Category Archives: Hard drugs – drug war

My Lightworker Stance on Drug Use . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 5 January 2022
Location: Los Angeles, California

Dear Ones,

I took a closer look at what seemed to be a video about Lightworkers, and which I initially thought well of. It looked to me that the youtube channel might be recommending or possibly selling mind-altering drugs, so I have removed my recommendation of the video.

I am flatly against the use of recreational drugs. I feel their use would hinder my intent as a Lightworker to uplift and bless Earth and humankind.

Other folks, who are not Lightworkers, do as they will, and may God bless them in their free will choices on Earth. That is life in the realm of Duality: I just say no to drugs, and, I’m guessing, others say the opposite.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

recreational drugs, hard drugs, drug war, Lightworkers,

Are Drug Lords Using RF Weapons Against Members of Our Community? by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 27 July 2021; filmed on 6 August 2021
Location: San Fernando Valley, California


Dear Ones,

Here is a video on the topic of drug lords using radiofrequency (RF) weapons against members of our West Hills, Los Angeles, California community. There is a Summary after the video …

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Ascension Cautions: For Those Who Feel They Have Been Viewing a Virtual Reality Show . by Alice B. Clagett

Image: “Climbing to 70,000 feet in a U-2 Spy Plane,” by Christopher Michel, 22 July 2010, in Wikimedia Commons …,000_feet_in_a_U-2_Spy_Plane.jpg … CC BY 2.0 Generic

Image: “Climbing to 70,000 feet in a U-2 Spy Plane,” by Christopher Michel, 22 July 2010, in Wikimedia Commons …,000_feet_in_a_U-2_Spy_Plane.jpg … CC BY 2.0 Generic

. . . . .

Dear Ones,

On the astral plane, I have been hearing for weeks now that many people, including neighbors and acquaintances of mine, feel they are participating in a virtual reality show, in which they can spy on people day and night using wi-fi and radiofrequencies inside homes, and ultrasensitive sound booms, and high resolution spy cameras aimed at people from phone poles and from LAPD helicopters.

There is quite an ‘out-there’ astral story about a spy camera system stolen from the United States Army-Navy by cocaine lords who now hold in thrall all Americans, and can divert commercial airplanes, at the flip of a switch, from their more economical fly routes  so that they pass over a particular GPS location for spy purposes.

Another version of the astral stories is that spy satellites maintained by the National Reconnaissance Office are spying on the backyards of everyday citizens, and that local police departments are following them about through splicing into the LoJack stolen vehicle recovery system.

If the LoJack theory were true, for instance, that would account for LAPD helicopters showing up on every hike I take in Los Angeles County … go figure the odds! On the other hand (and I favor the latter) it could just as easily be that LAPD helicopters are on high alert for fires that might start in the mountains, and are combing the byways and water towers and electric towers and all other likely spots located in the Santa Monica Mountains to make sure wildfires are quickly contained. Kudos to them on this! They have done an amazing job of rapid containment so far this fire season.

On the other hand, there are stories in the news about directed, pulsed radiofrequency (RF) energy or possibly microwave weapons allegedly being used by drug lords in Cuba to tamper with the brain waves of CIA operatives there. The result apparently varies from minor symptoms such as vertigo and headache to permanent hearing loss and/or brain injuries known as “Havana Syndrome” …

Link: “Havana Syndrome,” in Wikipedia … ..

According to the Wikipedia article, “While there is no expert consensus on the cause of the symptoms … a co-author of the JAMA study considered microwave weapons to be ‘a main suspect’ for the phenomenon.”

This jibes with my sighting some years ago in Grants, New Mexico, of what seemed to me to be a huge microwave emitter on a bus, and the mental confusion I experienced that night and again at the 3HO Summer Solstice Celebration in Espanola, New Mexico, which seemed to me at the time to be a target of the operations of what may have been drug lords that financed the assembly and operation of the bus …

Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: Fatal Dungeons and Dragons Game?” by Alice B. Clagett, partially excerpted on 23 April 2020 from blogs filmed on 15 March 2018 and on 20 November 2016; revised on 11 June 2020 … … Surf to: THE ROCKING BUS WITH THE GIZMOS ON TOP

There was more in the Los Angeles Times about the Havana Syndrome just yesterday …

Link: “Congress to Assist Brain-Injury Victims of Mysterious ‘Havana Syndrome’,” by Tracy Wilkinson, in Los Angeles Times, 26 July 2021 … ..

It seems to me possible the odd telepathic milieu I have been experiencing in my backyard after 3 pm here in the San Fernando Valley in recent days may have to do with too much radiofrequency emissions, wi-fi, and microwave ‘garble’ in the air at those times.

Whether that may be intentional, and used by local drug lords to target members of the community who are ‘just say no to drugs’ … such as I … or simply a heretofore unacknowledged symptom of the electronic burden borne by modern society, I cannot say.

Were the worst to be true, then local from-home marijuana dealers might be supplying homeowners on either side of a ‘just say no to drugs’ mark with a ‘little black box’ that emits RF pulses directed at the mark, say at 3 pm every day. As an inducement, there might be a promise of a discount on their product, or of non-harassment. If that were so … and of course I very much hope it is not so … then it seems likely to me that those who accept and use the ‘little black boxes’ must also be experiencing mental confusion and possible brain injury because of the RF emissions from the boxes on their own property.

Ancillary to targeting of ‘just say no to drugs’ members of our local communities might be a theme of neo-Hindu death cult or black magic practitioners, Jewish Kabbalists who use their psychic talents in an antisocial way, indigenous cults’ voodoo practitioners, or Satanists who may be at war against Hindus who worship along traditional lines, more traditional Jewish faithful, Christians, Sikhs, and Muslims across the globe.

From my own recent research, I note that inexpensive radiofrequency detector devices are readily available online. These can be used to determine whether RF pulses are happening in and around your home.

Then in research on how to incapacitate a vehicular Lo-Jack (in the likelihood drug lords may have hacked into the Lo-Jack databases and might be able to use those data to track and target hits), I found that wire mesh wrapped round a Lo-Jack jams the signal. From that I gather that an intermittent barrier pattern … such as slats in a fence, with openings between the slats, might be one way to confuse and interrupt  pulsed radiofrequency signals.

. . . . .

Looking back, I remember 20 or more years ago, when I became suddenly and apparently permanently EMF sensitive during a series of solar flares. As the phenomenon was a new one, medical science did not know how to deal with it. It seems to me the same phenomenon is happening this month with quite a lot of people. Yet there have been no solar flares; so, I gather, it may just be an Ascension phenomenon that happens to people at a certain stage of their Ascension process.

I note the astral stories about this new experience that apparently is happening to many people are negatively tinged, and winging off in the direction of Conspiracy Theory. That is an arena I tend to skirt round and let be. Consideration of the possibilities of Conspiracy Theory, I feel, only makes me unhappy, and rarely makes a difference in the real world.

Of course, if we really feel there may be a military surveillance spy camera system on the underbellies of commercial airplanes, and if we have a hunch the mafia and the drug cartels are splicing into it and can make life miserable for the ‘Just Say No to Drugs’ crowd (such as myself, for instance), then I feel it would be ok to mention your hunch to your State’s Bureau of Investigation. You could just ask them to check out your hunch; maybe it would be useful to them. Something low key like that.

I have found the Bureaus of Investigation at the State level are more appropriate than the Central Bureau of Investigation as a place to mention hunches that have to do with more than the police precinct in which we live. Police located at our local precincts have responsibility for crime and other community problems within the precinct; at least, that is how I understand it. Then our local precincts liase with contiguous precincts so as to deal with street gangs that rove from precinct to precinct.

Then there are the State level Bureaus of Investigation, such as the California Bureau of Investigation … .. These are very cool, and more likely to respond to your plea because their scope is less international than that of the Central Bureau of Investigation.

When there are issues of invasion of privacy through electronic or electrical sound or image spy surveillance inside our homes or in our backyards, then there is recourse through the privacy guarantees of the United States Constitution if we can prove this is happening. If you have proof, you can talk with your local police department about your concerns, and they may advise you how to go about rectifying the situation. For instance, if you want to check on electronic snooping inside your home, pretty good combination GPS and radiofrequency (RF) detectors can be had for not much cash outlay.

Setting third dimensional Conspiracy Theory notions to one side (which I feel is a pretty good idea), then for people who are just now experiencing EMF sensitivity and who are becoming more and more clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient because of the Ascension process: Each of us still must deal with negatively tinged emotions regarding the circulating astral stories.

Thrown into the mix are negative emotions due to COVID stress; here in California this is the more true because of the recent increase in hospitalizations and the reinstitution of indoor face mask restrictions.

Nevertheless, there are things we can do to limit the fallout from EMF sensitivity. I note time of day is a factor; typically push comes to shove in this regard after lunch, often after 3 pm, and continues on till people stop watching TV in the evening. Why that is, I am not certain, as I do not subscribe to TV. Possibly it might have to do with negative emotional affect brought up through the themes of the TV programs? Then again, maybe it has to do with after-work or after-school activities, such as pot smoking or alcohol consumption? These are pure guesswork on my part.

Whatever the cause, there has been a mid-afternoon to late evening issue of negatively tinged community noosphere of late. What to do?

Sometimes I take a walk down the block. That seems to jar my ‘mini-noosphere’ (my brain, my mind, my thought forms, and the emotions associated with my thought forms, all of which run on the ‘gas’ of my human electromagnetic field) loose from the uber-noosphere of my neighborhood, which runs on the ‘gas’ of the collective electromagnetic fields of everyone on my block. A moving target … in my case, a walking target … is harder to hit, I feel.

It is harder for a person walking outdoors to be affected by artificial EMF fields as well, I feel …

  • With luck, one may find a walking route on quiet residential streets, with few cars whizzing by.
  • There may be only the usual telephone poles nearby; one may choose to avoid high electric towers on a walk.
  • If surveillance cameras are trained out of the windows in people’s homes because of Neighborhood Watch programs, then the people looking at the camera screens inside their homes may take little interest in us, if we move along smartly and do not loiter by their house.
  • We may choose not to bring our cell phone or handheld or Bluetooth or any other wireless device along with us, as those people who are ascending may begin to sense that these devices create instability in their personal energy field (in their ‘aura’).

I myself find that any artificial EMF field creates instability in my personal energy field. Thus for me, one possibility is to limit wi-fi reception in my home. Insofar as possible, I turn off and unplug wi-fi-enabled devices after charging them, for instance. I strive to eliminate wi-fi at home. I want to make sure there is none in my bedroom, or in my meditation room.

There are also issues with electric lines and electric wires within homes. For myself, I find it is a good idea to unplug electric devices when they are not in use. This also helps prevent home fires, as my mom always used to say. It is better, I have read, not to sleep in winter with an electric blanket, as the wires in the blanket might disturb the stability of our personal energy field.

My overall suggestion is to find creative, low-cost ways to circumvent the negatively tinged astral stories that have been coming up in the afternoons of late. Walking is just one way. Yoga or stretching exercises in a room that is de-wi-fi-ed and de-electrified to whatever extent may be possible is another way. Then there is taking a cat nap in a de-wi-fi-ed and de-electrified room. My readers will doubtless think of many other ways to circumvent the recent afternoon astral to-dos.

In years past, when the phenomena of EMF sensitivity and artificial EMF field impingement were new to me, and I was struggling to figure out just what was going on, I wrote quite a few blogs on the topic. If you would like to look more thoroughly into these issues, here are my relevant blog categories …

EMF Sensitivity … ..

Artificial EMF Fields – Electronic Devices – Electric Devices …  ..

. . . . .

I am in high hopes there may soon be coronal mass ejections that spiff up the noosphere of Earth, and which may also spiff up our personal ‘mini-noospheres’, making our minds and those of all around us more orderly, more logical, and less tempted to tempestuous emotions. Till then, best wishes to all in weathering the short-lived, ‘popcorn’ convection, single-cell afternoon astral thunderstorms oft we telepaths have been encountering of late.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 24 July 2021; revised on 23 March 2023
Location: San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles, California


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

EMF sensitivity, artificial EMF fields, Ascension, Ascension cautions, conspiracy theory, astral stories, law enforcement, drug war, community health, psychic abilities, clair senses, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, telepathy, mind, noosphere, mini-noosphere, emotions, thought forms, fear, cybercrime, psychic spying, U.S. Constitution, virtual reality psychosis,

A Warning to Steer Clear of People Whose Energy Is Aligned with the Demon Realm . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 13 July 2021

Image: “The Bad and the Ugly,” by Monica Georgescu, 5 September 2015, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported

Image: “The Bad and the Ugly,” by Monica Georgescu, 5 September 2015, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 3.0 Unported

Dear Ones,

There are some people in Los Angeles … both men and women, but often men … whose energy is aligned with that of the Demonic Realm. I have spoken with LAPD about it, and they say these people are very different from me; that the thing to do is just steer clear of them.

I agree with LAPD completely, and I hope my readers can steer clear as well. I also read up on demons and found out this: Demons are invisible, but a person can tell from a feeling of dread if they are nearby.

The demon Kau’T in this image by Vashta …

Link: “Kau’T” … ..

… reminds me most of ‘Heart Vampire’ whom I describe here …

Link: “Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Black Magicker’,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 8 April 2021; revised … ..

Secondly it reminds me of ‘Black Magicker’ whom I describe here …

Link: “Compendium: Catastrophic Childhood Case Study: ‘Heart Vampire’,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 14 February 2021; revised … ..

When I read Frank Peretti’s Christian book “This Present Darkness” I found out quite a lot about how to protect myself from the Demon Realm. I heartily recommend this book to all my readers …

Link: “This Present Darkness,” in Wikipedia … ..

In my heart I feel the energies of the Demonic Realm to be aligned with distortions of the Light found in some sectors of the entertainment industry and in some products of the recreational drug industry today. Often people feel the ‘glam’ of the entertainment industry, and the ‘allure’ of using hard drugs, and that attracts them to people whose energy fields resonate with the Demonic Realm.

I have found when I ask friends and acquaintances to steer clear of this person and that, instead there is a chance they will go and make their acquaintance, so as to determine the truth of the matter for themselves. I feel it might be the attraction of being around power and status, around good looks, and around fame and fortune … that motivates my acquaintances to this catastrophic choice.

The trouble is that demons such as the evil, red being depicted as Kau’T are capable of completely mind controlling us puny human beings, unless we can call upon the Angelic Realm to protect us against them. Without even knowing what is going on, we can get sucked into a downward spiraling vortex of Soul degradation.

I hope my reader will exercise right discrimination, and know that everything depends on keeping good company, and avoiding bad companions who set a poor example for us in this lifetime. They say that one rotten apple spoils a whole barrel of apples. That is really true. If a group of good people have amongst them one person with a demon for a companion, the group is pretty much sunk. Setting aside compassion for that one lost person, we must feel compassion for ourselves and for our un-rotten friends, and keep them safe from demonic mildew. We have to ask that demon-oriented person to keep away from us.

What I have found in past, when I publish a blog or a facebook message such as this one, is that these men and women in Los Angeles whose energy resonates with that of Kau’T attack me mercilessly on the psychic plane for days, until I must unpublish the blog or message in order to find a moment’s respite from their psychic attacks.

I have thought this through. I think the reason they attack me is that they think they are at war with good people. They must feel that the Dark is fighting the Light, and that they are just doing their job, fighting Christians.

That is a misconception borne of hubris. By that I mean that they feel, arrogantly, that they can fight against the goodness of God, who created them, and win against Him. How could that possibly be?

From God they come; through Him their physical bodies are created. To God they shall inevitably return, when their bodies die. It is God who creates and destroys; God who sustains the Universe. What possible use is a demon? Surely they are not our friends. They cannot lift us up from the dead, can they? It is they who kill, not they who heal our bodies. It is they who cast us into the pit of despair; not they who lift us up to hope for a good tomorrow.

I feel there is a great deception going on with these people in Los Angeles who are aligned with the Demonic Realm. I feel very clearly that they are being mind controlled by appallingly cruel beings such as Kau’T into the misconception that they themselves are these demons. They feel: I am Kau’T.

How can that be? This demon is far stronger than they. The more they serve him, the more repulsive they become to other human beings. How can they hope to find a willing woman to have sex with them, when all they want to do is cage a woman up and torture her to death? Go figure!

That is why it is clear to me that a very cruel demon has caught them and will not let them go. If their heads were clear, they would surely know they are headed straight for disaster. They are not the all-controlling demon. The demon completely controls them.

I ask these men (and sometimes also women) in Los Angeles to understand this blog is not a challenge. This is not a war cry. I do not want to fight you. I do not find you glamorous or sexually attractive.

I just want to warn good Christians to steer clear of you. I want them to understand the danger of bad company, and to know the fake ‘glam’ of being around power and fame and good looks.

We Christians and Lightworkers, and good people of all the major religions need to steer clear of men and women who are deeply infected with the Dark. That is my message for today.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

demonic realm, Religions of the World, Christianity, entertainment industry, drug use, hard drugs, angelic realm, mind control, Soul devolution, God, pride, discrimination, right action, sadomasochism, lust murder, torture, paraphilia, perversion, Lightworkers, law enforcement, Heart Vampire, Black Magicker,

Pragmatic Prophet: Include Alcoholics and Hard Drug Users, Those with HIV or AIDS, and Sex and Porn Industry Workers in Phase 1b LA County COVID-19 Vaccinations? . by Alice B. Clagett

Pragmatic Prophet: Include Alcoholics and Hard Drug Users, Those with HIV or AIDS, and Sex and Porn Industry Workers in Phase 1b LA County COVID-19 Vaccinations?

Image: “Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine,” by Arne Müseler, 29 December 2020, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 3.0 … DESCRIPTION: … CC BY-SA 3.0 de, ..

Image: “Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine,” by Arne Müseler, 29 December 2020, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY-SA 3.0 … DESCRIPTION: … CC BY-SA 3.0 de, ..


Dear Ones,

I took a look at the Centers for Disease Control’s proposed rollout for the COVID-19 vaccines … … and saw that their Tier 2 for Phase 1c is …

“People aged 16—64 years with underlying medical conditions which increase the risk of serious, life-threatening complications from COVID-19.”

Then I searched out who is eligible for the COVID-19 vaccines in Los Angeles County, California … … and saw a roughly equivalent Tier 1b including people with serious medical conditions for whom vaccines are now available …

From the latter webpage, I see that starting 15 March 2021, COVID-19 vaccinations are available in Los Angeles County for those who are 16 to 64 years of age and who have high risk health conditions and disabilities such as …

  • Cancer, current with weakened immune system
  • Chronic kidney disease, stage 4 or above
  • Chronic pulmonary disease, oxygen dependent
  • Down syndrome
  • Solid organ transplant, leading to a weakened immune system
  • Pregnancy
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Heart conditions, such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, or cardiomyopathies (but not hypertension)
  • Severe obesity (Body Mass Index of 40 or greater, CDC BMI Calculator)
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hemoglobin A1c level greater than 7.5%
  • People who, as a result of a developmental or other significant high-risk disability, meet one or more of the following criteria:
    • A COVID-19 infection is likely to result in severe life-threatening illness or death; OR
    • Acquiring COVID-19 will limit the individual’s ability to receive ongoing care or services vital to their well-being and survival; OR
    • Providing adequate and timely COVID care will be particularly challenging as a result of the individual’s disability.
    • The three criteria above include people with a range of physical and behavioral disabilities including
      • Individuals with severe behavioral health issues and substance use disorders …”


At the bottom of the list, I have bolded the directive that people with substance use disorders are able to get the vaccine now. That might include alcoholics and people who have a habit of using hard drugs, but that information might not yet be widely available as it is not bolded in the list. I feel it might be good to give it more emphasis on the Los Angeles County web page.


Below that on the Los Angeles County list I see that enrolled customers of Medi-Cal HIV/AIDS Waiver can get the vaccines. As I read the description of the waiver, that would include a sector of people severely ill with HIV/AIDS, which would be good to include among those for whom the vaccine is available, of course, since HIV/AIDS infection lowers the immune response. 

  • I feel it would also be good to include all those over 15 years of age who have HIV or AIDS in the bolded list of health conditions and disabilities.


I see this list of Phase 1b occupations now eligible for COVID-19 vaccination in Los Angeles County …

  • Education and Childcare
  • Emergency Services
  • Food and Agriculture
  • People with Serious Health Conditions/Disabilities
  • People Who Live or Work in Congregate Living Spaces
  • Janitorial, Custodial, and Maintenance Services
  • Transportation and Logistics

It seems to me that since sex workers’ income depends on coming into close physical contact with clients, it is likely that sex work might be a nexus for COVID-19 transmission.

I read online that making pornographic films is legal in California (and also in New Hampshire). It seems to me likely that this is among the occupations that could be bulleted in the above list of eligible occupations. Possibly it might fall under the category “People Who Live or Work in Congregate Living Spaces,” but it seems to me documentation might be lacking because of concern for social opprobrium, especially for those engaged in that industry as a sideline to more mainstream occupations.

Thus I feel it would be good to include sex workers and porn industry workers in the list of high risk occupations. 

It might also be good if the health news websites were to publish the health measures they feel would help prevent infection for regular clients of sex workers.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 17 March 2021; revised on 13 May 2023


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


health, community health, coronavirus, COVID, COVID vaccine, COVID-19, sex workers, prostitution, porn industry, porn workers, alcoholics, hard drug use, sex worker clients, HIV, AIDS, pragmatic prophecy,