Category Archives: Polyamory

Consequentialist Killings . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 18 July 2017

    • Murder so as to Donate to a Worthy Organization or a High Cause
    • Murder to Sell Body Parts so as to Donate to a Worthy Organization or a High Cause
    • Consequentialist Experiment to Raise One’s Children as Psychic Assassins
    • A Gay Group Sharing a Sperm Bank to Breed Children for Consequentialist Experiments and Subsequent Euthanasia
    • Consequentialism as Compared to Multitemporality and Multidimensionalism
    • Killing Damages Our Soul DNA, and That of the Person Who is Killed
    • The Antisocial Personality: Hybrid, Prophet, Alien from Outer Space?
    • The True Hybrid
      • Astral Story about True Hybrids Murdering Every Mate to Prevent Gene Pool Dilution
      • Astral Story about True Hybrids Needing to Drink Human Blood
    • Summing Up: Resolving Soul Wounding Caused by Consequentialist Experiments
    • Cancer as an Example of How DNA Carries an Instantly and Ever-Changing Record of Our Karma

Dear Ones,

There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

This is in the time leading up to the Lion’s Gate in August of 2017, and I am here to discuss today a little more about killings and murders, and their motives. This whole blog coming up, this video, has to do with Consequentialism, and Consequentialist killings, or murders, and also to do with my own feeling about Consequentialism … the falseness, in fact, of Consequentialism, and why it is false.

Murder so as to Donate to a Worthy Organization or a High Cause

Some time ago, in the stories on the astral plane, there was an instance or two of murders that occurred in the interests of a group considered to be a very high cause, you know? So you could apply that to a spiritual group, or a social cause … practically any kind of group might fit that description, if the people that were in it were very dedicated to it.

The notion was a Consequentialist notion, that murder of one person that brought great wealth to the group would be not a sin. And it, in fact, would be a great blessing. So the murders in those kinds of instances occur because the person believes that they are doing good. Consequentialist theory allows them to think that.

Murder to Sell Body Parts so as to Donate to a Worthy Organization or a High Cause

A different MO (modus operandi) that is been used quite recently, with this same rationale of donating to a worthy cause or organization, is the murder of people for body parts. That whole scheme has not yet come to light. I think it is taking place here and there, around the world, right now.

One way to circumvent that scheme would be for the places that oversee the reception of body parts to use greater discretion and greater checks and quality control on where the bodies come from … the manner of people’s death, and so forth. I think that will help a lot; because the parts have to be sold somewhere. I think they are being passed off as auto accidents and so forth? So we need to look at the end point, the place that gives the money for the donation of those parts. That is my thought about that more recent situation that has cropped up.

Consequentialist Experiment to Raise One’s Children as Psychic Assassins

Oh yes, here is one other case I heard about on the astral plane … There was an instance some decades back when a bunch of people with psychic abilities … they were men with high intellectual ability, and psychic abilities …  got together. They wanted to do some Consequentialist experiments on humankind. And so they got together, and from time to time, they pooled their sperm, so that no one would know, for sure, whose sperm was actually involved in the project that they were all contributing to.

They wanted to grow babies from their own gene pool, so that they could create a race of super-psychic people to rule Earth … to rule the other human beings on Earth … for their own good, and for their eventual spiritual upliftment.

What would happen was, together they would mind control a woman visitor to the place where they were. They had a contraption, a penile aid, that injected the sperm into the woman. They would mind control her right out in the open, apparently, in some cases, into having sex with one of them.

This one person had an unusually shaped, small penis, and he used the contraption, whatever it was, to insert the sperm of all the other people into the woman. He actually performed the act with a foreign object, so that the other people’s sperm entered the woman.

And then, quite a number of women apparently got pregnant. Then after the children were born, in some way they were bought, or the mother was disposed of, or minimized in some way, so that the children were taken and used in experiments.

These children were raised, as I understand it, to become psychic assassins. Some of the problems that arose with that batch of children were that they were the product of rape, and of the mind control of their mothers, that they had early on lost their mothers, and there was damage, in the first place, to their fathers’ DNA that caused them to undertake the Consequentialist philosophy.

In the field of psychology, their fathers would probably be labeled antisocial personalities. So the children that they had, had half of the genetic makeup, at least, of an antisocial personality.

The group required that the children’s genitals be mutilated; I do not know in what manner. That was supposed to increase their psychic abilities. The children had a choice to stay in the group and mutilate their genitals, or to leave the group with the complete genitals they were born with.

So those that remained were genitally mutilated; their mothers had been raped, mind controlled, and either minimized or slain; and their fathers were antisocial personalities. And these (the fathers) were the people that taught them.

So what they inherited were two traits: Misogyny (hatred of women) and rape. So, many of them turned to killing women and raping women. And so, they had to turn to homosexual relationships because their heterosexual relationships did not last that long before they killed the women.

In addition, they were taught to be psychic assassins through psychic heart attack techniques. And what would happen would be, that the people that they were with intimately, in moments when the unconscious mind arose … such as when they were in the dream state, or under the influence of alcohol, say, or a recreational drug … their subconscious mind would remember that technique. And if they were angry with their significant other, they would kill them with the psychic heart attack techniques.

Thank God, those techniques no longer work on New Earth. However, during the interval when all this came down, many significant others of these young people met untimely deaths.

In addition, they were hired out as psychic assassins. The work that they undertook accrued to them great karma; and quite frequently they found untimely deaths.

So essentially, their parents … their fathers … you could not call it murder; they had great hopes for them. But in fact, what happened was quite a bit of murder: Of the children, of the mothers, of the intended victims who were assassinated for cash for the organization, and of the significant others of the young people. Quite a story, huh?

A Gay Group Sharing a Sperm Bank to Breed Children for Consequentialist Experiments and Subsequent Euthanasia

Now in more recent years, the children of the original plan that I just discussed … the Consequentialist plan to breed psychic children that would take over the world for normal the humans’ own good, right? … the second generation devised a plan for a community of polyamorous, gay men and women to breed the psychic leaders of the future of the world.

One clair story that I heard about the manner of impregnation was that there was a sperm bank purported to be the sperm of the leader of the group, but in fact composed of the combined sperm of other members of the group. And the leader would ask the women in the group to become pregnant, so that he could take their babies away from them, as I understand it, and use them for experiments to breed the superhuman, psychic people of the future.

So this was a very unique second scheme that also involved bringing promising youngsters with psychic abilities … special abilities … into the community, especially if they were the children of a single mother who was having trouble making ends meet. So essentially, they would buy these children from the mother, and then find a way to minimize her, either through impoverishing her, or through actually doing away with her. And the child was then inducted (do you say?) into the community for these ongoing experiments to create the super race.

I think that happened, maybe, in batches of 5 or 6 for a while. But for the two groups of 5 or 6 children that I observed on the psychic plane, the difficulty was that the manner of rearing was so austere, and so lacking in love, that the children, although very psychic, became mentally imbalanced, in fact, prone to psychic acts of warfare against other people. They were also difficult to control, because they would kill their guards, and escape from the room that they were imprisoned in.

And so, in the end, those experiments that I witnessed clairly resulted in the woman who was taking care of them, euthanizing both batches of children. According to my clair understanding of what she said, those experiments had been taking place for quite some time.

And so I clairly asked one of the people who participated in that experiment … an unusual Consequentialist experiment … how he felt about those children dying; which was, in essence, sacrificing his own children, potentially.

He said he felt that those children were just a part of him, so that it was all right for them to be used in that way.

Consequentialism as Compared to Multitemporality and Multidimensionalism

I do have a few things to say about Consequentialist theory. I feel that it comes from an insufficient understanding of time and space. Consequentialist theory is developed beneath the borderline of the causal plane. It is a construct based on the inevitable enfoldment of a particular timeline. What it does not take into consideration are the notions of grace and forgiveness, and benevolence of God, and the abundance of all things in the Universe being available to us when we align our wills with that of God.

For instance, a person might feel: Our organization, in order to survive, must have much more money.

And then a person might feel: Well, here is this person; they have lots of money … Particularly in the instance of wealthy women; this is the instance that I am talking about …

This person has lots of money! Let’s just find a very ingenious, two-person way (which I have discussed in a past blog) to eliminate that woman, and take her money for our group. And many, many people will benefit from that. Think of all the good we do in the world. Like that, right?

So my proposition is that, instead of enacting that very simple plan of subterfuge, and evading the law in order to create the greater good, we look to the multiplicity of timelines and dimensions in the world, and find that one which works to create the greatest good for all beings everywhere.

And that is the basis of my activations of Light through the Hathors, that you can see in another category of my website.

So I say: Let us step beyond time and space when we make these decisions.

Killing Damages Our Soul DNA, and That of the Person Who is Killed

Stepping back into the causal realm: What really happens when we murder a child in a scientific experiment to create a super race of super-psychic beings, say, which we feel will wisely rule this Earth?

First, everything is taking place in the eternal Now. It is not really taking place in a timeline sequence. Timeline sequences are the artificial artifact of the left brain. Really, they are directed through the 8th chakra, up above our head, and they can be changed, in the 8th chakra, through an act of Awareness … pure Awareness … at the 8th and 9th chakra levels above our head. At the highest, that is 3 feet above our head, I would say. And that is discussed in my blog category: bow-tie knot

So, just getting back to the Eternal Now, and the moment when we decide to kill the child who has participated in this construct, this experiment hoped to be for the greater good of humankind, that involves killing the child.

There is a person who kills: That will be the female delegate of the person conducting the experiment, who is carrying out the experiment so that the original person who came up with the idea will not be legally liable for it.

That is a whole separate issue, I feel: Who is really liable for the murder? In the Soul perspective, I would say, depending on the amount of mind control involved, both people are liable … both are creating, through the act of killing the child, distortions of their own DNA.

We call it karmic miasmic distortions or morphogenetic field distortions, but actually, in the physical body, and in the DNA that carries from lifetime to lifetime, what it is, is miscoding … incorrect coding of the DNA.

In the child that is killed, the act of killing, creates the opposite form of miscoding of the DNA sequence. In future incarnations, all the people that participated in Consequentialist experiments of this nature carry with them the Soul DNA that is miscoded and must be purified and made right by the Incoming Light.

So what happens, say, in the case of a person who has great power on Earth … and there are a lot of people who have great power on Earth, and also have great miscoding of their DNA sequences, when they devise the notion that they are the very top, the epitome of humankind right not?

The Antisocial Personality: Hybrid, Prophet, Alien from Outer Space?

This often happens with the category of people that psychology calls ‘antisocial personalities’ … They understand that they are very different from other human beings. Sometimes they think that they are ‘hybrids’. Sometimes they think that they are prophets. Sometimes they think they are aliens from outer space. This is their way of terming the fact that they feel a great gulf between themselves and the way of life of what they call ‘normals’ … normal human beings. And they are right about that.

But the notion that the ego has, that that is the way to be, and that other people are wrong, may be mistaken. However, it is universally held by antisocial beings that, in fact, they are superior. And that gives rise to cloning experiments, and the experiments of raping women through mind control, and grabbing their children, and teaching them the great psychic abilities that these people have. I have explained, in the past, that these great psychic abilities have to do with the Soul wounding that the people have; in other words, with the mis-sequencing of the DNA that they have, the Soul DNA that is carried from lifetime to lifetime.

When they have children by these raping means, by these cloning means, the children have half of their Soul DNA very similar to that of their antisocial parent. And because they are raped, they carry the deeper Soul wounding involved in rape, and probably in the murder of their mother. So they are likely to rape and murder women.

The True Hybrid

There are varying degrees of antisocial personalities, as I have discussed priorly, under the category: Antisocial personalities – feral humans – controllers – puppeteers . For a pure antisocial personality, who has absolutely no conscience and no compunctions about any of the human strictures, social behavior, or societal expectations, that kind of person, when he is cloned, recreates the same type of person … not the half person (half-antisocial person) that would be if the original father had raped a woman … but a true and total antisocial person. In their terms, the true hybrid.

Astral Story about True Hybrids Murdering Every Mate to Prevent Gene Pool Dilution. There was a theory going on a while back, in the 2000s … and in a sense it was a true story about this group of people … about the true hybrid being someone who could not be with women because he would kill them. This was true of all those children that were created through rape and killing of the mother, or minimization of the mother in some way … They could not be with women because they used them up too fast. And who had to be with men instead. What else was it? Who raped women, raped people, because of that initial act that created their conception, and the aftermath of that.

Astral Story about True Hybrids Needing to Drink Human Blood. And they also felt, about drinking of blood, that it was necessary for them to continue to exist. To kill was the initiation ceremony for that group of young people. And to drink blood. And so, they were actually demonized. There was some way of inducing in them demonic obsession. That, I think, was responsible for the drinking of blood, although I cannot really attest to that.

Summing Up: Resolving Soul Wounding Caused by Consequentialist Experiments

So these are my ideas: My ideas are that these kinds of Consequentialist experiments have to do antisocial personality traits, which have to do with DNA mis-sequencing … miscoding that needs to be corrected through the Incoming Light.

And that people that have these tendencies can help solve the situation themselves, by looking to the possibility of their own DNA being damaged by the acts that they do, for the benefit of the mental tangles that are going on, the construct of time and space that is prevalent in the world today, but which is completely false.

Cancer as an Example of How DNA Carries an Instantly and Ever-Changing Record of Our Karma

I know no one has talked very much about DNA as a vehicle for karma, but I would like to explain what little I know about that, as well as I can. The actions that we undertake on Earth make our karma better or worse. Now, our karma is carried with us from lifetime to lifetime. I is embodied in our DNA. We have our physical template, and our Soul template; our physical DNA and our Soul DNA.

Apparently, the way it works is, if we make bad choices, such as to murder someone, then an instantaneous change occurs in our DNA that takes us farther from the ideal that our Soul has for us … the ideal human expression that our Soul has for us.

In the same way, a life of joy, a life full of love, a life with expression of charity towards our fellow man, helps to change the miscoding, the poor DNA sequences, that we carry from other lifetimes, so that they become closer to the ideal that the Soul wishes the physical form to express.

Now I would like to give an example in terms of medical knowledge, that also applies to my theory about DNA miscoding caused by wrong action. That has to do with cancer. Everybody knows … it is common knowledge today … that when we make poor choices with regard to lifestyle, then we are more likely to come down with cancer, yes? And that if we live a very healthy lifestyle, we are more likely to have a healthy body … one that is not plagued with cancer and other diseases.

But what actually happens, according to my theory, is that, through poor lifestyle choices, we alter our DNA. So that some of our DNA expresses what we call cancer. It becomes cancerous. It creates cancerous cells, you see?

And this malcoding, or miscoding, or recoding in a false sense, of the DNA, is carried through our Soul template of DNA, with us, from lifetime to lifetime. So this is a good example here.

Medical science knows that poor lifestyle choices cause cancer. But the understanding … the deeper understanding that is missing is that poor lifestyle choices change our karma. And our karma expresses itself through miscoding in the DNA that scientists call cancerous cells: suddenly, spontaneously, cancerous cells.

These are just a few examples. It could be applied in any context, to all kinds of diseases that a person has. And it also applies to all kinds of genetic issues, and so forth. All these indicate DNA miscoding that needs to be corrected. And will be corrected, through the Incoming Light, during the dawn of the New Age for humankind.

You all take care. Love you lots.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

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consequentialism, killing, murder, DNA, karma, cancer, multitemporality, multidimensionality, grace, forgiveness, abundance, aligning with the will of God, God’s benevolence, family values, spiritual adepts,  psychic powers, assassins, psychic heart attack, astral intent to harm, cloning, genetic mutations, gene code, disease, charity, love, joy, cellular joy, antisocial personalities, hybrids, blood sacrifice, homosexuality, misogyny, rape, hatred of women, health, languages of light and sound, causal plane, law enforcement, transpersonal chakras, bow-tie knot, 8th chakra, 9th chakra, soul DNA,  mind control,

Caveats about Conversing Astrally with Other People . by Alice B. Clagett *

Filmed on 18 June 2017; published on 28 June 2017; updated on 9 March 2020

    • On Observing the Subconscious Clair Chatter of Those Now Arising
    • How Celibate or Solitary People Talk with the Lightworker Subconsciously Before Arising
    • How Meandering Thought Forms of Others Find Their Way to Your Energy Field
    • How Thought Forms of Others Glom to Our Auric Wounds
    • How Other People’s Thought Forms Wander Away from Us When Our Auras Heal Up
    • Using the Astral Sidestepping Technique for Thoughts from Solitary People, and for Meandering Thought Forms That We Encounter
    • Subconscious Conversations Among People in Polyamorous Groups Not Yet Arisen
    • These Subconscious Conversations Express Repressed Negspeak and Negative Opinions of Members of the Group
    • On Achieving the Personal Unity Experience
      • On Giving the Inner Child a Chance to Speak So As to Unite the Lower and Higher Mental Bodies
      • On Uniting the Hemispheres of the Brain
      • On Achieving Complete Unity of Our Personal Intelligence Fields Through Soul Wisdom
    • The Astral Turmoil Caused by People Sleeping Together
    • On Dealing with the Repressed Thoughts of a Married Couple
      • Popcorn Thoughts from Someone Else in Church, and Partial Success of My Astral Sidestep
      • A Woman and a Child Sat Down, Then Left
      • A Married Couple Came and Sat Down
      • How Easy It Was to Converse Astrally with the Couple
    • Difficulties in Conversing with Polyamorous Groupings
    • Polyamorous Groups Converse Subconsciously before Arising
      • In-Groups Who Have Not Yet Arisen Subconsciously War Against Outgroups or Outsider Individuals
    • Using Lucid Dreaming, Twilight Sleep, or Yoga Nidra to Become Aware of Subconscious Conversations of Polyamorous Groups
    • Christian Churches Warring Because of Creed Differences
    • On Polyamorous Groups Middling Awakened: Dangers of Acting Out Because of a Perceived Leader’s Half-Awake Command to the Group
    • On Avoiding Polyamorous Groups Till They Become Conscious Enough Not to ‘Act Out’
    • Current Difficulties for Long-Married Couples

Dear Ones,

Here is a video on the perils and pitfalls of aiding the ascension process through conversing astrally with other individuals, couples, and groups, especially polyamorous groups. There’s also a little on the way that negative thought forms arrive in our field of Awareness, and how to get rid of them. There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I had an interesting revelation at church today. which I will try to explain.

On Observing the Subconscious Clair Chatter of Those Now Arising

When people are rising to consciousness, and becoming aware of the repressed thought forms; the emotion-laden thought forms … generally negative ones … in their gut brains, and you as an Ascensioneer or Lightworker are observing the clair chatter in their subconscious minds, the first thing that you will notice is a lot of negspeak (aka ‘malspeak’).

I have published a separate blog explaining a way to deal with that negspeak that transforms it from the negative to the positive: See …

Link: “Sidestepping a Subconscious Astral Attack,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 18 June 2017; published on 27 June 2017 … ..

So you, as an observer of the subconscious minds of other people, and of the unconscious thought cloud of the world, can step aside, in neutral mind, and observe all that.

Now, I would like to talk a little about how people speak together subconsciously, before they arise to consciousness of their gut brains.

How Celibate or Solitary People Talk with the Lightworker Subconsciously Before Arising

You may find individual people, generally solitary people … people who live alone, or are celibate … talking to you; sending thought forms to you on the astral plane, in response to your own subconscious meanderings, especially emotion-laden feelings.

How Meandering Thought Forms of Others Find Their Way to Your Energy Field

Thought forms, in addition, meander around through the unconscious thought cloud of the world, just looking for a similar vibration, or a similar energy thread with which to combine. And sometimes these stray thoughts of people, thoughts that have no specific direction or person at whom they are being aimed, will arrive at your door in response, simply, to an emotion that you are feeling.

How Thought Forms of Others Glom to Our Auric Wounds

When there is an insufficiency in the aura, a localized morphogenetic field distortion that has a certain off-pitch sound, it will attract stray, emotion-laden thought forms that match the off-pitch quality of the auric defect.

How Other People’s Thought Forms Wander Away from Us When Our Auras Heal Up

As we do exercises and undergo dietary purification and other techniques to heal our auras, we can hear the accumulated negspeak thoughts that have accumulated at a localized distortion of our auric Light. At first they hang on, and activate as we stretch and cleanse our bodies. Then later, as our aura heals, they have no further place to connect to our energy field; as they slide or slur off our human electromagnetic field, I often hear them complain of being dislodged …

Hey! I can’t find a place to latch on! Maybe I’ll try the back of the heart! Maybe I’ll try the sexual organs! Maybe I’ll try the rectum!

And so on. If they are unsuccessful at reconnecting in a new location, I can hear them floating off disconsolately. I have never heard this process described in the occult literature, but I have heard it happen so many times that I am quite certain of it. I do not know why it happens: Why would a thought form grow attached to a person? How would it know to seek around elsewhere in the aura for a place to lodge on? How clever is a thought form, anyway?

Using the Astral Sidestepping Technique for Thoughts from Solitary People, and for Meandering Thought Forms That We Encounter

But I digress. To continue with the video …

  • There are the thoughts of solitary people, that are presented as one-on-one, in response to a subconscious thought form that you have broadcast unawares.
  • There are also wandering thought forms that have no home; that find their way to you simply because there is a resonance between a thought form and a spot in your energy field.
  • And these two can be dealt with pretty easily using the astral sidestepping technique I have mentioned in the above-mentioned blog …

Subconscious Conversations Among People in Polyamorous Groups Not Yet Arisen

Now with regard to groups of people who are still strongly tied into the subconsciousness of the gut brain, and have not started the process of becoming aware of their subconscious tendencies; their samskaras and so forth, through clearing their natal tendencies, and clearing their morphogenetic fields … as some term it, their karmic miasmic distortions of the Light … there are a lot of names for that, but it is these sorts of people that are responsible for the sounds we hear on the subconscious plane, I think … A lot of people agree to that, in many different faiths and philosophical traditions.

Anyway, I have found that many groups of people are bound together through the gut brain … and this generally happens because they are having sex together. Before they rise to conscious, their subconscious minds (their gut brains) carry on conversations together. As a Lightworker clairly hearing, you might mistakenly think these are conscious conversations, and might even think they are conspiracies against you, or plans against you.

These Subconscious Conversations Express Repressed Negspeak and Negative Opinions of Members of the Group

And this is because what you are hearing is primarily negspeak, and negative opinions that are not socially acceptable; that do not live up to societal expectations; that are being bound down and repressed in the gut brain, as part of the inner child that is not allowed to speak; that is not allowed a voice in the world, after the age of reason is attained.

On Achieving the Personal Unity Experience

On Giving the Inner Child a Chance to Speak So As to Unite the Lower and Higher Mental Bodies. Our job in healing ourselves is to give that child a chance to speak; to say all of her upsets, or his upsets. To say all of his hopes and expectations that have not been met. And to just allow that child into our own grown-up hearts so that we can become one, and unite the Lower Mental Body with the Higher Mental Body.

On Uniting the Hemispheres of the Brain. That is our hope. And of course the other hope is to unite the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and then have a unified Higher Mental Body.

On Achieving Complete Unity of Our Personal Intelligence Fields Through Soul Wisdom. A still greater hope is, through the Soul’s wisdom, to unite all the intelligences of all of our bodies … both subtle and physical … so that we can act as one … as one person with one Soul, and through the Soul’s learning.

The Astral Turmoil Caused by People Sleeping Together

So, all the people on Earth are rising up to this call of Soul wisdom, and Soul learning, and unconditional love right now, right? But there is this turmoil and maelstrom going on; and it has to do with the fact that people are sleeping together.

On Dealing with the Repressed Thoughts of a Married Couple

If the people that are sleeping together are a married couple that have been together for a long time, and feel loved towards each other, it is pretty easy to deal with their repressed thoughts … even if they have a negative thought.

For instance, in church today, there was someone in front of me … some distance away from me … who was doing the Iwo Jima psychic phenomenon …

Link: “The Iwo Jima Leap of a Soul Wounding Experience,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 14 June 2017 … ..

… only a much modified version.

Popcorn Thoughts from Someone Else in Church, and Partial Success of My Astral Sidestep. He kept having repressed thoughts. One of them had to do with: Will you have sex with me? [over and over again] And that had to do with his inner child not being satisfied with regard to sexual joy. Maybe he had been working too hard … Most likely, he just overlooked that he really needed to take care of that situation and please his body cells and himself.

And so, over and over again, this unfulfilled desire came of him, popped out of his Higher Mental Body (in the area of the right side of his brain), and slammed into my brain. It was like giant popcorn popping out at me: Ptchoo! Ptchooo! Ptchoo!

Because I had had some experience with the Iwo Jima psychic phenomenon, I was ready. And I almost immediately located the thought forms as coming from a person who was some distance in front of me.

Then I started employing the astral sidestepping technique referred to above, the one that is in my other blog. That was working not too well after a while, because he started to fall asleep, and became semi-somnambulent, during the talk. (And semi-somnambulence leads to increased subconscious astral chatter from our inner child.) But before that, I had some success.

Let’s see: What was he talking about subconsciously? Yes, I recall: At first he was saying: Don’t look at me! Don’t look at my back! Don’t think about me! Don’t look at me! … Like that, over and over again. Because he felt, I guess, self-conscious about being in front of a woman, I guess.

A Woman and a Child Sat Down, Then Left. In the meantime, a woman and her child sat down beside me. And subconsciously or consciously, they heard the astral commotion that was going on, with regard to the man far in front of me.

A Married Couple Came and Sat DownThe woman and her child got up and left, and a couple came and sat down beside me. The couple had in mind: Maybe there was devilish stuff going on … That was in their subconscious minds … They would take care of it; they would make sure there was none of that in their church!

How Easy It Was to Converse Astrally with the Couple. But because they had a foundation of love between them, as a couple, I was able to talk to them consciously. And they were much more conscious of what was going on in their gut brains than had been the woman and child. So that was easy to deal with. I arrived at some fruitful insights and conclusions because of the talk that we had together.

Difficulties in Conversing with Polyamorous Groupings

There is one other type of situation that I want to talk to you about, that is much more difficult to deal with. That is the situation of polyamory … when there are people in a group who are all making love together.

There might be, for instance, say, six or eight people in a group consisting of three or four married couples who are ‘swinging’ with other married couples in the group.

Or it might be just a group of single people; say 12 single people, who are exchanging sexual favors amongst themselves.

Or it might be in a ‘harem’ group situation, where everyone in a group sleeps with the group leader.

Polyamorous Groups Converse Subconsciously before Arising

These situations present themselves on the astral plane to the Lightworker or Ascensioneer in a much different, and much more threatening manner. Basically, what is happening is that all of the people in the polyamorous grouping talk together subconsciously.

In-Groups Who Have Not Yet Arisen Subconsciously War Against Outgroups or Outsider Individuals. As a clair person, you can hear them talking, and it seems like they are doing a conspiracy thing against you. They are doing an ingroup thing that involves war on outsiders; war on outgroups. And you represent the outgroup because you are not sleeping with them.

Using Lucid Dreaming, Twilight Sleep, or Yoga Nidra to Become Aware of Subconscious Conversations of Polyamorous Groups

At this stage of the Ascension process, that ingroup-outgroup phenomenonwarring by in-groups on those perceived as outgroup people … can result in physical danger to the Ascensioneer; or even mortal peril.

You will hear about this especially when you fall asleep, and are hopefully in a lucid dreaming state … or are doing yoga nidra, which is a very important skill to learn right now. (For more on yoga nidra, search this term on the site Abhyasa Ashram … …)

If you are sleeping, and you are aware of what is going on at the same time; or if you are just waking up from a deep sleep, then you can notice, and you will find out, what is happening in the minds of these other, polyamorous groups, with regard to you. And after that, you can fashion a way to deal with that situation.

I may have more on this in the future. I would just like to put out there, that the cause of this problem is polyamory. That is the cause of the danger to Lightworkers right now … It is an ingroup-outgroup astral phenomenon to do with real-life polyamory amongst groups.

Christian Churches Warring Because of Creed Differences 

It happens between Christian churches as well, because of creeds and beliefs being different for the various churches.

On Polyamorous Groups Middling Awakened: Dangers of Acting Out Because of a Perceived Leader’s Half-Awake Command to the Group

The most dangerous situation has to do with shared sexual intercourse amongst the people in a particular group, because that gathers and garners the subconscious minds and the gut brains of a group of people together on the astral plane.

They talk and plot together, as if they are in an Ascension group. Typically, as these semi-somnambulent groups of polyamorous people begin to rise to consciousness, there will be one person … maybe the person perceived as the most powerful, as the leader (for reasons of fame or power) … who attains an acting out point with regard to the Ascensioneer or Lightworker, and who … generally through an email or phone call … signals the other members of the polyamorous group to act in some way against the Lightworker or Ascensioneer.

That is just a middling step that is happening at this point in the Ascension process … an ‘acting out’ where everybody in the group thinks that is what they are supposed to do, because the person perceived as the leader told them to do it.

Members of groups are rising to consciousness faster than group leaders, because they are in a defensive position; because the leader exercises power over them. And so, he comes up with something, an action plan, but he does not really know the full intent of what he is doing. He is half sleep-walking too. And that is the danger zone.

On Avoiding Polyamorous Groups Till They Become Conscious Enough Not to ‘Act Out’

Then there comes a point after that … if you survive as a Lightworker! [laughs] … There comes a point, if you are nimble on your feet; if you know what to do; if you know where to go and what to avoid … If you stop talking to them altogether, for instance, and turn to another group … then there will come a point at which they all become conscious enough to know not to ‘act out’ anymore. And that is something to look forward to.

Current Difficulties for Long-Married Couples

For those of you Ascensioneers and Lightworkers who are united in marriage with someone, I believe it would probably be less of a problem, if it is a happy marriage. However, I have noticed that many of the Lightworkers, heretofore happily married, have been experiencing marital difficulties right now. On that I offer that there is a certain amount of the glom effect involved in marital bonding. And so it is a little bit more difficult than it would be for a celibate person, to achieve Soul clearing.

That is all for now. You all take care! Love you all lots! Have a wonderful Solstice celebration in this June of 2017.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


ascension, astral chatter, polyamory, ingroup, outgroup, outsiders, pariahs, acting out, subconscious thoughts, subconscious conversations, thought forms, morphogenetic field distortions, Soul wounding, Soul wisdom, unity, mastery of mind, negspeak, inner child, repressed emotions, negative emotions, yoga nidra, lucid dreaming, twilight sleep, glom, married couples, celibate people, gut brain, Higher Mental Body, Lower Mental Body, neutral mind, groups, grouping, glom effect, lightworkers, ascensioneers, healing, ostracism, my favorites, unconscious thought cloud of the world, esoteric lore, samskaras, repressed thoughts, leadership, harem,

“Law of One” on Sexual Energy Transfer . by Alice B. Clagett

"Law of One" on Sexual Energy Transfer

Image: “The Kiss,” adapted from Image by GrumpyBeere from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Image: “The Kiss,” adapted from Image by GrumpyBeere from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License


For books and audio on the “Law of One,” see the L/L Research Online Store … ..

Dear Ones,

I have been reading about sexual energy transfer … the act of releasing sexual energy, whether solitary or paired … in the “Law of One: The Ra Material,” at and also here: … and … ..

From that reading I have several Question-Answers (Q-A) in particular to point out right now. My editorial comments are in blue font, in brackets.

May I suggest reading each Q-A (by clicking on the link) as well as my commentary? If find the original text of the “Law of One” absolutely intriguing. I feel it to be one of the Keys to Remembering …

Q-A 87.27 … … and Q-A 84.13 and 84.14 … ..

The mind/body/spirit complexes of men and women are different. In a sexual energy transfer between a man and a woman, the man transfers to the woman physical vitality, and the woman transfers to the man mental and emotional energy, which provides to him upliftment, healing, and grace or blessing.

Sexual energy transfer is a release of the difference in potential between two people; [a balancing of their energies]. This transfer occurs optimally when both the man and the woman attain orgasm simultaneously; however, it can also occur if only one of the two has an orgasm, and can occur in non-orgasmic sexual union, as in red or white tantric meditations.

Q-A 32.2 … ..

When the energy of the second or sexual chakra predominates in a person, that person may be perceived as an orange-ray person. [That is because the color of the second chakra is orange. (1)]

Orange ray people have a feeling of individual power. Thus they treat other people as slaves or objects, rather than as beings like themselves. This is known as ‘power over’: Orange ray people wish to exert power over other people.

[The yellow ray has to do with the will power, the navel point chakra just above the sexual chakra.] When people are yellow-ray, their action through societies and groups has to do with warlike activities. [In other words, their actions have to do with hostile takeovers of one group by another, wars of conquest, and the like.] And so, yellow-ray people who group together attempt to exert power over other groups of people, the intention being to enslave them.

The “Law of One” speaks about the ‘negative path’. This path utilizes the energies of the orange and yellow rays. When sexual transfer occurs between two people who are orange or yellow ray, there is typically a blockage of energy, followed by “insatiable hunger” for the act.

The act of sex, in this case, is sadomasochistic in nature: One person enjoys dominating and humiliating the other person, who takes pleasure in being dominated and humiliated.

Q-A 31.14 … ..

If people are strongly polarized to the orange ray (the second, or sexual chakra), then they will experience desire for ‘power over’. Putting other people to death would be ultimate power over. Thus we have the Third Reich phenomenon of sexual arousal of Hitler’s gas chamber attendants when they put groups of people to death.

Q-A 31.15 … ..

Choices by humans to do with war and greed of ownership have caused them to manifest orange ray blocks.

[This then, caused the sexual energy transfer phenomena popularly termed sadomasochism and snuff, described above.]

The Orion Crusaders [what I have been calling the demon realm] have “influenced and intensified” the free-will choices of people regarding war and greed of ownership.

Q-A 84.22 … ..

The Logoi had the intention to increase our beings’ polarization [to the negative or positive path, as polarization accelerates Soul evolution]. They found that mating promotes polarization, and thus their bias, and that of beings in higher densities. However, everyone has free will, to enact the means of sexual energy transfer they prefer.

87.18 – 87.21 … ..

Before the Veil, beings were always able to achieve sexual energy transfer. These days, on Earth, there are many who cannot achieve this. The cause is lack of love for the person with whom the sexual energy exchange is taking place.


If a person has had many incarnations, as both a woman and a man, they will experience many distortions. [Distortions are of free will, love or Light; see 15.21 … ]

There will be a tendency toward homosexuality if …

  • a person has had a bias towards incarnation … say, approximately a 65% bias … toward incarnation in a gender opposite the current one,
  • and if the person is subject to the auric infringement of a densely populated urban environment.

Then in that case, the quality of service to other, the green ray, can be nurtured in the person by nonsexual love of other. This nonsexual service to others will lessen the distortions of this sexual impairment.

[I gather from this that the difficulty of homosexual bias may be lack of promotion of the green ray, unconditional love, which might lead to a choice of the positive path. However, choice of the negative path will also lead to the experience of higher and higher densities. At a certain point, retracement and relearning will occur, along with a flip of polarities fro the negative to the positive.]

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 8 June 2017; revised on 26 January 2024


(1) See Link: “Why Are Chakra Colors So Important And What Do They Mean?” at MindValley, 20 May 2017… ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


mating, polyamory, sacred sexuality, homosexuality, cities of Earth, erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia, orgasm, sexual intercourse, sexual energy transfer, Law of One, mating, polyamory, sadomasochism, snuff, enslavement, misogyny, enslavement of women, slavery, power over, groups, grouping, war, hostile takeover, unconditional love, chakras, will power,

Profligacy . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 18 May 2017; published on 26 June 2017

    • Wanting to Be Popular; Ego Fears; Threat Mitigation
    • On Facing One’s Fears

Dear Ones,

Here is a video about profligacy. There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I came across a thought, today, about the reason why people behave profligate sexually sometimes. This applies both to what’s known in psychological terms as nymphomania in women, and satyriasis in men.

Wanting to Be Popular; Ego Fears; Threat Mitigation

I used to think it might have to do with wanting to be popular with one’s ingroup. But I think, in a deeper sense, it has to do with fear; fear of threat to the ego, fear of threat to the very existence, because of the existence of other people. And I think that, in a very deep, subconscious sense, at the lowest levels of the subconscious mind, the thought is that, by sharing sexual intimacy with other people, the threat is mitigated.

On Facing One’s Fears

So: Threat Mitigation … And the solution to that would be to face the fears. To face the fears of ego dissolution. To just face fear in general, as it manifests in the physical body. That’s the quickest way to eliminate fear; is to see how it manifests in the physical; place your awareness there, and wait until the physical body changes.

That’s my thought on this. I think it applies overall, to many cultures today, because in general, sexual profligacy, which used to be termed, in psychological lingo, an abnormality, is prevalent amongst many of our young people.

All right, you all, take care. Have a wonderful Summer Solstice.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


profligacy, polyamory, nymphomania, satyriasis, ego fears, threat energy, threat mitigation, wanting to be popular, psychology, psychiatry, social issues, ego, ingroup,

The HIV / AIDS Epidemic Worldwide . by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 11 March 2016; revised 14 June 2018; also revised 6 July 2017

    • What Are the True Statistics of HIV Infection in the United States?
    • HIV Blooms in Polyamorous Groups Whose Alpha Male Is Infected
    • HIV Blooms Among Youth of Today
    • Revelation 9:13-19
    • Luke 10:8-9

age: “Christ Preaching (The Hundred Guilder Print),” an adumbration by Rembrandt, circa 1646-1650, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image: “Christ Preaching (The Hundred Guilder Print),” an adumbration by Rembrandt, circa 1646-1650, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Dear Ones,

Intuitively speaking, I have some thoughts on the HIV / AIDS epidemic worldwide.


The last figures available for the United States are from 2013, and I feel there is a reason for this. The United States may in fact be whitewashing the facts in the arena of health, as in the economic arena, I feel.

The mass media are not effectively addressing the health issues, as well as many other problems now at hand. What we, as concerned citizens, need to do, I feel, is to go out and talk with other people about how things are for them and their family and friends. That way we can get a true picture of what is going on in America.

My own analysis is from the clair plane. Here is what I feel about the HIV / AIDS epidemic: During 2015, I feel, there was a ‘bloom’ in this epidemic in America. At this point, in early 2016, it may be that as many as 50% of our sexually active young people have HIV / AIDS. Further, as much as 80% of MSM (men having sex with men) and IDUs (intravenous drug users) in the United States may now be infected. This, however, is only my clair perception; it will be up to my friends and neighbors to talk honestly with each other and try to discover the truth of the situation.


What Are the True Statistics of HIV Infection in the United States?

14 June 2018: The original article mentions clair perception that as many as 50% of our sexually active young people have HIV / AIDS, and that as much as 80% of MSM (men having sex with men) and IDUs (intravenous drug users) in the United States may now be infected.

Even taking into consideration the possibility of a whitewashing factor, these percentages are startlingly high, compared to the government statistics on the progress of the pandemic in the United States.

I now feel the 50% and 80% mentioned in the above paragraph had to do with two telepathically detected ‘blooms’ of the epidemic that happened in 2015, in diverse parts of the United States. Thus these clair perceptions may pertain to percentages after a ‘bloom’ takes place.

HIV Blooms in Polyamorous Groups Whose Alpha Male Is Infected

I feel that ‘blooms’ occur where the leader of a group … the alpha male … has a polyamorous lifestyle, and becomes infected with the HIV / AIDS virus. Apparently the feral drives of an alpha male … characteristics of ‘alpha-ness’, as it were … involve having sex with the beta members of the group, either male, or female, or both, depending on the group.

I consider this a ritual act of sex expressing the alpha male’s dominance over the group, like the perfunctory, perhaps nonejaculatory, to my understanding ‘ritual’ sex acts of the hamadryas baboon, for instance, which can be observed at the zoo in the early morning, just after the zoo has opened, and before crowds of people arrive.

Thus, for groups of people likely to experience an HIV / AIDS ‘bloom’, ritual acts of sex by the alpha male upon the members … whether male members, female members, or both … may have been taking place for years. The group, accustomed to the behavior of the alpha male, is ‘going on rote’, and the ‘bloom’ comes upon them, all unawares, and all of a sudden, in the course of a few months.

HIV Blooms Among Youth of Today

A bloom, I feel, is also likely to occur in primary and secondary school groups accustomed to the polyamorous lifestyle promoted through the mass media, and where one young person is infected, possibly through a sex-for-drugs agreement with an infected adult. Then because of sexual practices termed ‘friendship’ in school restrooms, exchange of bodily fluids may result in HIV / AIDS transmission, and a ‘bloom’ of the virus in a school class.

My suggestion regarding this is to talk about it with groups, so that the danger becomes clear, before the ‘bloom’ occurs. Each group will know where the danger lies, whether in the group restroom, or in the office of the alpha male, a drug dealer’s car parked near a school, or elsewhere. Knowing the danger involved, each group can take its own steps to mitigate the risk of a ‘bloom’, before the fact.


By analyzing the history of other epidemics that have taken place in the world, such as the deadly flu epidemic of the early 1900s, and the Black Plague of the 1300s, we can come to some conclusions about the course of epidemics.

As there are few well documented epidemics in human history, I found it useful also to research information on horse and cattle epidemics, which is plentiful because of the economic interests involved. From this research, I saw that epidemics may occur as ‘common source outbreaks ‘ or ‘propagated outbreaks’ and I found very useful the graphs of common source outbreaks and propagated outbreaks available in epidemic research to do with animal husbandry …

Link: “Epidemiology Concepts for Disease in Animal Groups,” initial draft 8/98 Initial HTML draft 5/99 Last updated April 13, 2015 … ..

Link: “Data Analysis: Types of Epidemic Curves” … ..


Common source outbreaks occur when everyone in a group is suddenly exposed to a common infecting agent … as was the case in the 2015 Salmonella outbreak in California, which was linked to raw tuna imported from Indonesia. Just about everyone who ate the tuna got Salmonella, and all the people who were infected got the disease at about the same time. This is because there was one common source of infection; everyone ate the tuna and got the Salmonella pretty much simultaneously. For more in this, see …

Link: “Raw Fish Linked to Salmonella Outbreak in California,” by Veronica Rocha, Contact Reporter, 20 April 2015 … ..

In the case of common source or ‘point of source’ outbreaks, the epidemic curve looks like a simple bell curve. For example, see …

Graph: Point of Source Epidemic … Cholera, number of cases plotted against dates of exposure (a steep bell curve) … ..

See how the curve goes along for a while with barely an increase, and then suddenly it jumps up into a ‘spike’ or ‘bloom’? That is how a bell curve looks, more or less.

A sudden, steep rise, like the first half of a bell curve graph, may also be seen just after the ‘incubation period’ of the price of stocks, which is sometimes followed by a sudden, meteoric rise. For instance, below is a chart of the S&P 500 over time. See the long incubation period followed by the large upward spike? Then there are succeeding waves reminiscent of a propagating epidemic outbreak …


Graph: “S&P 500 Closing Values (1950-16) along with 1, 2 and 3 Year Moving Averages, 20 February 2016,” from Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International.

Graph: “S&P 500 Closing Values (1950-16) along with 1, 2 and 3 Year Moving Averages, 20 February 2016,” from Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 4.0 International.


The historic deadly flu epidemic, the black plague, and the HIV epidemic are examples of propagated outbreaks. These are outbreaks in which the disease spreads from one person to the next. In this case, the graph showing the numbers of infected people looks like ever higher waves (or ‘spikes’ or ‘blooms’) of infection. See, for example, this graph …

Graph: “Person-to-Person Transmission (Propagated Epidemic),” number of cases plotted against time (days) … from this webpage …

Link: “SARS Outbreak Study 2: Print Module” … ..


The global HIV epidemic has been very slow moving. It started out in 1959, and as with typical bell curve motion, had hardly any impact worldwide till the 1990s. At that point a first-wave propagating outbreak ‘bloom’ began. As can be see the graphs here …

Link: “HIV / AIDS,” by Max Roser and Hannah Ritchie, at Our World in Data … ..

and this animated gif …

Animated gif: “Share of the [Global] Population Infected with HIV [1990-2017],” in Our World in Data … ..

The first propagating wave peaked in 1996. At this point in time, you will find, in Centers for Disease Control data …

Link: “Basic Statistics: HIV / AIDS,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention … ..

… and in many other blogs, the notion that HIV has been ‘handled’ or ‘controlled’ or ‘conquered’. This is because we have been, between 1996 and 2013, in a trough between the first and the second propagating wave.


I am only speaking from the clair plane; the statistics are just not out there online. But intuition very clearly tells me that the slow-motion second wave of the HIV epidemic has hit our children, as well as straight women who date bisexual men, older people who are at risk, including those who are M2M or IDU, and sex workers (both male and female. See, for example …

Link: “Why Do Surveys Show That Female Sex Workers Have 14 Times the Risk of Having HIV as Other Women,” by Roger Pebody, 31 July 2012 … ..

I posit we are in the midst of a sudden, meteoric rise or ‘bloom’ here in the United States, that this bloom may be known to Urgent Care Centers and larger medical centers across the nation, and that the figures have not found their way to the mass media.


In Russia, I feel, HIV reporting may be more truthful. See, for example this article …

Link: “Russia’s HIV Epidemic Compounded by Economic Crisis,” by Alina Yablokova , 27 February 2016 … ..

Wikipedia, I feel, gives a realistic estimate of the effect of the HIV epidemic on the world economy; see …

Link: “Economic Impact of HIV / AIDS” in Wikipedia … ..


Here in the United States, there is nearly no mass media support for a chaste, family oriented lifestyle. Quite the opposite: For many of our young people, because of the effect of mass media and because of peer pressure, promiscuity starting in early childhood is the norm. Consequently the HIV epidemic is likely to progress more quickly though our country than through more morally conservative countries.

I feel there may be other nations that cherish the ideals of chastity and family life, and whose peoples are less influenced by the mass media. Such countries would be more likely to progress more slowly through the curves of the epidemic. Slowing the spread will not end the epidemic, but it might give these countries more time to plan for changing health care needs and changing economics because of population and workforce stagnation due to AIDS infertility.


There is something that needs to be said about AIDS in relationship to the emotion of hatred. From the standpoint of the unconscious thought cloud of the world, the word ‘AIDS’ is very ill-conceived. Nothing causes more misery to a person than the diagnosis of ‘AIDS’. How could anyone think that such a diagnosis ‘aids’ a person? On the contrary, I have heard on the clair plane that such a diagnosis makes a person feel partitioned out from the mainstream of society, almost like the diagnosis of leprosy did in Christ’s day.

HIV / AIDS causes an emotional condition I term “AIDS Hatred Syndrome” … sometimes it is also termed “AIDS Rage,” All over the world, people with HIV / AIDS need help, cry out for help, and find themselves shunned by people who are not infected and fear that they may one day be infected.

The AIDS Hatred Syndrome causes those with HIV / AIDS to become callous to the notion of spreading the disease. So what? … they may feel. Do these uninfected people care about me? What should I care whether I infect them or not? And so, feeling embittered, they may being to practice unprotected sex.

The possibility of becoming attuned to AIDS Hatred is very real for longtime HIV survivors. They may begin to feel hatred of all humankind. Because they are the recipient of many violent thought forms from uninfected people, and from people they may have infected, they may develop violent ideation … nightmares and daydreams of treating their tormentors with like violence and inhumanity.

By my intuitive perception, the feeling of hatred is the one thing that will hasten the demise of those suffering from the disease. And so I hold out this hope:

If you have the virus, feel only love. Practice Christ consciousness. This is your test in these times: To feel love, even though love is not returned to you. This is your personal key to the Ascension process.


There has been some news reporting that intimates China may be using HIV / AIDS infection by prostitutes from its cities as a means of genocide for the Uyghur, a non-oriental ethic group in northwestern China. See …

Link: “HIV / AIDS Spreads Among Uyghurs in China’s Xinjiang,” 11 August 2015, in Radio Free Asia … ..

In Africa, some time ago, I heard of incidents where older men were raping young girls, with the notion that they were free of the HIV virus. Back then, this was resulting in the very young getting HIV. At that time, I heard, there were villages where all the adults had passed on of the epidemic, and the young teens were doing their best to keep their younger siblings alive. I am hopeful that charities have by now stepped in to ameliorate these dire situations.

Some semblance of these unhappy scenarios may be about to take place in the United States, as awareness of the second wave may be less evident to some segments of the older population.


In some countries, decriminalization of prostitution seems to be slowing the spread of HIV / AIDS, possibly because sex workers can more easily seek HIV / AIDS treatment, and treatment lowers the incidence of transmission.

In the United States, where sex work is considered criminal but not hard-line prosecuted in many communities, I have heard on the clair plane that sex workers with HIV / AIDS sometimes find compassionate doctors who will issue them a certificate of clear health, so that they can continue working. If this is so, then it is clear that people here who frequent sex workers will be more likely to contract HIV, even though the sex workers they frequent appear to have a clean bill of health.


What can we expect ongoing, as wave after wave of the HIV pandemic hits our world? As with past epidemics, we may expect a lowering of the world population, and a slowdown in the world economy. Human pain, grief, and communities’ sense of loss will be intense; thus, the impact in terms of human suffering needs to be taken into consideration.

For those who rely on the Bible, and have an understanding that humankind is now poised on the brink sometimes termed the ‘End Times’ … and called by us Ascensioneers the ‘Time of New Beginning’ … there is a relevant biblical passage …

Revelation 9:13-19 (KJV, public domain)

13 “And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,
14 “Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates.
15 “And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
16 “And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.
17 “And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone.
18 “By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.
19 “For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.”

If we take the above Biblical passage literally, then a possible interpretation is that the HIV pandemic will ‘slay the third part of men’. At any rate, the pandemic is bound to cause great Tribulation in the coming times.

During these times, the power of prayer, positive visualization, and affirmations of personal empowerment and love, and the understanding that each of us can help co-create a New Reality, will be of inestimable help to all humankind.


In the long run, there is a good effect. The worldwide decrease in the human population will mitigate the harmful impact that human activity has had on Gaia in recent centuries. Decades from now, when the epidemic has run its course, the human population will be more in balance with the plant, animal, and mineral life, the earth and sky and waters of this beautiful planet. And that is a good thing for the generations that will follow ours.


In the deadly flu epidemic and the black plague, there was an immediate, radical ‘culling’ of the human population. Those who were resistant, lived. Those who were not, died.

The result of this culling process is very clear. It offers a new beginning with a stronger and more resistant genetic population. For instance, in the case of the flu, catching this disease today is a mundane event for most people who are otherwise in good health. The greatest danger in catching the flu is to the very young, the very old, and those with serious illnesses; these constitute only a small segment of the population.

And so it will be with HIV. Since this current epidemic is very slow-moving, the culling process will be slower than is the case with most epidemics. However, even now, there is evidence of some people with natural immunity to the disease. See for example …

Link: “Staying Alive: The Women Who Are Immune to AIDS,” by Stephanie Nolan, 27 May 2007, in The Guardian … ..

Further, there are those who contracted HIV decades ago, but have survived against all odds. See …

Link: “‘Last Men Standing’: The Forgotten Survivor of the AIDS Epidemic,” by Christopher Rudolph, ..


I have heard, on the clair plane, of instances of hospitals euthanizing HIV / AIDS babies because no one wants to adopt them. I have also clairly heard of people in the general population about instances of hunting down and murdering men and women with HIV / AIDS. I consider this to be both shortsighted and wrong-headed. These practices only prolong the misery that is to come, because inevitably, those who murder will come down with the infection, and they themselves must then fight for their own survival. As Christ said …

Luke 10:8-9 (KJV, public domain)

8 “And into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you:
9 “And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.”

In these times of the Ascension, the HIV epidemic offers all humankind an opportunity to practice Christ consciousness, to live to the very highest inspiration that is in us. In all humility, let us recognize our common plight; let us nourish, heal and offer our prayers for those who are in need of our help. Let us not call any person a ‘leper’ or an unworthy person.

This is our supreme test of the End Times: To walk with an unfailing heart through the fields of suffering humankind. To offer love, and hope and faith at a time when many are angry and hopeless and forgetful of the power of God’s healing grace.

Remember: Among those children being born with HIV / AIDS will be those who can carry humanity forward. There will be HIV / AIDS babies who are naturally able to resist this virus, and they will be the future of humanity.

Further, though the weight of succeeding waves of the epidemic may cause a lapse in traditional healthcare, we can look to alternative remedies such as herbs, homeopathic remedies (such as Hyland’s … ), tinctures, essential oils, vegetable juice or water fasts, colonics, and last but far from least, the new technologies of Light and Sound.

And there is more good news, from an Ascension perspective: We Ascensioneers feel that, during the coming Age of Light, our human DNA will be transformed from 2-strand to 12-strand. As this happens, we feel that the answer to all disease, the key to optimum health of humankind, will be Remembered by humanity.

Dear Ones, take heart. Act with Christ Consciousness towards your friends and neighbors, whether they are rich or poor, ‘guilty’ or innocent, healthy or ill, young or old. Let us be One loving, world community.

And more than that, for now this world community is one cherished portion of the All. We have many Star Brethren, and all the Angel Realm, to guide and comfort us.

Dear Ones, know that you are not alone, and that all is well. All that transpires in the coming years will be unfolding as the result of a careful, time-wise, and loving plan … aided by those who have seen humankind and other fledgling beings through many such shining Ascensions … This Divine Plan is in place to help all with that yearning to attain true Christ Consciousness through the grace of the Incoming Light.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

For a complete list of my blogs and compendiums on HIV / AIDS see … Link: “Compendium: HIV / AIDS Pandemic,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 2 March 2019 … ..


My overview on the HIV Pandemic, and on data suppression by the Centers for Disease Control, is here …

Link: “Community Health: Overview of the HIV Pandemic,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 10 July 2016; revised … ..


The article “Charlize Theron’s 8 Quotable Moments about HIV at AIDS 2016” suggests these tools for preventing AIDS from spreading: condoms, pre-exposure prophylaxis, post-exposure prophylaxis, antiretroviral therapy, awareness, and education. See …

Link: “Charlize Theron’s 8 Quotable Moments about HIV at AIDS 2016,” by Warren Tong, from, 19 July 2016 … ..


Alternative healing techniques include affirmations, essential oils, and the languages of light and healing sound. Here is one of many new Sound Healing techniques …

Link: “AIDS / HIV Frequency Healing Therapy with Affirmations/Subliminals/Energy Transmission,” by Elke Neher, 6 January 2016 … ..

I am hoping that one day soon, research will let us know whether or not these proposed alternative healing techniques are useful as adjuncts to traditional Western medical treatments for HIV / AIDS.


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

affirmations, AIDS Hatred Syndrome, AIDS rage, alternative healing, ascension, Christ consciousness, community health, epidemics, pandemics, essential oils, hatred, healing through sound, Revelation, HIV coverup, AIDS coverup, HIV data suppression, AIDS data suppression, community health, HIV, AIDS, HIV pandemic, HIV epidemic, AIDS pandemic, AIDS epidemic, feral drives, alpha male, dominance-submission, male dominance, polyamory, ritual sex, ritual sex acts, hamadryas baboon, groups, grouping, leadership, disease bloom, mass media, friendship sex, schools, drugs and children, young adult HIV transmission, education, law enforcement, my favorites, child-rearing, education, violent ideation, nightmares, daydreams, Christ consciousness, economics, workforce, population stagnation, healthcare, Uyghur, China, sex workers, prostitution, End Times, Tribulation, prayer, affirmations, positive visualizations, Gaia, balance, global population, alternative medicine, DNA, DNA upgrades, star brethren, star brothers and sisters, Angelic realm, incoming light, New Beginning,