Category Archives: Sun EMF and hologram

An Eclipse Light Event . photos by Alice B. Clagettalman

Dear Ones,

These photos show a Light event that took place in Southern California on 12 February 2017, near the beginning of the 11-26 February 2017 Eclipse window.

In the photos of me, notice how the Light above my head and in my eyes changes from photo to photo.

For a person who believes that what we see with our physical eyes represents the output or visual display produced by our personal hologram … a sort of illusion devised by our Ascension teams to help us learn Soul lessons … this video might serve as support for our theory that the Light from our Souls … which flows forth from our physical and superphysical ‘eyes’ … has the power to change or transform our personal hologram … including, even, the Light … both physical and superphysical … of the Sun of our Solar System, as captured in these photos.

Image: “Eclipse Light Event 1: Yellow Flower Lit by the Sun,” by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Eclipse Light Event 1: Yellow Flower Lit by the Sun,” by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Eclipse Light Event 2: Rainbow Sunlight – Incoming Light,” by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Eclipse Light Event 2: Rainbow Sunlight – Incoming Light,” by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 3,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 3,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 4,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 4,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 5,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 5,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 6,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 6,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 7,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 7,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 8,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 8,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 9,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 9,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 10,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Incoming Light: Eclipse Light Event 10,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Eclipse Light Event 11: Flowers in the Grass,” by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

Image: “Eclipse Light Event 11,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 12 February 2017, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..  

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed on 12 February 2017; published on 19 December 2019; revised on 19 March 2023
Location: Chatsworth Park South, Chatsworth, California

Most of these images are in this video … Link: “An Eclipse Light Event and the Music of Chris Zabriskie,” compiled by Alice B. Clagett, fIlmed on 12 February 2017; published on 23 February 2017 … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


nature, photos by Alice, incoming light, gateway, eclipse window, leveling up, solar events, astrogeophysics, almanac,  photos by Alice, Soul purpose, Soul evolution, Ascension team, hologram,  School of Theosophy, sun hologram, personal hologram, transformation, lightworkers, lightworker photos by Alice,

An Eclipse Light Event and the Music of Chris Zabriskie . compiled by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 12 February 2017; published on 23 February 2017
Previously titled: 12 February 2017 Gateway Light Event
Location: Chatsworth Park South, Chatsworth, California

    • Credits

Dear Ones,

Here is a musical collaboration featuring the music of Chris Zabriskie and an eclipse or gateway Light event that took place on 12 February 2017. The Summary after the video contains the transcript and the Credits.

There is an edited Summary after the video …



This video shows a Light event that took place in Southern California on 12 February 2017, near the beginning of the 11-26 February 2017 Eclipse window.

In the photos of me, notice how the Light above my head and in my eyes changes from photo to photo.

For a person who believes that what we see with our physical eyes represents the output or visual display produced by our personal hologram … a sort of illusion devised by our Ascension teams to help us learn Soul lessons … this video might serve as support for our theory that the Light from our Souls … which flows forth from our physical and superphysical ‘eyes’ … has the power to change our personal hologram … including, even, the Light … both physical and superphysical … of the Sun of our Solar System, as captured in these photos.

“An Eclipse Light Event and the Music of Chris Zabriskie”
Imaged and Compiled by Alice B. Clagett, CC BY-SA 4.0
Music: “Prelude No. 2” from the album “Preludes” by Chris Zabriskie, CC BY 4.0
12 February 2017

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

The images in the video are here … Link: “An Eclipse Light Event,” photos by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 12 February 2017; published on 19 December 2019 … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


incoming light, gateway, eclipse window, leveling up, solar events, astrogeophysics, almanac, Chris Zabriskie, musical collaborations, photos by Alice, Soul purpose, Soul evolution, Ascension team, hologram,  School of Theosophy, human hologram, sun hologram,

EMF Bump-ups Using the New Chakric Gears . by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 26 November 2016

    • Transpersonal Chakras and the Subtle Bodies of the Superconscious Mind
    • Subpersonal Chakras and the Subtle Bodies of the Unconscious Mind

Dear Ones,


The chakras are important gears in the human EMF array. By placing our Awareness on them, we experience the dimensions associated with them. Multidimensionality is the ability to place our awareness on chakras, or dimensions, other than the dominant chakra of our natal propensity. The desire to shift gears in this way requires flexibility of mind; a leap of faith that allows us to test the hypothesis that there is more to this reality than the space-time continuum we are currently experiencing.

Fortunately this is easily tested, simply by meditating on the energy of each chakra, one at at a time. In that way, we bring into our experience the various pre-Ascension dimensional possibilities of humankind.


Note that many new chakras and their accompanying subtle bodies have been activated in the human EMF since the 2012 Shift. I have been unable to find an image of their chakric vortices. In fact, depictions of and names of the new chakras vary greatly. After looking them over, I have come up with my own understanding of the 18-chakra system of the New Human …

Link: “Sketch of the New Chakra System: 18 Chakras,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 15 July 2019 … ..

Link: “Subtle Bodies, Bridges, and Chakras Grouped by Mental Body or Mind,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 24 July 2019 … ..

Transpersonal Chakras and the Subtle Bodies of the Superconscious Mind

Starting above the head, we have Transpersonal Chakra 1 (Causal Chakra, Causal Vortex); Transpersonal Chakra 2 (Soul Star); Transpersonal Chakra 3, Transpersonal Chakra 4, and Transpersonal Chakra 5 (Stellar Gateway, God’s Head)

In terms of the physical Universe, it is possible that these correspond to the following ‘subtle bodies’: Subtle Body 8 (Soul Bridge -Causal Template), Subtle Body 9 (Soul -Atma), Subtle Body 10 (Monad – Awareness, Eternal Now), Subtle Body 11 (Logos – Solar body – Light – love – joy), and Subtle Body 12 (Bridge to Formlessness). In this context I have included under Logos (as a leaping off place for space travel) the following: the Galactic body (Milky Way), the Multi-galactic diamond (22 galaxies) spoken of by Judy Satori, the Laniakea supercluster (100,000 galaxies), the Universe, and the Multiverse (4 universes).

Subpersonal Chakras and the Subtle Bodies of the Unconscious Mind

And then below the feet, we have Subpersonal Chakra 1 (Earth Star), Subpersonal Chakras 2-5, and Subpersonal Chakra 6 (Gaia Gateway).

In terms of the physical Universe, it is possible that these correspond to the following ‘subtle bodies’: Subtle Body -1 (Incarnational Bridge), Subtle Body -2 (Bridge to Gai),  Subtle Body -3 (Dolphin Matrix), Subtle Body -4 (Inner Earth Cities), Subtle Body -5 (Whale Matrix) and Subtle Body -6 (Heart of Mother Earth).


The Kundalini energy, which begins with the basal chakra vortex and goes up to the crown chakra vortex, looks much like this …

Image: Funnel of electromagnetic energy which widens at the top and bottom … ..

I note this energy is shaped like a Chinese finger puzzle. These puzzles have great tensile strength because of the diagonal interfaces …

Image: Chinese finger puzzle attached to one finger of each hand … ..

This makes me wonder if the kundalini also has great tensile strength for a similar reason. I think this because I have seen a video depicting constantly moving diagonal interfaces in toruses, and because the human electromagnetic field is shaped like a torus …

Video: “Torus Fun (Sacred Geometry by ieoie),” by ieoie, 5 April 2010… ..

The kundalini energy is the central axis of the human EMF torus, which looks like this …

Image: Human EMF torus, a donut-shaped electromagnetic field … ..


The chakric energies flow out as astral colors that ripple through the human EMF. These ever-changing colors represent the emotional energies of the subtle body known as the astral body. Here is an image of the astral body, showing a color array …

Image: Human astral body … … DESCRIPTION: A multicolored, egg-shaped energy field. At head level and above there is a golden light. From the top of the chest there is a dark blue or violet light. From the torso there is a magenta light. And from the knees downward there is a golden brown light.

The colors that are clair envisioned in this depiction of the astral form indicate the manner in which the chakras affect the qualities of the human EMF torus. Note that this image is egg-shaped and the colors appear to be static rather than dynamically moving; it would be better to imagine the entire, 3D human EMF torus rippling with colors generated by the chakras.

Here is a view of the human EMF, seen from near the top, showing a color array that seems to first appear as bands of color in the central kundalini core of the torus, and then (I wonder how?) to replicate itself in the outer aspect of the torus …

Image: EMF torus showing chakric colors inside and outside … ..


The human chakric array is a subtle and ingeniously devised machine, based on the star knowledge of those who, countless ages past, have ascended before us. The chakras act as gears in the human EMF, ramping it down (lower chakras) or up (higher chakras) in frequency.

Each chakra has its utility …

  • By placing our Awareness on the lower chakras, we can experience life as grounded human beings, living on planet Earth.
  • By placing our Awareness on the higher chakras we can experience other forms of Awareness, such as that of Gaia, that of our Solar System, that of our Galaxy, and so on.
  • At the highest levels of Awareness, we can experience God-consciousness.


Here is an image showing a columnar energy above and below a human being, which might be thought of as an extension of the kundalini energy into the new chakras above and below the body …

Image: Expanded human kundalini, a white column of energy from center of Earth, proceeding through the human form to galactic level … ..

These new chakras above the head are our ‘elevator up’. When we place our Awareness on them, then there is a shift of the chakric gears to higher levels of EMF experience. For instance, we might experience the EMF of Earth, which is constantly buffeted by solar winds and coronal streams of energy from the Sun …

Image: EMF of Earth interacting with the Sun’s solar wind … ..

At a higher gear, we can sense the EMF of our Solar System …

Image: EMF of our Solar System … ..

At a higher gear, we can sense the EMF of our Milky Way Galaxy …

Image: EMF of the Milky Way … ..


Post-Shift, then, the new chakric gears available to us have expanded our multidimensional capabilities to levels of EMF experience as great as that of this entire Universe. The gears available begin with photonic experience, at the lowest subpersonal level, and arc outward in ever more expansive hologramatic experiences, from the human physical body to the human subtle bodies, and on to planetary, solar system, galactic, and universal consciousness.

Awareness of our new chakric gears is the key to unlocking these experiences, keeping in mind that each dimensional display is but a joyful play of the Creator’s yearning to love and be loved. In this experience of God’s many manifestations lies the great wisdom of the Law of One …

One for All!
And All for One!

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


chakras, post-Ascension chakras, 12-chakra system, new chakras, human EMF, galactic EMF, solar system EMF, Earth’s EMF, electromagnetic field, astrogeophysics, torus, dimensions, multidimensionality, hologram, kundalini, maya, Law of One, All, photon, subatomic particles, Milky Way, Earth Star, Gaia Gateway, Dolphin matrix, Inner Earth cities, Whale matrix, Heart of Mother Earth, my favorites, space exploration, star brothers and sisters, subtle bodies, transpersonal chakras, subpersonal chakras, free will, human hologram, solar system hologram, earth hologram, galactic hologram, unconscious mind, superconscious mind, interspecies communication,

The Large Intestine and the Army of the Night . by Alice B. Clagett *

Filmed on 19 November 2016; published on 20 November 2016; revised and transcribed on 23 November 2018

    • On Keeping the Large Intestine Perfectly Healthy
    • The Sea of Our Thoughts
      • Stories by Alice: My Mom’s Take on Using the Word ‘Man’ to Include Women, Soundtrack and Words
    • The Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World
      1. The Dance of Our Electromagnetic Field, and EMFs in the World Around Us
      2. Earth’s Noosphere (The Thought Cloud of Earth)
      3. How The Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World Is Affected by Weekly Rhythms of Work and School
      4. How to Avoid Being Affected by the Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World
      5. How to Avoid Being Affected by Solar and Annual Minimum Light
    • The Large Intestine and Threat Energy
    • Recent Movies That Have This Kind of Threat Energy
    • The Gut Brain: Mood and Well-Being
    • What Makes the Gut Brain Unhappy?
    • Bad Diet and Martians
    • A Vision of the Army of the Night
      • ‘Vampires’ of the Night
    • The Takeaway

Dear Ones,

Here is a video on the large intestine and the Army of the Night. After the video is a lightly edited Transcription, and after that, an Outline of the video …



On Keeping the Large Intestine Perfectly Healthy

Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I have an unusual topic for you today, to do with the lower intestine … the ‘bowel’, as they say. This is so ‘out there’! I logged onto it, oh, maybe a year ago, and I just could not put it out there, on the internet, because it was just too much for me.

But now I have a better framework to hold it in, that makes more sense, I feel, to everybody, including healers. I have some trouble figuring out how to approach this topic, because … while it is a naturopathic topic, and it was well known in the days of my grandparents … it has gone by the wayside because of the advent of traditional medicine.

These days, I believe, are the times when some of the old remedies are coming back. For instance, you can see them in the drug stores now … the old-time remedies that worked really well and were not very expensive, and had simple ingredients in them.

I have been re-reading a book that is a favorite of mine, called “Become Younger,” by a gentleman named Norman Walker …

Book Citation: “Become Younger,” by Norman Walker, 1995

The book talks about the very important steps we can take, to become younger by eating foods that are raw and vital … as raw as possible, like raw fruit juices, or raw vegetable juices, or raw vegetables or nuts … that kind of thing,

And it talks about  the importance of using some method to clear out the bowels, like, for instance, a water and vinegar enema. He waits until the very end of the book to talk about that, because it is not a topic that most people enjoy.

In years past, I tried this method, and I found that it really does immediately make the lymph system clear up, and the taste that comes from the salivary glands … the taste in your mouth, even … everything becomes very light and clear.

So there is something to this theory. This gentleman lived a long time; he lived a very energetic life; and he was in tip-top health all that time, as far as I know.

So anyway, that is the beginning: That it is very important, what we take into our bodies as food, and it is very important to clear out the bowels once in a while … I suggest once a week, or once a month … for perfect health, and for longevity.

It allows the body to regenerate tissue much more quickly, and to heal tissue that is not completely healthy. So I would suggest that, the minute that we feel the onset of any kind of cold or flu, or any kind of physical pain … anything like that … especially as we get older. When younger, it is not that important, because our thymus is working really well, and all the tissues regenerate really fast. The metabolism is moving faster, and so forth. It is much easier to heal, when young.

So that is the beginning of the talk that I am about to give: That it has been known, in many ages past, that especially what we eat … if we eat foods that are raw and vital … full of vital energy … then that brings energy into the system. And that, if we use a water enema, or in some cases, low colononics, if that is available and trustworthy … low colonics being administered by a professional, and more thorough than the water enema. (I suggest reading up on the pros and cons of low colonics before deciding whether to use this technique.)

Then what happens is that foods clear through the body very fast, and that the very great load of energy that we spend on getting alimentation into the body, and getting it out again, is minimized and optimized.

So that is the first thing: My plug for vital foods and water enemas.

The Sea of Our Thoughts

Now the second thing has to do with various theories that I have. Recently I took up water enemas again, with a little vinegar added …  about two tablespoons. I used them in hopes that it would help to deal with the unconscious thought cloud of the world, which becomes very unruly on Friday and Saturday nights in a large city.

If you have read Arthur Powell’s books …

Link: “Books on the Teachings of the School of Theosophy,” referrals by Alice B. Clagett, published on 24 May 2016, revised … ..

… which are classics of occult literature and explanations of the School of Theosophy point of view … then you will get the notion, the understanding, of what is really happening in the large cities on the weekends.

Arthur Powell describes, for instance, when a ‘man’ walks down a city street …

. . . . .

Stories by Alice: “My Mom’s Take on Using the Word ‘Man’ to Include Women”
by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
19 November 2016


They used to say ‘man’ in those days [at the turn of the last century]; they never said ‘woman’ … [laughs] … I talked to my mother about it; I said: Mom, why do they always say ‘man’? Why don’t they say ‘woman’ half the time?

And she said: Oh my goodness! They mean nothing by it. This is merely a literary convention!

My mother was very in favor of empowering women, so I guess she knew what she was talking about! I took it that it doesn’t mean much; and I hope you will too.

. . . . .

… Anyway, to get back to the School of Theosophy literature: Arthur Powell, in a classic passage, described how, when a man walks down a city street, he is followed by a train or entourage of thought forms … thought forms that were in his own mind. It is like the tail of a comet walking along. And people who get too close … as they say in martial arts, within the ma of another person …

Link: “Ma (negative space),” in Wikipedia … ..

… are immersed in the comet tail … or rather, ‘tails’, because you have the gut brain and the mental mind … the Lower Mental Body and the Higher Mental Body … so the man has, in effect, two ‘tails’ trailing behind him. And if you get too close to him, then you will be immersed in his thought forms, and affected by them.

At the same time, this man, whom I envision as walking down the city street, walks past, say, a bar or a brothel. And all around this brothel .. stretching far out into the street … are thought forms of the kind that Arthur Powell calls ‘depraved’.

In today’s society, in the United States, you may not cotton to this idea that some thought forms are ‘depraved’. For instance, young children these days, when they go to the movies, or look at their laptop or handheld games, have no choice but to view and assimilate violent and what I would call ‘depraved’ thought forms.

There are no choices, in the mass media today, for education of young children, other than depraved thought forms.

Now you may say this notion of ‘depravity’ is old-fashioned; but I think that there is something to it. There is something to Soul learning and Soul evolution that has been lost right now, and is just about to come back again.

So now, to get back to Arthur Powell’s description of this man walking down the street: Suddenly he goes past a bar or brothel. And all around him, suddenly, is this sea of depraved thought forms, right?

His mental mind … his Higher Mental Body .. and his gut brain … his Lower Mental Body … are both immersed in this sea of thought forms.

In truth there is also the sea of thought forms of the superconscious mind, above the head, which holds the karmic metaprogram of the person’s lifetime. This trails an ‘uber-comet’ of ruling thought forms that influence the subtle body known as the ‘causal body’.

Few people are conscious of their superconscious minds, however, and as a consequence, the neutral observer will, more often than not, find a person ruled by their incarnating karmic metaprogram all their life long, without a thought to their right to change from metaprogram to metaprogram.

It is the sea of superconscious thought forms that determines what people one will meet and tarry with, in a lifetime. More on this a little later, at the next mention of ‘causal body’.

The subtle bodies of the human being are not solid like the physical body. They do not have same ability that the physical body does, for example, to resist physical germs.

For the physical body, when a germ comes along, it has to enter the body either through one of the orifices … such as the nose or the mouth or the rectum, or the vagina in a woman, or the tip of the penis in a man … or the ears (but the ears are sealed off, with any luck, unless the ear drum is punctured). Also the tear ducts are a way that things could enter into the body.

These orifices allow foreign organisms or germs to get into the body … as do cuts, abrasions … places in the skin, where the skin is broken … because the skin is the barrier to this kind of thing.

In the physical body … as opposed to the subtle bodies … there are less opportunities for things to get in. Take, for example, a leech. You go into a river in the Amazon; there are a lot of leeches in there. And a leech adheres to your skin, and pierces the protective barrier of the skin, and is able to mingle its bodily fluids with your blood.

That is an attack on the integrity of your physical body. But it is very rare, unless you they walk into that river where the leeches are, and that happens.

Or, if you are in a swamp, and there are mosquitoes in the swamp, the mosquitoes may come and pierce the armor of your skin; in this way they are able to intermingle their own bodily fluids with your blood … which is how people catch a lot of diseases.

So these possibilities exist for the physical body; but, in general, we are quite fortunate in that the physical body has more of a shield of protection … known as the skin … against foreign organisms than do the subtle bodies.

For the subtle bodies, here is the situation …

Here is the man: He is walking past the bar or the brothel. And his aura … his subtle bodies … not so much the etheric net, but his astral body, his Lower and Higher Mental Bodies, and his causal body, I believe: All four will be affected by the environment of thought forms … especially emotional thought forms … in that place of depravity.

The astral body and the Lower Mental Body will be affected by the unconscious thought forms there. The Higher Mental Body, and to some extent the astral body, will be affected by the higher mental thought forms there. And the causal body will be affected by the superconscious thought forms there.

Thus all three personal thought form comet tails, in the mini-noosphere of the passer-by … in his personal Sea of Thoughts … will become entwined and entangled in the comet tails of the people in the building, and in wandering, left-behind thought forms of people who have been there in times past, or will be in times future.

So what will happen then, is this: Unless he is prepared and aware; unless he is pursuing the path of enlightenment, unless he has a very neutral mind and is nonreactive, then when he encounters these thought forms he will be impelled to action, perhaps of a baser sort. He might walk in for a drink of liquor. He might walk into a brothel, and hope to obtain services there. Without even thinking about it, he might make these moves, because of the sea of thought forms that has commingled with the thoughts in his own mind, and in his gut brain.

So, in the subtle bodies, there is not that shield of protection against intrusion of foreign organisms that shield the skin provides in the physical body …

  • unless Awareness is placed on the heart, so that the electromagnetic field (the ‘Body of Light’) of the human being is ramped up; then there is a shield of protection.
  • Or unless the person is aligning their hara line (the center line of their central vertical power current) directly with God … all the time … so that their mind, their heart, and their will are always aligned with the Divine … the highest … and the core of Earth.

Those visualizations create the shield against the polarities of Earth … and especially against the dangers inherent in our encounters with the depraved thought forms referred to by Arthur Powell.

Such a man, who has placed his Awareness in his heart, or on God … on God in him … will walk past such thought forms without any concern whatsoever. Those visualizations are our shield of protection for the subtle bodies.

The Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World

1. The Dance of Our Electromagnetic Field, and EMFs in the World Around Us. On to the unconscious thought cloud of the world. This is a topic that I wrote about many years ago, because it upset me at that time, and I was trying to get a handle on it and resolve the concern I felt about it. It is, as you might imagine, the cloud of thoughts around a particular place of business … only, the place of business is the Planet Earth … our ‘Blue Boat Home’, as they say in the beautiful song by that name

Video: “Peter Mayer’s Blue Boat Home,” by JD Stillwater, 7 January 2017 … ..

Around Planet Earth is a cloud of thought forms that varies, depending on a number of things. In the largest sense, the changing nature of this cloud depends upon the ever-changing electromagnetic field of Earth … which some say is shaped like a predictable torus … a little like an energy ‘Washington apple’ without a core. But I say that this torus dances with the love notes of our Sun and our solar system. It dances to the melody of the Sun.

And so, it is not shaped like a Washington apple with no core. No. It is as fluent, and as expressive of change and emotion and thought as are the Northern Lights in the skies of the Arctic skies.

Our own human energy fields dance in the same way as the Earth’s energy field dances to the tune of our Sun … We dance and shimmer and shimmy and exult in the life-giving blessing of our Sun.

And our Sun, in turn, dances to the blessing of many Sun systems; through these, on to the Great Central Sun. And the Great Central Sun is the physical expression of the creative force of this Universe.

Now there are other Universes, for God is infinite. But let us just leave it at that point, for the moment.

2. Earth’s Noosphere (the Thought Cloud of Earth). All right: Back down to the Earth level. Here we have the sum of all the human electromagnetic fields, and all the other energy fields on Earth, expressing itself around our Planet … in conjunction with messages from the Sun.

In the broad sense, we have the solar winds and the solar flares, which have a great effect upon the electromagnetic field of Earth … and upon what you might call the ‘thought cloud of Earth’ … the noosphere. And the noosphere can be broken down into various sorts of emotional thought forms (I say ’emotional’ because a thought form comprises both a thought and an emotion … both manas (a thought) and kama (a desire or wish), as they say in the School of Theosophy.

First of all, there are the higher mental thoughts, to do with the sentient beings on Earth, such as humans … but not just humans; also, for instance, elephants, dolphins, and whales … and on the astral plane, many other intelligent beings, such as devas, nature spirits, jinn, and other astral beings. 

Then we have the subconscious thought forms. In humans, the subconscious thought forms are divided into two sorts; one are those thought forms that float freely, and disperse. And the other are repressed thought forms, from the subconscious mind, which are encapsulated, and unable to leave the physical body or its near vicinity.

It is these latter that remain, as ghostly shadow plays of the astral realm, haunting the dreams of embodied humans, long after our loved ones have passed on. This has to do with the thick, encapsulating layers of emotions of repression, that wear down more slowly, after death, than do the unentangled portions of astral bodies. Thus, long after we pass on, our subconscious ‘tangles’ manifest as audiovisual skits in Earth’s noosphere … as ‘ghosts’ of our former selves.

Then we have unconscious thought forms; these are the deep ‘seed’ of the reality play for humans. And it is the unconscious thought forms of humans that I would like to address right now.

3. How The Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World Is Affected by Weekly Rhythms of Work and School. On Earth, in the noosphere, we have a class of thought forms that I call the unconscious thought cloud of the world. Others have termed it the ‘collective unconscious’.

There is a cycle of rising and falling of the unconscious thought cloud of the world that has to do with the habits of human beings. In the large cities, because most people work, these habits have to do with the workaday world … and also to do with the schedule of schoolchildren letting off school.

So, for instance, for schoolchildren, at about 2 or 3 o’clock in the afternoon, the younger children get off school. Very often, both parents are working, and the children are what is known as ‘latchkey’ children. So from 3 to about 5 o’clock or 6 o’clock in the afternoon, there is an upsurge of rambunctious schoolchild energy, untempered by adult supervision, in the large cities.

This is not always the case, but it is definitely the case in my area: That from 3 o’clock to 5 o’clock in the afternoon during the weekdays, it is important for the aware person to help the children to moderate and develop their Awareness of the unconscious and subconscious energies of the cities, so that they can ferry the boat of their unconscious minds across these unsupervised waters, during that 3-to-5 p.m. or 3-to-6 p.m. hiatus without adult supervision.

That is one thing. The next thing has to do with the working, adult life, and the fact that a great deal of repression is going on, in the work life of people, so that they can support their families; so that they can have a place to live. For reasons that they feel are unavoidable, they have jobs that they detest … or else just mildly dislike. They have emotional issues coming up with their bosses that they cannot address because they are concerned they might lose their job and it is, to them, very important that they keep their job. They feel they have no alternatives; that they are trapped, right?

And so, there is a repression of adult emotion going on from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the big cities … a big buildup of of pressure-cooker energy going on.

Then we have the working mothers … the working mothers who want to be home with their children. It is par for the course, these days, for both parents to be working to support their children.

One of the worst tyrants of the mind that working parents face is the notion that they need to work forever, so that their children can have a college education. My own feeling about this is that college education will become less and less important in the coming years; and that parents should keep in mind that their example of not following their hearts will haunt their children for the rest of their lives.

I feel there is a way for parents to follow their hearts, and provide this example for their children. The very beginning of this is the workaday world: Are they happy at their jobs, or are they not? Are they doing something they detest, because they feel they must?

How will they feel about their children, if they feel their children are causing this to happen to them? … They will not like their children … Their children will know this.

So there is a flow-through effect of not following our hearts, that impinges upon everyone that we know … everyone that we care about. There is that, which is happening right now in the large cities of Earth.

Then on Friday … on payday … what happens is: All this repressed negative energy comes out. Maybe the people get off work and go to a prostitute. Maybe they get off work and go to one of the many movies that are featuring fear, paranoia, and war right now, almost without exception. Maybe they go home and watch something like that on television; it does not matter. Or maybe they consume recreational drugs to let off the steam … to let go of that stuff.

But the methods that they choose, to let off steam, cause it to become worse. Suddenly there is a flare-up, on Friday night, and Saturday night … but not Sunday night … in the big cities; a flare-up of extreme, negative emotions bursting forth.

4. How to Avoid Being Affected by the Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World. It is this weekly pattern of city energy that impinges upon the conscious mind of the person who is Awakening. Some people, if they are starting to awaken, leave the city on the weekends because of that. Other people feel that they have to stay home and meditate the whole time, to steady the energy that is input into their own subtle bodies, by the explosion of negative energy on Friday and Saturday nights.

If you are just at the point of Awakening, and you do not know what in heaven’s name I am talking about, that is ok. But it is good to know that this happens, once a person’s electromagnetic field starts to expand, so that you will be prepared for the eventuality that it might happen to you.

What a long story this is turning out to be! So! … on the weekends I have come up with something new, to cope with the situation. And fortunately, it works immediately.

If there is a sudden downgrade in the DNA because of the influx of thought forms into the subtle bodies … I find the first thing to do is to grab a big glass of water … drink the water … and do one of Judy Satori’s of Light.

That is a fix that pulls me up a level or so immediately. And then lie down for a few minutes. And that will get me to the point where I can do something else.

5. How to Avoid Being Affected by Solar and Annual Minimum Light. In addition, right now, there is a lack of Light to deal with. I am talking about November 2016 right now: We are in a Solar Minimum. Solar flare activity takes place approximately every 11 years; and we are in a minimum right now; in a time when the Sun’s Light is less likely to cause positive change on Earth. It is more of a holding pattern right now.

Further, we have an annual minimum right now: November, December, and maybe the beginning of January every year, we have the lowest Light in the Northern hemisphere. Fortunately that is balanced by the highest Light in the Southern Hemisphere.

But here I am in the Northern Hemisphere; I am not in the Southern Hemisphere. I am in very low Light … fortunately not in Alaska, where there is no Light … and I am also at a Solar Minimum!

The first thing I am thinking is to get a Sun bath somehow, during the daytime, every day; to take advantage of what minimum amount of Light we humans of the Northern Hemisphere have, in that way … If you are in a cold climate too, then that may be at a window where the Sun comes in, for as long as possible, during the day.

And the second thing to consider is the rambunctiousness of the unconscious thought cloud of the world at this time: It tends to the negative, at this time of low Light.

Here are special instructions for dealing with the unconscious thought cloud of the world during this Solar Minimum, and this annual minimum for the Northern Hemisphere, on the most negative days of the week, in the big cities, which are Friday and Saturday nights. These are special instructions! … [laughs]

The first thing is, to eat vital foods, just as Norman Walker said. Vital foods. And what I find, is that plenty of protein of the least protesting variety … and plenty of vegetables and vegetable juices … are the very best thing right now. Your diet may be different; I do not know.

Judy Satori has an Ascension diet that you can look at, along with her excellent Ascension plan …

Link: “Ascension Library” … … Search the term: Eating Plan for Fifth Dimensional Life … Judy Satori’s website has seen quite a changeup; I am not sure whether this information still might be found there, but if not, maybe you could contact her to find out if it is available.

So there is the diet, right? And just to let you know what I have been finding lately is that fruit juices cause my body cells to do the hula, you know? They get all excited … absolutely excited. And consequently, there are a lot of frenetic thought forms happening.

And then … all of a sudden … they all get exhausted, and they all want to go to sleep. And so I advise not consuming fruit and fruit sugars right now.

It is better to consume protein, especially vegetable protein … not animal protein … but if animal protein, then perhaps just chicken and seafood. And it is better to do vegetables than fruits. There is that regarding diet.

The Large Intestine and Threat Energy

Then we have the process of elimination. I have talked about enema already; but I have not talked about what happens when I try it on Friday night, in the city, at this time.

What happens is that immediately, my gut brain calms down, and ceases to connect with the ‘unconscious thought cloud of the city’. Suddenly, I am at peace with my Lower Mental Body … and my Higher Mental Body can take a break from policing my Lower Mental Body and trying to get it to just calm down.

So the effect of the enema on the physical body is somehow to completely relieve the upset of of the impinging unconscious thought cloud of the city.

So then I just wondered why this happens … Why is this? You know, Norman Walker was onto something … And it worked for me too. But what is the mechanism of all this?

And then I was taken by surprise by something that happened yesterday. The night before, I had gotten no sleep at all; and this was extremely unusual. My mind was completely awake, I think because I had had a little raw ginseng in what I had eaten for dinner, and the ginseng for some reason affected my nervous system like dynamite.

It made me full of mental energy … wide awake, all night long. The next day was a little bit rough, because I had had no sleep, and I had a lot to do. So I was out, doing my errands … and it had approached rush hour on Friday night.

Friday night during rush hour is the time when the people are starting to release the negative onus of repressed thought forms and strong negative emotions that they accumulated during the week.

The trigger, for them, is the rush hour traffic here in the large city. They want to get home; they want to have a good time; and they deserve it! Like that! The traffic is preventing them from doing it. And they start to get really furious, you know?

I was at a gas station, and I was clairly hearing all these mixed emotions, to do with: Thank God, it is the weekend! … And: I can’t get home because of the traffic!

Suddenly, I had a descent of consciousness into lower density. My physical body suddenly became very worn out. And this was the occasion for my mental activity to descend from my Higher Mind to my Lower Mind.

And when that happened, there was a downgrade of the DNA. And there was an upwelling of a feeling, through the Lower Mental Body … the gut brain and the bowel … to do with threat energy.

This threat energy had two themes: One had to do with other people attempting to control me and force me to things that I did not want to do. And the other had to do with other people trying to take things from me, and to invade my space.

I looked around me, and saw that none of this was true. So, what was the cause of these thoughts?

Clearly, the thought about being controlled has to do with descending from Awareness in the heart center, to Awareness in the third chakra, the will power chakra. And then suddenly that turns negative; maybe from tiredness? (The third chakra is the center for will power and control. Thus this feeling was of the third chakra negative.)

And then there is this other feeling that there are people who are trying to take things from you … which happens when consciousness descends to the basal or root chakra, which is about safety and security. (Thus this feeling was of the first chakra negative.) And there is no reason to think that, you know? There is no physical evidence.

So, somehow or other, the lower brain … the large intestine … has an issue with being controlled by something else, and with having something taken from it.

Recent Movies That Have This Kind of Threat Energy

Interestingly enough, recently I saw three movies that all had this same kind of threat energy in them … of people being chased by other people that were trying to control them.

The first one that really struck me was a movie called “Last Avatar” directed by Jay Weidner, put out in 2014 …

Link: “Last Avatar,” directed and written by Jay Weidner, starring Adey et al, 2014, at IMDb … ..

The reason I liked that movie was because it had to do with the same process the whole world is going through right now, to do with the Awakening … and attaining enlightenment … and arising with New Earth, and like that. At the end of that movie … and throughout it … was a thread of threat energy … which was expressed visually in the movie as large, competent men in camouflage outfits who were chasing the hero of the story. And in the end, he was victorious. But before that, there were some tense moments with these guerrilla-type fighters or soldiers of fortune in camouflage outfits.

After that, I was checking on the Netflix films, and I found a movie called “Paradox,” directed by Michael Hurst, put out in 2016″

Link: “Paradox,” directed and written by Michael Hurst, starring Zoe Bell, et al, 2016, at IMDb … ..

It started out with threat energy: A young person was being chased by people that were wearing gas masks and dressed in black. And then he was killed by them. I thought, gosh! I put that one on hold for a while, and then I checked the movies out in the local theatres, and I tried a few.

One that I remember is the movie “Inferno,” directed by Ron Howard, put out in 2016 …

Link: “Inferno,” directed by Ron Howard, written by Dan Brown, starring Tom Hanks, 2016 … ..

“Inferno” is also a movie largely to do with threat energy. Is that not something? And there are many other movies to do with threat energy, out there right now.

The feeling I get is that this feeling that I suddenly logged onto, Friday afternoon in rush hour … Well, for one thing, a lot of people are watching those movies, and so they get the feeling that they are threatened, just by ‘contagion’ from the screen, and from the music that is being played during the movie, and from other people’s thought forms that are created during the movie … Suddenly everybody is infected with threat energy, right?

But at that hour, probably that was not it. But behind all that … behind how Hollywood is creating movies that enhance the fear of people and increase the threat energy threads on Earth, there is the question: Why are they doing that?

And this is the same as my question with regard to the sudden upsurge, that I had on Friday night, of that kind of energy: Why is this happening? Why would Hollywood put out this kind of movie? And why would people be attracted to it?

The Gut Brain: Mood and Well-Being

There was an article in “Scientific American” some years back, entitled “Think Twice: How the Gut’s ‘Second Brain’ Influences Mood and Well-Being,”  by a gentleman named Adam Hadhazy …

Link:  “Think Twice: How the Gut’s ‘Second Brain’ Influences Mood and Well-Being,” by Adam Hadhazy, in “Scientific American,”
12 February 2010 … ..  

It is a very good article, published in 2010. I would advise taking a look at that; I think it is a wonderful article. And I would like to expound on that topic myself …

What emotions are being generated by the Lower Mental Body during the various physiological processes undertaken by the gut brain?

The gut brain is not like the ‘higher’ brain (the brain that is inside our skulls) and the spinal cord, which have gadzillion neurons all touching each other, or nearly so, and transmitting information to each other like a busy freeway, all the time; and creating the illusion we have that this reality is a certain egoic way. It is not like that at all.

The gut brain is part of the peripheral nervous system … the nerves unprotected by the skull or spinal column, which live and serve in the rest of the human body …

Link: “Peripheral Nervous System,” in English Wikipedia … ..

Also known as the Enteric Nervous System, the gut brain is a portion of the Autonomic Nervous System that governs the gastrointestinal tract, including the colon. It is a mesh-like arrangement of about 500 million neurons …

Link: “Enteric Nervous System,” in English Wikipedia … ..

This is half of one percent of the number of neurons in the human brain.

In the lower intestine, we have a portion of what used to be called the involuntary nervous system, the neurons that are not part of the egoic solidity of a person. These little guys are on their own in the wild and woolly outposts of the human body, and they are doing their best.

What really organizes them, on the astral plane, is the body elemental of the large intestine. This is a very cool entity with childlike exuberance and joy. It really knows what it is doing, as far as repairing and facilitating the operation of the lower intestine is concerned.

So the greatest intelligence, to do with the large intestine, is the body elemental … the beautiful body elemental … like a little child with great expertise at healing through Light and sound … that repairs and regenerates and oversees the function of the large intestine all our lives.

The specialized cells called neurons there transmit a truckload of information to the brain. In fact, most of the information … like traffic … between the gut brain and the higher brain, is from the gut brain to the higher brain.

It is possible, as is stated in the Adam Hadhazy article, that the main content of this transmission has to do with mood and well-being.  I am hesitating because this theory that I am about to describe is so very out there … [laughs] …

What Makes the Gut Brain Unhappy?

So then the question is: What makes the gut brain unhappy? Thinking very microscopically, down to the level of the cell: Imagine that your Awareness is right there, with that neuron, and you are talking to it. You asking, what is it concerned about?

Here is the intel that I got last night, from talking to the body elemental, who is a beautiful child: They are afraid of invading organisms. They are specifically and mostly afraid of bacteria and yeasts and so forth, that are located in the feces, inside the colon, and prevented from entering the bloodstream by the mucus that is secreted all around the outside of the inside of the tube that is the large intestine.

But when the bowels are full, and if they have been full for a while … not evacuated for a while … then propagating inside the feces, at an alarming rate, from the perspective of the body elemental and the lesser perspective of the neuron … propagating at an astounding rate, are these invading organisms: the bad bacteria, and the yeasts, and the viruses, and so forth; little things that pose the threat of getting into the inside of the body from the lining of the large intestine … The invading Army of the Night, as it were … the Army of the Night!

Further, from an astral point of view, the feces … the excrement inside of the large intestine … carries a vibe: The astral matter that conforms with the physical presence of the excrement inside the body is of a lower vibrational intensity … it has a more dense feel to it than does the matter of the large intestine itself.

So there is a conflict here; there is a feeling of defensiveness on the part of the large intestine …

  • of defending itself against the physical threat of the bad bacteria, the viruses, and the other micro-organisms that are propagating inside the excrement …
  • and also of protecting itself from the disparity of the frequency of the astral matter that is inside of the excrement; of protecting the body and keeping it in a higher state of elevation.

That threat is present, I propose … that threat of the invading Armies of the Night … which can take place all night long, because the bowel might be full all night long. This threat energy is being transmitted from the gut brain to the higher brain; and is creating dreams that have to do with threats; and astral stories to do with that.

Bad Diet and Martians

So essentially, I propose that the reason for the Hollywood movies … the extensive Hollywood movies on being controlled and chased and having things taken away from you, has to do with the eating habits of modern human beings. We do not eat things that allow us to clear our bowels properly.

And consequently, inside our bowels are breeding micro-organisms that are not necessarily helpful to human beings. The vast majority of micro-organisms in the excrement are not helpful to humankind; they are invasive … They are invaders.

In the astral realms, there is a story about the beings of Mars … the warrior beings … I forget how that astral story went … Their essence was placed in rocks that were hurled as meteorites from the Moon to Earth … and there are bacterial entities in the rocks that were let loose upon humankind. There is even some science … albeit sketchy … to back this notion up …

Link: “Alien Life Could Feed on Cosmic Rays,” by Jessica Boddy, 7 October 2016 , 9:00 AM, in Science … ..

This is rather dramatic! But it is also very impressive: The thought that there might be Mars warriors inside of our intestines! More on this here …

Link: “Compendium of the Martian Archives: Bacterial Colonists of Earth,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 9 July 2017; last updated on 25 August 2018 … ..

A little ‘out there’, but it serves a good point: It expresses the point of view of the cells of the large intestine. They feel that the Army of the Night … which is like alien invaders … is pressing against them, and threatening to overwhelm them and control them, and to take things from them: To take from them their health, their happiness, their very lives.

And this is the message they send to the higher centers, all night long. This is the reason for the Hollywood movies: The eating habits of Americans, and of people in the modern world!

And this is why, when we use the water enema, it immediately affects everything. You know? From the point of view … I do not know what kind of science this is … but apparently, when the gut brain, the not-so-smart, not-so-well-connected (but very lovable) outposts of our nervous system suddenly no longer sense the Army of the Night … the Darkness there, then they are able to relax right away.

They do not have much memory about it. They do not know that it will probably be full of excrement again tomorrow. All they know is, right now everything is fine. And so, that load … that truckload …  of constant negative emotion going from the gut brain to the higher brain suddenly ceases; and everything is all right. Everything is at peace. The invaders from Mars are vanquished! … [laughs]

A Vision of the Army of the Night

Long years ago, in the early 2000s, when I experienced a big ‘change-up’ in Awareness, and became much more aware, in the middle of the night, in this great city that I live in, on the weekends … Friday and Saturday night … I used to hear sort of a singing and a chanting, in the unconscious thought cloud of the world. It went like this, over and over again: We are the Army of the Night! We are the Army of the Night!

And I used to wake up, with a sort of nightmare about it: Who ARE the Army of the Night?

‘Vampires’ of the Night. I used to see a vision: Mostly men, going out to the bars at night and, with a warlike energy, attacking the people there, for a one-night stand. Whether it be through male-female liaisons, or male-male liaisons, is not important. What is important is the energy involved, which was very ‘up yours’, very ‘rectal’ … in the case of women, misogynistic; in the case of men, homophobic … In other words: Men who hate people, going out and having intercourse … one-time intercourse … with people, and transmitting that energy of hatred and ‘up yours’ to the other people through the act of sex. And in fact, on the astral plane, what it felt to me like, was that this act would drain the other person … the person who was having sex practiced upon them … it would drain them of vital energy. Huh!

Here is a what-if … What if it were true that there are invaders from Mars, and that they are very, very tiny … microscopic? And that, when people’s large intestines are too full, this cargo of microscopic ‘invaders’ can cause a feeling of warlike hatred, and cause the people to act out in this way … in this profligate way … on the weekends: Replicating emotions of hatred and fear from one human being to another. Would not that be something? … And so easily solved, through diet.

Further, suppose it were true that these bacterial beings … these hostile beings … these alien beings from another planet … were full of this very warlike nature, this very invasive nature. In fact … even setting aside the alien hypothesis … we can find evidence that the microscopic organisms we term ‘bacteria’ are like that, you know? They are very adventitious, very ‘for me only’, very parasitic, in many instances.

Of course, there are good bacteria too … bacteria that are on our side. But, taking these hostile bacteria into consideration, they are in it for themselves; they are warring against the human species … Maybe you will feel they could not be doing this with a higher mind; but you might agree that with their energy they are doing that.

So a person whose GI (gastrointestinal) tract is not fluidly flowing and eliminating, may be accumulating … inside of their gut, and in the worst possible case, the case of the ‘impaction’ of feces inside of the gut, which is to say, a mass of stool so large that it may altogether prevent bowel movement.

There are many cases where the GI tract is not functioning optimally, though they be less severe than that of impaction. And might that result in the accumulation of a warlike feeling inside of the gut brain of a person? Might that be the impetus of the peoples of the Earth to wage war on one another? Is it possible?

The Takeaway

I will bet you have not bought this story of mine hook, line and sinker! But maybe you could pick up a copy of the book “Become Younger” by Norman Walker, and see what you think of that. It is a small book, but it is packed full of information …

Book Citation: “Become Younger,” by Norman Walker, 1995

If you do not like that, then you could look on the internet for Judy Satori’s on the Ascension diet. She has a great Ascension diet: very fluid, very variable, according to a person’s specific needs.

And you could also look on the internet for good, reasonable instructions for doing a water and vinegar enema, and see what happens when you try it out.

Here is an interesting webpage …

Link: “Vinegar and Water Enema,” at … ..

In addition to a water and vinegar enema, this website suggests a drink before bedtime that may help optimize elimination …

Link: “Apple Cider Vinegar Enema Recipe,” at … ..

That is the takeaway. And I hope you enjoyed all this.

I will talk to you all later. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

In love, Light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Image: “Incoming Light: Thanksgiving Light,” by Alice B. Clagett, 19 November 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Incoming Light: Thanksgiving Light,” by Alice B. Clagett, 19 November 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0


Link: “Visions by Alice: Astral Colonies on Human,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 20 November 2016; published as a separate blog on 6 February 2020 … ..

Link: “Beings from Mars Who Have Been on Earth for 75,000 Years,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 20 November 2016; published as a separate blog on 6 February 2020 … ..

For the complete Martian Archives, see …

Link: “Compendium of the Martian Archives: Bacterial Colonists of Earth,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 9 July 2017; last updated on 25 August 2018 … ..


  • On Keeping the Large Intestine Perfectly Healthy
    • “Become Younger,” by Norman Walker, 1995
      • On eating raw, vital foods
      • On clearing the bowels through water enemas or colonics
  • The  Sea of Our Thoughts
    • On the School of Theosophy books by Arthur E. Powell
    • On ‘depraved’ thought forms; Violence in the mass media
    • How the physical body is protected from hostile lifeforms by the skin, and germs can enter it only:
      • Through the body orifices, or
      • Through cuts in the skin
    • How other people’s thought forms can affect our subtle bodies, unless …
      • Awareness is placed on the heart, and the electromagnetic field is ramped up, or
      • Unless the person visualizes aligning their hara line with God, and with the center of the Earth
  • The Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World
    • 1. Our Electromagnetic Field and EMFs in the World Around Us
      • Earth’s EMF dances to the melody of our Sun, and on, through other Suns, to the Great Central Sun.
      • Our human EMFs dance to that of Earth, and this dance affects the unconscious thought cloud of the world.
    • 2. Earth’s Noosphere (The Thought Cloud of Earth)
      • The noosphere is affected by changes in Earth’s EMF, which is largely influenced by solar flares and solar winds.
      • The noosphere has these kinds of thought forms:
        • The higher thought forms of the sentient beings on Earth. These have relatively little emotional content.
        • The subconscious thought forms, including two kinds: Freely floating and dispersing subconscious thought forms, and repressed subconscious thought forms that stay within a person’s energy field
        • And unconscious thought forms, the deep seed of the reality play for humans.
    • 3. How the Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World Is Affected by Weekly Rhythms of Work and School
      • The 3 to 5 pm latchkey child hiatus
      • The Friday and Saturday night working person energies: Release of repressed negative energies
        • The feeling that one is compelled by circumstances to do work that one dislikes
        • The example to one’s children of not following one’s heart
        • Parents’ resentment of children for whom they sacrifice their happiness
        • The flow-through effect of not following our hearts
        • The manner of releasing repressed work-a-day energies
          • Seeking out a sex worker
          • Using recreational drugs
          • Viewing violent movies, which ramp up fear and anger
        • These lead to a flare-up of repressed negative emotions that burst forth into the noosphere
    • 4. How to Avoid Being Affected by the Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World
      • Some people leave the city on the weekends
      • Other people stay home and meditate on the weekends
      • A glass of water and one of Judy Satori’s activations of Light
    • 5. How to Avoid Being Affected by Solar and Annual Minimum Light
      • On getting a daily sun bath
      • Eating vital foods:
        • Vegetable protein (or chicken and fish), vegetables, and vegetable juices
        • On avoiding sugars
        • Also, see Judy Satori’s “Eating Plan for Fifth Dimensional Life” ..
        • On elimination … water enema, as mentioned above
  • The Large Intestine and Threat Energy
    • At times when the Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World is tumultuous, after a water enema the gut brain calms down, and ceases to connect to other people’s unconscious thoughts. Why is this?
    • Story about being tired, starting to fall asleep, and having a sudden descent of consciousness from the Higher Mental Body to the gut brain … There, in the gut brain, was a feeling of threat energy …
      • The feeling that there are other people attempting to control us (which happens when consciousness descends from the heart chakra to the third chakra, which is the center for will power and control). Thus this feeling was of the third chakra negative.
      • The notion that other people are trying to take things from us (which happens when consciousness descends to the basal or root chakra, which is about safety and security). Thus this feeling was of the first chakra negative.
      • Why would the gut brain have these sorts of feelings?
  • Recent Movies That Have This Kind of Threat Energy
    • “The Last Avatar” by Jay Weidner,
    • “Paradox” by Michael Hurst, and
    • “Inferno” with actor Tom Hanks
    • And there are many other movies playing right now that bring up emotions related to fear and feeling threatened. Why are these kinds of movies so popular right now?
  • The Gut Brain: Mood and Well-Being
    • Adam Hadhazy has written on how the gut brain influences mood and well-being. See Link: “Think Twice: How the Gut’s ‘Second Brain’ Influences Mood and Well-Being,” by Adam Hadhazy, “Scientific American,” 12 February 2010 … .. 
    • What emotions are being generated by the Lower Mental Body during the various physiological processes undertaken by the gut?
    • The gut brain is not like the brain and the spinal cord, whose neurons are densely packed, and which are transmitting information to each other like a busy freeway, and creating the illusion that this reality is a certain egoic way.
    • The gut brain is part of the peripheral nervous system. Also known as the Enteric Nervous System, it is a portion of the Autonomic Nervous System that governs the gastrointestinal tract. It is a mesh-like arrangement of neurons.
    • The neurons in the large intestine:
      • Are not part of the egoic solidity of a person.
      • These neurons are ‘on their own’ in the wild and woolly outposts of the human body.
      • What really organizes them is the astral ‘body elemental’ of the large intestine. This is an astral entity with childlike exuberance and joy, that really knows what it’s doing, as far as repairing and facilitating the operation of the lower intestine is concerned.
      • According to Adam Hadhazy’s article, the neurons of the gut brain transmit a great deal of information to the cerebral cortex … It is not the other way around.
      • Could it be, as is inferred by the Adam Hadhazy article, that the main content of these transmissions has to do with mood and well-being? If so, then …
  • What Makes the Gut Brain Unhappy?
    • Here is my clair intel on that: They are afraid of invading organisms; specifically, ‘bad’ bacteria and yeasts that are located in the feces in the colon and that are prevented from entering the bloodstream by the mucus lining of the inside of the tube that is the large intestine.
    • If the bowels are full, then ‘bad’ germs are propagating inside the at an alarming rate, from the perspective of the body elemental of the large intestine.
    • These invading organisms pose the threat of getting into the inside of the body via the lining of the large intestine.
    • They are, as it were, the Army of the Night.
    • Further, the feces carry an astral vibe that is lower than that of the large intestine.
    • So there is a conflict … a war, if you like … going on here. There is a feeling of the gut protecting itself against both the physical threat of invading germs and the threat of the disparity between the astral frequency of the excrement and that of the colon.
    • In the unevacuated colon, this threat energy is being transmitted from the gut brain to the higher brain all night long, and creating dreams and astral stories to do with threat.
  • Bad Diet and Martians
    • The reason for the Hollywood movies on being controlled and chased and having things taken away from you has to do with the eating habits of modern human beings.
    • We do not eat things that allow us to clear our bowels properly.
    • Consequently, inside our bowels are breeding micro-organisms that are not necessarily helpful to human beings.
    • In fact, the vast majority of micro-organisms in the bowel are not helpful to human beings. They are invaders.
    • Science fiction story about the warrior beings of Mars, who encapsulated themselves as bacteria in rocks that were hurled as meteorites from our moon to Earth, where they were let loose on humankind. There is even some science, albeit sketchy, to back this notion up … See Link: “Alien Life Could Feed on Cosmic Rays,” by Jessica Boddy , 7 October 2016 , 9:00 AM, in “Science” … .. 
    • This is rather dramatic, is it not? The thought that there might be Mars warriors inside of our intestines! But it serves to illustrate the point of view of the cells of the the large intestine.
      • They feel that the Army of the Night, an army of alien invaders, is pressing against them, threatening to overwhelm them and control them …
      • And to take things from them. To take from the their health, their happiness, their very lives.
      • And this is the message that they send to the higher centers of the nervous system, to the brain, all night long.
    • This is why, when we use the water enema, it immediately affects everything. When the not-so-bright, not-so-well-connected (but very lovable) neurons of the gut no longer sense the Army of the Night … the Darkness of the excrement inside the colon …
      • Then they are able to relax right away.
      • They do not have much memory about it.
      • They do not know that it will probably be full of excrement again tomorrow.
      • All they know is, everything is fine right now.
      • And so that load of negative emotion going from the gut brain to the higher brain suddenly ceases, and everything is all right. Everything is at peace. the invaders from Mars are vanquished!
  • A Vision of the Army of the Night
    • On Friday and Saturday nights, I would wake up hearing this chant: We Are the Army of the Night! We Are the Army of the Night!
    • I would have a vision of men going out to bars, intent on one-night stands. Their energy was warlike, up yours, rectal. These were men who hated people, misogynists and homophobes. They attacked the people at the bars with this energy, and when they had intercourse, they transmitted to them the energy of hatred, draining them of their vital force.
    • What if it were true that there are invaders from Mars, and they are very, very tiny? What if, in people whose large intestines are too full, they could cause a feeling of warlike hatred, and cause them to act out in this profligate way on the weekends, replicating emotions of hatred and fear from person to person?
    • Suppose it were true that these bacterial beings, these hostile beings, these aliens from another planet, were full of this very warlike, invasive nature? Even setting aside the alien hypothesis, bacteria are like that. They are very adventitious, very ‘for me only’, and parasitic in many instances. Of course, there are good bacteria too. But these hostile bacteria are in it for themselves. They are warring species. Maybe not with higher minds, but with their energy they are doing that.
    • When a person’s GI tract is not fluidly flowing and eliminating, might that result in an accumulation of warlike feeling inside the gut brain of the person?
    • Might that be an impetus of the peoples of Earth to wage war on one another?
  • The Takeaway
    • Even if you did not buy this story ‘hook, line and sinker’, why not pick up a copy of the book “Become Younger,” by Norman Walker, and see what you think of it? It is a small book, but packed full of information. It is very convincing, I feel.
    • Or, look up Judy Satori’s Ascension Diet: See the “Eating Plan for Fifth Dimensional Life” at “Judy Satori” ..
    • Or, look on the internet for good, reasonable instructions on doing a water enema.


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large intestine, colon, army of the night, unconscious thought cloud of the world, collective unconscious, conscious mind, subconscious mind, unconscious mind, noosphere, repressed thoughts, invaders from Mars, aliens, Martians, war, aggression, threat energy, Norman Walker, GI tract, bowel, bacteria, micro-organisms, germs, gut brain, lower mental body, higher mental body, body elementals, neurons, Adam Hadhazy, vinegar enema, enema, colonics, misogyny, homophobia, Army of the Night, chakras, third chakra negative, first chakra negative, control, theft, elimination, The Last Avatar movie, Jay Weidner, Paradox movie, Michael Hurst, Inferno movie, hara line, visualization, weekly temporal rhythm, noosphere, Theosophy, human EMF, human electromagnetic field, magnetosphere, solar winds, solar flares, EMFs, activations of light, aligning with God, mastery of mind, anger, fear, hatred, peaceful feeling, mass media, ego, repressed emotions, visions, subtle bodies, heart energies, Last Avatar movie, Jay Weidner, Paradox movie, Michael Hurst, Inferno movie, Tom Hanks, cities of Earth, School of Theosophy, stories by Alice, stories, enlightenment, neutral mind, hara line, central vertical power current, DNA, movie reviews by Alice, New Earth, ascension, microbiology, bacteria, yeasts, astral beings, my favorites, emotions, health, diet, alternative health, sleep, mind, psychology, psychiatry, Western medicine, interspecies communication, war, peace, earth hologram, viruses, superconscious mind, life on earth, one-upmanship, visions by Alice, solar EMF, earth EMF, magnetosphere, body cells, incoming light,