Category Archives: Fugue state – dissociative fugue

Are There Obsessive Compulsive People Who Are Walking Time Bombs? . by Alice B. Clagett *

Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Related to Multiple Personality and Satanic Possession?

Image: “Devil Goat,” by MachoCarioca, unknown date, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported

Image: “Devil Goat,” by MachoCarioca, unknown date, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported

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Are some obsessive compulsive people walking time bombs that commit acts of violence that are not caught out because of the usual mild-mannered OC behavior? In some cases of OC, I feel this may be true.

It may also be that a small percentage of people diagnosed as obsessive compulsive exhibit the special abilities attributed by the Christian churches in historical times to that arch-villain Satan. The basis for these propositions is set forth below.

Be sure to read the NIH article carefully as well. It has the lurid details, swathed round with psychological jargon. Search for the “National Enquirer” type of intel hidden in the article.

In the section “Violence” in the NIH article, I note acts of violence to do with OC personalities. These are knife attacks and knifing murder (search ‘R v Ozipko’) … and assault and murder of a wife (search ‘Kumar v The State of Kerala’).

Other crimes associated with OC are sex crimes, harassment and stalking, child pornography possession, and hoarding, as described in the NIH article sections by these names.

I gather that juries may go soft on sentencing OC people because the way their personalities appear to be during a a trial may be very different from their ‘secret lives’.

Thus there may be many violence-prone people diagnosed as OC who escape law enforcement, I feel.

I read the book by Mr. Juliana (whose name I found sometimes appeared as Mr. Julian) that was quoted in the NIH article. I do not recommend reading the book, as it seemed to me to be a coverup.

This is only Alice B. Clagett the psychic speaking, on the basis of what many would aver to be inadequate psychic story-weaving, so please take my opinion on the book with a grain of salt.

    • Incompletely Individuated Humans
    • Inappropriate Overlighting Spirits
    • Multitemporality: Soul Choice of Light or Dark Lifetimes

Dear Ones,

Here is an interesting read, in case you know anyone diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder …

Link: “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder and the Criminal Law,” by Ian Freckelton, QC, in National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), National Library of Medicine, NIH … ..


In my own work, from an intuitive stance, I find indications that the psychiatric diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder sometimes seems to relate to multiple personality disorder (dissociative identity disorder). That is because it seems to me that full-on OCD may be accompanied by fugue state and acting out of violence that is unremembered in the normal, laid-back state of OC (that is, the likeable OC personality that we associate with the TV series “Monk” and with the Jack Nicholson movie “As Good as It Gets”).


I note in the above-cited NIH article a quotation by James S. Juliana. The quotation was taken from his book “A Secret Life: Enduring and Triumphing Over OCD: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,” 2019, p 9, 163. Apparently James Juliana was diagnosed OCD and received medications for that.

He says he has felt as if he were possessed by the devil. Then just after that there is a quote by him that has to do with other people’s minds. This is the sentence that begins with the words “Wherever you”. It is interesting to me how that sentence is phrased, as it seems to me it might be difficult for most people to figure out what it means.

It seems to me, as an intuitive, that James Juliana may be saying in that sentence that he is able to read other people’s minds either through possession (by being inside their minds with them), or else by sending his mind to hover just outside their minds, so that he can discern what they are thinking.

I would include the sentence here, but I have a concern not to infringe on his copyright. You can find the quotation by going to the NIH site … … and searching for the phrase: Wherever you

I find this quoted passage by Mr. Juliana interesting, as it jibes with what I have been sensing about OCD. What a coincidence, is it not? An interesting synchronous event, maybe, or maybe there is more to it than that. Expanding on what Mr. Juliana states, my own take on the relationship between OCD and Satanic possession is as described in the next few paragraphs…

Intuitively, I sense the violent, oft-hidden OCD personality (if such exists) may have association with Christian notion of a person who is possessed by Satan. I have seen a few such people; as an intuitive, I am unable to explain the energy shift that occurs when the person changes from ‘mild-mannered Clark Kent’ to uber villain.

Image: “Poster for a Theatrical Adaptation of ‘Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” unknown author, 188_, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Poster for a Theatrical Adaptation of ‘Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” unknown author, 188_, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

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It seems to me to be Satanic possession. I say ‘possession’ because it seems to me that the person so possessed has not any hope of shaking the entity attachment until the entity itself decides to leave.

I recall four or five instances of people writing in to my website with issues of what they feel to be Satanic possession. As I recall, the advice I had for them was to see their psychiatrist or psychologist or spiritual counsellor and ask for help from them. I say that because contact with supportive people is very important in getting onto firm ground and in maintaining a stable energy field.

The thought forms of grounded, stable people help the people around them to be grounded and stable, I feel. We all help each other to be happy and healthy and to be productive members of our communities.


It seems to me, from an intuitive stance, that the astral form of OCD people may hover over this person or that most of the time, rather than staying in their own energy field. It could be that, or it could be that there is an entity attachment to the OCD person that leaves and goes off ‘hunting’ other people, then comes back to the OCD as ‘home territory’.

Why would that be? Could it be genetic? Or might it be that something extremely frightful happened to the young person in early youth … maybe in infancy? Something that scared the child ‘out of their wits’ … something that prevented the astral body or maybe what some people call the emotional body from settling back down into their energy field in a grounded, settled way?

At any rate, from an intuitive stance, it seems to me that whatever it may be that leaves the OCD person and hovers over the heads of other people might, from a Christian standpoint, be said to be ‘obsessing’ these other people. I say that because the ‘hovering over’ is momentary … or so it seems to me. It might last for an hour, and that might not be such a pleasant experience. It might last for a day or so; but then go away.

I recall that once I saw a woman who seemed to me to be possessed by Satan. She was singing a song, over and over again, about being ‘in the jailhouse’. When I spoke to her, as I recall, she stopped singing. Then she began the behavior … screaming, excoriating, furious anger, and lunging, that I gather from the movies characterizes Satanic possession.

So in that instance, the repetitive singing behavior was, I feel, preventing the violent behavior. Because I saw that happen some long while ago, I am suggesting the following for ODC …

I opine that the ‘obsessive’ quality of OCD people might extend to their obsession of other people. In terms of prevention of that, it could be that OCD obsessive physical habits … washing hands over and over, checking door locks a set number of times, not walking on cracks in the sidewalk, and so on … might help prevent their obsessing other people.

Image: “Person Washing His Hands,” by Lars Klintwall Malmqvist, 24 May 2008, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Person Washing His Hands,” by Lars Klintwall Malmqvist, 24 May 2008, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

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In other words, there is a need to express obsessive behavior; if the obsessive physical habits are suppressed, say, through hypnosis, then though well intended as a means to help the OCD person fit in better with society, the result in terms of obsessing other people may be considerably worse. That might be true for the OCD person as well as the persons I feel he or she may obsess. Better to return to the obsessive physical habits, like the “Monk” character on TV, I feel.


From an intuitive stance, I feel it likely that the winning ways and social presentability of the mild-mannered OCD personality may prevent law enforcement from solving severely repetitive criminal behavioral patterns, including serial killing. It seems to me that would be because the Clark Kent personality would be a long way from fitting the law enforcement personality profile for a serial killer.

Obsessive compulsive disorder, multiple personality and Satanic possession

Image: “Forbes Winslow conjures up the secret actions of Jack the Ripper, from The Illustrated Police News (September 28, 1889),” unknown author, 28 September 1889, in Wikimedia Commons …,_1889_-_Jack_the_Ripper.png … public domain

Image: “Forbes Winslow conjures up the secret actions of Jack the Ripper, from The Illustrated Police News (September 28, 1889),” unknown author, 28 September 1889, in Wikimedia Commons …,_1889_-_Jack_the_Ripper.png … public domain

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It seems clear to me that those kinds of violent behaviors would be in the exceptional OCD instance, not in most instances. Otherwise our cities would be overrun with unsolved murder mysteries such as that of ‘Jack the Ripper’.

The article referred to above mentions that the United Kingdom, Canada, and other countries have a new way of considering criminal proceedings in cases of OCD. I feel their ideas about this may be of interest to criminal courts here in the United States.


Intuition tells me that people sometimes diagnosed as OCD have an astral form that is not connected in the usual way to their energy fields. The astral form seems to me to be displaced upward from the ground.

Image: Silhouette of a woman wearing a dress and high heels, side view, with a yellow shadow whose top is two feet above her head, adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 29 January 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0 … CREDIT: Silhouette is from Pixabay, … CC0 Public Domain, free for commercial use, no attribution required … COMMENTS: The yellow shadow represents the astral form of the woman. See how it is displaced away from the ground and somewhat over her head? Healers term this ‘lack of grounding’. Intuition tells me anxiety is the cause of this displacement. I read that obsessive compulsive disorder is characterized by anxiety; that may be why I intuitively feel that people with OCD have similar displacement of their astral bodies. –Alice B. Clagett

Image: Silhouette of a woman wearing a dress and high heels, side view, with a yellow shadow whose top is two feet above her head, adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 29 January 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0 … CREDIT: Silhouette is from Pixabay, … CC0 Public Domain, free for commercial use, no attribution required …

COMMENTS: The yellow shadow represents the astral form of the woman. See how it is displaced away from the ground and somewhat over her head? Healers term this ‘lack of grounding’. Intuition tells me anxiety is the cause of this displacement. I read that obsessive compulsive disorder is characterized by anxiety; that may be why I intuitively feel that people with OCD have similar displacement of their astral bodies. –Alice B. Clagett

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It seems to me that ending a relationship may be impossible for OCD people, and that may be incentive to stalk, rape, and murder a person with whom a relationship is ended, the notion being that is the only way they can be rid of them.

The person so stalked needs, I feel, to ‘make them self scarce’ if intuition tells them a murder attempt is about to happen. As nearly as I can tell, from online research, stalking needs to be addressed by the victims, without strong expectation of help from law enforcement.

There are good ideas online about how a person being stalked can hide their physical location and prevent internet access to their whereabouts. But that would not be of much help if, as it seems to me, the OCD person has various psychic powers due to entity attachment. For instance, if the OCD person is able to read the minds of the people he or she obsesses, then I presume he or she would know where the stalked person is, simply through reading their mind. Would that not be so?

As well, it seems to me, from an intuitive stance, that the OCD person who is, in a ‘Jack the Ripper’ manner, perpetrated a number of murders, might turn to astral obsession of other people in hopes of causing them to perpetrate murders on their behalf.

If this were so, then the stalked person might never know who would attack them; they might only have a sense of imminent danger. For survival’s sake, then, I suggest they develop their sense of imminent danger, and use this gauge to decide when to get to an unaccustomed location, if only for a day or so.

If the OCD person were to be the cause of the stalking, then their need to stalk might diminish within that length of time. It might, for instance, have been triggered by a drink of alcohol, or by use of a controlled substance, or by failing to take a prescribed medication, or maybe by the carousing actions of people around them on the weekends. So then the trigger may be gone when one of these triggering conditions ameliorates.

If the stalked person gets the intuitive ‘heads up’ and is unable to change physical location, then as a last-ditch defense … and utilizing your knowledge of Multitemporality … I suggest speaking these words three times, so as to switch timelines for the nonce, and so, to get out of danger …

Spirit to Team!
Optimize Timelines and Dimensions!
For the All, through Free Will!

Say these words with as much delight and enthusiasm as you can muster. Enthusiasm is the way to ‘Make it so!” Then your Ascension Team will do the work of timeline and dimension shifting for you, just as Captain Picard’s Starship Enterprise team would implement his orders.  Our Ascension Team will ‘make it so’!


Incompletely Individuated Humans

There are esoteric theories about hybrid human beings. I consider there may be some truth in this. It could be there are human beings, for instance, who are incompletely individuated; people who have some characteristics of animals, which are said to have ‘group souls’ rather than the individual souls said to be characteristic of human beings.

Drawing: “Reptilian Star Beings: Lizard Man 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 27 May 2021 CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”… Drawn after a sculpture for which I have no attribution.

Drawing: “Reptilian Star Beings: Lizard Man 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 27 May 2021 CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”… Drawn after a sculpture for which I have no attribution.

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From an intuitive stance, I feel that theory would jibe with my ‘astral ears’ hearing the connection and the connective power of what seem to be people with OCD … or in the context of Christianity, people who are Satanically obsessed. To my astral ears, these people seem to flow into each other, and morph about. Sometimes there is a leader, for the nonce, of a batch of ‘persons’ … one person who draws on all their psychic power to accomplish one evil act.

Here is a scheme I drew of the morphing and flowing together of the psychic power of a group of Satanists. The Satan image in the center might be taken to be a living, malevolent Spirit; or it might be thought of as a thought form that has accumulated psychic ‘oomph’ by being laden down with the negative emotions of many people …

Drawing: “Triple Vortical ‘Vampire Effect’ 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 23 February 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION:  Top center: A large circle labeled ‘SATAN Artificial Thought Form’. A cluster of 10 circles labeled ‘Black Magicker’. Around the large circle are 11 smaller circles; 10 of these are labeled ‘Black Magicker’; the lowermost is labeled ‘Head Sorcerer’. Beneath the ‘Head Sorcerer’ circle is a 12th circle labeled ‘Black Magicker’ and beneath that a circle labeled ‘Lightworker’. There are 3 spiral arrows: the first points from the Lightworker circle to the Black Magicker circle just above it; the second points from the latter to the Head Sorcerer circle just above it; and the third points from the Head Sorcerer circle to the larger Satan Artificial Thought Form circle just above it … COMMENTS: All the small circles except for the lowermost one represent the members of a Satan cult and their leader. The lowermost circle represents a Lightworker, who is an outsider to the group. The larger circle represents the Satan cult group thought form. The gathering may be a coven meeting in the physical realm, or merely an astral gathering of members. Here is the significance of the 3 spiral arrows: The energy of the Lightworker’s electromagnetic field (EMF) is sucked suddenly and forcefully out of his front heart funnel, through the heart funnel of the Black Magicker before him, and on, in the astral plane, through the heart chakra of the Head Sorcerer, then into the group’s Satan artificial thought form, whose energy is enhanced.

Composite Image: “Triple Vortical ‘Vampire Effect’ 3A: Glommed Energies from a Black Magic Group Above and Behind a Black Magicker,” adapted and compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 23 February 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: The silhouette of a man standing, facing forward. Behind him is a painting of a giant with 7 horned heads; the giant’s stance is wide. Beneath the giant is rising up from the water a 7-headed sea monster; the monster’s arms are held up; its right hand holds up an upright sword, and its left hand an upright cudgel … COMMENTS: The silhouette represents the lowermost Black Magicker, who is confronting a Lightworker (that is you, the viewer). The giant and the monster represent the descent of a vortex of dark energy from a Satan cult and its artificial thought form onto their cult member who is confronting the Lightworker in the physical realm. The demeanor of the giant and the sea monster are meant to convey the malignant nature of the energies glommed round the Black Magicker … CREDITS: The silhouette is an adaptation of  “Man standing silhouette.svg” by Open Clip Art Library, 16 April 2009, in Wikimedia Commons, public domain. Behind the silhouette is an altered version of the painting “The Great Red Dragon and the Beast from the Sea,” by William Blake, 1805, public domain.

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If there is truth in that intuitive notion, then people who are said to be ‘possessed by Satan’ might be said to have one ‘group soul’. If that were to be true, then I could see no way of healing the hybrid human being. Pessimism is not a stance that appeals to me, so I have moved on from there.

Inappropriate Overlighting Spirits

The next notion I had is that people who are said to be ‘possessed by Satan’ have somehow acquired, in their early youth, a guardian spirit intended to protect and nurture beings of a non-human species, such as an overlighting spirit of the reptile, the insect, or the dinosaur realms. That kind of switcharoo might have occurred, I thought, because the child was feral … had no contact or had insufficient contact with a nurturing human being in the first two years of life. Such a child might turn to an animal guide in the astral realm simply because all it had for companionship might be a reptile or an insect, for instance.

Image: “Mantid Race ‘Image Word’ Phrase: ‘I Will Pray [‘Prey’] Upon You,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 May 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … COMMENTS: What if this were the overlighting spirit of the preying mantises of Earth? What if a person mistakenly assumed this being was its spirit guide?

Image: “Mantid Race ‘Image Word’ Phrase: ‘I Will Pray [‘Prey’] Upon You,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 May 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” …. COMMENTS: What if this were the overlighting spirit of the preying mantises of Earth? What if a person mistakenly assumed this being was its spirit guide?

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This seemed to me to be a more positive theory, as it seemed to me the person said to be ‘possessed by Satan’ … and in fact perhaps instead overlit by a protective spirit of a non-human species … might be introduced to a protective spirit of the human species, such as an Angel or a Being of Light. Such a being might remove the inappropriate ‘Lightware’ from the energy field of the possessed person. And that might effect a complete cure. So I felt.

Multitemporality: Soul Choice of Light or Dark Lifetimes

I had another mitigating idea that people acting ‘diabolique’ in this lifetime might have agreed, just prior to incarnation, to act this role so that someone else alive at the same time might rise to the challenge of sainthood through opposition to seemingly demonic forces.

Then, I thought, because each Soul is eternal … existing outside of time and space … each Soul might be experiencing, in the same non-temporal Now, many different lifetimes. Thus the Soul who, from my standpoint, is exhibiting Satanic qualities in my Awareness timeline might be striving for Sainthood in another timeline. That latter might, in fact, be his or her Awareness timeline. It might be a Placemarker timeline for me; and in that other timeline I might have agreed to play the diabolical, Satanically possessed role. Even Steven!

You never know in what way the Will of God may be at work in this Multiverse. OCD or maybe Satanic possession may be God’s way of granting us our wish to experience the Realm of Duality. Do you not agree?


Ongoing, I have a more positive notion than the hybrid theories … whether Group-Soul-handicapped or inappropriately ‘overlit’ …. to propose to my readers …

We Ascensioneers and Lightworkers are optimistic in the sense that we feel the Ascension process is bringing a great deal of ‘malware’ and ‘malspeak’ … what are sometimes termed ‘samskaras’ or the ‘shadow of the personality’ to Light, so that clearing can take place.

It may be that some people in particular, amongst the Lightworkers, are clearing the shadow of OCD, and of Satanic possession, and of Satanic obsession, so that there will be none of that notion or that behavior lingering on New Earth. That is, in fact, my own point of view.

The notion of Soul choice of darker or lighter lifetimes might still apply on Ascending Earth, as there will still be Duality in our new phase. However, the degree of Duality in the Fifth Dimension is much less than in the third and fourth dimensions.

One might say that the choices of Dark or Light in 5D are more choices of Bright or Very Bright. That is where we are right now, on Arisen Earth, in this, the second Solar Maximum post-Shift.

Image: “Point Dume Abstracts: Doubles Collection 6B,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 October 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … COMMENTS: In the Fifth Dimension, light and dark may be much brighter than in the lower dimensions. –Alice B. Clagett

Image: “Point Dume Abstracts: Doubles Collection 6B,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 October 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … COMMENTS: In the Fifth Dimension, light and dark may be much brighter than in the lower dimensions. –Alice B. Clagett

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God bless you all,
And keep you safe,
And be with you
Through all your days.

Alice B. Clagett
In love, Light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

For more on this, see my blog categories: Obsession – possession – entity attachment – exorcism …  Fugue state – dissociative fugue  …  Multiple personality disorder  …  Acting out – violent behavior – Ahimsa – nonviolence  …  Ascension symptoms  …  Malware – malspeak – implants  …  Samskaras – karmic miasmic patterning – morphogenetic field distortions  … Timelines – multitemporality

Written and published on 9 December 2022; revised on 12 December 2022, on 3 June 2023, and on 31 July 2023; revised on 17 October 2023
Previously titled: Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Related to Multiple Personality and Satanic Possession?  … and … Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Related to Multiple Personality, Satanic Possession, and Uncaught Acts of Violence?


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


obsessive compulsive disorder, obsessive compulsive personality disorder, OC, OCD, psychiatry, psychology, law enforcement, entity attachment, obsession, possession, fugue state, dissociative fugue, Ascension symptoms, multiple personality disorder, serial killers,

Image Words: Stalking in the Physical Realm Caused by ‘Following’ Online . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 28 December 2020

Dear Ones,

You may recall the term ‘image words’ which I have described before as the language of the subconscious mind …

Link: “‘Image Words’: The Vocabulary of the Subconscious Mind,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 25 May 2019 … ..

I have come across a potentially physically dangerous image word that contributes to the recent phenomenon I term ‘virtual reality psychosis’. That is the words ‘follow’ and follower’ that are used for subscriptions to websites. (WordPress and Youtube are two of many such sites.)

Apparently these terms are creating in the subconscious minds of the followers and of the people being followed the image of one person pursuing or stalking another person.

That people are carrying around handhelds with them makes the notion of ‘following’ seem physical as well: One person posts a blog or comment, and then notice of this action appears on the follower’s handheld. It may seem as if the follower is being ‘followed’ in the physical realm by the blogger because he or she is needing to read messages on the handheld. In other words, he or she is being ‘followed about’ by messages from the blogger.

Over the years, I have run across several instances of people who are very ‘plugged in’ ‘following’ me in the physical realm. To me it seemed like physical ‘stalking’, as if their subconscious mind was reading my subconscious mind and queuing in on where I was headed, then passing by me in that location, without the conscious mind logging onto the physical encounter.

There were a series of odd occasions on which it seemed to me that various people might have been stalking me; yet though danger was sensed, nothing bad ever happened …

Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: Fatal Dungeons and Dragons Game?” by Alice B. Clagett, partially excerpted on 23 April 2020 from blogs filmed on 15 March 2018 and on 20 November 2016; revised on 11 June 2020 … ..

It was almost as if these people’s subconscious minds were tangled up and glommed together in an imagined game of ‘Fatal Dungeons and Dragons’ … which my subconscious mind logged onto. I would see the cars of the people, or the people themselves, in incongruous, widely dispersed settings. Intuitively, I would sense the need for caution. Yet nothing came of these events; like wisps of smoke, the encounters would take place on the physical plane; and then within an hour the cars and the people would disperse. It was just exceedingly odd … unfathomable, really.

There have been more and more such odd encounters in the last two years. It is as if the ‘stalkers’ or ‘followers’ do not consciously recognize me, although I may know them. It is almost as if they were subconsciously ‘acting out’ in a fugue state. For instance, this man that I knew from prior acquaintance passed me twice in as many days, in locations far apart, yet he did not recognize me …

Link: “The Stalker: Encounter with a Multiple Personality?” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 9 July 2019 … ..

In one such instance, with a different person, I walked up to them. They did not recognize me at all, although I had been their acquaintance for a long time. There was no one else around. It was as if they were staring into space before them. I was there, right in front of them, but they did not see me. Yet when I got to about 3 feet in front of them, and accosted them, they ‘snapped out of it’.

In another instance I recall I was in a remote area of the Arizona Desert … somewhat lost, but not very much so. By luck, at an intersection I found a service station with wi-fi. Just as I got there my cell phone rang. The person calling was someone I knew, but not someone who had ever called me before or since. Intuition told me the person had fallen into a ‘stalking’ mode, and was attempting to triangulate my position for GPS geolocation. I could tell from the tone of voice … which I characterize as ‘cat about to eat the canary’ … that if I kept talking my geolocation might be determined, and this might not result in anything good for me. So I said goodbye quickly.

Along the same lines, I remember walks in the Santa Monica Mountains in 2017 and 2018, where I was carrying my cell phone. Why I should do so is a good question, as cell phone reception is almost always compromised in remote locations in the mountains, and that would be where I would be most in need of cell phone transmission, for lack of people passing by, in case of a fall.

At any rate, during those years I carried my cell phone on mountain walks. Almost every time I went for a walk I would hear a ‘pingback’. I surmised these pingbacks had to do with geolocation, and intuition told me someone was hoping to involve me in an imaginary stalking scenario. Why would that be? It seems to me the internet ‘following’ is causing this imaginary stalking game to occur.

I recall in 2019 I decided the psychic chase was by far not my cup of tea, and I stopped carrying my cell phone on mountain walks. Then one of my acquaintances casually asked if I were still using my cell phone, and by that I got my ‘make’ for the psychic stalking game I had been encountering.

Here is another instance: For years now, my home phone rings daily with one of three sales messages. I have tried by every available means to make the messages stop; unsuccessfully so, until I tried using a whistle. Here is the question: What would be in it for the salesman, to be constantly harassing people about home improvements and ways to abate utility costs, after the people say they are not interested? It seems to me this could be another form of ‘stalking’ created by the ‘follow’ image word.

Then there is the ‘actor impersonator’ phenomenon that I have encountered on 5 occasions since 2015. In the first four instances, I feel it could have been just a case of mistaking the identities of strangers as being people I know. But in the most recent instance, which occurred only a month or so ago, it was clearly an ‘actor impersonator’ phenomenon …

I was in the parking lot of my church about mid-day. I was going to sit under the tent where church services are held; I noticed a man sitting in about the middle of the tent. I went up to greet him, and noticed he was made up to look like a man I knew: Almost identical body type, same height, same age, but with an odd, blonde wig on, with hair that curled up from his shoulders. His voice was quite different from that of my acquaintance, and his tone, unlike that of my acquaintance, was somewhat derogatory or ‘blaming’. In addition, he had strikingly odd ‘painted on,’ dark brown eyebrows that looked like this (or the reverse of this) …


Drawing: “Actor Impersonator with Blonde Wig and Striking, Stippled Black Eyebrows,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0

Drawing: “Actor Impersonator with Blonde Wig and Striking, Stippled Black Eyebrows,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0

Drawing: “Actor Impersonator with Blonde Wig and Striking, Stippled Black Eyebrows,” drawn and colorized by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0 … COMMENT: This drawing reminds me of the Pleiadian Raiders.

Drawing: “Actor Impersonator with Blonde Wig and Striking, Stippled Black Eyebrows,” drawn and colorized by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0 … COMMENT: This drawing reminds me of the Pleiadian Raiders.

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What could possibly be more odd that that, I ask! When I walked up to him, he said his name was ‘Tim’ and that he had been going to the Sunday services at the church for about two years. While he talked, he was looking at the handheld in his lap, as if he were reading a movie script. I had a feeling there was likely a person named Tim who had been attending Sunday services, but that maybe this unusual person might not be that same Tim. If that were so, then what might explain his odd appearance there? Could the ‘actor impersonator’ phenomenon perhaps be a takeoff on the game of stalking or following, I wonder?

Here are variations on the theme: I recall an instance in 2011, or thereabouts, when an acquaintance decided I was a drug dealer out to get him; and in about the year 2018, another case where a group of acquaintances decided I was a CIA agent out to get them. Why would these hard-to-shake instances of paranoia be occurring in people I had known to be completely sane in years past? I gather it might be another manifestation of a sense of helpless panic caused by the ‘follow’ image word.

Thus I gather that the image word ‘follow’ must be part of the current virtual reality psychosis that many appear to be experiencing. And a very important part, as it may result in stalkings and murders on the physical plane. For instance, there is a chance that a habit of viewing movies to do with stalking might ratchet up to stalking human beings because of the extra ‘umph’ added by the ‘follow’ phenomenon. As well, during hunting season there is a chance that stalking deer might ratchet up to stalking human beings because of the ‘follow’ phenomenon, I feel.

I am guessing we do not need to be nearly so ‘hooked up’ or ‘plugged in’ as modern culture surmises. It could be, for instance, that the astral stories that have been so prevalent in my mini-noosphere … and those of others with whom I have spoken … and the ‘glom effect’ that can cause violent astral scenes, may be partly caused by our being too ‘plugged in’, by ‘following’ and being ‘followed’ by too many other people.

To be on the safe side, for the time being, I have eliminated ‘following’ as an option for my website. The minute I did so, the astral stories and psychic hullabaloo I experienced over the four-day Christmas holiday abated. Time will tell whether this welcome change will be long-lasting.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

The two drawings above have been added here … Link: “Tiny Anthologies: Diverse Drawings 9,” by Alice B. Clagett, compiled and published on 8 March 2022 and following … .. 


See the blog category: Subconscious and unconscious symbolismVirtual reality psychosis – handheld psychosis – cell phone psychosisActing out – ahimsa – nonviolence … Fugue state – dissociative fugue … Glom effect … Astral stories


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


image words, mind, subconscious mind, subconscious symbolism, unconscious symbolism, virtual reality psychosis, fugue state, drawings by Alice, Alice’s perilous tales, Adventures with Alice,

Indigenous Creeds, Shamanism and the Experience of Reverse Kundalini . by Alice B. Clagett *

For a person such as I, who has practiced kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, being in the energy field of a person with reverse kundalini is a very great threat to our auric Light. We must learn to recognize this ‘black’ or dark energy and quickly purge it from our auras.

Indigenous Creeds, Shamanism and the Experience of Reverse Kundalini

Image: “The Destruction of Leviathan,” by Gustave Dore, 1865, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “The Destruction of Leviathan,” by Gustave Dore, 1865, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

    • Comments: Getting Round Black Magic Curses and Spells
    • Comments: Links Between Spirit Possession, Homosexuality, and Reverse Kundalini
    • Comments
      • My Mind to Your Mind
      • The Human ‘Horse’ or ‘Donkey’
      • Egoic Terror and the Dreaded Mind Wipe
      • Fugue State While Demonically Possessed
      • Vampirism (Catastrophic Energy Drain) Through Spirit Possession

Dear Ones,


Over the past 20 years I have had many disagreeable encounters with black magicians on the psychic plane. Out of concern to find evasive maneuvers for myself and for others subject to the predations of black magickers, I came up with several large blog categories offering solutions.

The umbrella category is: Transcending the Dark – courage under fire – spirit warfare  …

Under this category fall several large subcategories: Dissolving black magic in the Light  …  Healing astral intent to harm  … and …  Overcoming mesmerism (hypnosis) through faith

Because of my Christian upbringing, I had always thought it best to steer clear of palm readers, shamanism, witchcraft, Satanic gatherings, and the like. Even reading about the Dark arts seemed to me to be wicked.

In retrospect, I feel it might have been better to do some research into those sorts of practices, so that I might know what it was that I was encountering on the psychic plane all this while. I might then have found more timely remedies to the psychic mischief I was encountering.

I have only just now looked into the topic of indigenous creeds widely practiced in many parts of the world, and apparently practiced under cover of yuppyish spiritual normalcy more and more frequently here in Los Angeles.

I found that indigenous creeds such as Santeria, Candomble, Umbanda, Macumba, and Haitian Vodou are practiced by about 100 million people worldwide. It seems likely to me that the black magic aspects of these creeds may contribute to the noospheric energies of ‘reverse kundalini’ described in my prior blogs.


I think this because, according to Wikipedia, some indigenous creeds use their faiths to inflict harm on others. For instance, I read: “Some practitioners purport to use Macumba to inflict harm, financial failure, illness, death, etc. on other people for various reasons.” –from Link: “Macumba,” in Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0

Comments: Getting Round Black Magic Curses and Spells

Infliction of harm through curses and spells is a feature of black magic. Through psychic research (rather than book reading) I have gleaned quite a lot about this aspect of black magic, and ways to get round it and keep safe. See my blog category: Healing astral intent to harm 


In Candomblé, there is a ritual of possession of a man by a spirit, in the sense that a woman is ‘taken’ by a man, and this may sometimes lead a man, it is thought, from heterosexuality to homosexuality …

“Candomblé focuses on the worship of the orishas or orixás. [16] Practitioners varyingly define these orishas as “African sprits,” “energies”, or “forces of nature”, … and they are often conceived as being ancestral figures …

“Within Candomblé, it is regarded as a privilege to be possessed by an orisha…. As it entails being “mounted, being possessed is regarded as being a symbolically female role…. For this reason, many heterosexual men refuse initiation into Candomblé; some believe that involvement in these rites can turn a man homosexual.” –from Link: “Candomblé,” in Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0

Comments: Links Between Spirit Possession, Homosexuality, and Reverse Kundalini

That the fear of converting from heterosexuality to homosexuality because of spirit possession exists in Latin America aligns with the discussion of black tantra (M2M group tantra) as a black magic practice arousing reverse kundalini (see above). It adds the further aspect of spirit possession, which I have found to be true through psychic observation. For more on this, see my blog category: Obsession – possession – entity attachment – exorcism ..


Haitian Vodou also practices spirit possession. “Vodou practitioners believe that during this process, the lwa [spirit] enters the head of the possessed individual and displaces their gwo bon anj (consciousness)…. This displacement is believed to generate the trembling and convulsions that the chwal [possessed person, ‘horse’] undergoes as they become possessed; …

Maya Deren described a look of “anguish, ordeal and blind terror” on the faces of those as they became possessed…. Because their consciousness has been removed from their head during the possession,

Vodouists believe that the chwal will have no memory of what occurs during the incident…. The length of the possession varies, often lasting a few hours but in some instances several days…. It may end with the chwal collapsing in a semi-conscious state….

The possessed individual is typically left physically exhausted by the experience….” –from Link: “Haitian Vodou,” in Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0 [Paragraphing is mine. –AC]


I see in this description of Haitian Vodou several parallels to my psychic research over the last 20 years.

My Mind to Your Mind. For instance, there is the thought that the possessing spirit enters the head of the possessed person. For more on this, search this term in my blog: My mind to your mind

The Human ‘Horse’ or ‘Donkey’. That Haitian Vodou terms the possessed person a chwal (‘horse’, someone who is ‘ridden’ by a possessing entity) aligns with my psychic intel regarding a man who became a ‘donkey’ …

Link: “Donkey Song,” a Story and Songs by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 6 February 2018; published on 7 February 2018 … ..

As well, it is in alignment with my intuitive rendition of techniques used by black magicians to degrade the Souls of people so as to ‘lord it over them’. These three techniques are described here …

Link: “A Short-Sighted Demon Elimination Technique,” by Alice B. Clagett, Written and published on 31 October 2015; republished on 20 March 2018; revised on 29 July 2018 … … See the section: How Demons Are Tied Down to an Unwilling Human Being Through Black Magic

Here are some images of Donkey Man …

Link: “Donkey Man,” composite images by Alice B. Clagett, imaged and published on 18 Jqanuary 2023 … ..

For more on the techniques used in voodoo to make a man into a ‘donkey’, see my blog category: Voodoo – donkey man ..

Egoic Terror and the Dreaded Mind Wipe. The anguish of the possessed described by Maya Deren I can relate to because of several encounters I had over the years with a Los Angeles black magic cult that practices a mind control technique they term the ‘mind wipe’. For more on that technique, see my blog category: The dreaded mind wipe ..

The first time I experienced this invasion of my Higher Mental Body, and swiping of its contents, which were replaced by the unfortunate mental processes of whatever did the wiping, I can recall being overcome by an feeling termed ‘egoic terror’.

That feeling has to do with over-identification of Soul Awareness with the Higher Mental Body … as if our experience of incarnation had to do only with the thoughts in our brain. Looked at in a positive way, though, the first experience of being ‘mind wiped’ led me to an understanding that it is my Soul Awareness that reflects my true nature, and that this Awareness will stand me in good stead at the moment of death, when both the body and the brain that housed my mental field will no longer be available to me. Thus the second experience of ‘mind wipe’ was much less traumatic to me. And the third attempt, described here, was a ‘fizzle’ from the standpoint of the expectations of the black magicians lying in wait for me …

Link: “Amazing Astral Stories: The Darkest Hours . The Last Demon in LA,” by Alice B. Clagett, happened on 1 July 2016; narrated and filmed on 20 July 2016; published on 22 July 2016; revised … ..

Fugue State While Demonically Possessed. That Vodouists believe the possessed person will have no memory of the time interval in which he or she is possessed aligns with psychic intel I got while in Durango, Colorado, in years past. That intel had to do with a person who lapsed into a fugue state, committed acts of atrocity, and then snapped out of it, maybe with inexplicable blood stains on his white shirt. For more on that, see my blog category: Fugue state – dissociative fugue ..

Vampirism (Catastrophic Energy Drain) Through Spirit Possession. That the possessed person is left physically exhausted by the possessing entity is in alignment with a psychic experience I had about 10 years ago, to do with vampirism (catastrophic drain of my vital force) through visualization of rectal intercourse by a black magician who was at an unknown distance from me on the physical plane.

In the ensuing years I have heard, on the psychic plane, that black magicians in Los Angeles have afflicted other Angelenos with vampirism through use of similar visualizations. For more on this, see my blog category: Vampires ..

I take it that this experience of catastrophic energy drain may have to do with juxtaposition of the ‘reverse kundalini’ of the black magician’s astral body with the astral form or physical body of a victim whose kundalini is not reversed. As to whether a possessing entity enters the fray, my best guess would be: Sometimes yes, and sometimes no.


Although I have no hands-on experience with indigenous creeds, I take those sorts of practices I take to be expressions of black magic; I found through my psychic experiences that black magic is linked to the experience of reverse kundalini, and so I feel that there may be indigenous creeds whose spiritual energies flow along together with those of people who experience reverse kundalini.

I feel the same about shamanic practices. I read online there are 8 million or 9 million people worldwide practicing shamanism. I know that shamanism is considered ‘up and coming’ by many here in America, and that I am swimming against the stream in this regard. My feeling is, though, that insofar as shamanism has to do with curses and spells, it is in alignment, to some extent, with the energies of the person experiencing reverse kundalini.

In ‘bucking the tide’ of reverse kundalini energies worldwide, the person aspiring to the state of kundalini risen must take into account the antipathetic effect of the noospheric energies of black magic practiced by indigenous creeds and by followers of shamanism worldwide.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 30 July 2020; revised on 27 September 2023
Edited and added to a longer blog as well.

This blog has been revised and added to … Link: “Kundalini Risen to Protect Against the Predations of Black Magicians,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 25 July 2020 … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


reverse kundalini, indigenous creeds, shamanism, Santeria, Candomble, Umbanda, Macumba, Haitian Vodou, voodoo, transcending the Dark, homosexuality, Higher Mental Body, yoga, tantra, black tantra, United States, California, Los Angeles, Latin America, Brazil, countries of Earth, B Black Magicker, Bespeller – Voodoo Man, Regal Hex, Lazarus, Witchy Woman Hater, indigenous religions,

Kundalini Risen to Protect Against the Predations of Black Magicians . by Alice B. Clagett *

For those of us who are destined to awaken the kundalini energy within their central vertical power current, the experience of kundalini risen offers a sure course to protect ourselves from the curses and evil spells of black magicians.

  • REVERSE KUNDALINI  [Black Magicker, Bespeller – Voodoo Man, Regal Hex, Lazarus, Witchy Woman Hater]
    • Life Choices That May Create the Phenomenon of ‘Reverse Kundalini’
    • Effect of Reverse Kundalini on the Higher Mental Body and the Lower Mental Body of a Person
    • Broadcasting of Malspeak as Nightmarish Dreams While Sleeping
    • Effects of Reverse Kundalini: Antisocial Thought Forms, Astral Stories, and ‘Acting Out’
      • Reverse Kundalini Syndrome
    • Fractal Dissemination of Reverse Kundalini by the Black Magician
    • Black Tantra (Group Male Homosexual Experience) as a Means to Create the Reverse Kundalini Experience
    • Is the Indian Debate About the Householder and the Celibate Lifestyle an Euphemism to Do with Heterosexual or Homosexual Sacred Sexuality as a Path to Enlightenment?
    • Might Followers of Indigenous Creeds and Shamanism Worldwide Contribute to Noospheric Energies of People Experiencing Reverse Kundalini?
      • Macumba: Infliction of Harm on Others
        • Comments: Getting Round Black Magic Curses and Spells
      • Candomblé: Spirit Possession That May Lead to Homosexuality
        • Comments: Links Between Spirit Possession, Homosexuality, and Reverse Kundalini
      • Haitian Vodou: Spirit Possession / Vampirism
        • Comments
          • My Mind to Your Mind
          • The Human ‘Horse’ or ‘Donkey’
          • Egoic Terror and the Dreaded Mind Wipe
          • Fugue State While Demonically Possessed
          • Vampirism (Catastrophic Energy Drain) Through Spirit Possession.
      • Practitioners of Indigenous Creeds May Experience Reverse Kundalini
    • ‘Bucking the Tide’ of Reverse Kundalini Energies
    • Life Choices That May Create the Phenomenon of ‘Kundalini Risen’
    • Effect of Kundalini Risen on the Higher Mental Body and the Lower Mental Body of a Person
    • Stories by Alice: The Spontaneous Experience of Kundalini Risen
      • Sidebar: “Shogun,” Anjin San and the Zen Moment
    • The Gentle Technique of Kundalini Risen as Taught by Yogi Bhajan
    • The ‘Locks’ and ‘Pranayam’ That Cause the Kundalini to Rise
    • Effects of Kundalini Risen: Magnetic Attraction, Happiness, Spiritual Wisdom, Luck in Life
    • Kundalini Risen Deters the Predations of the Dark
    • The Physical and Subtle Bodies of a Person
    • Reverse Kundalini Affects the Physical Body and the Seven ‘Personal’ Subtle Bodies
    • Deleterious Effects on Others of the Sleeping Thought Forms of a Person Experiencing Reverse Kundalini
    • Black Magic Spells and Curses by the Black Magician Consciously Projecting Reverse Kundalini Thought Forms Towards Other People
    • Black Tantra as a Group Method to Experience Reverse Kundalini
    • Black Tantra as a Putative Cause of Astral Gang Attacks on Single Women
    • Alice’s Perilous Tales: Twenty Years Spent in Learning How to Counter Psychic Predations of Raiding Groups of Astral Men in Los Angeles
      • Jackass Love Curse
      • “Bow Down to Me” 3-Part Football Play
      • Standing on the Floor Above the Mark
      • ‘Slam Dunk’ in Switzerland
    • Immediate Shielding Effect of Kundalini Risen
    • Kundalini Risen Affects the Subtle Body Termed the ‘Body of Light’, Which ‘Trumps’ the Subtle Bodies Affected by Reverse Kundalini
    • More on the Physical and Subtle Bodies of a Person
    • My Experience with an Easy Kundalini Set: Untoward Psychic Phenomena Fled Away When the Set Was First Practiced
    • Invocation of God’s Presence
    • Basic Spinal Energy Series
    • Optional Add-ons
    • The Yoga Set in Written Form
Kundalini Risen to Protect Against the Predations of Black Magicians

Image: “St. Catherine of Siena Besieged by [Six] Demons,” anonymous (Lesser Poland), circa 1500, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “St. Catherine of Siena Besieged by [Six] Demons,” anonymous (Lesser Poland), circa 1500, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Dear Ones,

After searching for years for the answer to the question: How may I protect myself against astral rape, against astral vampirism, and against the astral ‘pass-through’ or ‘flow-through’ that dilutes the purity of the central vertical power current, I have finally come up with an explanation for these phenomena, and a solution that can be utilized by most people who are in good health.

Insofar as I know, the conclusions I reach herein are novel and unique to occult researchers worldwide. These conclusions are based partly on my psychic experiences and partly on my physical experiences of kundalini in its many aspects. Here is what I found out …


The portions of the human mind within the energy field of the torso are two: the subconscious mind or ‘gut brain’ or Lower Mental Body in the lower torso, and the conscious mind or Higher Mental Body in the brain.


These two minds, the Lower Mental Body and the Higher Mental Body, can be united and harmonized through meditation on the heart chakra. That meditation is termed ‘bhakti yoga’ or devotion to God, and is often expressed through contemplating or song in praise of God. It is meditation on the heart, and following the heart as a moment-to-moment event in daily life, that causes the experience of ‘one mind’, or ‘single mindedness’. That is the ability to clearly express one’s intent through consistent action in life.


The human energy field … the electromagnetic field or ‘aura’ … is shaped like a torus; more or less like an apple with a hollow core. The hollow core of the human torus is called the ‘kundalini’ or ‘central vertical power current’.

The kundalini can exist in a human being in several different states …

  • In many people the kundalini is stagnant, not moving up or down.
  • In some people the kundalini ‘shilly-shallies’ in a jittering up-and-down motion. It may do so bit by bit, all day long, or only occasionally, say, once a day or once a month.
  • In some people the kundalini flows downward, from the crown of the head to the bottom of the torso. This downward energy is termed ‘reverse kundalini’ flow.
  • And in some people the kundalini flows upward, from the bottom of the torso to the crown of the head. This upward energy is termed ‘kundalini risen’.


The kundalini is stagnant in many people who lead normal lives, and have an interest in worldly things rather than an inclination towards the spiritual realms.

My intuitive feeling is that the kundalini may become more stagnant than the norm through the use of morphine, heroin, or opioids. The occult texts indicate, for instance, that the use of drugs can cause a ‘woodenness’ in the connections between the physical body and the subtle bodies. That ‘woodenness’ may cause stagnation … lack of fluidity and lack of malleability in the central vertical power current as well.

There is a black magic device that is used to black magicians to bring the consciousness of a person with kundalini risen back to the normal state of stagnant kundalini. This is the Jackass Love Curse, particularly with regard to bespelling a person to be sexually attracted to an animal ..

Link: “How to Lift the Dire Karma of the Jackass Love Curse,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 15 June 2018 … ..

That spell causes the person’s gut brain to overcome the higher consciousness of the brain. In other words, the desires of the lower triangle become the ruling force in a person’s life. The lower triangle is a relatively sluggish fire of life, that burns steadily, flares up predictably from time to time, and continues to sustain the animal desire to survive until the wick of our life flickers out.

In that state the cast down yogi may remain after devastation by the machinations of the black magician’s Jackass Love Curse, unless he or she attain a greater understanding of the workings of the kundalini energy, and of those reliable ways once more to awaken it.


Intuition tells me that a jittery kundalini represents a weakened auric state. I feel that the weakened human electromagnetic field is the cause of the psychic phenomena I term ‘psychic rape’, ‘astral vampirism’, and astral ‘pass-through’ or ‘flow-through’ that contaminates the energy of the central vertical power current.

It could be that use of marijuana contributes to restless sleep, and restless dreams. These may exacerbate the shilly-shallying kundalini in some people.

My feeling is that the shilly-shallying kundalini occurs when a person is about to begin experiencing either reverse kundalini or kundalini risen; or, having experienced the one or the other, needs to decide which he or she prefers, and to take action accordingly.


Life Choices That May Create the Phenomenon of ‘Reverse Kundalini’

There are several life choices, I have read, that are thought to create the phenomenon of ‘reverse kundalini’. One is the practice of receptive rectal intercourse, as this practice, in time, may injure the rectal tissue, and cause the person to develop a liking for masochism, with attendant deleterious karmic consequences. For more on this, see …

Link: “Can People Who Practice Rectal Intercourse Attain Enlightenment?” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 20 June 2020 … ..

I have read that the practice of donor rectal intercourse, because it is said sometimes to inflict pain, may cause a person to develop a liking for sadism, with attendant deleterious karmic consequences.

Another life choice that may contribute to the phenomenon of  ‘reverse kundalini’ is the use of the drugs cocaine and methamphetamine, among other ‘hard’ recreational drugs.

Effect of Reverse Kundalini on the Higher Mental Body and the Lower Mental Body of a Person

The effect of reverse kundalini on the portions of the human mind within the energy field of the torso are this: The energy of the Higher Mental Body, or conscious mind, in the brain, flows down into the energy of the Lower Mental Body, the subconscious mind or ‘gut brain’ in the lower torso. There the Higher Mental Body encounters the energies of sadism or masochism, which manifest as ‘malware’ or ‘malspeak’ in the psychic plane.

This wounding of the Higher Mental Body through Lower Mental Body malware infection might cause mental filter errors during waking life. In other words, it might distort the cognitive capacity of the Higher Mental Body.

Broadcasting of Malspeak as Nightmarish Dreams While Sleeping

When the person with reverse kundalini is asleep, the malware or malspeak in his or her gut brain might, I feel, broadcast as nightmarish dreams through the Subconscious Thought Cloud of the World.

Effects of Reverse Kundalini: Antisocial Thought Forms, Astral Stories, and ‘Acting Out’ 

There is a constellation of antisocial thought forms and astral stories sometimes associated with reverse kundalini, including violent felonies such as armed robbery; home invasions; rape of men, women, and children; child trafficking; murder of men, women and children; genital mutilation; human or ‘blood’ sacrifice; cannibalism; entity attachment; demonic possession; and the type of Satan worship that is action-oriented rather than bookishly inclined.

Reverse Kundalini Syndrome. It seems possible these thoughts and astral stories may sometimes manifest on the physical plane as ‘acting out’ of these antisocial behaviors, although, I feel, far less frequently than these energies manifest in the dreamtime realm. To my mind these form a ‘Reverse Kundalini Syndrome’ of antisocial behavior.

Fractal Dissemination of Reverse Kundalini by the Black Magician

Intuitively I feel that the black magician who exhibits reverse kundalini energy flow can fractally disseminate that energy array to other people through the astral plane. This fractal dissemination might occur, I feel, when the black magician is asleep, through subconscious expression of malspeak into the noosphere.

Fractal dissemination of the malspeak could, I feel, also occur through the black magician’s visualization of his astral form entering the rectum of another person, feet first, so that his lower astral torso ends up in the other person’s head, and his head ends up in the other person’s rectum.

In that way the other person’s brain might become infected with the black magician’s Lower Mental Body malspeak, and the other person’s gut brain might be overcome by the black magician’s Higher Mental Body. There is an animation of this black magic fractal dissemination technique here …

Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: Uber Mind Control,” drawings by Alice B. Clagett, drawn and published on 24 August 2019 … … COMMENT: See the image of the man standing on his head at the top of the animation.

Black Tantra (Group Male Homosexual Experience) as a Means to Create the Reverse Kundalini Experience

Intuitively I feel that the male-to-male partnered group yoga practice termed ‘black tantra’ might be practiced in the world today, perhaps in the Hindu religion; possibly as a misdirection of the occult powers of the Kabbalah in Judaism; possibly amongst some monastics in the Buddhist religion; and also in men-only Satanic or Christian esoteric cults here in America, so as to ‘force bloom’ the experience of reverse kundalini, which may be flying under false colors as the enlightenment experience, when in actually, it seems to me, it is an expression of black magic or sorcery.

For more on this, please see my blog categories: Black tantra  … and …  Black magician – black magicker – subtle sorcerer – thuggee – drukpa (dugpa) – red hat – mantrik – brujo ..

Is the Indian Debate About the Householder and the Celibate Lifestyle an Euphemism to Do with Heterosexual or Homosexual Sacred Sexuality as a Path to Enlightenment?

I feel it might be that the practice of black tantra as a secret ritual may be behind the very long Indian yogic debate as to whether the householder life … such as that in the Sikh religion … or the celibate life (perhaps an euphemism for rectal intercourse amongst men) is the better path to enlightenment.

Might Followers of Indigenous Creeds and Shamanism Worldwide Contribute to Noospheric Energies of People Experiencing Reverse Kundalini?

Indigenous creeds such as Santeria, Candomble, Umbanda, Macumba, and tribal-voodoo are practiced by about 100 million people worldwide. I feel that the black magic aspects of these creeds may contribute to the noospheric energies of reverse kundalini.

Macumba: Infliction of Harm on Others. I think this because, according to Wikipedia, some indigenous creeds use their faiths to inflict harm on others.

For instance, I read: “Some practitioners purport to use Macumba to inflict harm, financial failure, illness, death, etc. on other people for various reasons.” –from Link: “Macumba,” in Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0

Comments: Getting Round Black Magic Curses and Spells. Infliction of harm through curses and spells is a feature of black magic. Through psychic research (rather than book reading) I have gleaned quite a lot about this aspect of black magic, and ways to get round it and keep safe. See my blog category: Healing astral intent to harm ..

Candomblé: Spirit Possession That May Lead to Homosexuality. In Candomblé, there is a ritual of possession of a man by a spirit, in the sense that a woman is ‘taken’ by a man, and this may sometimes lead a man, it is thought, from heterosexuality to homosexuality …

“Candomblé focuses on the worship of the orishas or orixás.[16] Practitioners varyingly define these orishas as “African sprits,” “energies”, or “forces of nature”, … and they are often conceived as being ancestral figures …

“Within Candomblé, it is regarded as a privilege to be possessed by an orisha…. As it entails being “mounted, being possessed is regarded as being a symbolically female role…. For this reason, many heterosexual men refuse initiation into Candomblé; some believe that involvement in these rites can turn a man homosexual.” –from Link: “Candomblé,” in Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0

Comments: Links Between Spirit Possession, Homosexuality, and Reverse Kundalini. That the fear of converting from heterosexuality to homosexuality because of spirit possession exists in Latin America aligns with the discussion of black tantra (M2M group tantra) as a black magic practice arousing reverse kundalini (see above). It adds the further aspect of spirit possession, which I have found to be true through psychic observation. For more on this, see my blog category: Obsession – possession – entity attachment – exorcism ..

Haitian Vodou: Spirit Possession / Vampirism. Haitian Vodou also practices spirit possession. “Vodou practitioners believe that during this process, the lwa [spirit] enters the head of the possessed individual and displaces their gwo bon anj (consciousness)…. This displacement is believed to generate the trembling and convulsions that the chwal [possessed person, ‘horse’] undergoes as they become possessed; …

Maya Deren described a look of “anguish, ordeal and blind terror” on the faces of those as they became possessed…. Because their consciousness has been removed from their head during the possession,

Vodouists believe that the chwal will have no memory of what occurs during the incident…. The length of the possession varies, often lasting a few hours but in some instances several days…. It may end with the chwal collapsing in a semi-conscious state….

The possessed individual is typically left physically exhausted by the experience….” –from Link: “Haitian Vodou,” in Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0 [Paragraphing is mine. –AC]

Comments. I see in this description of Haitian Vodou several parallels to my psychic research over the last 20 years.

My Mind to Your Mind. For instance, there is the thought that the possessing spirit enters the head of the possessed person. For more on this, search this term in my blog: My mind to your mind

The Human ‘Horse’ or ‘Donkey’. That Haitian Vodou terms the possessed person a chwal (‘horse’, someone who is ‘ridden’ by a possessing entity) aligns with my psychic intel regarding a man who became a ‘donkey’ …

Link: “Donkey Song,” a Story and Songs by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 6 February 2018; published on 7 February 2018 … ..

As well, it is in alignment with my intuitive rendition of techniques used by black magicians to degrade the Souls of people so as to ‘lord it over them’. These three techniques are described here …

Link: “A Short-Sighted Demon Elimination Technique,” by Alice B. Clagett, Written and published on 31 October 2015; republished on 20 March 2018; revised on 29 July 2018 … … See the section: How Demons Are Tied Down to an Unwilling Human Being Through Black Magic

For more on the techniques used in voodoo to make a man into a ‘donkey’, see my blog category: Voodoo ..

Egoic Terror and the Dreaded Mind Wipe. The anguish of the possessed described by Maya Deren I can relate to because of several encounters I had over the years with a Los Angeles black magic cult that practices a mind control technique they term the ‘mind wipe’. For more on that technique, see my blog category: The dreaded mind wipe ..

The first time I experienced this invasion of my Higher Mental Body, and swiping of its contents, which were replaced by the unfortunate mental processes of whatever did the wiping, I can recall being overcome by an feeling termed ‘egoic terror’.

That feeling has to do with over-identification of Soul Awareness with the Higher Mental Body … as if our experience of incarnation had to do only with the thoughts in our brain. Looked at in a positive way, though, the first experience of being ‘mind wiped’ led me to an understanding that it is my Soul Awareness that reflects my true nature, and that this Awareness will stand me in good stead at the moment of death, when both the body and the brain that housed my mental field will no longer be available to me. Thus the second experience of ‘mind wipe’ was much less traumatic to me. And the third attempt, described here, was a ‘fizzle’ from the standpoint of the expectations of the black magicians lying in wait for me …

Link: “Amazing Astral Stories: The Darkest Hours . The Last Demon in LA,” by Alice B. Clagett, happened on 1 July 2016; narrated and filmed on 20 July 2016; published on 22 July 2016; revised … ..

Fugue State While Demonically Possessed. That Vodouists believe the possessed person will have no memory of the time interval in which he or she is possessed aligns with psychic intel I got while in Durango, Colorado, in years past. That intel had to do with a person who lapsed into a fugue state, committed acts of atrocity, and then snapped out of it, maybe with inexplicable blood stains on his white shirt. For more on that, see my blog category: Fugue state – dissociative fugue ..

Vampirism (Catastrophic Energy Drain) Through Spirit Possession. That the possessed person is left physically exhausted by the possessing entity is in alignment with a psychic experience I had about 10 years ago, to do with vampirism (catastrophic drain of my vital force) through visualization of rectal intercourse by a black magician who was at an unknown distance from me on the physical plane.

In the ensuing years I have heard, on the psychic plane, that black magicians in Los Angeles have afflicted other Angelenos with vampirism through use of similar visualizations. For more on this, see my blog category:  Vampires ..

I take it that this experience of catastrophic energy drain may have to do with juxtaposition of the ‘reverse kundalini’ of the black magician’s astral body with the astral form or physical body of a victim whose kundalini is not reversed. As to whether a possessing entity enters the fray, my best guess would be: Sometimes yes, and sometimes no.

Practitioners of Indigenous Creeds May Experience Reverse Kundalini. Although I have no hands-on experience with indigenous creeds, I take those sorts of practices I take to be expressions of black magic; I found through my psychic experiences that black magic is linked to the experience of reverse kundalini, and so I feel that there may be indigenous creeds whose spiritual energies flow along together with those of people who experience reverse kundalini.

I feel the same about shamanic practices. I read online there are 8 million or 9 million people worldwide practicing shamanism. I know that shamanism is considered ‘up and coming’ by many here in America, and that I am swimming against the stream in this regard. My feeling is, though, that insofar as shamanism has to do with curses and spells, it is in alignment, to some extent, with the energies of the person experiencing reverse kundalini.

In ‘bucking the tide’ of reverse kundalini energies worldwide, the person aspiring to the state of kundalini risen must take into account the antipathetic effect of the noospheric energies of black magic practiced by indigenous creeds and by followers of shamanism worldwide.

‘Bucking the Tide’ of Reverse Kundalini Energies

In this regard, it is good for the kundalini risen aspirant not to fasten on any one group as the source of the antagonistic ‘reverse kundalini’ energies encountered in the psychic or physical realms, for these energies are ever present in the noosphere, among groups that practice both homosexual and heterosexual intercourse, and amongst people of many religions.

I found in Wikipedia today verification of my clair intuition that people of faiths not intentionally aligned with reverse kundalini may, ‘under cover’, as it were, also engage in reverse kundalini practices. Here is what I read …

“Many practitioners continue to practice their traditional religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc.) but also practice Macumba, often in violation of the tenets of their official religious affiliations but which their social environment appears to quietly accept.” –from Link: “Macumba,” in Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0

Here in the United States in recent years, I sense a rising tide of Christians who also practice Satanism … the one on Sunday morning, and the other the night before. This secret is buried so deep that I am unable to find statistics about it online. I feel, though, that the numbers may come to light in a few more years’ time.


Life Choices That May Create the Phenomenon of ‘Kundalini Risen’

Life choices through which kundalini risen may occur include a spiritual outlook on life, a pure diet, healthy exercise, a steady sleep routine, and avoidance of alcohol and recreational drugs. Sexual expression to do with kundalini risen is set forth as celibacy (the single life) if unmarried, and chastity (which is to say, fidelity to one’s spouse in matters of sexual expression) if married.

Effect of Kundalini Risen on the Higher Mental Body and the Lower Mental Body of a Person

The effect of kundalini risen on the portions of the human mind within the energy field of the torso are this: The energy of the Lower Mental Body, the subconscious mind or ‘gut brain’ in the lower torso, rises to the Higher Mental Body, or conscious mind, in the brain. As this upward flow occurs, the personal chakras (the chakras within the human torso) are purified of malware and malspeak. In time, as the purifying energy expands outward into the human energetic ‘torus’, the entire aura becomes radiantly pure, free of imperfections, and capable of acting as an impenetrable shield against the forces of the Dark.

Stories by Alice: The Spontaneous Experience of Kundalini Risen

Kundalini may rise spontaneously, but in my experience, the spontaneous experience of kundalini arisen is sporadic and unpredictable. I recall such an instance at the very beginning of my kundalini risen experience, in the second half of the 1970s.

In those years, information about kundalini risen was very hard to come across. The few sentences I had found about it were not practical instruction; rather, they seemed to me to be intentionally enigmatic and secretive. The closest I could find by way of practical instruction was an instruction to ‘hold the breath out’.

I recall one day sitting in the doorway of the tool shed where I worked in San Diego, California. It was an idyllic workplace, though rough and unfinished, where I had my spinet piano, a pallet, shelves for this and that, and a view through the back window of the wild and wide Manzanita Canyon. I recall I wrote this poem about that place …

Link: “God’s Garden,” a poem by Alice B. Clagett, written on 17 March 2018; published on 26 March 2018 … ..

But I digress. To continue with my first experience of kundalini rising: I sat down on the doorsill of the tool shed, feet planted on the dirt of the backyard. I determined to hold my breath out until I experienced kundalini rising. I wanted with all my heart to know what it was all about. Perhaps you, dear reader, have had a similar yearning?

What followed was a profound but fleeting experience of spiritual awakening, which I described in this poem …

Link: “The Serpent Yawned,” a poem by Alice B. Clagett, written in the mid-1970s; published on 15 February 2019 … ..

Sidebar: “Shogun,” Anjin San and the Zen Moment

In 1980, when I saw the television miniseries “Shogun,” when I noticed the reaction of Angin San (actor Richard Chamberlain) after he was prevented from committing Seppuku as a matter of honor, I was reminded of my own reaction to my first experience of kundalini risen …

Video: “Richard Chamberlain A Matter of Honor,” by RoundTop 1000, 12 May 2015 … ..

That is not to say that I feel one should attempt seppuku, or for that matter, any near death experience. On the contrary, slow and easy practice of Kundalini Yoga wins the day, and assures many long years of experience of kundalini risen.


The Gentle Technique of Kundalini Risen as Taught by Yogi Bhajan

It is the uncomfortable nature of the preliminary experience I had in using the ‘do-or-die’ ‘holding the breath out’ technique, and the evanescent nature of the results, that impel me to suggest to those so aspiring the much gentler technique of kundalini yoga, and in particular, that method taught by my own teacher, the late Yogi Bhajan, who founded the Healthy, Happy, Holy organization …

Link: “Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization (3HO)” … ..

For about 10 years in the 1980s I practiced this technique daily. In recent years, due to the predations of black magicians described elsewhere in this blog, I took up the practice again. Although I am much older now and must adjust my practice accordingly, I still find kundalini yoga to be a practice through which kundalini risen may be experienced as a habit of life.

The ‘Locks’ and ‘Pranayam’ That Cause the Kundalini to Rise

This form of yoga uses the yogic ‘locks’ or ‘bandhas’ of yoga, together with a tempered type of yogic breathing (or ‘pranayam’) in which the breath is held in or out.

The locks and the pranayam combined are the method through which the kundalini energy is ferried upward from the basal chakra, through the heart chakra, to the crown chakra at the top of the head. They are like the locks in the Panama Canal that carry boats from the Pacific Ocean or the Atlantic Ocean to the high “Gatun Lake’ in the Isthmus of Panama.

Effects of Kundalini Risen: Magnetic Attraction, Happiness, Spiritual Wisdom, Luck in Life

The experience of kundalini risen makes a person magnetically attractive, happy, spiritual in orientation, and ‘lucky in life’. The dreamtime experience becomes pleasant and appealing; sleep becomes restful as well.

Kundalini Risen Deters the Predations of the Dark

For a person with kundalini risen, there are no nightmarish astral events, no psychic experiences of being preyed upon, no visits by negative astral entities or inimical human astral forms. One’s home becomes one’s fortress, as the home and the people in it are protected by the aura of the person with kundalini risen, and the pleasant higher dimensional beings that rejoice in that human energy.


The Physical and Subtle Bodies of a Person

My teachings offer that each person has six ‘subpersonal’ subtle bodies, then the physical body, seven ‘personal’ subtle bodies, and five ‘transpersonal’ subtle bodies. It is likely that many more rarified transpersonal subtle bodies will become evident to us as the Ascension process unfolds, but for now, I speak only of the first five transpersonal subtle bodies.

The question arises, which of these bodies … the one physical and the many subtle bodies … are affected by the experience of reverse kundalini, and which are affected by the experience of kundalini risen.

Reverse Kundalini Affects the Physical Body and the Seven ‘Personal’ Subtle Bodies

As nearly as I can tell, from psychic input over the last 20 years, the psychic powers awakened through the experience of reverse kundalini affect the physical body and the seven ‘personal’ subtle bodies only.

Deleterious Effects on Others of the Sleeping Thought Forms of a Person Experiencing Reverse Kundalini

On the astral plane, because of the sadistic or masochistic waves of energy sent forth into the noosphere by the reverse kundalini person while sleeping, there may be deleterious effects on the physical and personal subtle bodies of other people as well.

Black Magic Spells and Curses by the Black Magician Consciously Projecting Reverse Kundalini Thought Forms Towards Other People

When the reverse kundalini person is a ‘black magician’ (which is to say, a reverse kundalini person who consciously uses his psychic powers to cause harm to other people), then the black magic spells and curses of the black magician may cause intentional harm to other people.

Black Tantra as a Group Method to Experience Reverse Kundalini

When men engage in group black tantra (whether this involves the act of rectal intercourse in a physical sense or else implication of the act through visualization of another man’s upended buttocks in a group context) it seems to me it would be natural for a psychic bond to form amongst the men in the group.

Black Tantra as a Putative Cause of Astral Gang Attacks on Single Women

I feel it may be that such a psychic bond amongst men practicing group black tantra may account for the attachment of six to 15 attacking, male, astral forms that I have experienced in the last 20 years. These are very poor odds for a woman to face, on the psychic plane; her chance of physical survival is dim.

Alice’s Perilous Tales: Twenty Years Spent in Learning How to Counter Psychic Predations of Raiding Groups of Astral Men in Los Angeles

Oddly (for a long time, even speechlessly) on the psychic plane, I have found five or six such groups here in Los Angeles that depend … whether consciously or unconsciously … for their survival upon the death of women who have been lured, in ways traditional to each group, to become ‘marks’ or ‘targets’ for the psychic predations of these raiding groups of astral men.

Jackass Love Curse. One of these is the ‘jackass love curse’ of which I have written priorly …

Link: “How to Lift the Dire Karma of the Jackass Love Curse,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 15 June 2018 … ..

“Bow Down to Me” 3-Part Football Play. Another is the “Bow Down to Me” 3-Part Football Play …

Link: “Schadenfreude and the “Bow Down to Me” 3-Part Football Play,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 13 November 2013; revised and republished on 5 June 2017 … ..

Standing on the Floor Above the Mark. Another has to do with one spiritual adept standing … either astrally or physically … on a floor above the floor on which I, the ‘mark’ is standing or sleeping. The thought in that, I feel, is that the spiritual adept is ‘higher than’ the mark, and thus able to exert the power of mind control over them.

This image or act of ‘standing above’ another person is, I feel, related to the above-mentioned ‘bow down to me’ spell, and both are related to the feral drive for the male leader of an animal pack to lord it over other members of the pact, whether male or female, by the act of donor rectal intercourse. For more on one-upmanship, please see my blog category: One-upmanship – rectal intercourse – colonoscopy ..

‘Slam Dunk’ in Switzerland. I have also experienced, in one such Southern California group, movement from psychic warfare against women to a ‘slam dunk’ on the physical plane. I recall offering a small check a few times while visiting the premises. It seemed to me likely that, because of the small donations, the man in charge of the group must have taken me for a ‘mark’. The next time I went there, and with out preliminary conversation, he showed me the photo of a man in one of the group’s spiritual pamphlets, and said (I paraphrase): This is my friend. Isn’t he good looking? Here is his phone number in Switzerland. You could fly out and meet him.

As both of these men were strangers to me, I found this encounter odd in the extreme. In mulling over the details, I arrived at a very dark tale, perhaps practiced successfully many times. to do with murder of women in Switzerland and transfer of their property to a Swiss bank account.

Then later, on walking those grounds, I arrived at psychic confirmation, in a manner of speaking. After meditating, I walked back towards my car. On the way, at a distance of perhaps 20 paces, I saw a man walking towards the office there. The man looked like the man in the book. As he walked past, he said telepathically: I would rather mate with a sow than you!

This remark I took to indicate the depth of his hatred of intercourse with women. From that I deduced his homosexual orientation, and placed that group on one of a growing list of Los Angeles area reverse kundalini groups.

Immediate Shielding Effect of Kundalini Risen

Although I have experienced insistent black magic incursions such as ‘astral gang bang’ and ‘psychic heart attack’ and for the last two decades, nevertheless the minute I begin to experience kundalini risen, the incursions cease.

Kundalini Risen Affects the Subtle Body Termed the ‘Body of Light’, Which ‘Trumps’ the Subtle Bodies Affected by Reverse Kundalini

From this I began to envision that the experience of kundalini risen must proceed from a subtle body superior to those affected by reverse kundalini. It has come to me now that the subtle body most affected by kundalini risen is the first of the transpersonal subtle bodies, the Soul Bridge, the Causal Template, to which I usually refer as the body of Light.

Through inference I arrived at the conclusion that the experience of kundalini risen ‘trumps’ the experience of reverse kundalini. The experience of kundalini risen, I feel, creates an auric shield that strongly rebuffs every black magic spell or curse, whether by a lone black magician or a group of them attacking in concert.

More on the Physical and Subtle Bodies of a Person

For more on the physical and subtle bodies of a person, according to my teachings, see …

Link: “Our Bodies, Both Physical and Subtle – Our Chakras – and Our Four Minds,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 13 July 2019 … … Search for the section: SUMMARY: SUBTLE BODIES, BRIDGES, AND CHAKRAS GROUPED BY MENTAL BODY OR MIND


My Experience with an Easy Kundalini Set: Untoward Psychic Phenomena Fled Away When the Set Was First Practiced

In recent months, I have taken to doing a short, unstressful kundalini yoga spiritual practice a few times a week. The first time I practiced it, all adverse psychic phenomena fled away. For a few weeks, they would return and attempt entry into my energy field while I was sleeping, especially if I napped in the afternoons, and when I slept on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights.

When these unpleasant psychic or astral experiences occurred, I found that by getting up and doing a short version of the below yoga set, I could forestall more occurrences that night.

Thus I suggest practicing the yoga late in the afternoon on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday, and also during times of incoming, Earth-directed coronal mass ejections, so as to help still the astral airs during those more noospherically dynamic times.

I have found a yoga set that can be practiced by most healthy people, upon favorable doctor’s advice. I suggest starting off very simply, with no more than a minute in each pose. I also suggest not doing any exercise that is physically uncomfortable.

Invocation of God’s Presence

It is vitally important, in doing kundalini yoga, to invoke God’s name before practicing the yoga. One may use any Godly invocation. I like the one I learned while first practicing kundalini yoga; that is the Adi Mantra, “Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo” …

Video: “Kundalini Yoga Tune In: Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo,” by Kooshoo, 4 February 2014 … ..

It is very important not to invoke the name of Satan, but rather the name of God. The name of Satan is associated with the experience of reverse kundalini, which is the opposite of the effect you are about the achieve: that of kundalini risen. Also, do not invoke the name of  Shiva or Kali, as those names are, in part, associated with destruction, or tearing down, of the material form.

Of course, all things are God, but the attribute of God best conveyed through the invocation is that of God the Creator, of Brahma, of Source or of the primal God, or of Jesus Christ, or Lord Krishna, according to one’s religious convictions. The wise choice to invoke one of these attributes of God indicates a person’s willingness to experience kundalini risen.

Basic Spinal Energy Series

Next is the 3HO “Basic Spinal Energy Series,” which takes about half an hour …

Link: “Kundalini Yoga Basic Spinal Energy Series” by M.S.S. Gurucharan Singh Khalsa… … CREDIT: From the book “Kundalini Yoga / Sadhana Guidelines: Exercise & Meditation Manual,” by M.S.S. Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, December 1976, published by Kundalini Research Institute, copyright 1974-1978, pp. 45-46 … also available on video …

Video: “Basic Spinal Energy Series,” by Catherine Scherwenka, 1 January 2017 … ..

The above video also has the closing ‘layout’ … relaxation while lying on the back … in it. I suggest a 10-minute ‘layout’ at the end of the set, if time avails, rather than the fewer minutes in the video.

I note the video also has the traditional wakeup exercises in it, and the closing chant, which I feel to be very important.

Optional Add-ons

I usually add, before the closing chant, an optional three-minute meditation to tranquilize the mind …

Link: Healthy Happy Holy Organization (3HO) … Search the term: Meditation to Tranquilize the Mind … COMMENT: This meditation was originally taught by Yogi Bhajan on 28 February 1979.

Then at the very end I usually sing the “Longtime Sunshine” song …

Video: “Snatam Kaur – Long Time Sun,” by Sikh Mantras, 8 November 2019 … ..

The Yoga Set in Written Form

As you become more used to the yoga set, it might be helpful to print out this explanation and images of the exercises in the set …

Link: “Basic Spinal Energy Series,” by 3HO Organization … … Search for the term: Basic Spinal Energy Series ..

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 25 July 2020; revised on 20 May 2022
Previously titled: Kundalini Yoga to Protect Against Psychic Rape and Astral Vampirism


Link: “Catastrophic Childhood Experiences – Compendium: Black Magicker,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 12 August 2020 … ..


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


astral rape, psychic rape, pass-through, flow-through, healing astral intent to harm, overcoming mesmerism through faith, vampires, reverse kundalini, kundalini, subconscious mind, gut brain, Lower Mental Body, Higher Mental Body, conscious mind, bhakti yoga, devotion, heart energy, heart chakra, unity, harmony, yoga, central vertical power current, locks, bandhas, human torus, rectal intercourse, drugs, cocaine, methamphetamine, morphine, opioids, heroin, law enforcement, cannibalism, psychology, psychiatry, antisocial personality, entity attachment, possession, cannibalism, genital mutilation, child trafficking, rectal intercourse, human sacrifice, blood sacrifice, chakras, first chakra, fourth chakra, seventh chakra, crown chakra, basal chakra, mental filters, cognition, Alice’s perilous tales, my favorites, Adventures with Alice, stories, stories by Alice, Thought forms, astral planes, astral stories, nightmares, health, healing, noosphere, subconscious thought cloud of the world, kundalini, esoteric lore, occult mysteries, arcana, physical body, subtle bodies, body of Light, etheric body, emotional body, vital body, pranic body, astral body, etheric template, celestial body, personal subtle bodies, transpersonal subtle bodies, soul bridge, causal template, Christianity, Buddhism, Sikhism, Yogi Bhajan, 3HO, Hinduism, Judaism, American Sikhism, United States, California, Los Angeles, Neo-Hinduism. Sacred sexuality, Theosophy, enlightenment, transcending the Dark, psychic abilities, clair senses, telepathy, human telepathy, psychic powers, spiritual adepts, mind control, acting out, misogyny, power over, sadomasochism, group tantra, homosexuality, paraphilia, profligacy, chastity, mark, psychic heart attack, voodoo, shamanism, indigenous creeds, Santeria, rectal intercourse, birth control, Latin America, South America, Zen, Santeria, Candomble, Umbanda, Macumba, Haitian Vodou, birth control, reverse kundalini syndrome,  Black Magicker, Bespeller – Voodoo Man, Regal Hex, Lazarus, Witchy Woman Hater, Very Proper Man, Castratrux – Basal Vampire, indigenous religions,

Obsession as Folie à Deux . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 5 June 2019

    • Image: “Around the Dragon’s Broken Neck Hangs the Medal of Saint Lazarus”
    • Shared Identity in Folie à Deux

Dear Ones,


Might obsession or possession be considered an instance of folie à deux, in a psychological context? That is to say, might the obsessed person have subconsciously agreed to be ‘obsessed’ by the shadow of the personality of another person? Are there long-standing friendships in which this is the case?


An instance might be where one man has a tendency to bullying, yet was taught as a child not to do so. Still, he has the samskara of bullying, not yet cleared from his Soul wounding, but unknown to himself in adulthood.

I hypothesize that the subconscious mind of such a man might lead him to develop a friendship with a man who has a similar samskara, and less inhibition toward acting out. Then the first man might put his friend in a position of acting out the bullying, which would be gratifying to both men … the one, at first hand, and the second, through putting himself in the place of the man who achieves the act in the physical realm. In other words, the first man enjoys the act of rape ‘by proxy’ through the second man, who ‘stands in’ for him.

Here is an instance I heard of on the astral plane in recent years: One man might like to rape women, but knows it is wrong. He forms a friendship with another man, who flat out likes to rape women. The first man charms and woos women, and seduces them. These women fall head over heels for him, and give him a key to their abode.

The first man makes a copy of the key for his friend, who then slips in at night, blindfolds the wooed women, and rapes them.

The women can tell that the manner of sexual intercourse is very different from that of their lover. But they are confused, because the two men resemble each other in body weight, muscle mass, height, and hairdo. Because they were blindfolded, they do not know what happened.

These actions may occur in a mutual fugue state, and not be remembered by either man; if brought to their attention, they may or may not remember the events that occurred or why they occurred.


This lack of understanding of repetitive events, failure to remember them, and inability to change them, I posit would have to do with the subconscious repression of the first man, due to early childhood parental caveats; the springing forth of the repressed emotion, and its expression through obsession or ‘egging on’ of the second man, being the catalyst of the repetitive ‘acting out’; and then the boxing up of the emotion back into the subconscious mind of the first man, after the proxy act takes place.

The second man might remember the actions, but not feel that they were wrong or reprehensible, because his upbringing was different from that of the first man.

See also: Link: “Black Magic: Fugued or Tranced Person / Obsessed ‘Acting Out’ Folie à Deux,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 21 October 2016; published on 25 October 2016 … ..


Or this might be a recurrent daydream shared by the two men, played out using different women that they know, and maybe not substituting the names of other women in the daydream, so as to conceal their ‘mark’ or ‘target’ woman.

It is also possible that such a recurrent daydream might migrate to the shared thought of sex between the two men, but using the name of a woman as their fantasy sex object so as to avoid social censure on the astral plane.

Cultural homophobic concerns regarding such migration from shared male daydream of a female sex object, to mutual male astral sexual stimulation are, I feel, to some extent expressed in this artwork …

I suggest this image only be viewed by children if their parents consent, as they may find the topic unsettling … Image: “Around the Dragon’s Broken Neck Hangs the Medal of Saint Lazarus” by various artists (Hospital Productions) … DESCRIPTION: This is a photograph of a man standing by an oil barrel, and holding in his right hand a big tin can. In front of him is a person with a scantily clothed woman’s body and a man’s bowed head. To me, it seems as if the first man is about to pour something from the can onto be back of the person in front of him.

In fact, I feel this type of male shared daydream, whether by two men or by many, putatively targeting a lone woman, may be the basis for male athletic camaraderie and for men who socialize together in an all-men’s club or in cultures and religions worldwide where men and women socialize in separate groups.


Another manner of expressing this form of folie à deux might take place where one man is taught as a child to act with propriety. Yet he has a samskara of acting out in ways socially frowned upon, such as through sex work or pornographic movie acting.

This man does not engage in these behaviors, but still has the Soul wounding that, in another lifetime perhaps, expressed itself in these activities. Subconsciously he longs to express himself in this way.

The first man forms a friendship with a second man who has no inhibitions regarding these behaviors. The first man then eggs the second on to sex work, and facilitates this by providing a shared workspace for the activity. In that way he enjoys the sex work activity ‘by proxy’.

Or, the first man gets a job as a porn star, but at the last minute, for the closeup of the act of sex, the second man stands in and his genitalia are photographed in the act of intercourse. One might feel that the first man had acted in a way that contravenes societal expectations, but he might argue that the physical act was that of someone else, and not his own.

Shared Identity in Folie à Deux

That the second man ‘stands in’ for the act of sex can, I feel, lead to a subconscious misunderstanding between the two men. They may begin to answer the phone and transact business and personal relationships as if each were the other. They may not, in their subconscious minds, make the distinction ‘I’ versus ‘other’.

This misunderstanding may be abetted by similarity of physical appearance. In short, each may confuse himself with his friend. They may even feel they are the same person. This hypothetical instance might, I feel, be yet another expression of folie à deux.


In a similar way, a con artist group of people, or a cybercrime club, might be considered folie à coterie, as confidence games are, I feel, a form of bullying or one-upmanship.


In a psychological context, I feel these two forms of folie relate to the sexual dysfunction termed ‘sadomasochism’.

Alternatively, they might be thought of as daydreams expressing male bonding.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

bullying, rape, daydreams, folie à deux, obsession, subconscious, Soul wounding, samskaras, psychology, psychiatry, acting out, folie à coterie, cybercrime, confidence game, sadomasochism, societal expectations, one-upmanship, substitution, fugue state, shadow of the personality, male bonding,