Category Archives: Western medicine

Caveats About Morphine Addicts . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 4 August 2022
Location: Los Angeles, California

morphine addicts

Image: “Morphine Addicts,” by Paul-Albert Besnard, 1887, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Morphine Addicts,” by Paul-Albert Besnard, 1887, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Dear Ones.

I intuit that morphine addiction apparently causes dreams of body part excision and may cause acting out behavior where the morphine addict excises body parts or disfigures the body (either their own or another person’s).

The reason for this cutting and excising behavior I feel to be that morphine is associated with hospital and medical center operations, which also involve cutting and excision of body parts of the patients. In some way the pain inflicted by this cutting and excision have been bound round and melded with the thought of and the use of morphine, whether medicinally or recreationally.

I get this from analysis of thought forms that are not my own, but which I run across on the astral plane. If you are in the physical presence of a morphine addict, then you must take special precautions not to be cut and injured by him. In addiction therapy, the addict ought to be deprived of cutting instruments.

In point of fact, I ran across a man last weekend [this was not a Caucasian man, but rather a man of a different race] whom I intuitively took to be a morphine addict. Here is my description of his appearance, as it intuitively seemed to me …

Here are the words in the video: His eyes were dead; his lips were full; his face was slack. Who was he? Was he a morphine addict?

I am hopeful that this short description of the appearance of the man I walked past this weekend will help my readers to recognize the danger they may be in if they find themselves in the physical presence of people who resemble the person I ran across. I feel it highly advisable immediately to put physical distance between yourself and such people.

On another note, I ran across the Swedish word ond today, which in that language is pronounced like the English word wound

Pronounciation of the Swedish word ond … 

I have read that this word ond has three meanings in Swedish: evil; angry (an old-fashioned meaning of the word); and hurting or causing pain.

From this triple word derivation I gather substantiation that hurting and causing pain, even if done for a patient’s ultimate good, have a connection to anger and to evil. It seems to me that this evil caused by patient operations flows out into the noosphere and is seized upon by people who have early childhood Soul wounding experiences. It is because of these evil early ond experiences that people turn to morphine addiction. It is because of anger at such youthful ond experiences, I posit, that morphine addicts cut and disfigure themselves and hurt or cause pain to others. It is the resolution of these early ond experiences, I gather, that may ultimately heal morphine addicts.

For those who turn things round backwards by mistake, I would like to make it clear that I am not talking about myself, or about anyone I interact with on the physical plane, but rather about other people walking round the world, or maybe ghosts, or maybe movie characters who exhibit these traits.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

For more on this, search my blog for the word: morphine


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

morphine addicts, drug addiction, morphine, cutting, body part excision, law enforcement, health, Western medicine,

Call to Action for Microbiologists: Mystery RIFF on Human Aging and Bacterium Desulforudis audaxviator

Written and published on 2 October 2021

Image: “A colony of Desulforudis audaxviator, discovered in the Mponeng gold mine near Johannesburg, South Africa,” by unknown author, 2 May 2008, in Wikimedia Commons … … DESCRIPTION: “See article Without The Sun for details.”

Image: “A colony of Desulforudis audaxviator, discovered in the Mponeng gold mine near Johannesburg, South Africa,” by unknown author, 2 May 2008, in Wikimedia Commons … … DESCRIPTION: “See article Without The Sun for details.”

Dear Ones,

Here is a Mystery RIFF for you, to do with human aging and the bacterium Desulforudis audaxviator. This is a call to action for microbiologists who have an interest in preventing and reversing human aging. Continue reading

Lightworkers: 2021 Summer Solstice Energies . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 16 June 2021

Image: “NewInterstellarMedium_Art,” at NASA, 21 December 2016 … … CREDITS: Charles Carter/Keck Institute for Space Studies … DESCRIPTION: An annotated illustration of the interstellar medium. The solar gravity lens marks the point where a conceptual spacecraft in interstellar space could use our sun as a gigantic lens, allowing zoomed-in close-ups of planets orbiting other stars,” in “Interstellar: Crossing the Cosmic Void.”

Image: “NewInterstellarMedium_Art,” at NASA, 21 December 2016 …

CREDITS: Charles Carter/Keck Institute for Space Studies …

DESCRIPTION: An annotated illustration of the interstellar medium. The solar gravity lens marks the point where a conceptual spacecraft in interstellar space could use our sun as a gigantic lens, allowing zoomed-in close-ups of planets orbiting other stars,” in “Interstellar: Crossing the Cosmic Void.”

    • Image: Zen Peaceful Meditation Gif
    • Image: Orion A Molecular Cloud
    • On Getting the OK to Do Meditations and Yoga from Your Western Medical Practitioner
    • Ultimate Responsibility for Our Health Rests in Our Own Hands
    • On Practicing Kundalini Yoga with Advancing Age and in Varying States of Health

Dear Ones,


Here is a great description by Lightworker Sandra Walter of 2021 Summer Solstice energies already incoming, and expected to peak during the 18-22 June 2021 Gateway …

Link: “Solstice Energies and Revelations,” by Sandra Walter, 15 June 2021 … ..

Continue reading

Understanding Clair Abilities: Medical Empathy . by Alice B. Clagett

This is about the clair ability of medical empathy.

Understanding Clair Abilities: Medical Empathy

Image: “Les Noisettes (The Nut Gatherers),” by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 30 November 1825, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Les Noisettes (The Nut Gatherers),” by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 30 November 1825, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain


Dear Ones,


I recall that, in the months leading up to the death of my last uncle, on the clair plane I used to speak with him at night, when all the world was quiet. He was his old self then, young and cheerful, clever and wise.

In his later years, my uncle had a heart condition. I think it must have gotten slowly more serious with time. As a clair Lightworker and a medical empath, I used to experience many unusual events with my heart in the year 2019. It felt almost as if I were having minor heart attacks, but not quite that serious.

I know from a medical test I took in years past that experiences of seeming heart attacks are not TIAs, nor any physical heart events. Rather, they are faint imitations of physical experiences other people are undergoing. Thus it seems to me my uncle must have been suffering small heart attacks in the months leading up to his death.

In support of this medical empath theory, I can say: At his death, the seeming TIAs or minor heart attacks I had been experiencing the prior year completely ceased. My uncle went on to the astral plane, where it seemed to me he was greatly relieved to be, as the final years of failing health must have been difficult to endure, even for a person as equanimitous as he.

In the same way, I guess, a Lightworker or healer who relates to, say, a patient with liver disease and who is dying, might experience fleeting liver pains over the course of the patient’s final illness. A trip to the doctor is, of course, advisable, to rule out the possibility that the Lightworker or healer is ill. If that proves fruitless, then one may assume the fleeting liver pains are empathic reflections of the patient’s illness; especially if the Lightworker’s or healer’s pains cease the day the patient passes on.


All people have a series of ‘best and luckiest’ death dates, just as the day they were born was writ in the stars as best for this incarnation. Lightworkers and healers do feel other people’s sorrows and suffering a little as if it were their own, but it is important for us to let folks go on to the next world at the appointed time. If we try to take their sorrows and suffering on and heal it through our own bodies of Light, thus extending their timeline, then we may be doing others an injustice. In addition, we may be placing an undue burden upon our own bodies of Light. I advise letting people go gently to God when the time seems right to them. That, I feel, is the best kind of death … death at the time their Soul appoints with God.


Further, there are people in the world who spitefully attempt to force upon Lightworkers and healers the burden of their own physical pains. This is a black magic, malware practice born of ignorance of the karmic burden it incurs.

There is karmic distortion amongst some Christians that is similar in nature. Some Christians say that Christ died for us, and that therefore it is ok for them to sacrifice a Lightworker or healer, a Pathfinder or Wayshower, for the good of a Christian congregation. When you think about it, this may be the same sort of thinking that led Judas to hand Christ over to Pontius Pilate. I call that the Suffering Is a Good Thing malware; as a Lightworker, I feel it could not be a feature of New Life on New Earth.

There are few of us on Earth, and our role is important to the Ascension process. Until the Suffering Is a Good Thing malware has cleared from Earth, let us give our own selves the necessary Soul nourishment, and physical respite, so that our bodies of Light shine strong and bright.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 26 February 2021; revised on 27 September 2023


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Lightworkers, healers, medical intuitives, empathy, clair senses, health, Western medicine, malware, Christianity, suffering, karma, black magic, transcending the Dark, self-esteem, self-sacrifice, expiation, pariah, scapegoating, death, body of Light,

Might Malaria Medicines Used for a Week Beginning Day 9 Help Prevent COVID-19 Hospitalizations? . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and posted on 26 February 2021

Dear Ones,

I note the malaria medicines hydroxychloroquine sulfate and chloroquine phosphate are being used in Latin America, Asia, and Africa to treat COVID-19. But I see it is not approved by the FDA here in the United States for COVID-19?

I note hydroxychloroquine sulfate is approved by the FDA to treat lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. I read that both these diseases have to do with autoimmune disease, which occurs when a person’s immune system mistakenly attacks is or her own body.

I read there is a turning point in COVID-19 at 10 to 12 days, where a person either starts to improve, or else the disease becomes quite serious. Could it be that the determining factor in recovery or serious illness at 10 to 12 days has to do with whether the autoimmune disease kicks in at that point?

If so, then it might be appropriate to use a brief course of hydroxychloroquine sulfate or chloroquine phosphate, starting, say, at day 9, and lasting, say, for a week? Might that help prevent COVID hospitalizations, I wonder?

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

health, community health, COVID-19, COVID, coronavirus, Western medicine,