Tag Archives: joy

ABC Song for Happiness . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 5 May 2022 and published on 7 May 2022
Location: San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, California

Image: “Alphabet blocks with carved and painted numbers and letters and drawings of creatures,” by Mary Mark Ockerbloom, 26 January 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Alphabet_Blocks.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image: “Alphabet blocks with carved and painted numbers and letters and drawings of creatures,” by Mary Mark Ockerbloom, 26 January 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Alphabet_Blocks.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

    • “ABC Song for Happiness,” sung by Alice B. Clagett

Dear Ones,

This is a video on how the “ABC Song” from our childhood … if we have had a happy childhood … can lift us up in times of trouble …

Continue reading

‘Take Shelter’ . movie review by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 19 July 2021

Image: “Apokalipse,” by Albert Goodwin, 1903, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Apocalypse-Albert_Goodwin.jpg … public domain

Image: “Apokalipse,” by Albert Goodwin, 1903, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Apocalypse-Albert_Goodwin.jpg … public domain

Dear Ones,

I skimmed through the movie ‘Take Shelter’ the other day …

Link: “Take Shelter,” IMDb … https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1675192/ ..

I find the movie interesting because the recurring images experienced by the male protagonist seem like what I term ‘image words’ from the gut brain (the subconscious mind’s vocabulary). It is good how the ending shows that a family can stand together and shelter in faith in each other, and love of each other, even if the subconscious mind is creating what the Ascensioneers call ‘vivid waking dreams’, in the case of the movie, more like vivid waking nightmares.

The movie also shows how one person’s fearful ‘mental filter’ (that of the husband in the movie) can influence another person (in this case the wife) to take on the same ‘mental filter’.

As a phenomenon, the tendency of the human mind to broadcast mental filters can be either good or bad. The difference has to do with the tenor of the emotional portion of the images that are broadcast. Is the emotion negative or positive? That is the key to the effect that broadcasting of one’s own mental filters has on other people.

For instance, in the movie ‘Take Shelter’ one of the visually striking images that recur in the mind of the male protagonist is a ‘murmuration’ of birds, perhaps starlings or sparrows. This is an aerial phenomenon rather like the simultaneous turning and wheeling motion of schools of fish in the water …

Video: “School of Fish,” by Earth Rangers, 25 July 2012 … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su1en9Vxpog ..

In the movie ‘Take Shelter’, the male protagonist feels a recurring anxious feeling, a feeling of  foreboding. It is, I feel, because of the negative tenor of his emotion that he takes his recurring image of a murmuration of dark-colored birds to be an omen of impending apocalypse.

Yet many people see a murmuration of birds, and feel joy or wonderment when they see it. Such is the case with the young women in this video …

Video: “Murmuration (Official Video) by Sophie Windsor Clive & Liberty Smith,” by IslandsAndRivers 2 December 2011 … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRNqhi2ka9k ..

It is clear, then, that it is the feeling that accompanies visualization of an image that causes its perception as a good image or a bad image.

When a person has recurring images popping up from the subconscious mind, and when these images are accompanied by a strongly negative emotion … one that is hard to deal with without ‘acting out’ … then psychologists might term that condition Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (as with COVID stress). Or they might term it ‘generalized anxiety’; or if the emotions get out of hand, they might term it ‘panic attack’. There is also the psychological term ‘paranoid schizophrenia’, which I gather might be a label for recurring ‘panic attacks’ as in the movie.

Broadcasting of mental filters has a good effect in cases where a person’s mental filters allow him to send forth uplifting images from the subconscious mind. In these instances, families or groups such as social circles and church congregations can stand together with courage against adversity.

Broadcasting of mental filters has a bad effect in cases such as that in the movie, where the protagonist’s fearful mental images cause his wife to become fearful, and cause his Ohio small town community to turn against him and label him mentally imbalanced. Broadcasting of negatively aspected mental filters can, I feel, cause what is termed ‘folie à deux’, ‘folie à famille’, ‘folie à coterie’ (that is, a delusion shared by two people, by a family, or by a small group); or in the case of crowds of people, ‘mass hysteria’. The latter may take place across a town, or across a nation, or even … due to the near-instantaneous nature of global communication … worldwide, as is the case with COVID fears.

Please do not misunderstand: It is not that we ought not take proper precautions regarding COVID; it is just that negatively aspected images to do with COVID can cause inappropriate actions … or no action at all, when action is in fact needed so as to preserve life. For instance, it may well be that COVID vaccines are a ‘hard sell’ worldwide because people are experiencing ‘fawn’, ‘freeze’, or ‘flop’ types of threat responses after taking in too much in the way of online images that cause them to feel the emotion of fear regarding COVID.

In cases where a person is affected by other people’s broadcasting of negatively aspected mental filters (such as with the relentless COVID newscasts last year), the person must learn to view negatively aspected mental images with a neutral mind, as does the male protagonist in the movie ‘Take Shelter’. Through cutting down on visual intake of negative images … for instance, by limiting one’s viewing of negative images online … anxiety about the future can be dealt with nonreactively. Or one may simply stand strong and still, while the image is visualized, until the negative feeling ebbs away.

That means to me that the true ‘shelter’ for one’s mind is a strong, still, neutral stance of mind despite the ups and downs of daily life.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

movie reviews by Alice, neutral mind,  mental filters, image words, subconscious mind, courage, emotions, anxiety, panic attack, paranoid schizophrenia, courage, joy, faith, COVID, stress, psychology, psychiatry, acting out, post-traumatic stress disorder, Ascension symptoms, vivid waking dreams, threat responses, threat energy, freeze-fawn response, flop response, Apocalypse,

Thoth’s Emerald Tablet 6 . commentary by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 31 May 2021; published on 1 June 2021
Full title: 
Commentary by Alice B. Clagett on “Tablet 6: The Key of Magic” that is in “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean” (Translation and Interpretation by Doreal)


Dear Ones,

Here is my commentary on “Tablet 6: The Key of Magic” that is in “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean” (Translation and Interpretation by Doreal). There is a Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I am taking a look at Doreal’s “Emerald Tablet 6: The Key of Magic.” I am just offering my own ideas, that seem to coincide remarkably well … amazingly well … with what Thoth had to say, in that Tablet, about the Key of Magic.

And also, I noticed an explanation in the righthand column, that matches my understanding of Black Magic and Spiritual Adepts … what you find in my website … I am looking at the words of Thoth, and then after that I will look at the explanation that is given in the righthand column.

Thoth is speaking of the wisdom of Magic. In the very first day when humankind came to Earth, or was created on Earth … at the very beginning … Thoth says, within those first humans there was both Dark and Light. Those two were fighting within each human being, for dominance or control.

In other words, through man’s Free Will, which would it be? Would the man become more Dark or more Light in that incarnation? The problem is that there are powers, here and about, here on Earth, that are hidden from human beings. Those powers can work for their greater Light, or for their greater Darkness.

Somehow or other, man has to figure out a way to call upon the powers he prefers, to create the outcome he hopes for his own Body of Light and his Soul. That is the secret reason for existing in human form: To be able to make the choices to become that which we choose to become, here on Earth … ever brighter, ever more Light; or darker and darker, and bound down to Darkness.

Now Thoth speaks of ‘Adepts’. I think he is speaking of Black Magic Adepts who are beyond physical form. And he speaks also of ‘Adepts’ who have conquered Darkness and are all bright and Light. In my writings I term them the Demonic Realm (for Darkness) and the Angelic Realm (for Brightness). In Indian lore they call them the Asuras (for beings of Darkness) and the Suras (for beings of Light).

And then recently, in my writings, I have been comparing the relative Light of the Blue Avian Star Beings, that may overlight the ‘Aves’ class of beings … the birds on Earth … especially the songbirds … to the relative Dark (it seems to me) of the Reptilian Race that may overlight the reptiles of Earth … and could be, also, the ‘Dracs’, that may have overlit the Dragon Kingdom on Earth that has dwindled so much these days.

I have a feeling the Dracs are also related to the dinosaurs that are not in form, that are waiting to overlight the return of the dinosaurs on Earth. And I feel that there are both Dark and Light dinosaurs … intelligent … just as there are both Dark and Light human beings … intelligent.

To get back to Thoth: There was a time, long ago, when Darkness seemed to be everywhere. There was Light, but it seemed feeble in its flame. There were people that Thoth calls the ‘Masters of Darkness’. I have run into these; I feel that they inspire these ‘cults that kill’ and the ‘mafias’ that are on the physical plane … sometimes crime gangs too. And so they overlight people who, for a little while, choose greater Darkness for their Souls.

And yet there are very devout people who are surrounded by the Light of the great, bright beings, and find themselves in faiths worldwide that support that brightness.

Speaking a little of the ‘Masters of Darkness’, the things I have noticed, actually on my own … I found this out by experience, but I am very happy to be supported by Thoth in this. Thoth says that they use ‘dark magic’ … I call it ‘black magic’.

There is a power of Darkness. There are ‘power over’ beings, according to “The Law of One.” Darkness has a certain power; and that power brings Dark Magic into the Body of Light of human beings. Thoth speaks of it making a man’s very Soul darker.

He calls these beings … these very formidable beings … ‘Brothers of Darkness’. They are our enemies; that is what the Christian faith sometimes calls them: “The Enemy.” But Thoth speaks of them in the plural.

I have a section in my blog called ‘Slave Planet Blues’. The feeling that I got is that here on Earth, and also in other galaxies, there are human beings and human-derived beings, that are enslaved by these ‘Brothers of Darkness’, who may have taken them off-world. Or it may be, in certain timelines and dimensions, even today … right now … that there exist these ‘prisons’ created by the ‘Brothers of Darkness’ that can enslave the Souls of human beings and bind them down … what they call ‘binding down’; that is one of the spells in my Black Magic section. The question is, how to escape those spells … not how to create them … because the very best creators of those spells are not human; they are ‘megahertz’ more powerful than we.

It is we who have to figure out … along with the help of the Angelic Realm … how to get out of the chains that may bind us.

. . . . .

Now here is a very interesting section by Thoth. He speaks of the ‘mind-space’ of a human being. And he speaks of the ‘Dark Veil’ or the ‘Night Veil’ that the Dark Brothers create around the mind. I call those ‘Mental Filters’; it is a little less scary. Once this Veil is placed upon the mind … once (in my terms) the Mental Filters descend upon the mind … then the Soul may find itself enslaved for the entire incarnation. That is what Thoth has to say.

Thoth’s admonition … and that is something that Lightworkers such as I take very much to heart … is that we must always keep our face turned to the Light. Never look to the Dark … always to the Light. That is the job of a Lightworker: To bring the Light to Earth, and ground it into Mother Earth, so that Earth herself will feel the peace and love and joy that is our birthright, should we will it.

According to Thoth, the ‘Brothers of Darkness’ search out those who have attained Soul wisdom … those whose Bodies of Light and Souls are full of Light … who have spent, perhaps, many lifetimes seeking the Light, and bringing the Light to Earth. The ‘Brothers of Darkness’ look for those people, because they know, if they could turn one ‘Brother of Light’ to the Dark, they could drag down many other people.

Especially, Thoth admonishes that the ‘Brothers of Light’ look to steering clear of the ‘Brothers of Darkness’. Thoth admonishes that, in the end, Darkness shall be gone, and there shall be only Light. The implication is: Why should the Lightworker turn to the Dark, when the Dark’s time is limited, and the Light is ever increasing?

I see here, Thoth explains that the ‘Brothers of Light’ are not human. They know the law of the Universe; they know the planets and their motion; they know the principles of harmony (such as Ma’at represents). It is they who hope to free the Soul of humankind from night and from Darkness. They are always fighting the ‘Brothers of Darkness’.

These ‘Children of Light’ … these ‘Brothers of Light’ … are always walking beside us. So we do not have to call out in a loud voice. In a whisper we can call, and still they will hear us, and they will help us to strengthen the Light in our Bodies of Light and in our Souls.

Thoth calls these the ‘Suns of the Morning’ or the ‘Children of Light’. As far as I can tell from his explanation, they have never known death, and they are eternally One … ‘through all space’ … What could that possibly mean? … through all space, and since the very beginning of time.

I have to say, the Suns of the Morning have to be very, very ancient; and very, very wise; and very full of Light; and capable of helping us human beings. When the first ‘space’ was formed, they were formed. Imagine that!

On the righthand side of the page, on “Emerald Tablet 6: The Key of Magic,” there is an explanation of the text. And this explanation matches … almost exactly … the understanding that I came to … after 20 years of fierce struggle … regarding energies on Earth that the author of the explanation calls the ‘Black Brotherhood’ and the ‘White Brotherhood’ or the ‘White Lodge’.

For politically correct reasons, I feel that this use of the terms ‘Black Brotherhood’ and ‘White Brotherhood’ is misleading. It could lead people to feel that you have a racial prejudice, for instance. In my own thoughts I think ‘Black Magic Brotherhood’ might be better. What do you think? Or you could say ‘Sorcerers’. I might not get immediate concurrence on this, but I feel that ‘White Brotherhood’ might be replaced with ‘Brotherhood of the Light’. ‘Lightworkers’ …

Another name for the ‘Black Brotherhood’ is the ‘Black Dugpas’. That is a term to do with Buddhism, I think, where some Buddhists long ago practiced Black Magic. I have found that there are people in every major religion who practice Black Magic … and many who do not. So the question is: In your own major religion, if you have one, to find out who it is that will help keep your Body of Light light, and who will not. That is a difficult thing to do, because there is a great deal of secrecy around the ‘Black Brotherhood’ … the ‘Black Dugpas’, the ‘Black Sorcerers’, the ‘Black Magicians’, and those sorts. Secrecy is their middle name.

All right now, I am going to take these points one by one, because each is very important, and each matches my own hard-earned learning about it precisely. It goes like this: The ‘Black Brotherhood’, or ‘Black Dugpas’, have their own Dark Spiritual Adepts. So the issue of Spiritual Adepts is a tricky one. It is hard to know whether a Spiritual Adept is for the Dark or for the Light. If there is an issue of Ego in it, and of self-serving, or of serving one’s own group as opposed to other groups, then there is an element of Darkness there. There are, however, Light Spiritual Adepts as well; and that makes it a tricky topic. The editor here says … and I agree completely … the sneaky thing about the Dark Spiritual Adepts is, they accept followers or ‘chelas’, and then they tell them that they will give them magical powers or ‘psychic powers’. That is very interesting to people who are new to that.

The powers that they give them are relatively insignificant. It is the Inner Circle of the ‘Black Brotherhood’ that knows the really powerful Black Magic. And it is the ‘Brothers of Darkness’ that bind them [the members of the Inner Circle] down and enslave them, that have the true control over the ‘Black Brotherhood’ groups. So what you have is a system of enslavement, starting with the Ego of people, and moving into Soul wounding on purpose.

The editor mentions powers that the ‘Black Brotherhood’ have to open the seventh chakra … they call it the Seventh Dimension here … and ask elementals for help. In Brazil the form that takes in the indigenous cults is to call in hostile entities, which then take possession of a person’s body, so that the person becomes the ‘horse’ that the evil entity rides … the ‘donkey’ made a fool of by the evil entity.

Another power that the ‘Black Brotherhood’ Inner Circle has is that of mind control. They can transfer thoughts into the minds of their followers, and they can hypnotize them. I have spoken of this often; it was the first thing I ran into [in the year 1999]. I was horrified, and I did not know what to do. But in the pages of my blog, you will find many techniques that help prevent the ‘Black Brotherhood’ from controlling your mind, or hypnotizing you, or sending thoughts into your mind that are to your detriment and cause Soul wounding.

These thoughts are being promulgated all over Earth all the time. It is up to us to take an active role in preventing them from injuring us. The situation is the more dire because the Inner Circle of the ‘Black Brotherhood is controlled by much darker and denser energies, and very intelligent ones indeed … the energies of the ‘Brothers of Darkness’, those mysterious beings.

. . . . .

Well, here is a scary note: The editor says that, if you sign your name in the ‘Black Brotherhood’ book, you are bound to them for your entire incarnation. I think the ‘Black Brotherhood’ believes this is true. But I am certain that humankind is gifted with Free Will as its birthright; and that, at any time … during any incarnation … it has the choice to reverse the energy flow from Dark to Light. I am certain of this. So do not let any ‘Black Magic Lodge’ convince you otherwise.

As Lightworkers, you know, we do not think about the Dark; we think about the Light. We do not hassle about the Dark or fight the Dark. We think about the Light. And if it seems like the Dark encroaches, we think of the Light. We create more Light. We like light emotions like love and peace and joy … those kinds of things. We think of those and feel them.

There is a fight going on; but the fight that happens within each human is the choice that they have between the Dark and the Light. No one on the outside can tell us that. It is up to us, through our own will power, to decide, I feel. No one can hold you against your will. It may seem so. But it is not true.

In love, Light, and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Citation: “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean,” translation and interpretation by Doreal, revised 2006, ISBN 0-9665312-0-5.


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Doreal, Emerald Tablets, Thoth, Magic, black magic, spiritual adepts, Darkness, Light, mythology, life on Earth, Free Will, Body of Light, Soul, Masters of Darkness, power over, cults that kill, mafia, crime gangs, street gangs, outlaw gangs, religions of the world, Body of Light, Law of One, Brothers of Darkness, The Enemy, Christianity, Slave Planet Blues, binding down, enslavement, reincarnation, mental filters, Veil, Children of Light, Lightworkers, Suns of the Morning, Black Dugpas, Black Brotherhood, Brothers of Light, Children of Light, Brothers of Darkness, chelas, psychic powers, magical powers, ego, White Brotherhood, White Lodge, Ego, Soul wounding, seventh dimension, seventh chakra, elementals, Brazilian cults, indigenous cults, entity attachment, possession, obsession, mind control, hypnosis, thought transfer, Buddhism, esoteric lore, occult, love, joy, peace, Hinduism, Neo-HInduism, Earth, life on Earth, Blue Avian Star Beings, free will, Reptilian Race, Theology, Angelic Realm, Demonic Realm, transcending the Dark, dissolving black magic, black magician, sorcerer, dugpa, drukpa, casting thought forms,

Interplanetary Alliance Within the Human Form: Mars and Venus United in Love . drawing by Alice B. Clagett

Dear Ones,

Within our human form, all unbeknownst to us, an interplanetary alliance has transpired. Within our very bodies Mars and Venus unite in love.

Here is a well-known painting that I have interpreted with a new twist, to do with my channeling of the Elder Race (the Martians) and of the Hathors of Planet Venus and of Earth’s solar planes,  in prior years. I have placed the Description and the Comments from the image caption as text below, for convenient perusal …

  • Depicted are Venus (Roman; known earlier in Greece as ‘Aphrodite’), Mars (Roman; known earlier in Greece as ‘Ares’), two Cupids, and a Satyr. Venus, a beautiful woman with ash-blond hair, stands barefoot on the left side of the painting; I have added a periwinkle blue shift for the sake of modesty.
  • Sitting beside her and to the right is Mars, a man of strong build, with a brown beard and hair and a thick, silken cape over his brown clothing.
  • Holding onto Venus’s lower right leg is a Cupid. On the righthand side of the painting is Mars’s horse, which is tended by another Cupid.
  • In the upper middle background of the painting is a statue of a Satyr, a lusty male nature spirit depicted on early Greek pottery.


Taking into consideration that the form we know as human includes within its physical and subtle bodies representatives of the planet Mars and representatives of the planet Venus, as well we humans ourselves, who are Earthlings, we might consider that the human form is a sort of interplanetary peace mission for our Solar System … a marriage of planets, as it were.

The third-dimensional Martians within us, who designed our physical bodies (being, as they are, marvelous at genetic engineering), live in our colons in a miniaturized form we humans call ‘bacteria’.

The fifth-dimensional Hathors of the planet Venus surge as forces of Light, love, and joy, through our heart chakras, vitalizing our bodies of Light with ever-new regenerative energy (as do the vitality globules in beams of Light from our Sun, which fill up our Pranic Reserves with sustaining life force).

Thus, this painting may be seen to represent the marriage of two planets … Mars and Venus, which are so very different in cultures and traditions … here on planet Earth, in these, the physical earthly forms of us human beings.

It is the sex drive … represented by the Satyr … that brings these two together, through the joyful harmony that the act of human sexual expression brings to our 15 trillion human body cells.

It is the love of self and other that we feel in fulfilling the need for human sexual expression … represented by the two Cupids … that creates a lasting interplanetary alliance within the human form here on Earth.

Interplanetary Alliance

Composite Image: “Interplanetary Alliance Within the Human Form: Mars and Venus United in Love,” adaptation by Alice B. Clagett, 21 April 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, , from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com … CREDITS: Adapted from “Mars and Venus United in Love (‘Marte e Venere uniti dall’amore’),” by Paolo Veronese, 1570s, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Paolo_Veronese_-_Mars_and_Venus_United_by_Love_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg … public domain … DESCRIPTION: Depicted are Venus (Roman; known earlier in Greece as ‘Aphrodite’), Mars (Roman; known earlier in Greece as ‘Ares’), two Cupids, and a Satyr. Venus, a beautiful woman with ash-blond hair, stands barefoot on the left side of the painting; I have added a periwinkle blue shift for the sake of modesty. Sitting beside her and to the right is Mars, a man of strong build, with a brown beard and hair and a thick, silken cape over his brown clothing. Holding onto Venus’s lower right leg is a Cupid. On the righthand side of the painting is Mars’s horse, which is tended by another Cupid. In the upper middle background of the painting is a statue of a Satyr, a lusty male nature spirit depicted on early Greek pottery … COMMENTS: Taking into consideration that the form we know as human includes within its physical and subtle bodies representatives of the planet Mars and representatives of the planet Venus, as well we humans ourselves, who are Earthlings, we might consider that the human form is a sort of interplanetary peace mission for our Solar System … a marriage of planets, as it were. The third-dimensional Martians within us, who designed our physical bodies (being, as they are, marvelous at genetic engineering), live in our colons in a miniaturized form we humans call ‘bacteria’. The fifth-dimensional Hathors of the planet Venus surge as forces of Light, love, and joy, through our heart chakras, vitalizing our bodies of Light with ever-new regenerative energy (as do the vitality globules in beams of Light from our Sun, which fill up our Pranic Reserves with sustaining life force). Thus, this painting may be seen to represent the marriage of two planets … Mars and Venus, which are so very different in cultures and traditions … here on planet Earth, in these, the physical earthly forms of us human beings. It is the sex drive … represented by the Satyr … that brings these two together, through the joyful harmony that the act of human sexual expression brings to our 15 trillion human body cells. It is the love of self and other that we feel in fulfilling the need for human sexual expression … represented by the two Cupids … that creates a lasting interplanetary alliance within the human form here on Earth.

Composite Image: “Interplanetary Alliance Within the Human Form: Mars and Venus United in Love,” adaptation by Alice B. Clagett, 21 April 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, , from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

CREDITS: Adapted from “Mars and Venus United in Love (‘Marte e Venere uniti dall’amore’),” by Paolo Veronese, 1570s, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Paolo_Veronese_-_Mars_and_Venus_United_by_Love_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg … public domain …

[For ease of reference the DESCRIPTION and COMMENTS from the caption are placed as text in the blog above.]

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

See also my blog categories: Mars – Martians – the Elder Race  … and …  Hathors (see also ‘All – Law of One – Ra’)

Written and published on 21 April 2021


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Council of Nine, Earth, Gaia, Venus, Hathors, Mars, Martian bacterial colonists, bacteria, microbiology, love, joy, Logos, Light, body of Light, planetary alliances, Martian alliances, Solar System, drawings by Alice, genetic engineering, bioengineering, commensalism, symbiosis, interspecies communication, telepathy, human telepathy, nonhuman telepathy, sexuality, Sacred Sexuality, physical regeneration, Ares, Aphrodite, Cupid, satyr, nature spirits, heart chakra, heart clearing, unconditional love, vitality globules, pranic reserve, spleen chakra, life force, ki, chi, dimensions, third dimension, fifth dimension, physical and subtle bodies, esoteric lore, occult, subtle bodies, physical body, harmony, body cells,

Emotions and ‘Deals with the Devil’ . by Alice B. Clagett

Written on 9 March 2021; published on 11 March 2021

Image: “Pope Sylvester II and the Devil,” by artist Martinus Oppaviensis, also known as Martin von Troppau and Martinus Polonus, circa 1460, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Silvester_II._and_the_Devil_Cod._Pal._germ._137_f216v.jpg … public domain … DESCRIPTION: “Illustration from Cod. Pal. germ. 137, Folio 216v Martinus Oppaviensis, Chronicon pontificum et imperatorum.” On the left is Pope Sylvester II, regally attired in a white robe with a red cloak over it. A papal crown is on his head. He is smiling peacefully and looking at a being on the right. The being on the right is humanoid, but has cloven hoofs, dark skin, and short, spikey wings. It has horns like a cow and long ears with little hairs on their undersides. On its face is a sad expression. On its abdomen is a face that looks like that of the Pope. On its knees, buttocks, and elbows are faces as well, but these are misshapen. The face on the being’s buttocks seems to be emitting red fumes; this may be a ribald joke about flatulence. … COMMENT: Martinus Oppaviensis created the “Chronicon Pontificum et Imperatorum” between the years 1277 and 1286; he did so at the suggestion of Pope Clement IV, for whom the memory of Pope Sylvester II (years 999 to 1003) may have been bitter. There is a legend that this earlier pope had made a deal with the devil out of ambition for his career. The illustration above is one pasted over the first in the Codex as its popularity grew over the centuries. –In part, excerpted and paraphrased from Link: “Cod. Pal. Germ. 137: Martinus Oppaviensis: ‘Chronicon Pontificum et Imperatorum’ (Pope-Kaiser-Chronik), German,” in Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg … http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/en/bpd/glanzlichter/oberdeutsche/lauber/cpg137.html ..

Image: “Pope Sylvester II and the Devil,” by artist Martinus Oppaviensis, also known as Martin von Troppau and Martinus Polonus, circa 1460, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Silvester_II._and_the_Devil_Cod._Pal._germ._137_f216v.jpg … public domain …

DESCRIPTION: “Illustration from Cod. Pal. germ. 137, Folio 216v Martinus Oppaviensis, Chronicon pontificum et imperatorum.” On the left is Pope Sylvester II, regally attired in a white robe with a red cloak over it. A papal crown is on his head. He is smiling peacefully and looking at a being on the right. The being on the right is humanoid, but has cloven hoofs, dark skin, and short, spikey wings. It has horns like a cow and long ears with little hairs on their undersides. On its face is a sad expression. On its abdomen is a face that looks like that of the Pope. On its knees, buttocks, and elbows are faces as well, but these are misshapen. The face on the being’s buttocks seems to be emitting red fumes; this may be a ribald joke about flatulence. …

COMMENT: Martinus Oppaviensis created the “Chronicon Pontificum et Imperatorum” between the years 1277 and 1286; he did so at the suggestion of Pope Clement IV, for whom the memory of Pope Sylvester II (years 999 to 1003) may have been bitter. There is a legend that this earlier pope had made a deal with the devil out of ambition for his career. The illustration above is one pasted over the first in the Codex as its popularity grew over the centuries.

–In part, excerpted and paraphrased from … Link: “Cod. Pal. Germ. 137: Martinus Oppaviensis: ‘Chronicon Pontificum et Imperatorum’ (Pope-Kaiser-Chronik), German,” in Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg … http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/en/bpd/glanzlichter/oberdeutsche/lauber/cpg137.html ..


Dear Ones,

I have quite an unusual image for you today. It is a later illustration of a legend popular in medieval times, to do with a deal with the devil. The illustration above was pasted over an illustration in the “Chronicon Pontificum et Imperatorum,” which was created between the years 1277 and 1286 by the artist Martinus Oppaviensis, who was also known as Martinus Polonus and Martin von Troppau (after the place of this birth).

On the left is Pope Sylvester II, regally attired in a white robe with a red cloak over it. A papal crown is on his head. He is smiling peacefully and looking at a being on the right.

The being on the right is humanoid, but has cloven hoofs, dark skin, and short, spikey wings. It has horns like a cow and long ears with little hairs on their undersides. On its face is a sad expression. On its abdomen is a face that looks like that of the Pope. On its knees, buttocks, and elbows are faces as well, but these are misshapen. The face on the being’s buttocks seems to be emitting red fumes; this may be a ribald joke about flatulence.


The story behind the illustration is a little like that in the legend of Pan Twardowski …

Link: “Deals with the Devil: The Legend of Pan Twardowski ,” retold by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 7 February 2021 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-loy ..

The story goes that the scholar Gerbert of Aurillac had is run-ins with the devil. He was said to be able to speak with the devil, and wanted to know what his chances for advancement in the world might be. According to the legend, he had a way of inquiring of the devil about future events. When he asked, he received a mystifying response regarding 3 ‘R’ words. In retrospect, the prophecy was held to be true, because he held three positions with the letter ‘R’ in them: Archbishop of Rheims (991-997), Archbishop of Ravenna (998-999), and Pope of Rome (999-1003). –excerpted and paraphrased from Link: “Illustration of Pope Sylvester II and the Devil from the Chronicon Pontificum et Imperatorum,” 21 May 2020, by The Historians Hut … https://thehistorianshut.com/2020/05/21/illustration-of-pope-sylvester-ii-and-the-devil-from-the-chronicon-pontificum-et-imperatorum/ ..

There is another legend that the scholar Gerbert of Aurillac made a deal with a female demon named Meridiana (meaning ‘Sundial’) that he should become pope. In return for this favor, the demon offered a trick reminiscent of the that in the legend of Pan Twardowski. The devil said the scholar must never say a Mass in Jerusalem. Forgetful of the trickiness of the devil, the scholar later offered the Mass in a church named “Holy Cross of Jerusalem.”

That was close enough for the devil, who attacked him right there in the church; but Pope Sylvester II repented and was saved. –from Link: “Sylvester II,” in Wikimedia Commons … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Sylvester_II ..


From the stance of a Lightworker, and to do with New Life on New Earth, I have another interpretation for the above image. This has to do with the effect of positive and negative emotions on our perception of the astral realm through telepathy.

From my clair experience, I know that each part of the body has a telepathic voice of its own. For instance, each chakra has its own voice, whose register and messages have to do with the purpose of the chakra. Each of our four minds … unconscious, subconscious, conscious, and superconscious … also has its own voice.

The joints and organs of the body also have their own voice, if they are in pain or feeling out of sorts. Could that be what is depicted as the faces in the knees and elbows of the being on the right?

In the image, you can see that the ‘gut brain’ face on the being to the right is like the face on the man on the left. How can that be, that the one, holy being on the left might have a face like that of the injured being on the right?

Could it be that face on the right is a depiction of the subconscious mind … the ‘gut brain’ … of the holy person on the left?

Why is it that the being on the right has big ears with little hairs on their undersides? Could this indicate how the subconscious mind logs onto the astral chatter in the noosphere?

What may we do to combine all the faces and voices of the subconscious mind … like those on the being to the right … into one face and and one holy body that has not those big ears to hear the astral chatter? I feel that positive emotions are the key to this happy and holy state of being, as depicted by the person on the left.

We must let go all negative emotions … all sadness, all fear, all despair, all anger, all hatred, all cruel feeling, all desire to threaten or bully others; and all receptivity to those emotions when sent through the astral airs to our astral ears. Instead, through our intention and through our joyful actions, we must foster positive emotions … joy, courage, faith, hope, kindness, a peaceful feeling, and the like.

It is our positive emotions that unite the disparate voices of our being into one happy, holy self. When we feel happy, courageous, and full of hope our 37 trillion body cells sing the same song, in harmony with our own heart.


It seems to me possible that our experience of positive emotions helps us avoid the astral rascals, the negative astral beings popularly termed ‘devils’. These beings from the Demonic realm or ‘Team Dark,’ as it is termed, might offer us ‘deals with the devil’ that seem good on the face of it, but are likely to lead to greater disharmony, greater lack of unity in our person, and a dissonant incoming astral chatter.

When we experience positive states of mind and emotion those ‘astral rascals’ just fly off. Our astral ears might no longer hear their noxious chatter. Instead, our hearts might tune in to the wisdom and gifts of our Ascension teams. What a welcome change, would you not say?

Speaking of that, I have come up with a positive affirmation to say when I wake up in the morning. I feel it helps start the day on a positive note. Our Ascension Teams are always waiting for a chance to bring us peace and love and Light and joy … Ascension gifts and the new clairs. It makes them happy to make us happy. So, first thing in the morning I thought I would say:

I am well grounded and A-OK.
My Team will bring me blessings today!

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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emotions, joy, courage, faith, hope,  kindness, peaceful feeling, sadness, fear, despair, anger, hatred, cruelty, threat energy, deals with the devil, demonic realm, negative astral beings, astral rascals, telepathy, clair senses, human telepathy, Time of New Beginnings, clairaudience, clair senses, harmony, unity, cellular joy, Ascension team, Ascension gifts, Ascension skills, Team Dark, grounding, affirmations by Alice,