Category Archives: Culture

Insectian Star Races: Red Ant People vs Termite People . by Alice B. Clagett

Note: Due to the great proliferation of ant species on Earth … At present there are more than 10,000 species … in subsequent blogs I refer to the “Antian Star Races” and the Devas of the ants” rather than to red ants specifically. I feel certain there are Red Ant People, but I feel these are just one of many ant peoples.

red ant people

Image: Portrait of a red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, by Alex Wild, modified 14 April 2015, from, public domain image by Alex Wild, produced by the University of Texas ‘Insects Unlocked’ program … DESCRIPTION: “This species arrived to the southeastern United States from South America in the 1930s. Specimen from Brackenridge Field Laboratory, Austin, Texas, USA.”

Image: Portrait of a red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, by Alex Wild, modified 14 April 2015, from, public domain image by Alex Wild, produced by the University of Texas ‘Insects Unlocked’ program … DESCRIPTION: “This species arrived to the southeastern United States from South America in the 1930s. Specimen from Brackenridge Field Laboratory, Austin, Texas, USA.”

Dear Ones,

After viewing the movie “Orion: Origin of the Gods,” produced by Freddy Silva and available for viewing on Gaia … … I found out that there are a ‘Red Ant People’ associated with Orion. These people gifted very early civilizations just before and during a sea level rise that took place 11,000 years ago.

Among those gifted were the peoples of Bolivia, Peru, Easter Island, and New Zealand, through trans-Pacific voyages or possibly also air or space travel in the Southern Hemisphere.

In regard to the influence of Orion on early civilizations, the movie mentions the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians (to do with the Annunaki, their offspring, the Nephilim, or ‘children of Orion’, and a word that means ‘ant people’. Also mentioned are the Hopi, the Anasazi, and the ‘ant people’.

It seems possible to me that all this amounts to an influence through Orion of an Insectian Star Race called the ‘Red Ant People’. It could be that this star race overlights the ants of Earth, which occupy a very prominent econiche worldwide (with the exception of very cold land masses and a few islands).

It is possible that the ants of Earth are a more advanced intelligence than has previously been recognized by human beings. This oversight by humans may well have to do with their prejudice in favor of beings more or less their own size, as is also the case in the human attitude towards bacteria and fungi, both of which have breathtakingly advanced social cultures and overlighting intellects.

It is possible that the social system of ants, which are divided into worker and reproductive castes; their hardworking approach to life; and their serviceful attitude towards their communities rubbed off onto early human civilizations. It could be this helped mold early human civilizations into farmer-workers as opposed to the earlier hunter-gatherer model of human life.

It is possible that early human cultures were influenced by human-seeming, humanoid beings from Orion very early on, at a time when space travel to and from Orion was made easy by the then configuration of space between Earth and whatever planet(s) in Orion are the habitat of the Red Ant People.

I note as well my earlier notion, on the basis of channelings by Judy Satori … … that Alpha Centauri may be the habitat of an Insectian Star Race. I see from my research that Alpha Centauri is a very long way from Orion. So far, I have read of no colonization of one of these star systems by the other. I gather both may have been the origin of one sort or the other of Insectian Star Beings.

I researched social insects that exist here on Earth, and found that the termites are very great enemies of the ants. I recalled that it seemed to me Judy Satori had channeled several sorts of Insectian Star Beings from Alpha Centauri — one rather militant or military in aspect, and another more organizational and educational in aspect. From that I got that an Insectian Star Race on Alpha Centauri … if, indeed, it exists … might have a caste of soldiers as well as a caste of workers. I saw that Earth’s termites have both such castes. I concluded … unlikely as it may, at first glance, seem … that Earth’s termites likely derive from star beings with similar social values on Alpha Centauri, which is far nearer to Earth than Orion is.

For the current two posited Insectian Star Races, I have come up with names and added categories to my blog as follows …

I renamed the blog subcategory under Alpha Centauri as ‘Insectian Star Race 1 – Termite People – tentatively’.

Under the blog category Orion I have added a new blog subcategory which I term: ‘ Insectian Star Race 2 – Red Ant People’.

. . . . .

I note that Orion has three major stars: Alnitak, 736 light years from Earth; Alnilam, 1340 light years from Earth; and Mintaka, 915 light years from Earth. These stars are so widely separated, and so distant from Earth, that it seems likely to me habitable planets in each star system there might be widely different in aspect and in social values, and that these varied aspects and social values might contrast strikingly with the Christed Star Being pattern of the non-hybrid Earth humanoid.

. . . . .

I note from my reading that Wes Penre …

Link: “First Level of Learning, Paper 8: Human Origins and The Living Library,” by Wes Penre, Thursday, 31 March 2011,in “The Wes Penre Papers: A Journey Through the Universe” … … Search the term: 5.2 The Vegan/Lyran War

… has a very different ‘take’ on the Lyrans from Judy Satori, the former being much less favorable than the latter.

I note also, in the movie “Stargate” … … the monstrous representation of the being ‘Ra’, which starkly contrasts with the beneficent representation of Ra in “The Law of One (The Ra Material”  … … and also starkly contrasts with my own blog’s representation of the collective of beings known as ‘Ra’.

I feel it likely that the attitude of the culture of every race of Star Beings will be more favorable towards itself than to other Star Races that compete with it economically and territorially. I say that because, as I recall very vividly, I went to a Catholic grade school. My mother, who was a High Anglican, had some reservations about the fact that the history book I read in seventh and eight grade seemed biased in favor of Catholicism. If Catholicism, whose moral and spiritual ideals I hold high, might participate in cultural bias in its attitude towards history, then it seems likely to me that star races … especially those that might once have engaged in galactic warfare, one with the other … might, with a similar cultural bias, channel the history of the universe to us Lightworkers, Wayshowers, and Gatekeepers.

In the end, I feel, this is a free will planet. It is up to each of us humans to determine what star races will overlight our Soul’s journey. Will it be Buddhic and Christed star races that influence our decisions and our actions? Will it be reptilian star races, draconian star races, insectian star races, or maybe some even more unique social system that guides our personal, individual way onward through through the maze of timelines and dimensions in the causal realm?

One question I always ask is: How may I align with God’s Will, His Heart, His Mind? As I am overlit by Arcturus and by Sirius, I always come back to my own personal preference to be overlit by the Christed Star Beings.

Earth is going through a great process of Ascension from the causal realms, and into the higher dimensions, which are governed by a completely different set of rules, devoid of cause and effect, in what the Lightworkers term ‘the eternal Now’.

For those humans who chose to be overlit by the non-Christed Star Races, there is the salient concern: Are their overlighting star beings capable of guiding them through the Ascension process? This question can be addressed by determining which of the Star Races have themselves developed past the fourth dimension … for how can a Star Race overlight our path, have they not yet trod upon it?

I expect, in days to come, the answer to this question will become more certain for each of us. In the meantime, I pray …

May you be blessed
With love and Light
and God’s delight
Now and forever. Amen

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett,
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 17 August 2021


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

far constellations, Orion, Insectian Star Races, Red Ant People, Ancient History, star beings,  movie reviews by Alice, culture, arthropods, social insects, insectoids, hybrids, Alpha Centauri, Termite People, aligning with God, reptilian star races, Christed star races, non-Christed star races,

‘Take Shelter’ . movie review by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 19 July 2021

Image: “Apokalipse,” by Albert Goodwin, 1903, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Apokalipse,” by Albert Goodwin, 1903, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Dear Ones,

I skimmed through the movie ‘Take Shelter’ the other day …

Link: “Take Shelter,” IMDb … ..

I find the movie interesting because the recurring images experienced by the male protagonist seem like what I term ‘image words’ from the gut brain (the subconscious mind’s vocabulary). It is good how the ending shows that a family can stand together and shelter in faith in each other, and love of each other, even if the subconscious mind is creating what the Ascensioneers call ‘vivid waking dreams’, in the case of the movie, more like vivid waking nightmares.

The movie also shows how one person’s fearful ‘mental filter’ (that of the husband in the movie) can influence another person (in this case the wife) to take on the same ‘mental filter’.

As a phenomenon, the tendency of the human mind to broadcast mental filters can be either good or bad. The difference has to do with the tenor of the emotional portion of the images that are broadcast. Is the emotion negative or positive? That is the key to the effect that broadcasting of one’s own mental filters has on other people.

For instance, in the movie ‘Take Shelter’ one of the visually striking images that recur in the mind of the male protagonist is a ‘murmuration’ of birds, perhaps starlings or sparrows. This is an aerial phenomenon rather like the simultaneous turning and wheeling motion of schools of fish in the water …

Video: “School of Fish,” by Earth Rangers, 25 July 2012 … ..

In the movie ‘Take Shelter’, the male protagonist feels a recurring anxious feeling, a feeling of  foreboding. It is, I feel, because of the negative tenor of his emotion that he takes his recurring image of a murmuration of dark-colored birds to be an omen of impending apocalypse.

Yet many people see a murmuration of birds, and feel joy or wonderment when they see it. Such is the case with the young women in this video …

Video: “Murmuration (Official Video) by Sophie Windsor Clive & Liberty Smith,” by IslandsAndRivers 2 December 2011 … ..

It is clear, then, that it is the feeling that accompanies visualization of an image that causes its perception as a good image or a bad image.

When a person has recurring images popping up from the subconscious mind, and when these images are accompanied by a strongly negative emotion … one that is hard to deal with without ‘acting out’ … then psychologists might term that condition Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (as with COVID stress). Or they might term it ‘generalized anxiety’; or if the emotions get out of hand, they might term it ‘panic attack’. There is also the psychological term ‘paranoid schizophrenia’, which I gather might be a label for recurring ‘panic attacks’ as in the movie.

Broadcasting of mental filters has a good effect in cases where a person’s mental filters allow him to send forth uplifting images from the subconscious mind. In these instances, families or groups such as social circles and church congregations can stand together with courage against adversity.

Broadcasting of mental filters has a bad effect in cases such as that in the movie, where the protagonist’s fearful mental images cause his wife to become fearful, and cause his Ohio small town community to turn against him and label him mentally imbalanced. Broadcasting of negatively aspected mental filters can, I feel, cause what is termed ‘folie à deux’, ‘folie à famille’, ‘folie à coterie’ (that is, a delusion shared by two people, by a family, or by a small group); or in the case of crowds of people, ‘mass hysteria’. The latter may take place across a town, or across a nation, or even … due to the near-instantaneous nature of global communication … worldwide, as is the case with COVID fears.

Please do not misunderstand: It is not that we ought not take proper precautions regarding COVID; it is just that negatively aspected images to do with COVID can cause inappropriate actions … or no action at all, when action is in fact needed so as to preserve life. For instance, it may well be that COVID vaccines are a ‘hard sell’ worldwide because people are experiencing ‘fawn’, ‘freeze’, or ‘flop’ types of threat responses after taking in too much in the way of online images that cause them to feel the emotion of fear regarding COVID.

In cases where a person is affected by other people’s broadcasting of negatively aspected mental filters (such as with the relentless COVID newscasts last year), the person must learn to view negatively aspected mental images with a neutral mind, as does the male protagonist in the movie ‘Take Shelter’. Through cutting down on visual intake of negative images … for instance, by limiting one’s viewing of negative images online … anxiety about the future can be dealt with nonreactively. Or one may simply stand strong and still, while the image is visualized, until the negative feeling ebbs away.

That means to me that the true ‘shelter’ for one’s mind is a strong, still, neutral stance of mind despite the ups and downs of daily life.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

movie reviews by Alice, neutral mind,  mental filters, image words, subconscious mind, courage, emotions, anxiety, panic attack, paranoid schizophrenia, courage, joy, faith, COVID, stress, psychology, psychiatry, acting out, post-traumatic stress disorder, Ascension symptoms, vivid waking dreams, threat responses, threat energy, freeze-fawn response, flop response, Apocalypse,

First Contact with Planet Neptune . channeled by Alice B. Clagett *

Dear Ones,

I was just tuning in to the highest frequencies in this Voyager recording of the sounds of the planet Neptune …

Here is the reference to the above video … Video: “NASA – Voyager Space Sounds – Neptune,” by Hugo Champion, 4 October 2012 … … public domain …

While listening to the beautiful harmonics of the highest frequencies of Neptune, I channeled a wise, compassionate, elder voice which explained that the slight auric insufficiency I have been feeling at the top left side of my head for the last 20 years reflects the same in Earth’s magnetosphere.

As the Neptunian gently touched that spot in my electromagnetic field with his thought, he said: That is how they get in. 

I thought by that he might mean the animals in the air, the Army of the Night … the Demon Horde that causes astral Interference and weaves the Dark Network that counterbalances the Grid of Light on Earth. That was just a guess, though.

I asked why there was that weakness at the top left of the electromagnetic field of Earth and her beings?

The Neptunian said that energy imbalance could not be fixed, as it has to do with the icebergs at one of the poles (the one that equates to the electromagnetic field at the top of my head, I suppose). Whether he means by that the icebergs at the North Pole or at the South Pole I do not know. That may vary depending on Earth’s magnetic reversals.

I asked: Can anything be done about it?

In a calm and stately voice, the Neptunian said: Maybe this will help.

As the words were uttered, I felt a thickening and a very slight twisting in the air above my head.

I asked: What was that you did?

The Neptunian said: I strengthened it there. I hope it will help.

I said: I hope it will help too. Will it be all right? [as I gingerly felt into Earth’s electromagnetic field]

He said: I think so.

I asked his name; he said: Argon is what I am known as.

I note there may be Argon on Triton, at less than 2 percent of the atmosphere, most likely. I looked up an image of Argon, which is quite beautiful; Argon is known as the ‘noble gas’. It could be, then, that the beings of Neptune are gaseous in nature …

First Contact with Planet Neptune

Image: “Vial of glowing ultrapure argon,” by Jurii, 23 July 2009, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 3.0 … COMMENT: Argon is known as the noble gas.

Image: “Vial of glowing ultrapure argon,” by Jurii, 23 July 2009, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 3.0 … COMMENT: Argon is known as the noble gas.

The Neptunian with whom I spoke said that they, the beings of Neptune, are the Elder Race and the Ancient Ones, inferring that the Martian bacterial colonists of the human colon are not that.

The Neptunian then carried on a conversation, first with the Martians in my own energy field, and then continued the conversation with the warlike Martian extremophiles on the planet Mars. There was bite and bluster in the voice of the Neptunian. He said: You know you are not that. Why did you call yourselves that?

After that I heard the Martians of Mars apologize in a tone somewhat abashed, by my lights.

The tone of voice the Neptunian used there reminded me of a line in a Wordsworth poem I learned from my high school Latin teacher (who made us recite the poem at the beginning of every class). I wondered if I might be at last be hearing “old Triton blow his wreathèd horn” …

Link: “The World Is Too Much With Us,” by William Wordsworth, 1770-1850 … ..

On lookup, I see that Triton is Neptune’s largest moon. “Triton is thought to have been a dwarf planet captured from the Kuiper belt.” –from Link: “Triton (moon),” in Wikipedia … CC BY-SA 3.0 unported

I note that the orbit of Triton is retrograde, and also gather from online that Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are retrograde today …

Link: “The Planets Today” … ..

The improbability of this astrological configuration torqued my mind about a bit. I have to wonder what it means. For instance, is Neptune always able to communicate with us Earthlings, or is this a special time, astrologically speaking?

I am hoping the former may be the case, as I like this Neptunian very much; it seems to me his measured cadence tempers the hotheadness of some of the energy threads in our noosphere.

Here is a statue of Neptune, with Triton beneath him blowing the horn mentioned by Wordsworth. Might that mean that communications from the planet Neptune are sent out from the moon Triton, I wonder? …

First Contact with Planet Neptune

Image: “Neptune and Triton Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini at Victoria and Albert Museum,” by Yair Haklai, 21 August 2009, in Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0 unported

Image: “Neptune and Triton Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini at Victoria and Albert Museum,” by Yair Haklai, 21 August 2009, in Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0 unported

Neptune looks quite lordly in the above statue. Its dominance in our Council of Nine is borne out by another statue, from which I gather that Neptune may be charged with maintaining order amongst the planets of our Solar System …

First Contact with Planet Neptune

Image: “Neptune Calming the Waves,” a marble sculpture by French artist Augustin Pajou, 1767, in the Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon, in Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0

Image: “Neptune Calming the Waves,” a marble sculpture by French artist Augustin Pajou, 1767, in the Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon, in Wikipedia … … CC BY-SA 3.0

For those drawn to the gentle guidance of our elder planet Neptune, I suggest listening to the above video, while placing Awareness on the highest harmonic, the beautiful high-pitched sound in the video.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 26 June 2020


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Council of Nine, Neptune, Neptunians, Earth EMF, human EMF, icebergs, harmony, unity, Mars, Martians, astrogeophysics, Pluto, Demon Horde, animals in the air, Interference, Dark Network, Grid of Light, Orion crusaders, culture, art appreciation, poetry appreciation, NASA, Voyager, space exploration, Team Dark, my favorites,

Can Lightworkers Be Bound Down by the Dark? . channeled by Alice B. Clagett *




Dear Ones,

Can Lightworkers, Pathfinders, Wayshowers, and Ascensioneers be bound down by the Dark? To me, this notion seems to be more like ‘conspiracy theory’ than truth. To me, it seems that during Solar Minimums the Dark is more apparent on Earth, and during Solar Maximums … such as that in which we now find ourselves … the Light is more apparent.

I envision Ascension as an upward spiral of energy. Each turn of the spiral has a low half and a higher half. It seems to me that the low half of each new spiral is higher than the high half of the preceding spiral.

So the notion that we are tied down, or limited in some way, as Lightworkers, Pathfinders, Wayshowers, and Ascensioneers, has to do with the relative Dark of the Solar Minimums. It is not that there is more Dark, as the Dark is ever decreasing. Rather, it is the notion that our eyes see more Dark during the Solar Minimums, and they see more Light during the Solar Maximums.

In other words, the notion that there is an eternal, fierce war between Dark and Light … the notion that Dark may win the upper hand one day, and Light the next … is the illusion of maya. It is the lila. It is the stance that so often provides dramatic fuel for today’s movies.

I recall a film that is right on target in that regard. It was a TV mini-series entitled “Good Omens” produced in the year 2019, and starring David Tennant, Michael Sheen, and Frances McDormand. That mini-series highlights the notion of a contest between an angel and a demon here on Earth. I think of this contest between the angel and the demon as a visualization of the popular notion that Light and Dark are warring in this realm of Duality.

From the stance of the third and fourth dimensions (which are the physical world and the astral or dreamtime realm). We see specks of Light that are galaxies and constellations, within vast reaches of Darkness.
As we stand here on physical Earth; and as we nightly traverse the dreamtime world of the astral realm … from this depth of density of energy, this well of Darkness in the third and fourth dimensions … it may well seem that Darkness is all around us, and that what little Light we see … in the Sun by day, and by night in the stars so far above our heads … is but the flip side of a meager coin dealt us by the Cosmos.

Yet the true reality is Light and love and joy and peace. How can this be?

The shadow play of Dark and Light, from the stance of fifth dimensional Awareness, is like flickering fireflies of Dark in a great universe of Light. For the multidimensional, multitemporal Lightworker it is almost as if the fifth dimension is the template of Light from which is cast the obverse of Dark that we view when we place our Awareness in the fourth and third dimensions.

There are so many dimensions in this Universe! The third dimension that we feel so surely beneath our feet, and the fourth dimension, where we wheel about in our dreams, are deeply distorted to the Dark. In dimensions higher than the fourth dimension, there is more and more Light, until finally, in the highest dimension, there is naught but Light.

Beyond that, I feel, there is yet another template, a template of longing to become Light. That template is neither Light nor Dark. No name can be put to it. That template always is, though the desire within it sometimes pours forth the Light of the Worlds, and sometimes withdraws, like a sigh or a smile, back into itself forever.

But how can it be ‘forever’ when time does not pass? How can we think of loss, where there is not one ‘thing’ to hang our hats on? What can we envision, that has not been envisioned? How can we know what the Unknown knows? Where can we be, when we are not? When we are not, who are we?

In Light, love and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 25 May 2020; revised and video created on 15 June 2022; revised video created on 18 June 2022.


The text-to-voice program I used is “Natural Text Reader” …  … The voice sometimes used as my own is English (US), Karen, slow.

Citation: “Good Omens,” TV mini-series (2019), starring David Tennant, Michael Sheen, and Frances McDormand, in IMDb … ..

Image: “Strolling Along the Seashore,” by Joaquin Sorolla, 1909, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Strolling Along the Seashore,” by Joaquin Sorolla, 1909, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Strolling Along the Seashore,” by Joaquin Sorolla, 1909, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

physics, astrogeophysics, ascensioneers, lightworkers, ascension, visions, visions by Alice, Solar Cycle, almanac, cosmos, cosmic mind, fifth dimension, fourth dimension, third dimension, dimensions, culture, movie reviews by Alice, duality, advaita, Incoming Light, lila, conspiracy theory, maya, Awareness, eternal now, Ascension team, Bridge to Formlessness, Logos, Solar body, Galactic body, Multi-galactic diamond, Laniakea, Universe, Multiverse, Soul Bridge, Soul, Atma, mysticism, my favorites, miscellanea, multidimensionality,

Hollywood’s Take on the ‘Animals in the Air’ . by Alice B. Clagett

Extracted on 25 May 2020 from a blog published on 14 July 2019


Dear Ones,


You may recall I sometimes talk about the ‘animals in the air’ and about the song ‘may the air fall asleep’. Here is Hollywood’s ‘take’ on the ‘animals in the air’ … Link: “A Quiet Place (film),” in Wikipedia …

To my way of thinking, there is a somewhat similar thing taking place in the astral realm here on Earth, in the hellworlds. My thought is that the shape of the true ‘animals in the air’ is not as elaborate or invincible as the extraterrestrial predators in the post-Apocalyptic Hollywood film.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Link: “Compendium: Songs to Make the Air Fall Asleep,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 14 July 2019 … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


movie reviews by Alice, animals in the air, demon realm, negative astral entities,