Tag Archives: Mental filters

Stories for Children: Pop Quiz – Drug-Tinted, Rose-Tinted, and Black-Magic-Tinted Glasses . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 16 May 2022

Image: “A Colour Image of Sherlock Holmes,” by Sidney Paget, 1891, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sherlock_Holmes_-_The_Man_with_the_Twisted_Lip_(colored).jpg … public domain

Image: “A Colour Image of Sherlock Holmes,” by Sidney Paget, 1891, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sherlock_Holmes_-_The_Man_with_the_Twisted_Lip_(colored).jpg … public domain


Dear Ones,

Here is a story for children. The video is on how we see other people’s websites through their own, uniquely tinted eyeglasses.

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‘Take Shelter’ . movie review by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 19 July 2021

Image: “Apokalipse,” by Albert Goodwin, 1903, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Apocalypse-Albert_Goodwin.jpg … public domain

Image: “Apokalipse,” by Albert Goodwin, 1903, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Apocalypse-Albert_Goodwin.jpg … public domain

Dear Ones,

I skimmed through the movie ‘Take Shelter’ the other day …

Link: “Take Shelter,” IMDb … https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1675192/ ..

I find the movie interesting because the recurring images experienced by the male protagonist seem like what I term ‘image words’ from the gut brain (the subconscious mind’s vocabulary). It is good how the ending shows that a family can stand together and shelter in faith in each other, and love of each other, even if the subconscious mind is creating what the Ascensioneers call ‘vivid waking dreams’, in the case of the movie, more like vivid waking nightmares.

The movie also shows how one person’s fearful ‘mental filter’ (that of the husband in the movie) can influence another person (in this case the wife) to take on the same ‘mental filter’.

As a phenomenon, the tendency of the human mind to broadcast mental filters can be either good or bad. The difference has to do with the tenor of the emotional portion of the images that are broadcast. Is the emotion negative or positive? That is the key to the effect that broadcasting of one’s own mental filters has on other people.

For instance, in the movie ‘Take Shelter’ one of the visually striking images that recur in the mind of the male protagonist is a ‘murmuration’ of birds, perhaps starlings or sparrows. This is an aerial phenomenon rather like the simultaneous turning and wheeling motion of schools of fish in the water …

Video: “School of Fish,” by Earth Rangers, 25 July 2012 … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su1en9Vxpog ..

In the movie ‘Take Shelter’, the male protagonist feels a recurring anxious feeling, a feeling of  foreboding. It is, I feel, because of the negative tenor of his emotion that he takes his recurring image of a murmuration of dark-colored birds to be an omen of impending apocalypse.

Yet many people see a murmuration of birds, and feel joy or wonderment when they see it. Such is the case with the young women in this video …

Video: “Murmuration (Official Video) by Sophie Windsor Clive & Liberty Smith,” by IslandsAndRivers 2 December 2011 … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRNqhi2ka9k ..

It is clear, then, that it is the feeling that accompanies visualization of an image that causes its perception as a good image or a bad image.

When a person has recurring images popping up from the subconscious mind, and when these images are accompanied by a strongly negative emotion … one that is hard to deal with without ‘acting out’ … then psychologists might term that condition Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (as with COVID stress). Or they might term it ‘generalized anxiety’; or if the emotions get out of hand, they might term it ‘panic attack’. There is also the psychological term ‘paranoid schizophrenia’, which I gather might be a label for recurring ‘panic attacks’ as in the movie.

Broadcasting of mental filters has a good effect in cases where a person’s mental filters allow him to send forth uplifting images from the subconscious mind. In these instances, families or groups such as social circles and church congregations can stand together with courage against adversity.

Broadcasting of mental filters has a bad effect in cases such as that in the movie, where the protagonist’s fearful mental images cause his wife to become fearful, and cause his Ohio small town community to turn against him and label him mentally imbalanced. Broadcasting of negatively aspected mental filters can, I feel, cause what is termed ‘folie à deux’, ‘folie à famille’, ‘folie à coterie’ (that is, a delusion shared by two people, by a family, or by a small group); or in the case of crowds of people, ‘mass hysteria’. The latter may take place across a town, or across a nation, or even … due to the near-instantaneous nature of global communication … worldwide, as is the case with COVID fears.

Please do not misunderstand: It is not that we ought not take proper precautions regarding COVID; it is just that negatively aspected images to do with COVID can cause inappropriate actions … or no action at all, when action is in fact needed so as to preserve life. For instance, it may well be that COVID vaccines are a ‘hard sell’ worldwide because people are experiencing ‘fawn’, ‘freeze’, or ‘flop’ types of threat responses after taking in too much in the way of online images that cause them to feel the emotion of fear regarding COVID.

In cases where a person is affected by other people’s broadcasting of negatively aspected mental filters (such as with the relentless COVID newscasts last year), the person must learn to view negatively aspected mental images with a neutral mind, as does the male protagonist in the movie ‘Take Shelter’. Through cutting down on visual intake of negative images … for instance, by limiting one’s viewing of negative images online … anxiety about the future can be dealt with nonreactively. Or one may simply stand strong and still, while the image is visualized, until the negative feeling ebbs away.

That means to me that the true ‘shelter’ for one’s mind is a strong, still, neutral stance of mind despite the ups and downs of daily life.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

movie reviews by Alice, neutral mind,  mental filters, image words, subconscious mind, courage, emotions, anxiety, panic attack, paranoid schizophrenia, courage, joy, faith, COVID, stress, psychology, psychiatry, acting out, post-traumatic stress disorder, Ascension symptoms, vivid waking dreams, threat responses, threat energy, freeze-fawn response, flop response, Apocalypse,

Activation of Light for Reptoid Souls Lost in September 2017 Killer X-Flare . channeled by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 7 June 2021
This blog has been added to an earlier blog.

Activation of Light

Dear Ones,

There is a conspiracy theory that the ‘near miss’ Killer X-flare of September 2017 actually did wipe out Earth, and that a crew of Star Beings is attempting to rehabilitate our Souls so that we can continue onward with our Soul journey mentally healthy. Every once in awhile I run across this conspiracy theory as a mental filter in the mind of a person who is sending me thought forms through telepathy.

Here is my take on that mental filter: First of all, it is just that … a thought form created, in this case, by Reptilian Star Beings, that is intended to hobble and cripple the emotional bodies of human beings, so they may be enslaved.

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Selfless Service Timeline Trap . by Alice B. Clagett


Dear Ones,

Here is a video about a Conspiracy Theory mental filter intended by a member of a Reptilian Star Being or an insectoid Star Being (Greys, Mantids, Antlike or other) to ensnare a Lightworker in a temporospatial matrix. There is a Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I just came across another mental filter to do with Conspiracy Theory, that I had run across in the last solar cycle … Solar Cycle 24. And I came across it again in this solar cycle, as if they repeat at a certain time. It is a really ‘scarifying’ Conspiracy Theory with a solution very similar to the last Conspiracy Theory that I talked about today.

It had to do with the mention of the words ‘White Brotherhood’. This is a topic that has come up quite a bit, recently, in my writings.

There was a being that came in, most likely not of the ‘White Brotherhood’, but rather a bedeviling being … a Reptilian Star Race Being, or perhaps Insectoid Star Races, which includes Greys, and very [which are] intelligent.

This particular being seemed pompous and officious, and also the type of know-it-all being that wants to be in charge of you and tell you what to do, and tell you why you should not do what your heart tells you to do. That kind of being. I have been suffering this type of ‘outrage’ for hours today, off and on, starting in the early morning.

My heart would say: I would really love to do this!

And then this being would come in, sounding like a very knowledgeable man. This being would come in, and he would say: No, you can’t do that. You have to do … {and then he would come up with the opposite.]

And I would say: Well, I’m going to do what my heart tells me to do, and that is that. You can go to some other place … Like that.

This kept happening today. Then I was reading something, or hearing something, [and] the words ‘White Brotherhood’ came up. And here is a being very attached to that notion of White Brotherhood. He was attempting that butting in and taking over thing again.

So I said to him: You know … ‘White Brotherhood’. That’s a Heresy, the notion that a spiritual elite can only be white men. That’s a complete Heresy.

It did not work for very long, but it held him off for a little while. Then after I did a clearing process, I took a nap. And while I was napping, this issue came up that had to do with Conspiracy Theory, the White Brotherhood, this very being that is maybe a Reptoid or Insectoid mental filter passer-on-er being … perhaps a human being on Earth, Reptoid or Insectoid hybrid, who just keeps showing up, on the mental plane, you know? … keeps showing up on the astral plane and coming up with this idea that he owns or possesses other human beings, and that Lightworkers in particular are members of the White Brotherhood.

As a woman, does that fit? No. They say from the outset that they are a brotherhood, not a sisterhood. If they said ‘White Brotherhood and Sisterhood’ it might be a possibility … except that I believe people of all races and nationalities and cultures might become members of the Lightworkers.

It is just not appropriate; it is an old-time, misqualified type of situation, I feel. I feel that very strongly … although there is much good spiritual teaching in the White Lodge and the White Brotherhood that could be modified in such a way that it would be appropriate for today, I feel.

Getting on to waking up from sleeping: I had the strangest feeling … aching and pain in my upper chest and the top of my body, and a sweeping up of energy that was cutting through an entity attachment in my abdomen at the same time … coming through as this Conspiracy Theory cleared out of my energy field.

It goes like this: I started to say: Spirit to Team, Optimize timelines and dimensions, for the All through Free Will.

And this officious entity said: No, no. You can’t do that.

I said: Why?

It said: Because your friend … and it named the name of a person, a man … is in this other timeline.

Now this is an enslavement technique to do with Service to Others. The entity might say: Your friends [or the people that you care about] are in a particular timeline, and you have to be there with them in order to save them.

Is that ever not true!

Then it says: Ok, if you are in that timeline, I am the owner of that timeline, and you belong to me … and so do they!

You know? You have no options [according to them]. There you are, stuck in the Causal Realm.

So … The first thing to understand is: When a being says that to you, they are using one timeline and the Laws of Cause and Effect to try to enslave you and bind you down to a particular timeline so that you, as a Lightworker, cannot exercise your Ascension skills, [which] are beyond Time and Space … [which] have to do with multitemporality and multidimensionality, and the ability to be Here in the Now, in the presence of Light and love and joy and peace.

So you have to say to that being: I am not in that timeline. I Am a being of love and Light and joy and peace.

That brings you into your tenth subtle body, where you can experience the Now in all its wonders; when you can know that you are pure Awareness, and that you are not a physical being stuck in the physical realm … that you are not dependent on other people; you are dependent on your Ascension team. Your Ascension team is that which can help you to help everyone else … all the other beings everywhere. They have those skills.

This other being, that calls himself superior, and says that he has the right to enslave you in a particular timeline, cannot be so. He might be a Lord of Karma. He might be one of the Insectoid Star Races who is attempting to make you his property, [along with] all those other people.

So do not fall for the Service to Others Conspiracy Theory. Do not fall for that. Do not become a slave to any superior-sounding being. That is what I have to say today. And the …. [chuckles] … He is stopping me from hearing the words of my own story … Hold on just a minute [chuckles] … What a guy! …

Ok, here is what you have to say:

Spirit to Team!
Team to Teams!
Optimize timelines and dimensions
For the All through Free Will!

What you are doing is, from the position of the tenth subtle body … the Logos … you are speaking to your Ascension team, requesting that that team speak to the Ascension team of that other person … that friend of yours … the one that this other being … this person impersonating the White Brotherhood … says you cannot save unless you are chained to Time and Space …. And your two teams are working out the appropriate Awareness timeline and dimension for your friend, through his own free will, and for the benefit of all beings everywhere.

Do you see what I mean? You have to rise to your Ascension tools, in the Ascension level of your energy field, and speak through that, and let go these beings that are attempting to control us … whoever they may be. If they want to control you, they are not part of your Ascension team, and they are not part of the Ascension teams of your friends and family.

Your Ascension team will speak to you of love and Light and joy and peace; not of enslavement; not of what you ‘must’ do; but of what your heart asks you to do; how your own heart speaks to you. And that will be your guide.

[Waves goodbye and chuckles.] Another Conspiracy Theory bites the dust … the Conspiracy Theory of Selfless Service with masters in the White Lodge or the White Brotherhood. Possibly Insectoid-inspired, I feel … the insect-like (including the Mantid Star Brothers and Sisters). Not all Star Brothers and Sisters are all that cool. We have to choose.

Choose the highest and the best … the finest and the rarest energy … the ultralight (as others say) , the ultralove, the ultrapeace, the very highest wisdom. It has to do with these.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed on 7 June 2021; published on 9 June 2021; revised on 27 September 2023


This art offers visual concepts of how the mental filters of the Reptilian Star Races and the Insectoid Star Races (including the Greys and the Mantids) distort the Bodies of Light of human beings, who then seem to the intuitive to be ‘hybrid’ humans, because of the way that these ET mental filters distort their human subtle bodies. I term these hybrid humans ‘reptoids’, ‘insectoids’, ‘dracoids’, and so on.

Image: “Reptoid,” by Adam Milicevic, ~2016, at ArtStation …  https://www.artstation.com/artwork/drPqA ..

Image: “Insectoid,” by Kyle, 23 December 2019, in Expanded Perspectives … https://www.expandedperspectives.com/insectoids/ ..

Image: “Dragon Bjorn [Dracoid],” by suburbbum, 20 March 2013, in DeviantArt … https://www.deviantart.com/suburbbum/art/Dragon-Bjorn-360684162 ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


heresy, Service to Others Conspiracy Theory, Selfless Service mental filter, Lightworkers, solar events, solar cycles, Conspiracy Theory, White Brotherhood, Reptilian Star Beings, Insectoid Star Beings, Greys, mental filters, Reptoid, Insectoid, sisterhood, White Lodge, Activations of Light, Dark Interference, mind control, enslavement, causal realm, tenth subtle body, Logos, subtle bodies, tenth subtle body, Awareness, eleventh subtle body, logos, 9th subtle body, Soul, causal body, seventh subtle body, Activations of Light, multitemporality, multidimensionality, timelines, Awareness timeline, Awareness dimension, dimensions, Draco, Far Constellations, Orion group, Reticulum, Star Brothers and Sisters, Brothers and Sisters of Darkness, Brothers and Sisters of Light, dissolving black magic, transcending the Dark, overcoming mesmerism,

Words from Ra to Tame a Hostile Alien Entity . channeled by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 3 June 2021; published on 4 June 2021

    • Words from Ra to Tame a Hostile Alien Entity: Soundtrack and Words

Dear Ones,

Here is a talk on Reptilians and Dracs and how to tame them using words from Ra. There is also a discussion on using the words from Ra for a change in social outlook for the human hybrids known as Reptoids and Dracs in esoteric circles; as antisocial personalities in the realms of psychology and psychiatry; and as criminals in law enforcement.



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I have some words that you can say, to tame a hostile alien entity. These words are feline or leonine in origin. They have to do with the Hathor Lineage, the Sekhmet quality of the Hathor lineage. That lineage pertains to Ra … not the ‘Ra’ of the entertainment world, but the real Ra of Venus, and to the Siriun heritage there.

Here on Earth we have, in addition to the blessed influence of beings of love and Light such as the Hathors, hostile alien beings … maybe Reptoid, maybe what they call Reptilian, maybe Drac and what you might call Dracoid. I use that ‘-oid’ as a way of saying that the mental filters of some human beings are set in such a way that their values and behavior are more similar to the star races known as Reptilians and Dracs, especially Great White Dracs.

So those mental filters for the ‘-oids’ … the Reptoids and the Dracoids … can be lifted and dissolved through sacred song. They are not a feature of a person’s physiology; they are a mental filter. So there is hope for all the people known by that name on the internet … all the people who seek power and so forth. There is hope, as well, for antisocial personalities and bigtime criminals who would like to try out a more ‘norming and conforming’ pattern of social behavior.

It is very easy to fix the mind filters … the mental filters … that have been placed there by Reptilians or Dracs.

This set of words … this way of speaking … is to tame the ‘real McCoy’, the Reptilian or the Drac … the real alien being, which is not in corporeal form.

I tested it on my domestic cat, and that is how I know that it works. She was kind of ‘alien’ priorly. After I started using these words, something happened inside her. It is as if a ‘switch’ turned on, and whatever overlights her being likes it too. So we are turning into pretty good friends now; better friends than before.

Ok, now, here goes …

Words from Ra to Tame a Hostile Alien Entity
Soundtrack and Words
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
2 June 2021


A laaa.
A leee lu la.
A Raaaaa.
A Raaaaa.
A Raaaaa.

In love, Light, and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Mental filters, negative astral beings, demonic realm, Hathors, Ra, Venus, Reptoids, Reptilian, Drac, Dracoids, mental filters, Great White Dracs, antisocial personalities, criminals, chanting, hymns, sacred song, felon rehabilitation, restorative justice, psychology, psychiatry, law enforcement, power over, Sekhmet,