Free Will and the All . by Alice B. Clagett *

01Filmed on 1 March 2016; published on 12 March 2016

    • Free Will on Planet Earth
      • Angel on One Shoulder, and Devil on the Other?
      • Diversity of Life on Earth
      • Ascension Casts Our Free Will Choices in Stark Relief
      • Consequentialism: The Notion That the Ends Justify the Means
      • Choices: Service to Self, Service to Ingroup; Service to the World
      • Life Review
    • The All and the Eternal Now
      • There Is No Ingroup
      • Ascension Skills: True Compassion
      • Interspecies Communication
    • Photos by Alice

Dear Ones,

This is about the two tenets of life on this planet: Free Will and the All. Also discussed: Having a ‘masterplan’. Does the end justify the means? There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I would just like to talk to you a little bit today about the two tenets of life on this planet, which are: Free will and the All. Starting with free will …

Free Will on Planet Earth

One of the most interesting features of this planet … because of the 11,000-year intervals that it spends not within the Photon Belt of the Pleiades … is the diversity of choices that are available here because of the Soul wounding that occurs; the closing down of the axiatonal lines of Light; the tangles that develop in the Body of Light; inability to connect with the Star Library in Alpha Centauri; and a general disconnect from our star brethren of many different civilizations and cultures, that leads us to a foreshortened notion of history, and of our choices during these long Ages of Darkness, from one of which we have just emerged.

We have these many choices, basically based on what Patanjali calls Soul ignorance. So something may look very good to us, as a choice, and in fact lead us away from an understanding of our Soul purpose and our Soul wisdom. It may lead us out of alignment with God, and with the All (which I will be discussing in a minute). This happens because we have free will.

There are beings that settled on this planet that further the possibilities of Duality during the Dark Ages. They do not do well here during the Ages of Light; my understanding is that they are shunted off to astral negative worlds and planets in other constellations during the times of Light. But they are here for a purpose during the times of Light; and that is to increase the possibility of Soul learning through duality.

Angel on One Shoulder, and Devil on the Other? You may have seen those pictures of people with an angel on one shoulder and a little devil on the other shoulder, each whispering into one of the person’s ears, of which this image is reminiscent …

Image: "The Right Ear Hears Conscious Thoughts, and the Left Ear Hears Subconscious Thoughts," by Alice B. Clagett, 7 March 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from "Awakening with Planet Earth," ... DESCRIPTION: A man's head, sketched above an effected and reversed painting portraying the Biblical scene of Jacob wrestling with the angel. Jacob, on the right in the reversed painting, has a red robe on. Above his head is an arrow pointing to the left ear of the sketched head of the man above the painting (which is to the right, from the stance of the viewer). That ear is labeled "Left ear: Subconscious thoughts." The angel with whom Jacob wrestles, on the left in the reversed painting, has a white robe on. Above his head is an arrow pointing to the right ear of the sketched head of the man above the painting (which is to the left, from the stance of the viewer). That ear is labeled "Right ear: Conscious thoughts" ... CREDIT: The painting is "Jacob Wrestling with the Angel," by Alexander Louis Leloir, 1865, from Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

Image Markup: “The Right Ear Hears Conscious Thoughts, and the Left Ear Hears Subconscious Thoughts,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 March 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: A man’s head, sketched above an effected and reversed painting portraying the Biblical scene of Jacob wrestling with the angel. Jacob, on the right in the reversed painting, has a red robe on. Above his head is an arrow pointing to the left ear of the sketched head of the man above the painting (which is to the right, from the stance of the viewer). That ear is labeled “Left ear: Subconscious thoughts.” The angel with whom Jacob wrestles, on the left in the reversed painting, has a white robe on. Above his head is an arrow pointing to the right ear of the sketched head of the man above the painting (which is to the left, from the stance of the viewer). That ear is labeled “Right ear: Conscious thoughts” … CREDIT: The painting is “Jacob Wrestling with the Angel,” by Alexander Louis Leloir, 1865, from Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

Image Markup: “The Right Ear Hears Conscious Thoughts, and the Left Ear Hears Subconscious Thoughts,” by Alice B. Clagett, 7 March 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … 

DESCRIPTION: A man’s head, sketched above an effected and reversed painting portraying the Biblical scene of Jacob wrestling with the angel. Jacob, on the right in the reversed painting, has a red robe on. Above his head is an arrow pointing to the left ear of the sketched head of the man above the painting (which is to the right, from the stance of the viewer). That ear is labeled “Left ear: Subconscious thoughts.” The angel with whom Jacob wrestles, on the left in the reversed painting, has a white robe on. Above his head is an arrow pointing to the right ear of the sketched head of the man above the painting (which is to the left, from the stance of the viewer). That ear is labeled “Right ear: Conscious thoughts” … 

CREDIT: The painting is “Jacob Wrestling with the Angel,” by Alexander Louis Leloir, 1865, from Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

Diversity of Life on Earth. That is just a visualization of the choices available through duality. But it also has within it the two different types of beings that are here on Earth. We have the Angelic Realm … and the Devic Realm is part of that. The nature spirits are part of the Angelic Realm as well; although they comprise a separate, very varied, Devic Kingdom.

Then we have the ifrits and the jinn; and the demon world. All of those are based on the notion of power over others. It can be very compelling, very interesting to choose that, because it seems that, in the short run, there is something really important in it. And so, people do make those choices during the Ages of Darkness.

Ascension Casts Our Free Will Choices in Stark Relief. Right now they are emerging from that. One of the features of the Ascension process … the Ascension into the Age of Light … is that the choice between Dark and Light becomes much more dramatic. There is a purpose for that: It is so that it will become very apparent to people that they have that choice. And so, people will be choosing either something very dramatic, like serial killing or suicide, or all kinds of things that would before have been completely impossible for them to think of, or they will be very strongly choosing alignment with the Divine. That is because nothing is definite right now; everything is in process, in flux. And a kind of mental chaos is occurring all over Earth, as people come back into their powers and their Ascension skills, and begin to realize that they are one with everything.

So these choices are available: We can choose to go off-world, to astral negative planets, along with the Demon Realm, which is there to help us make these decisions and choices, along with the Angelic Realm. Or we can choose to stay on Ascended Earth, and that is a completely different choice.

Note well: These are ideational choices … to do with astral or dreamtime stories that will be co-creating the New Reality. In almost every instance, they are not about ‘acting out’ these themes in the physical world.

Consequentialism: The Notion That the Ends Justify the Means. One of the things that is coming up right now, has to do with this free will choice. It has to do with the notion … kind of a Himler or Hitler notion … that the ends justify the means. Remember, Hitler had a very beautiful notion about a master race on Earth … about a master plan, and how everything was going to be better because he was going to eliminate all the bad things. And he was going to do that through killing people that he thought were inferior.

This thought that the ends justify the means is something to consider, because we confront it every day, in our daily lives. I will say to somebody: It would be even better if you lived in the country.

And they will say: I can’t because I have to make a living!

And this is just one example of the constant ‘I can’ts’ and ‘I won’ts’ that do not allow people to accumulate more Light. Instead, they want to accumulate more Darkness. It depends on the person … some people are fine in the city.

Do the ends justify the means? What is it that we really want? Do we want to accomplish our Soul mission, and follow our Soul purpose? Or do we want to do something for ourselves, for our family, that will not allow us live to our highest Light?

Is it worth it, say, to do something extremely bad, like what happened in the concentration camps, and is happening in many places, right now, because of the Ascension process?

Is it ok to do that, if it justifies some high cause, such as keeping someone alive that we really love, for instance … because prices are really high right now.

Or is it ok to do that kind of work because we have to pay the rent, and rents are very high? You know? … the kind of work that tears down other people’s good, or competes with other people, instead of bringing on harmony of the Universe … that kind of work.

Choices: Service to Self, Service to Ingroup; Service to the World. Are we willing to injure other people so that our ingroup can be ok? Well in past ages, in the Age of Darkness, the answer was definitely ‘yes’. The answer was: The people in my family are more important than anyone else in the worldThe people in my village will help support me against the barbarian hordes, and I will help them out too … Like that, right?

And people that were considered to be the outgroup, in the old days did not even have a chance. You sacrificed the outgroup; you kept the ingroup. And the concept of in-or-outgroup was the thing you really cared about.

The history of kings, in Europe, is a saga about that. Even in their own families they would kill, just to maintain their own personal highest welfare … Killed their brothers and sisters over and over again, so that there would be no contenders for the throne.

This is an extreme example of free will, and choosing on the basis, not of society or civilization, or the upliftment of the world, but instead, choosing only for oneself.

Life Review. I am asking you to look at that today: How is your life being lived? What is it that you truly want? Do you want to align with God? Or do you want to take on a purpose that has to do with your personal desires and needs, or those of your family, or those of someone that you really cherish; and do you want to just say: To heck with what society teaches about getting along with other people … about things like the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife … and all those things like that; those things that were hammered out in the old, tribal days, as ways for society to continue onward.

What is it that you really want? Do you want the ends to be more important than the means? Or do you want the harmony of the All?

The All and the Eternal Now

There Is No Ingroup. And so now we are coming down to the harmony of the All. That has to do with ingroup – outgroup, and the way that we think about the world. As it turns out, there is no ingroup; there is no outgroup. There is no special treatment for people that are very rich, or very powerful, or who think very well of themselves for no particular reason at all.

Ascension Skills: True Compassion. Here in the noosphere we feel in our own physical bodies, as the Ascension proceeds, the suffering, the anguish of what was once called the ‘huddled masses’; of the people in prison; of the people who are dying in hospitals; of the newborn children, who do not yet know where or what is going on.

We are that. This is an Ascension skill that will change everyone’s mind about ingroups and outgroups, and the means and the ends. We are that. And far more than these beings known as humankind, in this colony called Earth.

Interspecies Communication. There are many other peoples here. There are many other beings here: Four-footed, two-footed, and feathered beings; all kinds of beings, here on Earth. And there are many more beings amongst the stars, and amongst our ancestors, and in our future kin, all of which are One, in the Eternal Now, which is the All.

Enough lectures! [waves] You all take care. Love you lots.

Photos by Alice

Image: “Amsinckia (Fiddlenecks) 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Image: “Amsinckia (Fiddlenecks) 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Image: “Amsinckia (Fiddlenecks) 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Image: “Amsinckia (Fiddlenecks) 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Image: “Amsinckia (Fiddlenecks) 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Image: “Amsinckia (Fiddlenecks) 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Image: “Amsinckia (Fiddlenecks) 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0.

Image: “Amsinckia (Fiddlenecks) 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 1 March 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0.

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Link: “Heinrich Himmler,” in Wikipedia … ..

LInk: “Political Views of Adolf Hitler,” in Wikipedia … ..

Link: “Ten Commandments,” in Wikipedia … ..

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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Great Age of Darkness, ascension, star library, axiatonal lines, tangles, soul wounding, star brethren, duality, Patanjali, soul ignorance, soul purpose, alignment with God, All, free will, power over, jinn, ifrit, mental chaos, oneness, demon realm, angelic realm, end justifies the means, master plan, Hitler, concentration camps, competition, harmony, ingroup, outgroup, personal gain, ten commandments, eternal Now, masterplan, Alpha Centauri, star brethren, star brothers and sisters, Age of Darkness, Pleiades, duality, myths, myths of creation, negative astral beings, Devas, Devic Realm,  nature spirits, acting out, suicide, serial killing, Ascension, ascension skills, mental turmoil, consequentialism, Soul mission, harmony, competition, tribalism, Ten Commandments, noosphere, wealth, plutocracy, empathy, hospitals, prisons, huddled masses, newborns, ancestors, interspecies communication, photos by Alice, my favorites, drawings by Alice,


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