Intersex Antisocial Personality Disorder . named by Alice B. Clagett *

Intersex Antisocial Personality Disorder

Image: “The Goddess Bhairavi Devi with Shiva,” by Payag, Islamic art circa 1630-1635, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain … DESCRIPTION: Cropped

Image: “The Goddess Bhairavi Devi with Shiva,” by Payag, Islamic art circa 1630-1635, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain … DESCRIPTION: Cropped

    • Sidebar: Folie à famille ou coterie

Dear Ones,


I have clairly found that Intersex genetic and sexual features (that is, hermaphroditism) may be linked to a variant of antisocial personality disorder. I term this variant ‘Intersex Antisocial Personality Disorder’; that is a name I have coined for it.

My clair findings are here … … These findings are supported by online research I have done as to the difficulties encountered by Intersex people in adapting to binary cultures worldwide.

The role of the intersex teenager Alex Kraken in the film “XXY” … … closely matches that of one of the six Intersex people I have been clair channeling over the last two decades; I wondered if one of those persons might have been he-she, or very like him-her?

As I understand it, the ‘XXY’ chromosomal configuration refers to Klinefelter Syndrome and not to Intersex. In that regard the movie is a little misleading. I gather from online research, though, that the teenage boy Álvaro, who acts opposite Alex Kragen in the movie, may have Klinefelter Syndrome; that would explain the title of the movie.


The aspects of Intersex Antisocial Personality Disorder most concerning to me, as I clairly discern them, have to do with lust murder, delight in torturing (especially children), serial genital mutilation of friends and acquaintances, and serial killing, including black widow or black widower aspects (murders of spouses, one after another) and blood sacrifice. Nymphomania-satyriasis appears to be a feature. Child trafficking, snuff filmmaking, and sex work may sometimes be means of employment.


In addition, from an esoteric stance, I discern concerning aspects of Intersex Antisocial Personality Disorder to be openness to demonic possession as practiced by Eastern European shamans and indigenous cults of Brazil. I do not know why this would be, but I have clairly seen it to be a consistent feature in the catastrophic childhood case studies I have done that are to do with Intersex.

In addition, I have clairly found the six Intersex people I appear to have encountered on the astral and physical planes in the last two decades to be ‘psychic terrorists’ with many searingly scary mind control abilities, including casting thought forms, the Cull, entrainment, lock down, mimicry, misdirection, pass-through or flow-through, redirection, skinny dipping, take-down, and mind wipe, among others. For more on that, see my blog category: Overcoming mesmerism (hypnosis) through faith

I clairly find them to be practitioners of black magic, their astral discourse being rife with curses, mischief of the ‘evil eye’ variety, shapeshifting and skinchanging into the form of a domestic animal … I cannot count the number of times my cat has been plagued with this mischief! … spells, and attempts to ‘walk into’ other people’s astral bodies, either temporarily or permanently.

I note also astral intent to harm, including sometimes successful attempts at psychic heart attack and other forms of psychic murder, psychic or astral rape, psychic spying (remote viewing), deleterious psychic surgery, psychic theft, and voodoo. There is a willingness to become a ‘donkey man’, a ‘human horse’ or ‘chwal’, with a consequent ‘zombie’ effect.

From a spiritual perspective, I feel these qualities to have been conferred on the Intersex people I studied (as well as on other types of antisocial personalities and multiple personalities) by the spirit entities that possess them. I feel these evil spirit entities are able to use the Intersex person as a ‘home base’ from which they may leap out and obsess people known to them, or people they have read about.

Thus there is the issue of possession of the Intersex person by a demonic entity 24-7, and the issue of obsession of the larger community, one-by-one, by the demonic entity using the Intersex person as home base.

In the astral airs, there is also the 24-7 trouble I term ‘astral rape’, a vibe of constant sexual assault whose many remedies I propose in my blog category: Psychic rape — astral rape

That vibe I feel to be trebled, especially on the weekends, here in Los Angeles by Intersex people living together in a community setting, most likely for protection against the opposing vibes of ‘normals’ who make up the bulk of this large city.

I clairly perceive this as ‘folie à famille ou coterie’, a way of subsisting in a dissonant ‘bubble’ or ‘dome’ of energy within a field of energy different from that of the ‘famille’ or ‘coterie’. I clairly perceive the ‘membrane’ of the dome to be formed by the opposing forces of Light and Dark personified as the Angelic Realm protecting the ‘normals’ in Los Angeles from the demons possessing and flocking round the Intersex Antisocial Personalities in their community setting.

Before the Shift in 2012 this clairly perceived ‘dome’, representing the fiefdom of a Fallen Angel who was the Territorial Spirit of Los Angeles, covered the entire city and the outlying areas to Barstow, California; but now it only covers a small fiefdom in West Los Angeles. That is how I was able to track down, on the psychic plane, what seemed to be the source of the rock-and-roll Darkness that Los Angeles had been experiencing prior to the Shift.

It appears the Los Angeles Intersex community that I clairly perceive may be attempting to mitigate their tendency to engage in lust murder through inadvertent sexual stimulation by ‘normals’ relaxing and enjoying life on the weekends. In other words, there is a clair sense of sexual repression by Intersex people living in Los Angeles on the weekends, coupled with the desire to perform rape and lust murder.

That makes it necessary for me, as a psychic, to vary my weekend routine with walks in nature, meditation, reading, gardening, and yoga. On the weekends I find it best to steer clear of the internet so as to disentangle from misqualified astral energy threads. I find other Lightworkers feel similarly about this.

Sidebar: Folie à famille ou coterie

In my writings, I sometimes term the apparent Intersex Antisocial ‘folie à famille ou coterie’ in Los Angeles … and similar communities elsewhere … ‘cults that kill’, ‘mind control cults’, or ‘outlaw gangs’. It could be that some street gangs in Los Angeles have similar features; the Los Angeles Police Department might know more about that.



It could be, I feel, that the Hindu characterization of the goddess Kali, or perhaps of Tripur Bhairavi, has to do with Intersex Antisocial Personality Disorder. It seems to me these may characterize the perversion of the female birth-giving and nurturing role to that which I have described above. Over time, though, I feel Hinduism may have ‘whitewashed’ these roles so that the goddesses Kali and Bhairavi (also known as Tripur Bhairavi and Tripura Bhairavi] appear to be forces of destruction operating on God’s behalf for the good of His creation.

In the broadest sense this is so, as God is good, I feel, and God is everything. Therefore, His aspect as Destroyer is, in the overall context, good. Nevertheless, in the narrow perspective of my hope to preserve my own life, and to live a happy life, I have found that encounters with Intersex personalities … even on the clair plane alone … can be concerning.


I feel lucky that I practiced martial arts for years, as that provides an edge in a confrontation that might otherwise result in loss of life. As well, I am very lucky to have been born Christian, of good Christian parents who saw to my early education in a Christian school.

The great advantage of this early learning is a chance to hold my world view in a context of the sacred as well as the profane, with an understanding that there is more to life than the physical. Most importantly there is Spirit, and our relationship to God Himself. We have a Soul as well as a body; that Soul relates to God, and the body to life on the Earth plane.

Christianity, like the other major religions, promotes a cosmological understanding that includes the beings of ‘other worlds’ … the negative astral entities of the hellworlds, and the positive beings of the heavenworlds. There are demons or devils, and there are angels, I feel. There is Christ our Savior, Mother Mary, and God the Father. There is the gift of grace through the Holy Spirit. These are the positive spiritual forces in a world fraught with misqualified energy threads, some seemingly more like invisible ‘mobsters’ or ‘gangsters’, and others more abstract.

That cosmological stance allows me to evaluate my clair encounters with the Intersex phenomenon from an esoteric perspective. From that point of view, I propose the esoteric features of Intersex Antisocial Personality Disorder noted above.

For sure, the fields of psychiatry and psychology will disagree. In my writings, I do my best to ‘walk the middle path’, and offer what insights I may to the intuitive fields of the world religions as well as to the scientific fields of psychology and psychiatry.


There is one other thing: Today I clairly noticed that an Intersex person I nickname ‘Hunter-Snuffer’, who had been ‘casting’ thought forms into my mind, believed that the presence of those thought forms in my mind meant that he had taken over my mind.

On the clair plane, I explained to Hunter-Snuffer that I can tell the difference between his-her thought forms and my own. Thus I disregard or ‘cast out’ the foreign thought forms as being not mine. The truth of my beingness is my Awareness, not my mind. From the stance of my Awareness I sort through the thoughts in my mind. Some I accept; others I discard. What then is the point of his-her persistence in casting thought forms my way?

From his-her clair reaction, I began to see that Hunter-Snuffer perceives all humans to be like himself-herself. Last night I heard, for example, that he had written a book about me, but that the personality he-she portrayed was that of his-her consort, whom I nickname ‘Torturess’.

These two, according to the astral airs, had committed a dastardly crime, to do with child torture and murder. Because of the unusual torque or slant of Hunter-Snuffer’s emotional body, I saw he-she thought that by casting his-her thought forms into my mind I might be recreated in the image of his-her consort, and the crime pinned on me. Go figure. Such a book could only lead to the discovery of their guilt, yet Hunter-Snuffer was unaware of that.

I wondered: Why might that be? I guess it is that we all … normals and antisocial personalities … perceive the world through our own mental filters, depending on the patterns of Dark and Light in our own bodies of Light. What we perceive places us in whatever timeline or dimension our Souls yearn to experience, for the sake of gleaning ever-greater Soul wisdom. Thus I feel it would be normal for a person with catastrophic childhood experiences to perceive all people in the light of his or her early childhood experience.

For the ‘normal’ who comes into the purview of an Intersex Antisocial Personality, it is very important to get at some physical distance from that person. As well, it is important to engage in our accustomed community contacts. A group of ‘normals’, with their normal thought forms, can easily shield from the thought forms of an antisocial personality.

That is because ‘normals’ also cast to each other thought forms, but of a variety upon which all agree. These have to do with peace, love, light, and joy; hope, faith, and charity; gratitude, forgiveness, and willingness to work for the good of the community as a whole. It is these mutually shared thought forms of ‘normals’ that cohere communities worldwide.

It is equally important for ‘normal’ communities to understand the adverse forces conveyed by antisocial personalities, and to find ways to neutralize their deleterious effect on community life. I favor the least violent forms of mitigation. In particular, I believe in the power of prayer and of positive visualization to uplift and sustain community life.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 11 April 2021

See also … Link: “Compendium: ‘This Present Darkness’,” comments by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 4 April 2021 … ..


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catastrophic childhood case studies, psychiatry, psychology, esoteric, arcana, occult, acting out, antisocial personalities, circle of one, mind control, psychic powers, psychic terrorists, mind control cults, cults that kill, black magician, psychic crime, psychic rape, rape,  murder, psychic murder, serial killers, reverse kundalini, black tantra, Black Magicker, Hunter-Snuffer, tantra, black widower, mesmerism, spiritual adepts, human rights, child trafficking, obsession, possession, psychic terrorists, pedophilia, child sexual abuse, psychic heart attack, genital mutilation, paraphilia, mind wipe, spells, sexual repression, law enforcement, curses, psychic spying, psychic surgery, psychic theft, voodoo, cull, ‘casting’ thought forms, clair ventriloquism, entrainment, evil eye, lock down, mimicry, misdirection, redirection, take-down, curse of 150 demons, donkey man, chwal, Hinduism, Neo-Hinduism, Neo-Vedanta, walk-ins, intersex, hermaphrodite, hermaphroditism, neutral mind, aligning with God, mind, Awareness, prayer, visualization, social issues, Bhairavi, Kali, acting out, Christianity, my favorites, miscellanea, stories by Alice, biology, sexuality, dimensions, timelines, demon realm, angelic realm, child trafficking, pariah, outcast, shunning, protection, sanctuary, Los Angeles, California, United States, misogyny, misopedia, paraphilia, child sexual abuse, sexual repression, physical body, subtle bodies, body of Light, Soul wounding, dark body, samskaras, School of Theosophy, indigenous cults, shamanism, South American ancient religions, Shift, city domes, territorial spirits, common good, societal expectations, Theology, heaven, hell, Demon Hordes, God, multiple personalities, skinchanging, black magic, curses, spells, walk-ins, astral intent to harm, psychic heart attack, psychic murder, psychic spying, psychic surgery, psychic theft, voodoo, chwal, zombie, casting thought forms, the cull, entrainment, lock down, mimicry, misdirection, pass-through, flow-through, redirection, skinny dipping, take-down, mind wipe, murder, psychic crime, rape, cults that kill, mind control cults, outlaw gangs, street gangs, Soul wisdom, indigenous religions,


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