Category Archives: Timeline shifting

Protonfall icon

New Solar Cycle 25: High Protonfall and Psychokinetic Events . by Alice B. Clagett


Image: “Two up quarks and one down quark spinning freely in a particle accelerators stream,” by Brianzero, 1 March 2009, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported … COMMENTS: I read that protons and neutrons are made up of quarks; so protonfall might be full of quarks. So it seems to me. –Alice B. Clagett

    • Effects of High Protonfall

Dear Ones,


According to Space Weather … … protonfall is now about 6,800, which is high considering what protonfall has been like most of the time in recent years.

That is (solar wind speed of 275.3 km/sec) X (solar wind density of 24.7 protons/cm cubed =  protonfall 6,799.91.

Continue reading

Triple Eclipse Passage: Multitemporality, Multidimensionality, and the Coronavirus Pandemic . by Alice B. Clagett *

Filmed on 6 June 2020; published on 7 June 2020; revised on 23 June 2020
This blog is one of a series expressing my new timeline theory, which I term ‘multitemporality’ … Link: “Compendium: Timelines and Multitemporality,”. by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 2 February 2019, updated … ..

These are Ascension skills to do with mastery of time and space from the stance of the awakened Planet Earth and the awakened human being. These skills cannot be attained by those who seek power over other human beings; that notion is nonsensical.

    • Introduction
    • COVID Crisis from the Stance of the Mass Media
    • Chances for Lightworkers to Transform Dimensions and Timelines through the Incoming Light
    • Chances for Lightworkers to Transform Dimensions and Timelines through the Incoming Light
    • On Death from COVID-19, Viewed as Incarnational Choice or Awareness Timeline Changeup
    • Lightworker View: Caleidoscopic Timeline Merges
    • On Remembering Our Soul Choices Regarding These Troubled Times
    • Conclusion
    • Photo by Alice

Dear Ones,

Here is a second video to do with the Triple Eclipse Passage of Summer Solstice 2020. Topics include multitemporality, multidimensionality, and the coronavirus pandemic. There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

Well, here we are in the Triple Eclipse Passage or ‘Passageway’ … or sometimes it is called a ‘Window’ … to do with Summer Solstice 2020 and two other eclipses. It is just very dramatic. The Light switches and changes as timelines are merged.


I have been feeling a little like I am a young chicken molting and changing to larger feathers. And my sleep patterns are very unusual. Maybe some of you who are Lightworkers and healers and so forth will identify with that. And others of you will probably have great tales to tell as time goes on.

I have been putting off talking to you about the multitemporal and multidimensional notion that Lightworkers and healers and channelers and others sometimes have regarding current events. It is because the events are current that I am likely to run into a ‘sticky wicket’. I will try to be brief, and for those of you that are versed in multitemporality and multidimensionality, I hope this will be sufficient.

COVID Crisis from the Stance of the Mass Media

As you may know, the nation and the world face what is termed in the mass media the ‘COVID crisis’, the coronavirus pandemic. Almost unanimously, in the news, this is viewed as a great catastrophe to which we as humankind must rise, which we must face with courage and faith; and we praise those in the community that assist, at risk to their own health, in healing others.

COVID as a Chance to Switch from Negative to Positive Dimensions

That is true, in a way. But there is another way of looking at it too, for those that like that other way better. I, for instance, see, all around me in Los Angeles, people on very different timelines and in very different dimensions from my own.

There are people experiencing fear and anger, which are hellworld scenarios; people extremely anxious over property and health. The extent of their negative feelings determines the worlds in which they find themselves … whether hellworlds or purgatory worlds … that depends on the density of the negative emotions.

We have, as aforementioned, other people who are experiencing faith and hope, and the desire to be of selfless service to humankind. Those people are offering to the people experiencing the other kinds of emotions, a chance to suddenly switch dimensions from negative to positive.

So those people who are ill, or fearful of being ill, have a chance to meet these other people who turn them … maybe for the first time in their lives … from fear and anger and anxiety and all those things, to the notions of faith, hope, charity, joy, and abundance. It is amazing!

There is an opportunity, right now, to choose the negative dimensions … the hellworlds or purgatory worlds … or to choose closer to the heaven worlds, or higher: the fifth dimension, the sixth dimension … on up to the twelfth dimension … or higher still, to the 72nd dimension positive.

Chances for Lightworkers to Transform Dimensions and Timelines through the Incoming Light

There is a great opportunity, here on Earth, from the stance of the Lightworker who believes in multidimensionality and multitemporality. It is very weird: I will be driving down the street, and I will be encountering waves of energy: temporal waves and dimensional waves that keep stirring and changing, to the extent where I need to stop, nap for five minutes, and suddenly recalibrate to whatever timeline and dimension exists at that locus in space … and then we can change up to the higher dimensions, or we can find a spot with the higher dimensions and the higher timelines; some place, for instance, where people have been meditating on their heart energy, or singing God’s praises with their heart energy.

That kind of a place, here in Los Angeles, creates an oasis of Christ consciousness through which … as I spoke of in yesterday’s video … can funnel, in a vortical motion, energy of Christ consciousness and Buddhic consciousness from the Galactic Center down to Earth, and through Earth, so that the people can experience, perhaps for the first time, perhaps after any number of times, Christed and Buddhic consciousness. It is really a rare time on Earth.

On Death from COVID-19, Viewed as Incarnational Choice or Awareness Timeline Changeup

Then there are quite a few people, according to the mass media, who have chosen to pass on at this time, during the COVID crisis. From the stance of a Lightworker, from my own stance, I feel that these people’s Souls have opted for an incarnation that teaches the lessons of Soul evolution, but perhaps without the incarnation dealing with the COVID crisis.

So those people who have chosen to pass on are looking forward to Soul lessons in a different context, in a different incarnation. It is all working out according to the Divine plan, and according to the free will hopes of the eternal Soul of each human being on Earth.

From the stance of a Lightworker, I feel that the Souls of many people here on Earth have chosen to place their Awareness on a different timeline. That decision to exist on perhaps a speeded up, or perhaps a slowed down timeline, has apparently resulted in many people dropping physical form in this timeline.

Those people still exist. They are still eternal Souls in another Awareness timeline. So this is a time of great change and great choice in that regard.

Lightworker View: Caleidoscopic Timeline Merges

With regard to my own self as a Lightworker I clairly see and hear, passing before me on the astral plane, all kinds of alternate timelines. These timelines are changing up, to higher timelines.

All kinds of thoughts and emotions that existed in non-chosen timelines or in chosen timelines in the recent past are blending upwards into the higher Light, so that those thoughts and those emotions will no longer pull my body of Light into negativity in that regard.

That is what I feel. The body of Light itself is becoming far more radiant because of the Light that is coming in, through this Triple Eclipse Passage.

On Remembering Our Soul Choices Regarding These Troubled Times

There is one other thing to do with the people that feel negative or fearful or anxious or angry regarding the current events. The thought I have is that people feel they have been dragged into these current circumstances without their choice, and that they must burden themselves with living through what is about to unfold in this timeline and this dimension in which they find themselves.

Our root and our beingness and our becomingness have to do with the reflection that we are of the Divine nature of God. Each human hologram is a separate hologram created by God in alignment with the Soul’s purpose, which, in the best-case scenario, is in alignment with the Will of God, the Heart of God, and the Mind of God. So I feel.

The truth of the issue, for people who are reluctant to go through the current unfolding mass media scenario, I feel to be that their eternal Souls chose this timeline in which they find themselves so that the vast choices of this moment would be available to them: the choices of positive mind and heart and Soul … the choices of aligning with Divine intent; or the choices of the media, which have to do with lack of free will, and power over, and poverty in the world, and so on.

So the Soul chose, but the human mind and heart and will do not remember, quite yet, that there was a free will choice to experience these events … to have a choice to meditate; to change the diet and make it more pure; to go for walks; to be with family and to strengthen those bonds with family; and to find creative ways to overcome the issue of lack of employment; to help each other out.

These were choices that the Soul made for a good reason, and that reason is this:  Movement to higher density is not going to occur until these things take place.

It is amazing, really, that so many Souls have made that choice, and so many people do not remember their Soul making it!


We have so many things going on at the same time, at this time. We have the people that are turning from despair and sadness, grief and anger and anxiety, to the experiences of positive emotions and positive thoughts, often aided by other human beings who help to pull them up from the depths of despair and from the negative emotions. Those people are learning to move from the negative worlds … from the negative dimensions … to the positive dimensions. That is one thing.

Then there are the people that are capable of ‘multidiming’ and ‘multitiming’. They are capable of multidimensional and multitemporal surfing. Those people have amazing opportunities today, as they move from place to place (or even sitting in one place during meditation) of making changes in their own body of Light, so that it becomes more perfect … so that their experience of multidimensionality and multitemporality is more uplifted in all regards; so that their choices are more closely aligned with the Infinite.

The people who make those choices are doing so while staying in physical form now, during this time. They are staying in the current Awareness timeline, or in another Awareness timeline that involves the same COVID crisis.

Then there are the people that decided to opt out; they do not like the COVID crisis, and they are moving on, to new incarnation.

And there may be many other things happening at this time, that I have not quite figured out right now.

It is as if all humankind is that young chicken that is molting its feathers and changing. The pinfeathers are coming in, and it is going to have large feathers with which it can fly, pretty soon. That is how I see it: We are all molting and changing and becoming quite glorious.

This is a Lightworker signing off. I hope no one takes offense at my ideas about the COVID crisis. I hope you will, each an every one, find your way free, and find your way through, and find yourself in the highest and greatest and most beautiful of New Realities here on Earth.

God bless you all and keep you safe.

In love, light and Joy,
I Am of the Stars

Photo by Alice

Image: “Santa Paula, California: Window or Passage,” by Alice B. Clagett, 6 June 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Santa Paula, California: Window or Passage,” by Alice B. Clagett, 6 June 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Ascension, almanac, Triple Eclipse Passage, Triple Eclipse Passageway, Full Moon, Galactic Center, Incoming Light, Mass media, current events, Summer Solstice 2020, transformation, multitemporality, multidimensionality, Lightworkers, COVID, COVID-19, coronavirus, pandemic, health, courage, faith, Apocalypse, End Times, healers, fear, anger, emotions, hellworld, purgatory, heaven world, anxiety, hope, selfless service, vortices, Christ consciousness, Buddhic consciousness, death, incarnation, Soul evolution, Soul, New Human, New Earth, Soul lessons, Awareness timeline, Timeline merges, Body of Light, free will, power over, poverty, abundance, timeline surfing, dimensional surfing, dimensions, fifth dimension, sixth dimension, 12th dimension, 72nd dimension, aligning with God, my favorites, miscellanea, rites of passage, human hologram, dimensional optimization, timeline shifting, timeline transformation, sanctuary, social issues, countries of Earth, employment, astral planes, clair senses, human telepathy, telepathy, Christianity, photos by Alice,

Compendium: Timelines and Multitemporality . by Alice B. Clagett *

These are Ascension skills to do with mastery of time and space from the stance of the awakened Planet Earth and the awakened human being. These skills cannot be attained by those who seek power over other human beings; that notion is nonsensical.


Dear Ones,

Here is a compendium of my blog series that expresses my new timeline theory, which I term ‘multitemporality’. This includes my channelings on timeline optimization. The list is in chronological order, with the most recent blog is at the top.  I have bolded those that I like best …

Link: “Triple Eclipse Passageway: Multitemporality, Multidimensionality, and the Coronavirus Pandemic,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 6 June 2020; published on 7 June 2020 … ..

Link: “New Timeline Theory,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 15 May 2020 … ..

Link: “Timeline Loop Blessing,” channeled by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 5 December 2019; published on 23 December 2019 … ..

Link: “Timeline Stuckness: The Price of Practicing Mind Control,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 8 November 2019 … ..

Link: “Prophecy and Healing through Timeline Awareness,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 17 April 2019; republished on 4 October 2020 … the section: For the Prophet: Stream-of-Consciousness Timeline Dipping and Prophecy

Link: “Navigating by Sun, Stars, Timelines, and Dimensions,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 13 January 2018 … ..

Link: “Upcoming Timeline Splits,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 10 November 2017 … ..

Link: “Blessing to Optimize Timelines and Dimensions!” by the Hathors through Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 12 May 2017; published on 13 May 2017 … ..

Link: “Timelines and Dimensions 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 13 February 2017 … is a companion piece on Dimensions.

Link: “Timelines and Dimensions 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 12 February 2017; revised on 9 February 2019 … ..

Link: “Timelines and Dimensions 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 10 February 2017; published on 11 February 2017 … ..

Link: “How to Transform Timelines and Dimensions,” by the Hathors through Alice B. Clagett, published on 26 December 2014 … ..

Link: “On Human Hybrids and Astral Velociraptors,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 20 November 2016; published on 25 November 2016; revised on 11 June 2020 … … Search the word: timelines

Link: “Optimize Timelines!” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 2 November 2016; published on 13 November 2016 … ..

Link: “Working with Timelines,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 18 September 2016; published on 21 September 2016 … ..

Link: “On Refinement of Scientific Theories,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 5 August 2016; transcribed on 10 February 2019 … … Search the word: timeline

Link: “For Young Folks: Timeline Affirmation and Shapeshifting Caveat,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 20 July 2016; published on 29 July 2016 … ..

Link: “Prayer for People . and Optimizing Timelines and Dimensions,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 28 March 2016; published on 6 April 2016; transcribed on 5 February 2019 … ..

Link: “More on the V— D— Energy Leaving: Alternate World and Timeline Merge Hypothesis,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 21 February 2016; published on 25 February 2016, revised on 11 October 2018 … ..

Link: “On Resolving Non-Optimal Timelines and Stabilizing the Earth Hologram,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 24 November 2015 … ..

Link: “Multitiming: The Pearl Necklace of Our Alternate Timelines,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed and published on 28 September 2015; transcribed on 16 January 2019 … ..

Link: “5D Skillsets: Rewriting History, Jumping Timelines, Merging Dimensions,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 27 June 2015; transcribed on 12 November 2018 … ..

Link: “The Left Brain, Multidiming, and Timeline Jumping,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 17 April 2015; transcribed on 25 October 2018 … ..

Link: “Timeline Loops to Heal Malware and Clear the Soul Field,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed 12 April 2015; published on 30 November 2016 … ..

Link: “Thoughts on the Nature of Reality,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 31 March 2016 … … Search the word: timeline

Link: “Something New in Astral Stories: Part 2: Instantaneous Manifestation,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 7 February 2016; published on 11 February 2016; transcribed on 6 July 2018; text in teal font was added on 20 May 2019 … … Search the word: timeline

Link: “The Coming Changes, including referral to Salvatore Russo,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 23 January 2016; revised on 9 February 2019 … … Search the word: timeline

Link: “Earth Ley Line Intersections,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 6 January 2016; published on 24 January 2016 … … Search the word: timeline

Link: “Very Dark – Very Light Timeline,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 5 November 2015; published on 9 November 2015 … ..

Link: “On Free Will and Refinement of Our Astral Matter,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 17 October 2015 … … Search the word: timeline

Link: “Multitiming and Alternate Worlds,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 2 September 2015; published on 7 September 2015; transcribed on 28 June 2020 … ..

Link: “Rewriting History: Astral Plane and Alternate Worlds,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 29 May 2015; published on 30 May 2015; revised on 31 October 2018 … … Search the word: timeline

Link: “Timeline Jump Sensory Recalibration,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 15 February 2015; revised on 10 October 2018 … ..

Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: Karmic Traps, Recurrent Fantasies, Blame and Forgiveness,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 15 February 2015, published on 24 October 2015; transcribed on 4 October 2018; revised on 29 January 2019 … … Search the word: timeline

Link: “Shifting Torus Forms, Trined Love, and Co-Creation of Reality,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 13 February 2015; revised … … Search the word: timeline

Link: “Guidelines for Producing Your Own Lila,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 23 January 2015 … … Search the word: timeline

Link: “How to Transform Timelines and Dimensions,” by the Hathors through Alice B. Clagett, published on 26 December 2014 … ..

Link: “Activations to Heal the Light Body by Timeline Jumping,” by the Hathors through Alice B. Clagett, published on 15 December 2014 … ..

Link: “Timeline Choices, Group Awareness, Forgiveness. Activations of Light,” by the Hathors through Alice B. Clagett, published on 9 November 2014; revised and republished on 9 November 2014 … ..

Link: “Ma’at, the Principle of Balance, re Dark Attacks, Angelic Protection, and the Incoming Light ,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 25 July 2014; revised on 9 August 2018 … … Search the word: timeline

Link: “Temporal and 4D Novelties,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 30 December 2013; revised and republished on 6 January 2018 … … Search the word: timeline

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 2 February 2019, updated on 17 March 2023

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

timelines, timeline, my favorites,

The Coming Changes, including referral to Salvatore Russo . comments by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 23 January 2016; revised on 9 February 2019
Previously titled: The Coming Changes, including referral to Salvatore Russo

    • Salvatore Russo’s Section “Coming Changes”
    • Salvatore Russo’s Section “Microcosmos”
    • On Expanding Our Understanding of Time Through Whole Brain Thinking
    • Timeline Transformation as a Cause of Dark Prophecies Not Manifesting
    • A Very Delayed Timeline: The Second Coming of Christian Prophecy
    • The Hathor Channelings: Tom Kenyon’s Prophetic Timelines
    • Signs in the Clouds: Alice Clagett’s Prophetic Timelines
    • Salvatore Russo’s Prophetic Timelines
    • Activation of Light: Timeline Optimization, by the Hathors, through Alice B. Clagett

Dear Ones,


In 2013 Salvatore Russo had some predictions regarding global and personal changes resulting from the Shift, that to me, are some of the best that anyone has channeled regarding the changes now taking place on Earth, and the concomitant choices available to each of us who are in form on Earth today.

Salvatore Russo’s Section “Coming Changes”

Salvatore Russo’s section “Coming Changes,” I feel, had best be read in its entirety, so that it can be cast in the light of each reader’s understanding of the history of Earth so far …

Link: “Saturn Retrograde: The Prophecy of the Popes,” by Salvatore Russo, in Spirit of Ma’at: Truth Brings Clarity … … Search the subheading: Coming Changes

This section has a list of changes we may look for in the coming years, including changes in …

  • the financial arena
  • economic blocks
  • third-world debt
  • upgrades in the Light quotient of world leadership
  • currency market fluctuations
  • turning of people inward, toward communion with God; this more so than adherence to form and societal expectations with regard to participation in religious institutions
  • less coercion and more free will in dealings of nation with nation
  • deaths [and to this I would add ‘going to ground’ or faked death] of what he terms ‘masonic leadership’ [My term for this is ‘Controllers’.]
  • freeing up of world resources such as food, medicine, and money, for more egalitarian use by all her peoples
  • greater freedoms, and stronger human rights, for the peoples of all nations
  • and worldly signs … such as fire, flood, and so on … that are sent by God to help people achieve greater brotherly love, and a stronger sense of family and community, so that they may together build a greater and brighter future for themselves and for their children

Salvatore Russo’s Section “Microcosmos”

I also liked the section “Microcosmos” in Salvatore Russo’s prophecy, That section lists the many personal, individual themes that will be clearing in the coming times. One need only look to the titles of movies now playing in the theaters to know which these may be.

The table of contents in my blog lists many of the items on Mr. Russo’s list as well, such as: transformation, crime, fear, vengeance, psychology, health, empowerment, clair gifts, and mastery of mind.

I like Salvatore Russo’s list very much, as it is quite complete, and eloquently phrased, in case you would like to read it …

Link: “Saturn Retrograde: The Prophecy of the Popes,” by Salvatore Russo, in Spirit of Ma’at: Truth Brings Clarity … … Search the subheading: Microcosmos


I see that Salvatore Russo’s blog refers to a time of Saturn retrogrades in the year 2013, and is continuing to unfold, for most people on Earth, into the year 2019 and onward.

I would like to explain a little about prophecy and the multitemporal nature of the universe. People sometimes say to themselves: This was prophesied to occur in such-and-such a year. That year has come and gone, and the prophecy has not occurred. Clearly … they say … the prophecy was false. This way of thinking occurs when people are trapped in the causal network, through use of their left brain solely.

On Expanding Our Understanding of Time Through Whole Brain Thinking

As we develop whole brain thinking, we begin to get a feel for multitemporality, and for timeline merges and splits and jumps; for rollbacks and roll-forwards (‘previews’) and repeating loops.

We start to have fun with time, much in the way that a child might play with a skateboard in a skateboard park, or a surfer might play with the ocean waves when the surf is up. We begin to have confidence in the notion that we can choose an optimum Awareness timeline; that we can create a prophecy, select a timeline, and change our future.

My blog category: Mastery of mind – subconscious – unconscious mind has more on achieving whole brain thinking.

Timeline Transformation as a Cause of Dark Prophecies Not Manifesting

When we prophecy, and then for masses of people, that prophecy does not immediately manifest, there are several possibilities. Especially in the case of very Dark prophecies, the timeline, through God’s grace, is often merged with a brighter timeline, and transformed to the Light.

I notice, today, that the movie industry is bringing forth Dark timeline after Dark timeline, and placing them before the public eye. We Lightworkers encounter the Dark dreams so manifest as astral stories sometimes sparked, in the movie plot writer’s mind, by single instances in the news, or by a word or phrase they read or hear, which brings forth the emotion of fear or the desire to injure others.

In my understanding, their subconscious mind then creates a plot based on that feeling of fear or anger, with a tiny spark seed of truth in it (the event about which they read or hear, or which they see).

It is up to the Lightworkers, pathfinders, wayshowers, and healers to transform these Dark story lines to the Light, when we encounter them as astral stories in Earth’s noosphere. In that way, the emotions of fear and anger may be transformed to the emotions of love and Light. In that way the noosphere is cleansed, and the energy field of Earth is uplifted.

A Very Delayed Timeline: The Second Coming of Christian Prophecy

In many other instances, there is a ‘news headline’ disparity to do with prophecy: The news of the prophecy does not happen for most people until some time later.

This happened with Christ’s prophecy of the Second Coming. His followers sold all their possessions; they endured harsh poverty, travels through difficult and unsafe terrain, imprisonment, and death. They forewent family life as well, because they felt that the Second Coming would happen during their lifetime. Yet the Second Coming is only just now manifesting, some 2000 years later.

The Hathor Channelings: Tom Kenyon’s Prophetic Timelines

Along similar lines, in Tom Kenyon’s work, the Hathors channelings are dated from 2003 onward …

Link: “Tom Kenyon,” by Tom Kenyon … … Search the section: Hathors

These channelings include many prophecies that I find to be very much ‘on the mark’. In Tom Kenyon’s Awareness timeline, they were manifest as early as the year 2003 and the years that followed. Yet for the Awareness timeline of many people of Earth … as evidenced by mass media and newspaper headlines … the prophecies are still in the process of unfolding, and are not yet evident to their mental minds.

Signs in the Clouds: Alice Clagett’s Prophetic Timelines

In the same way, my prophecies feel to me as if they are unfolding in the Now, yet it may be some years before I see them in newspaper headlines, which to me represent the Awareness timeline of many people on Earth (although not my own Awareness timeline).

For more on these prophecies, search my blog category: Prophecy – oracles – seers – mystery schools – cloud readings

Salvatore Russo’s Prophetic Timelines

As mentioned above, the events named in Salvatore Russo’s work began to manifest in 2013, and are still in the process of playing out, in many timelines. The temporal lag, as explained above, is typical of multitemporal timeline prediction.

Thus for me, his predictions are as true today, as they were in 2013 … in fact, perhaps more so, as to my seeming, a prediction past its predicted time of occurrence adheres to itself greater and greater urgency of its unfolding, like a swooping down of great and inevitable forces, or a marching onward of the unfolding laws of the ever greater love and Light in our Multiverse.

This feeling of impendency and of ever greater pressure of inevitability has to do with Light prophecies rather than Dark prophecies, as the onward course of the Universe, and that of almost all Souls, and of all sentient beings, has the force of evolution towards greater understanding of God through which Creation emanates.


I note the timeline of Salvatore Russo’s predicted changes was apparently pretty brief. By my lights, they have only just started to manifest from 2013 through 2019, in the general arena of humankind. I suppose it depends on the timeline each person chooses, as to how quickly they appear to manifest for that individual.

My own recommendation is to stay out of the political-economic-financial scene insofar as possible. Where the personality intersects with these, maintain a low key, I feel. Disclosures may unfold, as Salvatore Russo predicted. The global economy may change, as may finance, the political scene, and so on. But what are these to you, in actuality?

Far more important in these times of change, I feel, is to be of clear and steady heart, to transform all incoming dense energy strands with love and Light and joy, and to promptly forgive each and every instance of judgment or blame coming my way. To be like Christ, insofar as possible. To manifest Christ consciousness. To be that Light by which all may rise to conscious Atransforwareness. To just be that.

A person’s job may change, or they may hold their job differently, Their family grouping may change, or they may hold their family differently. Their timeline may shift completely, over and over again, if they use the timeline optimization technique …

Activation of Light: Timeline Optimization
by the Hathors, through Alice B. Clagett

Spirit to Team,
Optimize timelines!
For the All, through Free Will!

For me, the notion of change became a pretty cool event, once I got used to it. Every day is, to me, the very best of all possible days. Everything new is totally cool. I am into it!

Like the familiar call: Surf’s up!
Like a grand slalom down a snowy slope,
Life’s full of twists and turns, and wonderful surprises!

And so, I greet each of you on this beautiful day, in this best of all timelines, for …

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

For more timeline information see … LInk: “Compendium: Timelines and Multitemporality,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 2 February 2019 … ..

Here is Daniel Nahmod’s totally right-on song “Everything New” …

Video: “Everything New,” by Daniel Nahmod – Topic, 9 November 2015 … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Daniel Nahmod, prophecy, social issues, Salvatore Russo, Second Coming, Christianity, Bible, timeline merges, timeline shifts, timeline acceleration, timeline slowdown, timeline transformation, awareness timeline, multitemporality, timeline surfing, timeline loops, timeline rollbacks, timeline previews, mass media, Tom Kenyon, causal reality, left brain, whole brain thinking, economics, finance, disclosure, government, human rights, fear, anger, subconscious mind, Lightworkers, astral stories, noosphere, politics, leadership, heart clearing, courage, judgment, blame, Christ consciousness, employment,

On Free Will and Refinement of Our Astral Matter . by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 17 October 2015


Dear Ones,


As the stratosphere clears with the Incoming Light from the Central Sun, Earth herself, as well as we, her children, are rejoicing in the refinement of our astral matter, while still retaining physical form. And so, one might say, the entire Planet Earth, and all her children, are being lifted up into a more rarified realm of energy.

Another way of perceiving this process is of the burning off of the seven ‘astral negative’ planes of matter … which is to say, the clearing away of what the major religions conceive of as the ‘hell worlds’. Concomitant with the clearing and balancing of our human chakras.

It seems to me that this process is happening ‘from the ground up’ …. In other words, the seventh astral subplane negative (7N) … fear of death and the desire to kill, corresponding to the first chakra negative … burned off first for me. Next, 6N … sexual cruelty and fear, corresponding to the second chakra negative … burned off, in my experience. And so on.

Although I have been through some of these clearings, I still experience them over and over again with each awakening flock of Souls. Not as vividly as when I first felt them, though … more like an echo.

And at times, because of my own clearing experience, I rejoice in the opportunity to help other good Souls clear more quickly and with less drama. Keeping in mind that all this is but the Great Illusion, arranged by the Divine for the ever deepening wisdom of our Souls.


There is a passage from C.W. Leadbeater’s “Textbook of Theosophy” …

LInk: “A Textbook of Theosophy,” by C.W. Leadbeater. (2004). Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg … ..

… that describes astral matter, as well as the refinement of our astral matter after we pass on. I find this passage intriguing, as it carries strong parallels to the Awakening process currently underway. The passage is in blue font below:

“The matter of the astral body (or rather the life animating its molecules) desires for its evolution such undulations as it can get, of as many different kinds as possible, and as coarse as possible. The next step in its evolution will be to ensoul physical matter and become used to its still slower oscillations; and as a step on the way to that, it desires the grossest of the astral vibrations. It has not the intelligence definitely to plan for these; but its instinct helps it to discover how most easily to procure them.

“The molecules of the astral body are constantly changing, as are those of the physical body, but nevertheless the life in the mass of those astral molecules has a sense, though a very vague sense, of itself as a whole—as a kind of temporary entity [elsewhere termed the ‘desire elemental]. It does not know that it is part of a man’s astral body; it is quite incapable of understanding what a man is; but it realizes in a blind way that under its present conditions it receives many more waves, and much stronger ones, than it would receive if floating at large in the atmosphere. It would then only occasionally catch, as from a distance, the radiation of man’s passions and emotions; now it is in the very heart of them, it can miss none, and it gets them at their strongest.

“Therefore it feels itself in a good position, and it makes an effort to retain that position. It finds itself in contact with something finer than itself—the matter of the man’s mental body; and it comes to feel that if it can contrive to involve that finer something in its own undulations, they will be greatly intensified and prolonged.” —from “A Textbook of Theosophy,” by C.W. Leadbeater. (2004). Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved 17 October 2015, from [The quoted text is in blue font above. Paragraphing is mine . –Alice B. Clagett]

I feel differently; I feel that the desire elemental eagerly serves the human and is eager to be tutored, provided the human takes into consideration its nature, its desire to serve, and its enthusiastic need to be loved. –Alice B. Clagett

“Since astral matter is the vehicle of desire and mental matter is the vehicle of thought, this instinct, when translated into our language, means that if the astral body can induce us to think that we want what it wants, it is much more likely to get it. 

“Thus it exercises a slow steady pressure upon the man—a kind of hunger on its side, but for him a temptation to what is coarse and undesirable. If he be a passionate man there is a gentle but ceaseless pressure in the direction of irritability; if he be a sensual man, an equally steady pressure in the direction of impurity.

“A man who does not understand this usually makes one of two mistakes with regard to it: either he supposes it to be the prompting of his own nature, and therefore regards that nature as inherently evil, or he thinks of the pressure as coming from outside—as a temptation of an imaginary devil.

“The truth lies between the two. The pressure is natural, not to the man but to the vehicle which he is using; its desire is natural and right for it, but harmful to the man, and therefore it is necessary that he should resist it. If he does so resist, if he declines to yield himself to the feelings suggested to him, the particles within him which need those vibrations become apathetic for lack of nourishment, and eventually atrophy and fall out from his astral body, and are replaced by other particles, whose natural wave-rate is more nearly in accordance with that which the man habitually permits within his astral body.

“This gives the reason for what are called promptings of the lower nature during life. If the man yields himself to them, such promptings grow stronger and stronger until at last he feels as though he could not resist them, and identifies himself with them—which is exactly what this curious half-life in the particles of the astral body wants him to do.

“At the death of the physical body [the] vague astral consciousness is alarmed. It realizes that its existence as a separated mass is menaced, and it takes instinctive steps to defend itself and to maintain its position as long as possible.

“The matter of the astral body is far more fluidic than that of the physical, and this consciousness seizes upon its particles and disposes them so as to resist encroachment. It puts the grossest and densest upon the outside as a kind of shell, and arranges the others in concentric layers, so that the body as a whole may become as resistant to friction as its constitution permits, and may therefore retain its shape as long as possible.

“For the man this produces various unpleasant effects. The physiology of the astral body is quite different from that of the physical; the latter acquires its information from without by means of certain organs which are specialized as the instruments of its senses, but the astral body has no separated senses in our meaning of the word. That which for the astral body corresponds to sight is the power of its molecules to respond to impacts from without, which come to them by means of similar molecules. For example, a man has within his astral body matter belonging to all the subdivisions of the astral world, and it is because of that that he is capable of ‘seeing’ objects built of the matter of any of these subdivisions.

“Supposing an astral object to be made of the matter of the second and third subdivisions mixed, a man living in the astral world could perceive that object only if on the surface of his astral body there were particles belonging to the second and third subdivisions of that world which were capable of receiving and recording the vibrations which that object set up.

“A man who from the arrangement of his body by the vague consciousness of which we have spoken, had on the outside of that vehicle only the denser matter of the lowest subdivision, could no more be conscious of the object which we have mentioned than we are ourselves conscious in the physical body of the gases which move about us in the atmosphere or of objects built exclusively of etheric matter.”  —from “A Textbook of Theosophy,” by C.W. Leadbeater. (2004). Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved 17 October 2015, from [The quoted text is in blue font above. Paragraphing is mine . –Alice B. Clagett]


Here I would like to pause for a moment and talk about how this applies to the Awakening process humankind is undergoing today … We humans are expanding into awareness of our astral (emotional) bodies, while still in physical form. In this regard, we follow the example described above. During the long Age of Darkness, our Bodies of Light have necessarily been partly in shut-down mode.

Where the axiatonal lines of Light that connect us to Laniakea, our star supercluster, are shut down, there is relative Darkness in our Body of Light. These are the areas of ‘Soul wounding’, where our Bodies of Light glom with the ‘Dark Network’, the unconscious thought cloud of the world.

These areas of Soul wounding are slowly clearing as the Incoming Light of the Photon Belt, which is now able to touch our Earth, heals and revitalizes our axiatonal lines. And so, in a relatively brief time, we will once more be in touch with the All: with Laniakea, and with our brothers and sisters of the far-flung galaxies; in other words, with our star brethren.


Meantime, as we become increasingly aware of the astral plane, our areas of shut-down Light-bearing axiatonal lines will pull us into communication with the coarser astral vibrations. Because of this, as humankind awakens to its clair abilities, we are hearing the negative astral stories about which I have spoken in other blogs. In other words, we are experiencing what Tom Kenyon … see … calls ‘cognitive dissonance’.

In terms of perception of other people … family members, members of the community and so on … when we are in a state of cognitive dissonance we can sense only those aspects of their astral bodies that respond to our own Soul wounding. And so, they appear to us to be full of evil qualities.

If, during this time of early Awakening, we sit still, calm our minds and breathing, and place awareness on our hearts, we will return to awareness of the finer astral vibrations, and the positive emotions.

And so, during this time, we can experience the negative astral stories characteristic of coarse astral vibrations if we take no care about the Awakening process. Or we can experience the positive astral stories characteristic of co-creation of New Life on New Earth, if we take care and are mindful of the Ascension process.

As to our family and friends, when we are in a state of calmness, of heart and mind coherence, then they will appear similarly. This is because we will be responding to their finer astral vibrations. Always keeping in mind that all human beings … we, our family, our friends, and every stranger … are in essence eternal Souls, perfect reflections of Divine Love.


To return to C.W. Leadbeater’s account:

“During physical life the matter of the man’s astral body is in constant motion, and its particles pass among one another much as do those of boiling water. Consequently at any given moment it is practically certain that particles of all varieties will be represented on the surface of his astral body, and that therefore when he is using his astral body during sleep he will be able to ‘see’ by its means any astral object which approaches him.

“After death, if he has allowed the rearrangement to be made (as from ignorance, all ordinary persons do) his condition in this respect will be different. Having on the surface of his astral body only the lowest and grossest particles, he can receive impressions only from corresponding particles outside; so that instead of seeing the whole of the astral world about him, he will see only one-seventh of it, and that the densest and most impure. The vibrations of this heavier matter are the expressions only of objectionable feelings and emotions, and of the least refined class of astral entities. Therefore it emerges that a man in this condition can see only the undesirable inhabitants of the astral world, and can feel only its most unpleasant and vulgar influences.

“He is surrounded by other men, whose astral bodies are probably of quite ordinary character; but since he can see and feel only that which is lowest and coarsest in them, they appear to him to be monsters of vice with no redeeming features. Even his friends seem not at all what they used to be, because he is now incapable of appreciating any of their better qualities.

“Under these circumstances it is little wonder that he considers the astral world a hell; yet the fault is in no way with the astral world, but with himself—first, for allowing within himself so much of that cruder type of matter, and, secondly, for letting that vague astral consciousness dominate him and dispose it in that particular way.”

“The man who has studied these matters declines absolutely to yield to the pressure during life or to permit the rearrangement after death, and consequently he retains his power of seeing the astral world as a whole, and not merely the cruder and baser part of it.”  —from “A Textbook of Theosophy,” by C.W. Leadbeater. (2004). Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved 17 October 2015, from [The quoted text is in blue font above. Paragraphing is mine . –Alice B. Clagett]


This description of the falling away of concentric rings of astral matter after death is another way of visualizing my timeline optimization work. As mentioned above, humankind is now, as a result of the Awakening, expanding into awareness of the astral plane, and of still higher dimensions.

If our astral matter is unrefined, we experience the coarse astral vibrations that exist in our family and friends. As our astral matter becomes more refined, through transformation by the Incoming Light from the Photon Belt, then we experience the more refined astral vibrations of our family and friends. It is a whole new world, astrally speaking. We are in a different part of the astral plane, to phrase it one way.

In my own terminology, we have switched timelines. The advantage of my timeline technology is that, through free will, and because of the opportunities to develop our Ascension skills that this new window on the Universe provides, we do not need to wait in an astral hellworld while our astral matter is refined. 

Rather, we can dip into any astral plane we desire, whether hellworld or heavenworld, whenever we wish to do so, simply by switching timelines. Thus, timeline technology is not dependent on cause and effect, nor on the slow progress of a particular, perhaps wearisome, timeline. We are free to loop forward on that timeline, to the future, to escape a current condition. Or back, on that timeline, to the past, to remedy some past mistake. Or to simply switch timelines and ride a more optimum timeline wave.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

For more timeline information see … LInk: “Compendium: Timelines and Multitemporality,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 2 February 2019 … ..


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astral realm, desire elemental, Theosophy, C.W. Leadbeater, timelines, timeline shifting, timeline loops, timeline rollbacks, free will, astral stories, death, axiatonal lines, Soul wounding, hellworlds, heavenworlds, the All, astral planes, astral matter, star brethren, Laniakea, incoming light, chakras, cruelty, first chakra, second chakra, heaven, hell, my favorites,