Category Archives: Lilith mental filter

Sexual Repression and the Clairaudient Plane . by Alice B. Clagett

    • Normal Daily Sexual Behavior
    • Sexual Expression on the Clairaudient Plane
    • Societal Expectations Regarding Sexual Expression
    • Lilith: The Conundrum of Outlawry of Female Prostitution
    • Dark Love Triangle
      • On Viewing People as Energy Systems Rather Than Personalities
      • Dark Love Triangle, Continued
    • The Wife Who Is Set Aside: Corn Mother
    • Marriage to Lilith
    • Lilith Unmasked
    • Postlude: Music of Chris Zabriskie and Nature Scenes

Dear Ones,

This is about the clearing of sexual repression that is taking place through the Incoming Light, and how that clearing process is manifesting on the clairaudient plane.

There is discussion of the husband – wife – Lilith triad (the Dark Love Triangle or triangle amoureux). Societal expectations. Prostitution. And how to safely navigate the current clearing of sexual repression. The Postlude contains the music of Chris Zabriskie and nature scenes.

There is an edited Summary after the video, and then two sections not in the video: An image about Old Lightworkers and the human chakras, and Postscripts.



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice.

I have been thinking about this sexual repression thing. I am going to put up the picture that I used in a previous blog, on this blog, which is about sexual repression and the clairaudient plane … [see below image labeled “OLD LIGHTWORKER SYNDROME: MALWARE TO SUPPRESS SEX URGE CAUSES ENDOCRINE IMBALANCE”]

Some questions came up, clairaudiently; these are: What is sexual repression, and how is it expressed on the clairaudient plane?

Normal Daily Sexual Behavior

First, we need to look at normal daily behavior … what is socially expected of us. And generally, what I see, here in America, are people walking up and down the street, going about their daily adventures, in work and play and chores and so forth.

And they are all fully clothed, even though this is sunny California here. And they do not even meet your eye, or make eye contact, generally… Although you will find, if a woman is very good looking, that men will try to catch her eye, and try to make direct eye contact with her. But often, if she looks in their direction, she will be staring right through them. Or she will be avoiding their gaze altogether.

What I see, in the world in general, day to day, is a sexual urge that is not expressed or acted out, except in a home setting or a bar or strip joint setting. So there are certain places where sexual repression is not needed. But in general, in this society … the work-a-day world, in particular, does involve sexual repression.

Sexual Expression on the Clairaudient Plane

On the clairaudient plane, what I have been hearing is men … gadzillion men … especially on Friday nights and Saturday nights here … who are insistently demanding of sexual attention. By that I mean that it is a second chakra auditory program that repeats and repeats and repeats, without any kind of change-up … an astral ‘tape loop’, as it were.

It is subconscious. It is repressed energy that is expressing itself, without the people who are astrally voicing it actually knowing what they are doing. Although, as time goes on, they begin to relate to it, on the physical plane, and actually consciously hear it.

Amongst women, what I am hearing is: When the man’s attention … this man who is subconsciously imagining or daydreaming about sexuality … when his attention becomes fixed on a particular person, a particular woman … from that woman I hear a negative response: No, no, no! Oh no, Oh no, Oh no! … That kind of response.

But sometimes I hear a coquette response. The feeling is something like this: Oh, you handsome man! Oh my, oh my, oh my! … from women who are willing to respond to that kind of energy.

So, if a man has his mind fixed on a certain object of sexual attention, he can believe that he is receiving that positive sexual response from that person … even though there is a constant ‘switcheroo’ and change-up on the clairaudient plane.

So he may be hearing from several hundred different women, or hundreds of thousands of different women, all of whom sound the same to him because of his mental filter, which is object-oriented; it is concentrated on a certain object of attention.

And a woman may think that she is receiving insistent sexual invitations from a particular man … or set of men … during the day, when in fact, she may be receiving it from 10,000 different men, or 100,000 different men … whichever of them have that particular message in the repressed second-chakra at that time.

So what I see is the unconscious and the subconscious slowly coming to consciousness, through the filters of societal expectations.

Societal Expectations Regarding Sexual Expression

What are these societal expectations? Mostly, in Middle America today, men learn at an early age that they are expected to be ever ready for the act of sex. Women, on the other hand, learn that they must not make themselves available for sex indiscriminately.

So there we have a clash of societal expectations. And here we have the Ascension process … where all feelings are made known, all subconscious programming is coming to light, and it is completely impossible to escape from other people’s programming without reprogramming our own systems.

So we feel trapped; we feel trapped by this clash of societal expectations: The men, in the unconscious, repressed state, want sex … and it is very obvious, through the clairaudient chatter … that this process is going on. The women, in the unconscious, repressed state, almost always want to avoid it … unless they know who it is that they are talking to, or think they do. So there is no meeting of the minds there.

Lilith: The Conundrum of Outlawry of Female Prostitution

I am reminded of prostitution, and female sex workers … How they can go to jail, even though it is very clearly men who want their services, and men, in general, who make the laws. Nevertheless, these women … whose services are desired by men … are sent, by men, to jail.

And what kind of sense does that make? Unless we consider that most of the men are married, and that, for the sake of appearances, they do not want their wives to know that they have this desire … this constant urge?

Looking at that from a far context, we could say: It may be possible that women want to express themselves sexually more frequently than they do … and with more partners. But because of societal expectations, they do not.

And it may also be possible that men might like to see two different kinds of woman in their life:

  1. The woman who keeps their genetic line straight, and raises their family.
  2. And Lilith: The woman who has no sexual inhibitions, and is willing to mate with anyone … the sex worker.

Now, here we have the clairaudient plane. And all women are on the clairaudient plane, at the same time. So the man that has an expectation of sex worker gratification will also have his wife on the line, at the same time … mystified, upset, disgruntled, wondering if she should be divorced because of it.

We really need to work on our own systems here, because there is no ‘answer’ to this question, until our own endocrine systems are balanced, and our chakras are balanced, and the Incoming Light clarifies the distortions in our Bodies of Light, and so forth. And at that point, I feel everything will be very clear.

Dark Love Triangle

There is a situation that has been coming up for me, as a single person. And that is that a number of couple … I would say, ten or more couples … are latching onto me, with the man having an expectation of the sex worker role for me, because I am single.

On Viewing People as Energy Systems Rather Than Personalities. Because of my many years of kundalini yoga, and other meditation practices, and martial arts and mental conditioning, I am relatively aware of what is going on with my energy systems. I tend to look at things energetically, these days, rather than from the standpoint of personality. because energy is easier for me to deal with, when I experience a state of neutral mind.

And I look on other people, also, as energy systems. I look at the balance of the energy systems of other people, rather than at their personalities. And in that way I find that I do not get so attached to personalities; and I have a better time maintaining the integrity of my own energy system.

Dark Love Triangle, Continued. So that is just some background information for you, preparatory to discussing the scenario of couples latching onto single women.

It seems to me … and I will propose this hypothesis … that, when the men say that they are hearing from the single woman: Please do, please do, please do! ... all day long, as a response to their recurrent and constant demand of sexuality on the repressed, second chakra plane … what they may actually be hearing is the repressed response of their own wives.

So then, when they perceive me as the ‘other woman’ with their minds, and direct their energy to me, and their wife gets upset, the next thing that sometimes happens is that they say to their wives: I do not want her sexual attention, and I do not know why she is doing this to me. I cannot escape from her.

Now, bear in mind that it is … I propose ... their wife’s own sexuality that is creating a constant lower-chakra bond with them. (This is why people get married or enter into continent sexual union … because of the comfortable nature of uncompromised astral cording, from the perspective of mutual astral chatter.)

But from the standpoint of the sex worker role that they think I am playing, or that they think other single women are playing, I am cast in the light of the person who is breaking a law. And I am place ‘in jail’, as it were, by the man … just as the prostitutes in America today frequently are.

So, in the context of clair speak, what is happening is that the man will say to his wife … and this is on a very deep, subconscious level, so I hear it sotto voce … I hear it very, very, very quietly, if I listen very well … I hear him saying to his wife something like: You take over here! … You deal with it! … Or, that’s it: My wife, woo her! … Those are the words: My wife, woo her! … And I hear it over and over again. And what happens then is that, on a very deep, subconscious level, the wife begins to woo me.

Why would she do such a thing? Why would she listen to him, regarding that? I think it may be because she wants to rediscover her own, repressed, sexual drive. And I think that the man asks his wife to do that, because he does not want to incur her wrath. It is for the same reason that there are laws against prostitution.

It is a pretty complicated topic. But I do have that much to offer you: That there is this going down right now.

The Wife Who Is Set Aside: Corn Mother

Image: “Corn Mother,” from “Masks of the Goddess” … ..

So then to continue: If this process of the wife wooing the single person that is the third person in a Dark Love Triangle, begins to grate on everyone’s nerves, and then there is a breakup of the couple, what I have then found, in several astral instances, is that the man then woos a woman that I would call the Lilith … the woman who has a very strong sexual drive, and relatively few inhibitions.

And then, for the women that used to be the wives, what I find is a struggling to find a standing point in the world at large right now. These women who are, in a sense, set free of societal expectations, and the two, diametrically opposed societal roles of women … these women are in a position, right now, to step forward, into the Incoming Light, and to transform the world through it.

Amongst all the people in the world today … except for the children, who are in the first position of being able to absorb the Light …  these women who have been set aside, and freed of societal expectations, are the ones that are most capable of incorporating new codons and the new encoding first, and of seeding and bringing forth the new crops of Soul wisdom for New Life on New Earth. In this regard, they are like the mythical Corn Mother of humankind.

I hope that explanation helps them some.

Marriage to Lilith

Image: “Neptune’s Horses,” illustration pour ‘La Legende mythologique grecque’, by Walter Crane, 1910, in Wikimedia Commons … ..

Now, for the men .. the men who have set aside their wives and stepped into the role of ‘Wooer of Lilith’ … I feel that there is a great deal of sexual rage to be gone through, for the both of you … you and your new wife.

I feel that you should be very careful not to act out your rage, against your sexual partner. If it looks like rage is getting the upper hand … either for you, or for the Lilith that you married … I think that you should plan for the contingency of separate residences until the rage is cleared by the Incoming Light.

So, what accounts for this rage amongst the men and the new Lilith spouses? Well, there are probably many reasons. But I think one thing to consider is that the desire to act out constant acts of sex, or the desire to dream about them, causes a mental and emotional imbalance in a person, so that he or she cannot fulfill their true Soul destiny.

And this rage that men feel, has to do with their perceived inability to deal with the sex urge, and to restrain it with their mental minds. So the problem there is just that they need to restrain it through their heart chakras, which are the center of their endocrine systems. But there you have what I think is the true reason for rage in men right now: Their desire to be, like the god Poseidon, master of the waves of the wild horses of desire.

Lilith Unmasked

Image: “Lilith,” from “Masks of the Goddess” … ..

And then for the Liliths .. the women who are acting the part of the women always available for sex: I think that their rage there has to do with going against societal expectations. And in fact, even though the Lilith is fulfilling her own fantasy of sexual liberation; nevertheless, the negspeak from women regarding this way of acting in reality, is causing the rage, I feel. The opprobrium of other women is causing the rage in the Liliths.

Specifically in this case, most likely, it will be the negativity of the displaced spouses and their social circles, that will be the burden of negativity for the Liliths. And this kind of burden goes on despite the fact that the displaced female spouse may be very spiritual, and in her mental mind very nonjudgmental regarding what has taken place.

The arena for the negspeak that comes to the Lilith is not conscious; it is deeply unconscious. And it is there that the rage develops: in the deep unconscious mind.


That is all I have for your right now. I wish you the very best in absorbing as much Light as you can, as soon as you possibly can, because it is the Light that will set us free of the suffering of this world. It is the Light which will destroy the illusion of Maya, and bring us into the New Earth.

The glory that awaits us there … the wonders that await us there … and the depth of happiness that awaits us there … are beyond imagination, in this world of illusion.

God speed you all. God rest you all. And God keep you all, until next we meet.

Postlude: Music of Chris Zabriskie and Nature Scenes

[The Postlude features “Prelude No. 20” from the album “Preludes” by Chris Zabriskie, CC BY 4.0, along with nature scenes.]

[End of video]



Image Markup: “Old Lightworker Syndrome: Malware to Suppress Sex Urge Causes Endocrine Imbalance,” by Alice B. Clagett, 15 March 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Image of a yogi sitting cross-legged adapted from a map of chakras in the human body, The image shows the 7 chakras, old-style, along with the chakric colors. Along the right side of the body, the chakras are labeled: magenta: Crown Chakra; violet: Brow Chakra; turquoise: Throat Chakra; green: Heart Chakra; yellow: Solar Plexus Chakra; orange: Sacral Chakra; red: Root Chakra. Along the left side of the body are these captions: ‘1. Meditation on the third eye-point strengthens the pituitary’ … with an arrow pointing to the yogi’s forehead. ‘Life current through these chakras is diminished’ … with a bracket indicating the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Heart Chakra, and the Throat Chakra. ‘Sexual malware causes repression’ … with an arrow pointing to the Sacral Chakra. At the bottom of the image is the Legend: “This malware affects a large segment of Earth’s human population. However, because meditation increases the voltage of the life current (chi, or ki), the effects are more pronounced in the endocrine system of long-time meditators. Yoga, thoughtful diet, meditation on the Core Star (between the Solar Plexus and the Heart) and meditation on the Heart Chakra are curative” … CREDITS: Image: “This picture depicts the seven major Chakras with descriptions,” by Xxglennxx, 25 February 2010, from Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

Image Markup: “Old Lightworker Syndrome: Malware to Suppress Sex Urge Causes Endocrine Imbalance,” by Alice B. Clagett, 15 March 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

DESCRIPTION: Image of a yogi sitting cross-legged adapted from a map of chakras in the human body, The image shows the 7 chakras, old-style, along with the chakric colors. Along the right side of the body, the chakras are labeled: magenta: Crown Chakra; violet: Brow Chakra; turquoise: Throat Chakra; green: Heart Chakra; yellow: Solar Plexus Chakra; orange: Sacral Chakra; red: Root Chakra. Along the left side of the body are these captions: ‘1. Meditation on the third eye-point strengthens the pituitary’ … with an arrow pointing to the yogi’s forehead. ‘Life current through these chakras is diminished’ … with a bracket indicating the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Heart Chakra, and the Throat Chakra. ‘Sexual malware causes repression’ … with an arrow pointing to the Sacral Chakra. At the bottom of the image is the Legend: “This malware affects a large segment of Earth’s human population. However, because meditation increases the voltage of the life current (chi, or ki), the effects are more pronounced in the endocrine system of long-time meditators. Yoga, thoughtful diet, meditation on the Core Star (between the Solar Plexus and the Heart) and meditation on the Heart Chakra are curative” …

CREDITS: Image: “This picture depicts the seven major Chakras with descriptions,” by Xxglennxx, 25 February 2010, from Wikimedia Commons … … public domain

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed on 15 March 2015; published on 16 March 2015; transcribed on 18 October 2018; revised on 14 March 2023
Previously titled: “Old Lightworker Syndrome: Sexual Repression and the Clairaudient Plane”


I find a strong parallel to the clair chatter in the practice of ‘cat calling’ women. Women think: This is just men, acting naughty for a moment. Men think: What is this? This is the way we are! What’s wrong with these women for calling us out!

Video: “Mancave – Construction Workers,” by OhSoCosmoTV, 30 January 2012 … ..

Here is a great meditation by Dr. Suzanne Lie for unconditional love of the second chakra …

Video: “Unconditionally Love Yourself ~ Second Chakra ~ Dr. Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians, by suzannelie, 13 January 2016 … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


astral rape, clair senses, forgiveness, mastery of mind, sacred sexuality, social issues, societal expectations, triangle energy, yoga, Lilith, acting out, attachment, balancing the chakras, Chris Zabriskie, clairaudience, endocrine balance, gut talk, Lilith, love triangle, mastery of mind, mental filters, neutral mind, New Earth, personality, prostitution, psychology, reprogramming ourselves, second chakra negative, sex drive, sex workers, sexual fantasies, sexual rage, sexual repression, societal expectations, subconscious programming, telepathy, triangle energy, unconscious mind, astral rape, clair senses, forgiveness, mastery of mind, sacred sexuality, social issues, societal expectations, yoga, old lightworker syndrome, Dark Love Triangle,  triangle amoureux, astral cord, satyriasis, sexual daydreams, Soul purpose, Soul destiny, myths, gender roles,

Role-Playing Demonry: A Tantric Meditation . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 11 January 2015; published on 13 January 2015

    • Role-Playing Demonry: A Tantric Meditation, by Alice B. Clagett
      • Couples or Groups of Couples
      • The Chant
      • Duration
      • Manner of Chanting
      • Part 1: Tantric Couple Role-Modeling Demonry
        • Person 1 – Chant 1 Soundtrack
        • Person 2 – Chant 2 Soundtrack
        • Role Reversal
        • Explanation: Lack of Heart Awareness in the World Today
      • Part 2: Tantric Couple Uniting Apana and Prana in the Heart
        • Person 1 – Chant 3 Soundtrack
        • Person 2 – Chant 4 Soundtrack
        • Chants 3 and 4 Together – Soundtrack
        • Role Reversal
        • Explanation: Uniting Apana and Prana in the Heart, and Raising the Kundalini

Dear Ones,

Here are a video and an edited Summary of the video describing a tantric meditation through which a couple can role-play demonry, and then unite their apanic and pranic energies in the heart chakra. The purpose of the meditation is to clear the Lilith mental filter from the man, and from the woman, the notion that the man is a ‘devil’.

After the video is an edited Summary, along with Chant soundtracks. After that, and not in the video, is a Brief Outline of the Tantric Meditation, that might be handy for daily practice.

Please excuse the unusual ways of describing apanic and pranic energies … It was the closes I could get to explaining how to do the meditation.



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice.

Role-Playing Demonry: A Tantric Meditation

Last night, when I was meditating, I was gifted with a tantric exercise that, to me, is very humorous. It is for men and women who are meditating together. There is no physical position to it. and the intention is to heal the rift between men and women today.

It has come to my attention, through comments from people lately, that there is a deep, subconscious level … I would say sixth through seventh level of Hell, in the astral world … a dimension where our Souls dwell … that is different from the Heavenworlds we inhabit, and also different from the physical world.

And this world is so distorted in energy and LIght, that the belief there … which touches all of us, as an archetypal theme for the world today … the belief of men is that women, in some way, are demons, or members of the demon world; and, interestingly enough, women feel that men are that way.

So for women in whom this archetypal theme is active, 50 percent of the world today (i.e., all the men), to them seems demonic (on that level; just on that level … the sixth through seventh level of the Hellworlds). And for men, it is the same thing: 50 percent of the world (all the women) seem to be somehow touched by the demon world.

So this is a sort of a tantric exercise to do while meditating. If you are clairaudient, you can just do it clairaudiently together. But if not, you could do it by chanting out loud together … say, with your spouse … and get closer, in the spiritual realm, with your spouse, by clearing all that out.

Here it is. It was really one of the funniest tantric exercises; but a very light-hearted way to deal with this problem, and clear this plane, this dimension.

Couples or Groups of Couples. This meditation may be done by just one couple, or by several couples sitting in a line, with the men on one side, and the women on the other side. If several couples are doing the meditation, then there should be a well-experienced meditation facilitator to guide the group.

The Chant: The chant is Gody God God God God. [I give it to God!] The tone of the chant varies, depending on whether you are the male or female partner in this tantric exercises, and depending on whether you are doing the first or the second part of the meditation. See the accompanying soundtracks.

Duration: 3 minutes per exercise. So for Part 1, it would be 3 minutes, then another 3 minutes for the role reversal. Similarly for Part 2, it would be 3 minutes, then another 3 minutes for the role reversal.

Manner of Chanting. I suggest that, for both Parts of the Meditation, the couple chant antiphonally (separately), first the one person, and then the other. If you prefer, both persons in the couple can chant their own part at the same time; but you it is possible you may find this simultaneous chanting to be cacaphonous, and that is difficult for each person to perfectly chant their own melodic part.

Part 1: Tantric Couple Role-Modeling Demonry

Person 1. One side … the male side or the female side … has to decide that they want to be the demon world. Now the demon world exists in the lower quadrant of the Body of Light. It has to do with the lower three chakras, old style; the first three, the chakras below the heart.

So, somebody has to take over that energy … that red, apanic energy; somebody has to own the demon world. The demon world exists there; but when those chakras are clear, there are no demons there, ok? So we are just pretending, right now, that that is the demon world.

So the person who does this CHANT 1 visualizes and places awareness on their lower quadrant while intoning, in a voice as guttural and low as they can manage, CHANT 1, like this …

. . . . .

Part 1: Tantric Couple Role-Modeling Demonry: Person 1 – Chant 1 Soundtrack
by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
11 January 2015


God-y God God God God  (x3 – male voice)

. . . . .

The low, guttural manner of intoning CHANT 1 has to do with the tone and resonance of the lower quadrant as it heals; in this Part 1, you are role-modeling the negatively aspected energies that will be transformed in Part 2.

Person 2. So then, there is another side that is Incoming Light … the beautiful, gold and white Incoming Light. And that side is role-played by the other person in the couple, the other sex. That other person’s does CHANT 2, visualizing it striking first the heart chakra, and then the third-eye point. CHANT 2 goes like this …

. . . . .

Part 1: Tantric Couple Role-Modeling Demonry: Person 2 – Chant 2 Soundtrack
by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
11 January 2015


God-y God God God God  (x3 – female voice)

. . . . .

The two partners repeat this chant, either alternately or simultaneously, for 3 minutes.

Role Reversal. And then eventually you have to switch sides, so that the other sex pretends to be the demon world, the lower chakras, the first through third chakras, the red, apanic energy, right? Duration of the role reversal chanting is 3 minutes.

Explanation: Lack of Heart Awareness in the World Today. You will notice how the two sounds run away from each other. It is like the apanic sound sends and courses the energy down, away from the heart, and channels it into Earth. This downward motion of the apanic energy corresponds, in psychological terms, to societal repression of our basic instincts. This is because of the way that the sound goes, you see?

And the pranic energy, because it strikes, first, the heart, and then the third-eye point, sends the energy up from the heart, towards the sky.

Now, what is happening there is: It is kind of a template for humankind right now, that is preventing us from feeling our hearts. Frequently what you find is, a very strong third-eye point energy, and then, a problem with controlling the energy of the sexual organs … especially, for spiritually developed men and women. For others, the template still exists, but with less energetic intensity.

And the reason for that is, that the heart … the human heart … is the regulator of the energies of the other chakras. When that regulator is not in effect, it becomes extremely difficult to balance the energies of the chakras below the heart.

So what you are recreating with this demonic scenario is, on one level, the state of the world today; the energetic state of humankind today:

  • As one side (the ‘demonic’ side) chants, that brings the energy from the heart, down into the ground.
  • And as the other side (the ‘Incoming Light’ side) chants, the energy comes up from the heart towards the sky.

And so, what you will probably find, if you are role-modeling the demonic side, is that awareness of the heart is just not there. Can you feel that harsh resonance or vibration that is going through? And that the connection, the loving feeling, between you and your tantric partner, is missing.

The switching about of the roles, the role reversal, helps to take the seriousness away from the notion … the pain and suffering, and the social stigma away from the notion that the lower chakras have some demonic energy in them, which, in fact they do not have, you know? It is just a mental filter.

Part 2: Tantric Couple Uniting Apana and Prana in the Heart

So now, to get back to the meditation: Each sex has had a chance to pretend to be the demon world, right? And now there is another visualization.

The words of the chants are the same, but the melodies are different.

Person 1. One person decides to visualize the energy coming up from Earth, this time … not demon world energy, but the red energy … just concentrating on that color Red coming up from Earth, and into their hearts. As they visualize the energy coming up, they intone, in a low but not so guttural voice, CHANT 3, like this …

. . . . .

Part 2: Tantric Couple Uniting Apana and Prana in the Heart: Person 1 – Chant 3 Soundtrack
by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
11 January 2015


God-y God God God God  (male voice)

. . . . .

Person 2. And the other person visualizes the Great White Light … the Incoming Light from the Galaxies, from the Cosmos … coming down from the sky, and into their heart. And they intone CHANT 4, like this …

. . . . .

Part 2: Tantric Couple Uniting Apana and Prana in the Heart: Person 2 – Chant 4 Soundtrack
by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
11 January 2015


God-y God God God God  (female voice)

. . . . .

Taken one by one, CHANTS 3 AND 4 together sound like this:

. . . . .

Part 2: Tantric Couple Uniting Apana and Prana in the Heart: Chants 3 and 4 Together – Soundtrack
by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
11 January 2015


God-y God God God God  (male voice)
God-y God God God God  (female voice)
God-y God God God God  (male voice)
God-y God God God God  (female voice)

. . . . .

As you can hear, in CHANT 3, the apanic energy is very low, but rising. And the pranic energy is very high, but descending. Each of these two chants rests in the heart as it ends.

The two partners repeat this chant, either alternately or simultaneously, for 3 minutes.

Role Reversal. Then the two sides get a chance to switch it up, again, and the other person … the person that role-modeled ascending apana, begins to role-model descending prana. And the side that was pranic, tries apanic. Duration of the role reversal chanting is 3 minutes.

Explanation: Uniting Apana and Prana in the Heart, and Raising the Kundalini. So Chants 3 and 4 kind of join together in a symphony; and as they do that, what happens is, the apanic energies … the red, upcoming energies from Earth … begin to rise, as kundalini, upward in the spine.

And the white and gold, descending energy … the pranic energy … starts coming down, from above the head, towards the heart.

Both meet together, in the heart. And in that way, we lighten up on the notion that the other sex might be from Mars, or the other sex might be from Venus … or that men might be very bad people who think only about sexuality … or that women might be sultry sexpots that are trying to seduce men into not being spiritual.

All these stereotypical notions that we have, become more like child’s play, and a chance to become less rigid in our thinking about what is so. So we can take on the opinion of the opposite sex, and we can take on our own opinion. And we can role-play it, and we can just get through it.

[End of Video]


This is a two-part tantric meditation to heal the rift between the sexes, and to restore the circulation of apana-prana so that the heart may regulate and balance the energy of the lower chakras.

Couples or Groups of Couples. This meditation may be done by just one couple, or by several couples sitting in a line, with the men on one side, and the women on the other side. If several couples are doing the meditation, then there should be a well-experienced meditation facilitator to guide the group.

The Chant: The chant is God-y God God God God
The tone of the chant varies, depending on whether you are the male or female partner in this tantric exercises, and depending on whether you are doing the first or the second part of the meditation. See the accompanying soundtracks.

Duration: 3 minutes per exercise. So for Part 1, it would be 3 minutes, then another 3 minutes for the role reversal. Similarly for Part 2, it would be 3 minutes, then another 3 minutes for the role reversal.

Manner of Chanting: I suggest that, for both Parts of the Meditation, the couple chant antiphonally (separately), first the one person, and then the other. If you prefer, both persons in the couple can chant their own part at the same time; but you it is possible you may find this simultaneous chanting to be cacaphonous, and that is difficult for each person to perfectly chant their own melodic part.

Part 1: Tantric Couple Role-Modeling Demonry

The intention of Part 1 is to role model the notion that one or the other partner represents demonry.

The visualization for one tantric partner is of the energies of the first through the third chakra (and especially of the second chakra) descending. This person intones, in a voice as guttural and low as they can manage, CHANT 1 ..

. . . . .

Part 1: Tantric Couple Role-Modeling Demonry: Person 1 – Chant 1 Soundtrack
by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
11 January 2015


God-y God God God God  (x3 – male voice)

. . . . .

The visualization of the other tantric partner is of the heart chakra energy rising to the third-eye point. This person intones CHANT 2

. . . . .

Part 1: Tantric Couple Role-Modeling Demonry: Person 2 – Chant 2 Soundtrack
by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
11 January 2015


God-y God God God God  (x3 – female voice)

. . . . .

The two partners repeat this chant, either alternately or simultaneously, for 3 minutes.

Role Reversal: Then the two partners switch up; the first person uses CHANT 2, and the second person uses CHANT 1, over and over again, for 3 minutes.

Part 2: Tantric Couple Uniting Apana and Prana in the Heart

The intention of Part 2 is to unite our apanic and pranic energies, and our lower and higher chakras, in the heart chakra.

The visualization for the first person in the couple is of the color red rising. This person intones, in a low but not so guttural voice, CHANT 3

. . . . .

Part 2: Tantric Couple Uniting Apana and Prana in the Heart: Person 1 – Chant 3 Soundtrack
by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
11 January 2015


God-y God God God God  (male voice)

. . . . .

The visualization of the other tantric partner is of the colors white and gold descending. This person intones CHANT 4

. . . . .

Part 2: Tantric Couple Uniting Apana and Prana in the Heart: Person 2 – Chant 4 Soundtrack
by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
11 January 2015


God-y God God God God  (female voice)

. . . . .

The two partners repeat this chant, either alternately or simultaneously, for 3 minutes.

Role Reversal: Then the two partners switch up; the first person uses CHANT 4, and the second person uses CHANT 3, over and over again, for 3 minutes.

. . . . .

Part 2: Tantric Couple Uniting Apana and Prana in the Heart: Chants 3 and 4 Together – Soundtrack
by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
11 January 2015


God-y God God God God  (male voice)
God-y God God God God  (female voice)
God-y God God God God  (male voice)
God-y God God God God  (female voice)

. . . . .

I was very pleased to be gifted with this fun stuff. If you get a chance to play with it, I hope you enjoy it too, just as I did.

You all take care. I will talk to you later.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Traditional chakras (before Ascension) …

Image: “A Map of Chakras of the Human Body,” by mpan, 17 June 2016, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC0 1.0

Image: “A Map of Chakras of the Human Body,” by mpan, 17 June 2016, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC0 1.0

New chakras (early version) …

Drawing: “Two Triangles Meditation,” by Alice B. Clagett, 29 June 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Outline of a person sitting cross-legged, The chakras are represented by colored circles, mostly along the spine. In addition to the 7 chakras old-style, there is the Earth Star subpersonal chakra below the sitting person, and the transpersonal Causal, Soul Star and Stellar Gateway chakras above the person’s head. Between the Heart Chakra and the Throat Chakra is the turquoise High Heart Chakra, which is one of the Chakras, new-style. By each ear are the Ear Chakras, which are also Chakras, new-style. There is a pink triangle whose peak is the Solar Plexus chakra, and which extends out to the knees of the person, who is sitting cross-legged; this triangle is labeled ‘Solar Plexus-to-Knees Triangle’. There is a light blue triangle, peak pointed down and touching the High Heart Chakra; above that, the bases of the triangle are at the Ear Centers. This turquoise triangle is labeled ‘Ears-and-High Heart Triangle’.

Drawing: “Two Triangles Meditation,” by Alice B. Clagett, 29 June 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … \

DESCRIPTION: Outline of a person sitting cross-legged, The chakras are represented by colored circles, mostly along the spine. In addition to the 7 chakras old-style, there is the Earth Star subpersonal chakra below the sitting person, and the transpersonal Causal, Soul Star and Stellar Gateway chakras above the person’s head. Between the Heart Chakra and the Throat Chakra is the turquoise High Heart Chakra, which is one of the Chakras, new-style. By each ear are the Ear Chakras, which are also Chakras, new-style. There is a pink triangle whose peak is the Solar Plexus chakra, and which extends out to the knees of the person, who is sitting cross-legged; this triangle is labeled ‘Solar Plexus-to-Knees Triangle’. There is a light blue triangle, peak pointed down and touching the High Heart Chakra; above that, the bases of the triangle are at the Ear Centers. This turquoise triangle is labeled ‘Ears-and-High Heart Triangle’.


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


apana, demonization, demonry, Earth energy, incoming light, kundalini, mental filters, prana, tantric meditation, demonic realm / Satan / fallen angels, sacred sexuality, apana, demonization of men, demonization of women, demonry, Earth energy, incoming light, kundalini, mental filters, prana, tantric meditation, meditation, archetypal images, men as demons, women as demons, hellworlds, meditation, tantric, heaven worlds, sexual roles, men from Mars, women from Venus, Lilith mental filter, meditation, visualization, heavenworlds, tantric meditation, group meditation, heart energy, third-eye point, sixth chakra, first chakra, societal expectations, social stigma, 2u3d, meditations by Alice,