20or%20service. … Search for the term: positive substitution effect

Link: “Positive Psychology,” in English Wikipedia … ..



Music by Alexander Nakarada from Pixabay
“Voice of an Angel Two” – Pixabay License


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

societal expectations, taboos, clair senses, telepathy, survival, stories by Alice, Alice’s perilous tales, movie reviews by Alice.

Geostorm Watch. by Alice B. Clagett

To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …

Geostorm Watch

Image: “Desert View Watchtower with the Grand Canyon (East rim) in the background,” by Mariordo (Mario Roberto Duran Ortiz), 24 September 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … ..

Image: “Desert View Watchtower with the Grand Canyon (East rim) in the background,” by Mariordo (Mario Roberto Duran Ortiz), 24 September 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … ..

Dear Ones,

Geostorm Watch: G3 geostorm may impact Earth today at about 11 am PDT (California), which is to say at about 2 pm EDT (East Coast).

G3 would be a strong geostorm. It might be wise to figure out a workaround to avoid freeway driving if a strong geostorm does hit Earth then causing cognitive dysfunction that impinges on your reaction time.

Function of car batteries, cell phones, and computers might also be disrupted.

There is a possibility of road rage or shootings. Formulate your exit moves in advance, in case anyone should exhibit symptoms of repressed rage, or should be brandishing a weapon.

For updates on the geostorm watch refer to Space Weather … ..

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 11 May 2023


Music by OYStudio from Pixabay
“Awaken” – Pixabay License


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

CME, geostorm, solar events, cognitive dysfunction, cognitive dissonance, electronics, electrical devices, rage, survival,

Gas Station Sticker Art . photos by Alice B. Clagett

Imaged on 8 December 2020; published on 11 January 2021

Dear Ones,

Here are some fun photos of a gas station sticker. I thought they might represent the eighth chakra, astral thuggees, gas pump sticker shock, the fossil fuel debate, and a ghost. Maybe you will interpret them differently from me.

Composite Image: “Astral Thuggees Attacking the Eighth Chakra,” compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 8 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … CREDITS: Images of devils: “Devil 2” in wpclipart … … Public domain … DESCRIPTION: Sticker from a Los Angeles gas pump adapted by Alice B. Clagett, and compiled with Devil 2 images. The sticker is a white rectangle with what seem to be black eyes and a mouth gouged into the sticker. Above the white rectangle is a blue and white circular object with the writing blurred out. . Inside the white circle are tiny devils prancing about … COMMENTS: The white rectangle with the black eyes and mouth looks a little like a surprised person. The blue and white circular object above the white rectangle I take to represent the eighth chakra We can visualize that we are send away these tiny devils when we do a meditation or visualization to clear the energy of our eighth chakra.

Composite Image: “Astral Thuggees Attacking the Eighth Chakra,” compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 8 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

CREDITS: Images of devils: “Devil 2” in wpclipart … … Public domain …

DESCRIPTION: Sticker from a Los Angeles gas pump adapted by Alice B. Clagett, and compiled with Devil 2 images. The sticker is a white rectangle with what seem to be black eyes and a mouth gouged into the sticker. Above the white rectangle is a blue and white circular object with the writing blurred out. . Inside the white circle are tiny devils prancing about …

COMMENTS: The white rectangle with the black eyes and mouth looks a little like a surprised person. The blue and white circular object above the white rectangle I take to represent the eighth chakra We can visualize that we are send away these tiny devils when we do a meditation or visualization to clear the energy of our eighth chakra.

Symbolic Image: “Gas Pump Sticker Shock,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Portion of a sticker from a Los Angeles gas pump. In the center of the image is a white rectangle with what seem to be black eyes and a mouth gouged into the sticker. On either side of the white rectangle are yellow rectangles indicating minimum octane ratings of 87 (left) and 91 (right). A big black hole is gouged into each of the yellow rectangles … COMMENTS: I take this to represent the high price of gasoline, and the high toll that use of fossil fuel takes on our global environment. I myself am for sustainable fuels, which seem to me to make a good deal more sense in terms of ecology than do fossil fuels.

Symbolic Image: “Gas Pump Sticker Shock,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

DESCRIPTION: Portion of a sticker from a Los Angeles gas pump. In the center of the image is a white rectangle with what seem to be black eyes and a mouth gouged into the sticker. On either side of the white rectangle are yellow rectangles indicating minimum octane ratings of 87 (left) and 91 (right). A big black hole is gouged into each of the yellow rectangles …

COMMENTS: I take this to represent the high price of gasoline, and the high toll that use of fossil fuel takes on our global environment. I myself am for sustainable fuels, which seem to me to make a good deal more sense in terms of ecology than do fossil fuels.

Symbolic Image: “Ghost,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Portion of a sticker from a Los Angeles gas pump. In the center of the image is a white rectangle with what seem to be black eyes and a mouth gouged into the sticker … COMMENTS: I take this to represent a startled ghost. Could this mean that fossil fuels are on their way out, and that the tide of public opinion will turn in favor of sustainable fuels?

Symbolic Image: “Ghost,” by Alice B. Clagett, 8 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

DESCRIPTION: Portion of a sticker from a Los Angeles gas pump. In the center of the image is a white rectangle with what seem to be black eyes and a mouth gouged into the sticker …

COMMENTS: I take this to represent a startled ghost. Could this mean that fossil fuels are on their way out, and that the tide of public opinion will turn in favor of sustainable fuels?

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

astral rascals, astral thuggees, drawings by Alice, ghost, fossil fuels, composite drawings by Alice, transportation,

On the Dimensional Experiences of Venus, Ra, and the Venusian Wanderers . by Alice B. Clagett

On the Dimensional Experiences of Venus, Ra, and the Venusian Wanderers

Image: “An approximation to the electromagnetic spectrum of visible light [reversed],” in Wikimedia Commons … .. public domain … COMMENTS: These colors red through purple represent dimensions 1 through 7. –Alice B. Clagett

Image: “An approximation to the electromagnetic spectrum of visible light [reversed],” in Wikimedia Commons … .. public domain … COMMENTS: These colors red through purple represent dimensions 1 through 7. –Alice B. Clagett

. . . . .

    • Earth Ascension, as Compared to That of Venus
    • Sidebar: Balancing the Heart Chakra May Help Ascending Humankind Avoid Death in Afghanistan and in Other Places Where Holy Wars Are Being Waged
    • ‘Ra’ and ‘Ha’ (as in ‘Ha’-thor)
    • Number of Wanderers on Earth During Earth’s Ascension

Dear Ones,

Here is some research I did in “The Law of One (The Ra Material)” regarding the dimensions through which Venus, Ra, and the Venusian Wanderers have passed, and the dimensions in which they now are. I have added my own comments to do with my understanding of Earth’s Ascension, and with regard to the statements from “The Law of One” …


At the time of the Venusian ‘harvest’ [at the time of that planet’s Ascension], Venus was 3D-4D … 89.28 … and 89.10 ..

At the time of the Venusian ‘harvest’, about 32 million Venusian mind/body/spirit complexes chose to repeat 3D, but not on Venus. About 6.5 million Venusian mind/body/spirit complexes chose to participate in the Ascension of Venus … 89.28 ..

After the Venusian harvest, the planet Venus was 4D-5D … 89.11 ..

Then Venus became 5D, and has been so for much of the time span of humankind thus far … … 89.11 ..

Earth Ascension, as Compared to That of Venus

I gather the dimensional shift of Venus through 4D-5D to pure 5D, as described above, may be the process in which our planet Earth is now engaged: We have become 4D-5D, and are passing into a purely 5D planet, on which 5D mind/body/spirit complexes dwell. I gather those Earth mind/body/spirit complexes that choose not to participate in Earth’s Ascension will continue in their chosen dimensional experiences, but not on Earth.

How I feel this is taking place here on Earth contrasts with what is said in “The Law of One.” The contrast has to do with Earth Lightworkers’ understanding that Earth is ascending to 5D. In “The Law of One,” which was written in 1982 – 1998, it states that Earth was then 3D … 63.9 ..

I am guessing that would mean to the channelers of “The Law of One” that Earth would be ascending to 4D, which would be one dimension lower than that which is thought to be the case by Earth’s Lightworkers as of the year 2021.

In addition, I see in “The Law of One” the expectation that, when Earth ascended, the mind/body/spirit complexes there would choose one of three paths:

  • They might chose to ascend to 4D positive.
  • They might choose to ascend to 4D negative, but not on planet Earth
  • And the unharvestable 3D mind/body/spirit complexes might go to a 3D planet.

As all the Universe is ascending, I guess the 3D planet to which the unharvestable Earth beings go would be one just now ascending from 2D to 3D.

I found elsewhere in “The Law of One” the likelihood, throughout the Universe, of various types of planetary ‘harvests’ …

  • about 10% of planetary harvests are negative
  • about 60% of planetary harvests are positive
  • and about 30% of planetary harvests are mixed, with most of the harvest positive in aspect.

I gather from this that, from the Venusian ‘harvest’, Lightworkers in the 1980s might have gathered that Earth would have a similarly ‘mixed harvest’, but that when Ascension occurred in 2012, they found the harvest would be positive.

I have a question in my mind how it could be that fungi and other microorganisms, which seem to me to be firmly rooted in 3D-4D, might have ascended in recent years to 5D, but it could quite possibly be that my understanding in this regard has not yet reached fruition.

In regard to that, “The Law of One” states that entities such as these might remain somehow within the influence of Earth, but maybe in a lower dimension. If that is so, then what we may have at the present moment is multidimensionality for Earth, with various dimensions expressing 1D to, say, 12D and higher, but the bulk of the entities on Earth expressing themselves, along with her, as 5D positive.

It could be that, with time, more and more of these dimensions that contrast with the main energies of ascended Earth will merge with the predominant fifth dimension, For Earth humans who enjoy the experience of dimensions higher than 5D, it could be, for the nonce, in Earth’s experience of temporal and dimensional stuckness, many might experience dimensions higher than 5D during solar events such as Winter and Summer Solstice, the Equinoxes, the Lion’s Gate, the Perseid and Leonid meteor showers, and at other astrologically favorable times.

Then as more and more humans experience timeline and dimensional merges and changeups … as the Incoming Light purifies their energy fields … more and more humans will begin to experience multitemporality and multidimensionality, with the ability to rise to awareness of 12D and higher, even at times when favorable solar events are not occurring. That is my thought on it.

See also “The Law of One” … 63.9 … … and … 65.13  … ..


Ra is 6D seeking 7D … 14.19  … ..

Ra experienced 1D through 4D on Venus … 41.26 ..

Ra does not say here whether it experienced 5D on Venus …  41.26 ..

Sidebar: Balancing the Heart Chakra May Help Ascending Humankind Avoid Death in Afghanistan and in Other Places Where Holy Wars Are Being Waged

I note Ra states that in graduating from 4D to 5D, its 5D experience was to balance the “intense compassion” of 4D. I relate to this through my intense experience, in Solar Cycle 24, of the need to balance the heart chakra’s frontal and back vortices so as to protect myself from the many sociopaths among humankind, and so as to prevent my being murdered by the quasi-spiritual ‘cults that kill’, which I had run-ins with after the Shift. As Ra states, when the energy of the heart is balanced through 5th chakra (throat chakra) work, there still remains the ability to do much helpful work here on Earth.

I suggest it might be helpful, for instance, for those risen to 5D to speak their truth (5D) while following their heart (4D). In that way we may help others just now encountering and attempting to survive sociopathic behavior of others on Earth to remain in physical form and rise to 5D. See “The Law of One” … 41.26 … ..

It could be, for instance, that those whose heart chakras are well balanced, and whose throat chakras are purified, will be more able to avoid murder by religious zealots, should they be in a part of Earth (such as Afghanistan) where a holy war is being waged. For “The Law of One” on the Venusian experience in this regard, see “Dimensions of the Venusian Wanderers” below.


Ra is spending 6D as a member of the confederation, seeking to be of service … as, for example, in its service to Earth …  41.26 ..

‘Ra’ and ‘Ha’ (as in ‘Ha-thor)

I feel the words Ra … as in Ra-En … and Ha … as in Ha-thor … are the same word. –Alice


The Venusian Wanderers were 5D positive [blue, maybe close to peacock blue] … 89.33 … It could be this means that the Venusian Wanderers were Blue Avian Star Beings prior to the Venusian ‘harvest’.

After their work on Venus as Wanderers, these two beings harvested themselves as 3D negative (service-to-self). [yellow, but negative in aspect] … 89.34 .. into 4D negative [green, but negative in aspect]

I see that the manner in which the Venusian Wanderers fell from 5D positive to 3D negative was that they exercised power over other entities in such a way as to devise these entities’ physical death. They were like ‘ruthless despots’ waging a holy war … 89.31 ..

Then eventually they moved to 4D positive [green, and positively aspected] … 89.41 ..

Number of Wanderers on Earth During Earth’s Ascension

I note “The Law of One” states there were about 60 million Wanderers on Earth during the 1980s … 63.10  … ..

I am guessing this may mean that most of the Wanderers on Earth prior to the Ascension were not from Venus, but rather from elsewhere in the Universe.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written on 7 November 2020; published on 21 August 2021; revised on 13 September 2023


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dimensions, 1st dimension, 2nd dimension, 3rd dimension, 4th dimension, 5th dimension, 6th dimension, 7th dimension, Ra, Hathors, Venus, Earth, Ascension, Wanderers, Blue Avian Star Beings, Law of One, temporal stuckness, dimensional stuckness, solar events, multitemporality, multidimensoinality, higher dimensions, cults that kill, sociopaths, antisocial personalities, Afghanistan, war, Middle East, survival, chakras, fourth chakra, fifth chakra,