Subconscious Symbolism: Four Metaphors . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 1 March 2016; published on 5 April 2016; transcribed on 13 September 2019

    • Malware: “Root Canal on That One”
      • Misalignment of the Kundalini Energy by Reversal of Its Flow
      • Programming of Intestinal Neurons and the Subconscious Nervous System During the Age of Darkness
      • Difficulty of Talking About Pros and Cons of Various Forms of Intercourse
      • What Type of Sexual Practice Will Increase Love in the World?
      • Other Questions in Regard to This Malware
    • Malware: “F— Y– in the A– H—“: The Act of Rectal Intercourse and the Energy of Hatred
      • Healing Lower Pranic Column Injury by Using Positive Affirmations and Sending the Energy of Love to the Gastrointestinal Tract
    • Malware: “I’ll Take My Credit Card Out on That One”
      • Materialism, Greed, Instant Gratification
      • Sex for Pay versus the True Nature of Sexuality
      • Sex for Pay: Pornography, Sex Workers, Marriage Barter
      • Transforming Misaligned Sexual Energy Through the Incoming Light
    • Malware: ‘The Masterplan’ … Personal Greed
    • Malware Metaprograms and the Eighth and Ninth Chakra Bow-Tie
      • Malware Is a Tool of the Demon Realm
      • How I Sense the Crown Chakra
      • Tuning Our Bodies to the Incoming Light

Dear Ones,

Here is my analysis of the subconscious symbolism of four malware phrases, which I have clairaudiently found to be repeated over and over again in the unconscious thought cloud of the world. An edited Summary follows the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I am here to talk a little bit about some repeating phrases I found in the unconscious thought cloud of the world. I might add a little bit more later, but here are two …

Malware: “Root Canal on That One”

Misalignment of the Kundalini Energy by Reversal of Its Flow. There is the phrase “root canal on that one.” The origin of that phrase is the demon realm, and it has to do with the corruption of the kundalini energy by reversing the flow of the kundalini. Looking at the term ‘root canal’, you are talking about something that causes pain, right? And the ‘root chakra’ is the basal chakra, the one to do with death and survival, and so forth. And the root canal may be considered to be the lower intestine, including the rectum.

Programming of Intestinal Neurons and the Subconscious Nervous System During the Age of Darkness. There is a theory out there about the neurons that are in the lining of the intestine, which have to do with the unconscious nervous system, and a thought that those neurons hold the patterns of the unconscious thought cloud of the world.

So when the subconscious mind says “root canal on that one,” one way of interpreting that has to do with the programming, during the long Ages of Darkness, of the uncentralized neurons of the gut. The gut is a very huge organ, by the way, so there are a lot of neurons there. The theory is about the programming of those neurons with programs that decrease the Light in the Body of Light.

Difficulty of Talking About Pros and Cons of Various Forms of Intercourse. People do not like the idea of thinking of limitation in our freedom of sexual choices, but one very physical interpretation of the phrase “root canal on that one” has to do with the sexual practice of rectal intercourse. I have talked about this before. It is not my intention to place moral strictures or cultural mental filters on people, or … far be it from me … religious beliefs on people.

What Type of Sexual Practice Will Increase Love in the World? But rather, when I talk about sexual practices, I try to find out what will increase love in the world? What type of sexual practice increases love in the world? And so, that has to do with the state of everyone’s chakras when they are practicing sex, right?

Other Questions in Regard to This Malware. These questions came up in regard to the malware “Root Canal on That One” after I recorded this video ..

  • Could it be that reversal of the flow of the kundalini weakens the immune system, making a person more susceptible to STDs, including HIV-AIDS, and their impact on the body?
  • It might be good to explore whether colonoscopy procedures also reverse kundalini flow, and if so, what the long-term effects of this might be on a patient.
  • In addition to the information described in the video, I feel this phrase might be finding its way round the clair plane as a description of traumatic childhood rectal rape … the sort of childhood wounding that Peggy Black … developed tools to heal.

Malware: “F— Y– in the A– H—“: The Act of Rectal Intercourse and the Energy of Hatred

One of the troubles with rectal intercourse has to do with another oft-repeated phrase which I have referred to before as: “F— Y– in the A– H—.” This phrase has come to mean, in our society, to injure someone else out of hatred. And unfortunately, it is a very graphic depiction of this act of rectal intercourse. So somehow, the lines have gotten crossed, in the unconscious thought cloud of the world, or in the last Age of Darkness, with regard to this sexual practice.

Healing Lower Pranic Column Injury by Using Positive Affirmations and Sending the Energy of Love to the Gastrointestinal Tract. That does not mean that it cannot be practiced with love. But when it is practiced in conjunction with that subconscious symbolism of hatred, then it creates injury to the pranic tube. That can be reversed by our own, positive affirmations and loving feelings towards our gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

So if we get into that situation of having been injured through a sexual practice, the answer to that trouble is always love … because the Universe is made of love. So we love the part that is injured. We love the wounding. And it becomes transformed and healed, both in ourselves, and in other people.

Malware: “I’ll Take My Credit Card Out on That One”

There is another malware phrase that has been coming up. It runs something like this: “I’ll Take My Credit Card Out on That One.” I think that is it.

Materialism, Greed, Instant Gratification. A very strange emotion is connected with this saying that keeps coming up on the astral ‘internet’. I think it has to do with materialism and greed. It is a superficial heart feeling, rather than feeling deeply into the heart, we love to ‘fix’ things through credit card purchases. We do not think about the future, about how we can balance the budget. We just think about getting gratification right now.

Sex for Pay versus the True Nature of Sexuality. This is tied in with the notion of sex for pay, which is very prevalent as a lower chakra visualization all over the world today. There is almost no one in the whole world right now that understands the true nature of sexuality.

The True Nature of Sexuality: Love of the All and Co-creation of Reality. The true nature of sexuality has to do with love and co-creation of reality. Love of the All and co-creation of reality … not love of objects, which are all too perishable and transient, but love of the process of change and transformation itself, and respect for all beings that co-create reality … not just for the person that we are having sex with.

Sex for Pay: Pornography, Sex Workers, Marriage Barter. Through the Dark Age that just passed, that whole idea got narrowed down to the notion of sex for pay. And everybody plays with that notion, these days.

It could be pornography: You have to pay, right? … Take your credit card out on that one. So you pay for this particular pornography viewing session, I assume.

That is one. And there is quite a wide gathering of people … mostly men, I guess, but also women … who think of sex for pay as their means of sexual expression.

Then there is what you see on television all the time … sex workers … a less virtual and more physical act of ‘taking my credit card out for that one’. I do not really know much about that world, but I am pretty sure it deals in cash rather than credit cards. So there you have mostly the notion of sex for pay, and not ‘taking the credit card out for that one’, I will bet. What do I know? [laughs]

Then there is the notion of marriage. And that notion is a little more refined way of talking about sex for pay. Men look for a very good looking woman; they want a steady source of sex, in many cases just in case they cannot find another source of sex. They are looking for a wife ‘that will do’ for the dry times.

And the woman is looking for someone who will support her children, and give her some sense of security with a home. The woman is looking for a home and a family. The man, so as to provide these things for the woman, ‘has to take his credit card out on that one’.

And so marriage is another way of saying ‘sex for pay’: He gets the wife; she gets the credit card.

I have looked all over; I have not found anywhere a truth of the notion that we had in our youth, that free love is a very good thing. I do not see it anywhere in the world today. Instead I see: ‘Take my credit card out for that one’, and I see ‘sex for pay’.

Transforming Misaligned Sexual Energy Through the Incoming Light. What we have to do, as transformational people, is: We have to start where it is. Where it is, is right there. We have to align with that energy … and then, through loving acceptance, allow that energy to transform into the new Light.

I know this is a difficult thing for women to do, because they believe that they love freely, you know? And men, on the other hand, tend to have a much more cynical notion about all that.

Somehow or other, we women have to align with the men’s notion, in order to help them transform into this new energy that is now taking place. If the women feel up to it, that would be a thing to do. I recognize that it is a very difficult thing.

Malware: ‘The Masterplan’ … Personal Greed

Another topic that has been coming up, on the clair audio plane for a long time, has to do with the ‘masterplan’. It seems like everybody has a different masterplan; and all of these masterplans have to do with their own personal gain: Making a bunch of money on real estate; making a bunch of money through conning other people; making a bunch of money by marrying rich women and getting money from them, or marrying rich men and getting money from them … that kind of thing … all to do with a masterplan for me personally, so that I can be very powerful and very rich, and get all the good gratification of all my pleasures that I want, right?

Malware Metaprograms and the Eighth and Ninth Chakra Bow-Tie

Malware Is a Tool of the Demon Realm. This notion of ‘power over’ other people … along with the other notions that I have discussed: Sex for pay; taking the credit card out, for instant gratification, without thinking about the future (for that matter, not aligning with own Soul purpose for the Divine Will); and the idea of the root canal, of the dumbing down of the vast energy of our electromagnetic field … these are all to do with malware metaprograms that the demon realm has in place.

How I Sense the Crown Chakra. The highest entities in the demon realm deal with the playing of the energy in the eighth chakra, and maybe even the ninth chakra, above our heads. By ‘playing at energy’ what I mean is that the pranic energy is coming in [points a few inches above head’] to us, from the Central Sun … through the top of our head, through the crown chakra.

What the crown chakra is, as I feel it, is a bunch of very finely tuned, very intelligent beams of Light … very, very tiny … gadzillion of them coming in. And what the Dark does is, it misaligns, or misqualifies, or ‘untunes’ certain of the grand symphony of Light that is coming in from God. It untunes little portions of it,

It is like, if you can image, the striking felts on a piano; if you open the inside of a piano, you can see where they are striking. Some are out of tune, and they are hitting a little late or slow or making the wrong sound because the wires are tuned wrong … like that. Imagine that type of mechanism coming into the top of our heads, in the shape of a great dome of Light … and all little pinpricks of Light coming in, right?

Tuning Our Bodies to the Incoming Light. In certain places … once you become attuned to the eighth chakra bow-tie, and untying that bow-tie … you will begin to feel the influx of misqualified strands of Light … tiny, tiny little strands of Light coming in, that are saying the wrong thing to our bodies, and creating these astral plays and these incredible astral stories that are so far from the truth of reality.

So let us be on the lookout for the metastories that are being manipulated around, up here [points a few inches above his head]; trying to find the threads that are uniting all humanity, and barbaric sorts of thought patterns! The thoughts noted above are four; probably you will find a few more on your own.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Image: “Cloud 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Cloud 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Cloud 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Cloud 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Cloud 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Cloud 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0


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subconscious symbolism, ascension, malware, unconscious thought cloud of the world, childhood wounding, hatred, kundalini, masterplan, materialism, greed, instant gratification, sex for pay, sacred sexuality, eighth chakra, ninth chakra, ninth chakra, metaprograms, pornography, sex workers, sex for barter, gut brain, marriage as barter, colonoscopy, immune system, STDs, HIV, AIDS, bow-tie knot, transpersonal chakras, demonic realm, first chakra, root chakra, basal chakra, rectum, F— Y– in the A– H—, Root Canal on That One, hatred, I’ll Take My Credit Card Out on That One, All, sexuality, free love, hippies, transformation, confidence games, master plan, power over, seventh chakra, crown chakra, kundalini, colonoscopy, rectal rape, catastrophic childhood experiences, inner child, Soul wounding, symbolism,


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