Category Archives: HIV – AIDS pandemic

Pragmatic Prophet: Rage Expressed as Performance Art . by Alice B. Clagett

Pragmatic Prophet: Rage Expressed as Performance Art

Image: “Self-Portrait,” by Alice B. Clagett, 23 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Self-Portrait,” by Alice B. Clagett, 23 December 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …

Dear Ones,

This is an attempt to facilitate a clearing process for some rather sensationalistic ‘acting out’ experiences that have been happening. There is a Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

A very happy holiday season to everyone. I am going to attempt, now that we are at the beginning of the New Year, to facilitate a clearing process for a knot of energy that has been coming up lately. It is rather sensationalistic ‘acting out’ experiences that have been happening.

There have been two skits performed in my presence … one a few years ago, on the grounds of a Christian religious retreat center. I was the only person to observe the performance, so at the time I thought it might have to do with me.

I was there for a get-together to discuss sacred scripture. I was the first person to arrive. In the seat that I usually sat in at that outdoor place was sitting a trans person in a very sexual outfit … with zebra-patterned spandex tights and stiletto high heels and so forth ,… very sexual in demeanor.

Next to the trans person was what I have come to term a ‘chaperone’ … which was an older woman, much shorter … maybe a foot and a half or more shorter than the trans person. The chaperone was sitting there very meekly. She was a very fragile-looking person who apparently was the person to protect the trans person from being raped, I am guessing?

Leaving, off on the side, was what seemed to be a movie personality who may have been putting together the skit. So there were three people.

The trans person got up from the seat and sauntered past me, in the direction of the director. The trans person’s chaperone accompanied her.

The feeling that I got was one of extreme physical danger to me … a feeling of hatred welling up and exuding outward towards me, as if physical attack were planned for me.

That was some years ago. I would not bring it up to you again now if it were not for the fact that the same tableau has come up again. It was only a while ago … maybe a month ago. I was going from the parking lot of a church, across the grounds of the church, and towards the church. I noticed a trans person.

It was right before the service. It was very evident the trans person was there because their garb stood out so much. They were wearing hip boots with heels, but not stiletto heels … more like comfortable, walking heels.

They were wearing a tube dress that ended just at the bottom of their torso, so it exposed a length of leg from the bottom of their torso to the beginning of the hip boot. And so the look was very sexual … very unusual. It attracted attention.

Then I went into the church, past the people, and I sat down. As the people filed in, this trans person sat down directly in front of me, near the back of the church.

Next to this trans person was sitting another chaperone …. it was another very short, meek-looking, very fragile-looking older woman … more like a grandmother … who was, I think, in the role once more of a chaperone.

But there was one more figure. It was once more a tableau of three. Standing against the wall, right next to me, was a nun in the type of habit that used to be worn when I was in grade school.

So there were three people: The trans person, the chaperone, and the guarding nun.

You could say I was targeted by the Dark. I am beginning to get  the feeling that I was targeted by some person who is putting together skits or performances, and has something that they want to tell me. But the question is: What is that thing that they want to tell me? … because they were not using words. No words were conveyed.

In this second instance, as the trans person got up at the end of the service to leave, I saw the trans person direct a slanting look at me that was also full of hatred … full of the desire to injure. And I felt that I had to be ready, on the spur of the moment, to protect my physical body from harm.

Fortunately nothing happened. It was just a look, as in the prior skit. But yet there was this heightened feeling of physical danger directly before me.

In my case, because I am a martial artist, it concerned me because in the pews, the way that people sit in the church, they are within the ‘ma’. They are too close together to be a safe distance between two physical combatants … two people who are engaged in combat.

The trans person had longer arms than I, and so therefore the danger was my own. With a punch, that person could reach me, and I could not reach them. Do you understand? It is called ‘invasion of ma’ in the martial arts. ‘Ma’ is the distance that is safe; it is about a yard apart. For people who are very good martial artists, the ‘ma’ is about five feet apart.

So anyway, I have to piece together the situation. Someone told me, on the psychic plane, that it is a way of expressing something that does not involve speaking to the person to whom the message is intended to be conveyed.

It could be a way of trying to resolve issues. For instance, it might be classed with creative writing, or with writing of poetry, or with drawing or painting pictures, or telling stories, as one of the ways that people use to resolve ongoing issues in their lives.

It could be these people who have been doing these skits are performing them for me on behalf of someone else who has an issue that he or she is trying to resolve. And so I am going to give it my best effort here.

I feel that there are issues around gender identification that have to do with fear of the opposite sex … fear of intimacy with the opposite sex … and concerns about competition … male-male competition, female-female competition, male-female competition, and female-male competition.

I am going to try to explain how this feels symbolically to me as a woman. It feels to me that each of the people who play the trans role in both of these skits has a feeling of deep hatred towards women.

From this I would derive that the person who put together the plays is intending to convey that he or she has a deep hatred of women.

And also I would say … because of the number of people set against me (or so it seems) in both of these skits … the woman (I, for instance) must be conceived of as incredibly powerful … as if two or three people are needed to prevent harm to the trans person.

So what I am getting is that the originator of the skits must feel hatred of women, and also fear of women, with the notion that they have great power … that they are capable of great power and that they need to be subdued by a number of people acting together.

So that is one thing. Then I have the chaperone. In both instances I have the chaperone. The chaperone seems to me to represent the disrespect that the originator of the skits has towards women … that he or she conceives the role he or she has with regard to women to be to relate to them as feeble, small, physically ineffectual people who could easily be conquered and killed. That is what I get … that in each instance, the trans person has so much hatred of women that he could easily injure or kill the chaperone who is there in some kind of socially acceptable role … perhaps as a spoof … perhaps to prevent the men in the congregation from raping the trans person, or to prevent me from approaching the trans person, who may be perceived as being infinitely desirable?

I do not know how I am doing with this! I am just coming up with this on the fly. You will have to forgive me.

So then in the second instance, we have the nun standing in the aisle, ready to reprimand me. First of all, I would like to make it clear that it is easy to buy these types of religious regalia online. And so it is possible, I think, that spoofs are being performed with religious regalia purchased online … maybe being performed by people in the movie industry … and that the intention might be to persuade the pastors at churches that the religious authority … the religious establishment. .. is behind the performances that are being given.

In other words, it could be that there is ‘false authority’ there, inspired by religious regalia that are purchased, and not actually condoned by the religious in question.

So this is the question: Was the nun really a nun, or was this habit purchased online? I cannot answer the question!

Let’s say that a nun was persuaded to be there, under the pretext that … say …  I am a very dangerous person, and that the trans person … who was born a man, and who might have fighting ability, for all I know, and who seems to hate me, might have displaced or substituted me as the person who does the hating … and that the nun may have become convinced of this … and that she was standing there to preserve decorum in case I should have a verbal outburst with regard to the trans person?

If I walked into that church with that person’s clothes on, what would happen? If I tried to walk up and get communion in a Christian church in that outfit? I am just asking: Could I get communion?

So what are the rules to do with men and women regarding this? Is trans so popular that they can get away with anything? And I cannot, right? Why is this?

Who really needs protecting in this situation? The women need protecting, I feel. There is a great deal of hatred there.

Now let’s suppose that the woman who is in the religious regalia is actually just an actress. The cameras are rolling for the religious service. She is there to prevent me from injuring this person. And then if I put up a fuss … which would be far from anything I would ever do … then she would restrain me; and they would have some skit that they would be performing under the circumstances.

So let’s see: We have got the trans person, the physical danger to me, the physical danger to the chaperone. Then we have, in the second instance, the purported nun. We do not know if this is true or not true. The cameras are rolling for the church service. So it could be an intention to embarrass me in public.

But nothing happened.

If it is just an actor, it could be an intent to deceive me into thinking that the church is behind this performance … that there is true authority there. If the authority is needed in order to put on this performance, it must be considered that I am a very dangerous person, as a woman.

Something is up there.

We have an issue right now, with regard to hatred of women. How can I explain it?

In this stage production, two women and a trans person are set against one woman … me. That setting of the two women against another woman is a way of expressing female-female competition. It divides the ranks of women so that the trans person can attack the one woman and prevent the one woman from getting solidarity or support from other women. That is one thing.

The trans person is also intruding on the male-female prospects of the women in the congregation, because trans people also look for the romantic intention of male members of the congregation. So the trans person is also in competition with the female members of the congregation, in a female- female competition way.

A trans person who is involved in a sexual encounter with a man who is not trans … if the trans person behaves in the encounter in a receptive manner (as if he were female), he is, I feel, expressing a desire not to be hated by men … not to be competing with men. In other words, he is expressing a fear of the competitiveness of men, and a desire to have men love him.

I find there are M2M relationships in which men bond. And there are also M2M encounters in which there is no bonding. And these chance encounters … these very quick encounters … are the trouble that comes up in social relationships.

That is because there is a disease called HIV that is being transmitted when there are lots of partners … many, many partners … maybe as many as 500 partners over the course of a number of years, when a person, whether trans or simply what is called ‘queer’ these days, is ‘on the circuit’ and very sexually active. And so, HIV is transmitted by one person to 500 people, let’s say.

Now suppose this is in a church situation. Let’s say, in the trans situation, that the trans person is infecting the men in the congregation with HIV.

Let’s say these men have wives. And the men infect their wives with HIV. And the women have children.

Infants to whom HIV is passed on by the mother, as I understand it, only live a year or two.

Now considering the scenario where gay men … or trans people … are passing on HIV to the entire congregation … I think it would take about 10 years for the entire sexually active congregation to be infected.

What will happen then is there will be no more children in the congregation … no viable offspring.

So we have to look at this as a symbol of what is going down in society as a whole. Unless there is a vaccine that prevents HIV from being fatal to newborns, then in the course of the next generation there will be a dramatic reduction in the number of viable births on Earth. The human population of the planet will greatly decline.

This will be good for Earth. I am sure it will not be the end of life on Earth for humankind. But I think that the numbers of human beings will create a more sustainable planet after that. We have that to look forward to.

We also have a need to help quell vigilante efforts and violence on the part of those who  feel that certain persons are responsible for what is really going to be transpiring through God’s will … God’s will for Earth.

Getting back to this trans issue, I have my own concerns about it, because it is unfolding very slowly before me, through the will of someone who directs these actors, and who will not talk to me, and who apparently feels that the action of the actors is conveying a message that is patently clear.

I do not know what the message is, exactly. I can only speak to these various things that I feel, like …

  • the hatred of the actors. I do not know why they hate me. I do not know if it s me or a lot of different people;
  • the need of the trans person for support from women who will protect the trans person;
  • possibly the assuming of false authority roles … because it is hard for me to believe that a church would support such a performance on church grounds.

I might be wrong; it might be emanating directly from the authority of these churches. I do not know.

But if it is, then I feel it is through a misunderstanding regarding the need for women to be protected by men, and not physically assaulted by them, not raped by them, not treated disrespectfully by them, not verbally abused by men.

None of these are roles for men with regard to women in a Christian church. I think that is clear. It ought to be clear.

We are clearing through this Atlantean knot during Winter Solstice, and during the holiday season. With the coming of the New Year we are coming into a melding of the highest energies of men and women, so that in New Life on New Earth men and women can support each other, and create for Earth the vision of Christ consciousness.

We cannot do this by putting each other down, and warring with each other, and competing with each other. We have to achieve a mutual respect. What children we may produce who can survive early childhood we have to nurture and protect from that virus. We have to do our best.

I feel there will be children who are resistant to the virus. And if there are not, then there will be pockets of life on Earth where the virus never touches. There will be a New Age.

So, that is what I am thinking. Psychologists will probably read this and think: Aw, she is oversensitive. Or: She thinks this; she thinks that.

What can I say? That is what I think. That is what I feel..

And you know, if somebody comes up with a silent skit in front of you, I do not really know what to say, because it could be the intent is deadly. It seems like that to me.

This is not the only time that very odd skits have been performed in front of me. There are actors here … there are people here who are not good with words.

I think first of all, preserve your physical safety. That is the very first thing.

And if there is a setting in which physical violence can be restrained, and you can speak to these people and find out what is going on, why then, so much the better!

If not, then this video may stimulate discussion on the topic, because the topic is ever so weird.

I will add one or two more things, just so that you can get a notion of the scope of the situation.

I remember a few years ago I was in Malibu Creek State Park. Standing in front of me, facing away, were a number of people dressed in Franciscan habits. I got a feeling just then that I was in danger and that this was an acting troupe.

I went online and looked up their particular outfits. It turned out they were available for sale online.

There is no way of knowing whether this was true authority of the Christian church standing in front of me … or just actors. The more so because, across the road at the National Park Headquarters at King Gillette Ranch, there are a lot of acting troupes and movie operations going on. That lends credence to the notion that it may have been an acting troupe.

Here is another instance: A few years ago I was walking out of my local Post Office. In front of me was a young man, maybe six feet tall, or nearly so, and approaching was a trans person, maybe 5 feet seven inches, and who had on black makeup to make that person look African American.

He was carrying behind him two old-fashioned baby carriages on a train of rope or chain. In one of those was a lap dog.

This trans person was dressed in kind of a garish outfit, a pants dress, and was wearing on their buttocks what looked like large-sized potato salad containers, taped on.

I was afraid to stay They were obstructing my path, and I was afraid to stay and talk, because the situation was so outlandish to me that I could not figure any good would come of it.

That is generally my reaction to these acting skits that keep unfolding in front of me. It seems like there is a madman behind it, you know?

Maybe there is something cogent there. But it seems to me as if Soul wounding is unfolding in front of me … Soul wounding of a nature too dark and deep for me to fathom. I do not know what to say.

Usually I do the Buddhist prayer, which is God’s blessing upon all beings. Happiness to all beings. May they all have a roof over their heads. May they all have plenty to eat … That kind of thing.

That takes it out of the personal realm, and into the Infinite. God’s will, not my will. May God figure out what this is about, because it is completely beyond me.

That is all for now.

God bless you all,
And keep you safe,
And be with you
Through all your days.

And may this New Year bring forth for you all the wonders of God’s creation; all of your Ascension gifts; all of your Ascension abilities; and a chance to be the Light for all humankind.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed and published on 23 December 2023


“Pragmatic Prophet: Rage Expressed as Performance Art”
by Alice B. Clagett
Filmed on 23 December 2023
Location: San Fernando Valley, CA

Produced by Shoes on 23 December 2023
CC BY-SA 4.0 International



Music by Alexander Nakarada from Pixabay
“Moon” – Pixabay License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0 International)  Attribution: By Alice B. Clagett.  More license information

Pragmatic Prophecy, Christianity, transgender, crossdressing, transvestite, misogyny, female competition, male competition, HIV, AIDS, acting out, Soul wounding, Soul clearing, prophecies, almanac, 2024 New Year,

For Parents Only: Unsubstantiated Astral Intel on Experiments with Children Who Contract HIV Before Puberty . by Alice B. Clagett

    • NIH Experiment to Trigger Early Puberty
    • Castration Experiment to Prevent Puberty
    • Extra Astral Intel: Medical Treatment for HIV-Positive Prisoners

Dear Ones,

This is unsubstantiated astral intel on experiments with children who contract HIV before puberty. There is extra astral intel on medical treatment for HIV-positive prisoners.

There is an edited Summary after the video.

To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …



Hello, Dear Ones. It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

The topic right now is not for children. I ask children to turn off this video and not watch it at all, because it is right difficult stuff to talk about. And I think your parents are going to get angry with me if you look at it. So please don’t look. This is for the parents only!

I have a couple more things to add from the psychic realm … from the astral stories realm. Those have to do with experiments that people apparently have tried, to get round the fact that children infected with HIV seem to be passing on at the age of puberty.

NIH Experiment to Trigger Early Puberty

I heard, on the psychic realm … I have not verified … that there was an experiment some years ago, authorized by the NIH … I am sorry I cannot say the ‘yea or nay’ of it; I just do not know.

I heard that the NIH authorized an experiment with some children, to put them through puberty prematurely because they had the HIV infection … with the thought that that might prevent their death. And I heard … I do not know if it is true … that that caused stunted growth in the children, and wild sexual activity at a very early age; and that one of the children, at least, made it through, but that the psychological trauma was great.

And then I heard, on the psychic plane, that that experiment was terminated; and I do not know why.

Castration Experiment to Prevent Puberty

More recently I heard of an experiment done in ranching country because of the practice that they have, in ranching country, of castrating bulls so that they can become steers, and so that, because of the different fat and muscle distribution of steers, they can be slaughtered for meat, and in that way add to the income of a ranch.

I think that … if there is any truth to the astral rumor … because of that was born the idea that boys, when they have HIV, might be castrated, and that that then would prevent them from reaching puberty altogether … and that they then might be put to productive work as child prostitutes.

The theory behind that, I think, was that children who get HIV must deserve to get HIV because they must be juvenile delinquents who do drugs or who engage in prostitute, or maybe children who are killing children.

And I heard that that experiment would work up to about the age of 16, so far, and that the child might still be alive … but you can imagine, in a form of sexual enslavement that most people in America might find unbearable.

I think that experiment … if there is any chance that it is true … has been terminated, and that the last five children who have been so treated are in the process of being liberated to foster parents.

But as I say, I am not sure about any of this. I would say, it might be better than just going on our gut instincts or like that, to go with traditional medicine in regard to all this … and to ask traditional medicine to come up with a cure for HIV, as they came up with a number of worthwhile treatments for COVID, just like that!

With enough pressure from us, I feel our Federal government will provide the answer. That approach is better than these relatively ‘footloose and fancy free’ notions that have come up and resulted in these experiments with young lives … if, in fact, it is true.

Extra Astral Intel: Medical Treatment for HIV-Positive Prisoners

Just one other thing: I heard, on the psychic plane today, that some of the Southern prisons that have HIV-positive prisoners have been refusing to give them drugs when the prisoners develop AIDS.

And I heard, on the psychic plane, that the reason for that was that there was a misunderstanding about that word ‘drugs’. They thought it meant illicit drugs rather than medicine.

So for those few that know prisoners who are HIV-positive, the thing to do is to explain to them to ask the prison guards for medicines for AIDS or for medicines for HIV … not drugs. Do not use that word ‘drugs’.

That is all for now.

God bless you all,
And keep you safe,
And be with you
Through all your days!

In love, light and joy,
This is Alice B. Clagett.
I Am of the Stars … and so are you!

You know where my website is, right?

For Parents Only: Unsubstantiated Astral Intel on Experiments with Children Who Contract HIV Before Puberty

Image: “Self-Portrait,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 September 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Self-Portrait,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 September 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” .., 21 September 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

. . . . .


“For Parents Only: Unsubstantiated Astral Intel on Experiments with Children Who Contract HIV
Before Puberty”
by Alice B. Clagett
Filmed on 21 September 2023
Location: San Fernando Valley, CA

Produced by Shoes on 21 September 2023
CC BY-SA 4.0 International



Music by Alexander Nakarada from Pixabay
“Moon” – Pixabay License.


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

health, HIV, community health,

Do You Have HIV? . by Alice B. Clagett


Dear Ones,

This is about figuring out the HIV test results.

To turn off the background music, click once or twice on the arrow on the audio bar at the bottom of the page …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

This is about how to interpret an HIV medical test. And the question is: What if my HIV test result is positive?

Please do not take the following as a substitute for your doctor’s advice!

So, the first question is: Suppose you were in the hospital, and the nurse thought that you had died. And the doctor came in and tested you and said: The results of this test are negative.

What would that mean? That would mean that you are not dead after all; so they could save your life.

Last week I went to the doctor for a COVID test. I waited for a few hours, and they came back with the results. And it said, at the top of the explanation: The results of this COVID test are negative.

What does that mean? That means that I did not have COVID.

So now I am going to ask the important question: Suppose you get the kit at the pharmacy that allows you to test for HIV. You know, HIV is the infection that eventually causes AIDS; and AIDS can be a lethal disease unless it is treated medically.

So it is a very important test, the HIV test that you can get at the pharmacy. You do not need a prescription, but you need, probably, to pay cash, and you need to be 18 years of age, I think, in order to get the test.

So you have gone to the pharmacy, and you have bought the test for HIV. And you want to find out if you need to get medical treatment.

You take the test, and the results of the test are positive. So what does that mean? It means that, according to the test, you do have the HIV infection. The HIV test results are positive.

It sounds like it is a good thing to be positive, right? But it is the exact opposite in medical testing. If the HIV test results are positive, then you need to go to the doctor and get treatment.  Do not wait; go right away.

HIV infection can be … as I understand it … lethal for children who contract it before the age of puberty. And the lethal complications apparently set in at the age of puberty. I do not know if there has been any cure or respite for that as of today.

A child who is born with HIV has about 2 years to live, as I understand it. We can do a lot to make the child comfortable, but we cannot surmount that obstacle of death within about 2 years. So I have read, but please see your doctor to be certain whether this is so.

Now if you are one of the lucky people that get HIV after the age of puberty, and if you get regular Western medical treatment for that infection, you have a good chance of living well into your 70s, and that is where it really counts.

So now you know: If the HIV test is negative, the answer is: No, I do not have HIV.

And if the HIV test is positive, you can be positive you have to see the doctor.

Well, that is all. It is a tricky question, medical tests, and it is not always well explained to us, do you not think?

God bless you all,
And keep you safe,
And be with you
Through all your days!

In love, light and joy,
This is Alice B. Clagett.
I Am of the Stars … and so are you!

Do You Have HIV?

Image: “Self-Portrait,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 September 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

Image: “Self-Portrait,” by Alice B. Clagett, 21 September 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” .., 21 September 2023, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

. . . . .


“Do You Have HIV?”
by Alice B. Clagett
Filmed on 21 September 2023
Location: Simi Hills, CA

Produced by Shoes
on 21 September 2023
CC BY-SA 4.0 International



Music by Alexander Nakarada from Pixabay
“Moon” – Pixabay License.


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

health, HIV, community health,

How to Send the Invisible Mobsters and Their ‘No True Love for You’ Malware Packing . channeled by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed and published on 25 May 2021


Dear Ones,

Here is a video pertinent to our work as Lightworkers, Gatekeepers, and Starseeds. The work is best done during a Gateway such as the one in which we find ourselves. Now is the perfect time to do it, before the Gateway closes with the Lunar Eclipse at about 4 am on 26 May 2021 PT.

There is a Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones. It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

We are right before the end of the Gateway, and the Lunar Eclipse. The eve of the Full Moon is, I think, tonight. So all these things are happening in the noosphere and in our energy fields, our Bodies of Light, and in the Body of Light of Earth herself. We have had a tremendous input of M-class flares and C-class flare. My computer went off three times this morning. The electricity and the internet went down once, and the internet went down three times. The same thing that is going on with the physical internet is going on with the astral air right now.

I went for a walk in the mountains; I am almost home now. I have something to explain to you that has to do with the astral stories of misqualified energy that are going around right now, and which I am circumventing with sacred chanting.

So the astral stories went round, and then the chanting happened, and then the person that was having the pretty bad experience started asking me questions. And that is the cause of this video.

I should explain that, according to Frank Peretti’s books …

Link: “This Present Darkness,” by Frank E. Peretti, published by Crossway, 1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton, Illinois 60187, copyright 1986, 2003, ISBN-13: 978-1-58134-528-5, 376 pages … available on Amazon as “This Present Darkness Paperback – June 26, 2003” … ..

Link: “Piercing the Darkness,” by Frank E. Peretti, published by Crossway, 1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton, Illinois 60187, copyright 1986, 2003 ISBN 1-58134-527-5, available on Amazon as “Piercing the Darkness Paperback – June 26, 2003” … ..

… there are these beings … he calls them ‘Invisible Mobsters’ or ‘Invisible Gangsters’ … in the air. I call them ‘astral rascals’ or ‘negative astral beings’, and I try to figure out what other people mean when they use different words, like the ‘Demon Realm’ and ‘devils’ and things like that. It could be the Demonic Realm. It might be the Fallen Angels. It might be negative beings from Orion or the Pleiades, for instance.

They are creating some commotion right now, because they are among the greatest complainers when the Light comes in during the Gateways.

Here is what I have for you: There is some standard malware that the Invisible Mobsters try to insert in the mental and emotional fields of human beings. They figure if they can make human beings believe this, then they can enslave them, and ‘possess’ or ‘obsess’ them, and make them their ‘donkeys’ or ‘horses’ … like that.

They have one standard technique for women and girls; and another standard technique for men. I am speaking now about women or girls, and men or boys who enjoy heterosexual attraction to each other: Male to female, and female to male. That is a very strong bonding there … extremely strong. One of the strongest bonds on Earth is the male and the female bonding through Sacred Sexuality.

So the aim of the Invisible Mobsters is to prevent that from happening. And they have come up with formulas that they try to insert, either in the women, or in the men, who are enjoying the heterosexual lifestyle, so they can ‘sunder’ them … sunder their relationship; and ‘own’ them, separately, for being ridden … each separately ridden … by one of their people … one of the Invisible Mobsters.

The thing that they do with women and girls is: They try to implant false memories that the women or the girls have been raped by their fathers. We see online all the time, instances of these false memories coming up and being rejected by women who previously thought that they had that trouble. I have mentioned it in other blogs as well.

The trouble is, if women are presented with a very vivid vision that this has happened, or an auditory recording that this has happened, and if they actually believe it, then that prevents them from strong mating with a man, because if the father did something awful in violation of their trust of him, then how can they trust the man or the boy that they are with?

That doubt in the minds of the women or the girls is what drives them away from their relationship with their other person … their man or their boyfriend.

This malware to do with being raped by the father I found in Frank Peretti’s books “This Present Darkness” and “Piercing the Darkness.”

From the astral airs I gather that this same malware can be morphed a little, and used against men and boys, by making a false vision or a false auditory track that makes them believe they have been raped by their father. The results would be the same, if they can be convinced of that: The same mistrust of men, and wanting to make things right.

Then, on the astral airs, the suggestion might be made that they can heal their Soul wounding from the false memory by participating in homosexual or M2M intercourse … that that will make them better … when, in fact, the intention of the Invisible Mobsters might be to make things much worse for them.

The malware that I am about to describe … to do with men and boys being forced to separate from their women or wives and their girlfriends … I have not seen in Frank Peretti’s books (although it may be in some others of his books). But I have heard it on the astral airs for about 20 years now, so I know that it has existed for that length of time, and is quite prevalent in the world today.

It is a little more complicated … I think, because men have strong will power, just a little bit stronger than that of women. And so there has to be something really rancid that these Invisible Mobsters can convince the men of, in order to prevent them from their relationship … their fulfilling, loving relationship with their woman.

Mind control by the Invisible Mobsters is involved. There may be variations on this, but what I understand is that they will place this heterosexual man in a position where he feels intense attraction to another man. Typically, this other man is being ‘ridde’n by one of the Invisible Mobsters. It is that ‘riding’ that the Invisible Mobster does, that causes the attraction that forces the man to accept having intercourse with another man.

So then, in the mind of the man who has been raped, they currently place the notion that he has HIV, which was transmitted through that rape, and that he can no longer go back to the woman because he will subject her to getting HIV and maybe dying. And so, because of his love for his woman … or if it is a boy, his girlfriend … the man or boy is forced not have his regular heterosexual relationship.

In time, that situation degenerates so that the man loses his vital force and his will because he is … on the astral plane … always being taunted by the Invisible Mobsters and forced to feel that the rape is being repeated.

With some men who are very strong willed, there may be no rape, but rather just the constant repetition of the notion that they are being raped by a very invincible Invisible Mobster. And that drives the man away from the women.

That tape … that recording … may go on forever, unless … in a Gateway such as this … the Incoming Light is strong enough to purify the man’s and the woman’s Body of Light and return it to its pristine state … without the Soul wounding, and without the malware that has been inserted there by the Invisible Mobsters so that they can ‘possess’ or ‘obsess’ or attach themselves to the man and the woman.

So now is the time to clear. Now is the time. Today and tomorrow are the times when you can clear these beings from your energy field if, in fact, you are faced with this awful situation.

Know that your heart is a Gateway to other worlds. And you can send these beings through your heart … during the Gateway … to other constellations entirely. All you have to do is agree to do that thing.

You yourself might rid the entire Earth of all of a certain class of Invisible Mobsters. You might do that today. I wish you very great success if you should decide to do that.

God speed, and God bless, and God keep you forever in His Light.

In love, Light, and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Image: “Sun During a Gateway, Santa Monica Mountains, California,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 May 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 … COMMENT: In Ancient India, the energy of the Sun was deemed Masculine.

Image: “Full Moon During a Gateway, Los Angeles, California,” by Alice B. Clagett, 25 May 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 … COMMENT: In Ancient India, the energy of the Moon was deemed Feminine.


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


invisible mobsters, Frank Peretti, Demon Realm, astral rascals, negative astral beings, Fallen Angels, Soul wounding, malware, Incoming Light, gateway, Solar events, almanac, full moon, geostorms, space weather, exorcism, obsession, possession, entity attachment, donkey man, human horse, chwal, voodoo, heterosexuality, rape by father, homosexual rape, homosexuality, HIV, AIDS, Sacred Sexuality, Lightworkers, gatekeepers, noosphere, astral air, Orion Group, Pleiadian raiders,

Update on HIV Prevalence in the United States . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 28 April 2021



Dear Ones,


In 2019 I wrote several blogs on HIV prevalence by state in the United States, on the basis of Centers for Disease Control statistics.

It looks to me like the prevalences (aka ‘risk’) in those blogs should have been per 100,000 people. That would make the statistics far lower. I say that because of this recent article …

Link: “Estimated HIV Incidence and Prevalence in the United States 2014-2018 pdf icon[PDF – 3 MB].” HIV Surveillance Supplemental Report 2020; 25(1) … ..

If the prevalence is per 100,000, then the lifetime risk of getting HIV in Washington, D.C., for instance (which is hardest hit in the ‘states’ list, Table 13), then the percent of people would translate out to 2.5% and not 25%. What a difference!


I recall that in 2019, when I wrote those blogs, I had a concern about astral intel I got while in the Four Corners area of the Wild West in the summers of 2013-2015. That had to do with a person I nicknamed ‘Torturess’, who was in the organization of ‘Heart Vampire’ there. I thought at the time there may have been a number of transgender women in the group who might have been sex workers, and I heard, on the astral airs, a great deal of upset over HIV and AIDS.

I recall one such person had, it seemed to me, ‘stalked’ me from Four Corners to the San Fernando Valley, and showed up as an exercise instructor at the 24-Hour Fitness in the Fallbrook Shopping Center, where I was enrolled.

I recall I was uptight about it at the time because I thought she was an antisocial personality engaged in snuff porn, and that she might have had something to do with the murder of Dylan Redwine, a child in the Four Corners area. I thought at the time ‘she knew I knew’ and that my life hung on a thread. Lucky for me I knew martial arts, I feel, and lucky push never came to shove with a physical confrontation.

I see by this article that 42% of transgender women have HIV …

Link: “CDC Reports 42% HIV Rate in Transgender Women Surveyed in 7 Cities,” 19 April 2021, in American Hospital Association …,Francisco%20and%2021%25%20in%20Seattle. ..

It seems to me that telepathic interface with that person might have been the cause of the issue coming up for me on the astral plane in the years 2015-2019. After that I did not hear astral chatter about HIV and AIDS anymore, which could mean she returned to Four Corners.

Tempest in a teapot, it seems, on the astral airs, which cannot easily be judged arithmetically. There is also always the chance it might have been about the health concerns of someone else entirely. That is the way it goes with astral intel.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

P.S. I have added an update to the 2019 blogs I wrote on HIV to the effect the prevalence is much less than priorly stated.

Note: ‘Torturess’ and ‘Hunter-Snuffer’ were a couple in the year 2015, but I did not see him in Los Angeles in 2017-2018 or so; only a woman who I took to be ‘Torturess’.


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Torturess, Heart Vampire, HIV, AIDS, sexuality, transgender, sex work, Wild West, Los Angeles, antisocial personality, snuff, snuff porn, Dylan Redwine, murder, torture, psychology, psychiatry, crime families, Mafia, mob, cults that kill, law enforcement,