Tag Archives: advaita

Can Lightworkers Be Bound Down by the Dark? . channeled by Alice B. Clagett *




Dear Ones,

Can Lightworkers, Pathfinders, Wayshowers, and Ascensioneers be bound down by the Dark? To me, this notion seems to be more like ‘conspiracy theory’ than truth. To me, it seems that during Solar Minimums the Dark is more apparent on Earth, and during Solar Maximums … such as that in which we now find ourselves … the Light is more apparent.

I envision Ascension as an upward spiral of energy. Each turn of the spiral has a low half and a higher half. It seems to me that the low half of each new spiral is higher than the high half of the preceding spiral.

So the notion that we are tied down, or limited in some way, as Lightworkers, Pathfinders, Wayshowers, and Ascensioneers, has to do with the relative Dark of the Solar Minimums. It is not that there is more Dark, as the Dark is ever decreasing. Rather, it is the notion that our eyes see more Dark during the Solar Minimums, and they see more Light during the Solar Maximums.

In other words, the notion that there is an eternal, fierce war between Dark and Light … the notion that Dark may win the upper hand one day, and Light the next … is the illusion of maya. It is the lila. It is the stance that so often provides dramatic fuel for today’s movies.

I recall a film that is right on target in that regard. It was a TV mini-series entitled “Good Omens” produced in the year 2019, and starring David Tennant, Michael Sheen, and Frances McDormand. That mini-series highlights the notion of a contest between an angel and a demon here on Earth. I think of this contest between the angel and the demon as a visualization of the popular notion that Light and Dark are warring in this realm of Duality.

From the stance of the third and fourth dimensions (which are the physical world and the astral or dreamtime realm). We see specks of Light that are galaxies and constellations, within vast reaches of Darkness.
As we stand here on physical Earth; and as we nightly traverse the dreamtime world of the astral realm … from this depth of density of energy, this well of Darkness in the third and fourth dimensions … it may well seem that Darkness is all around us, and that what little Light we see … in the Sun by day, and by night in the stars so far above our heads … is but the flip side of a meager coin dealt us by the Cosmos.

Yet the true reality is Light and love and joy and peace. How can this be?

The shadow play of Dark and Light, from the stance of fifth dimensional Awareness, is like flickering fireflies of Dark in a great universe of Light. For the multidimensional, multitemporal Lightworker it is almost as if the fifth dimension is the template of Light from which is cast the obverse of Dark that we view when we place our Awareness in the fourth and third dimensions.

There are so many dimensions in this Universe! The third dimension that we feel so surely beneath our feet, and the fourth dimension, where we wheel about in our dreams, are deeply distorted to the Dark. In dimensions higher than the fourth dimension, there is more and more Light, until finally, in the highest dimension, there is naught but Light.

Beyond that, I feel, there is yet another template, a template of longing to become Light. That template is neither Light nor Dark. No name can be put to it. That template always is, though the desire within it sometimes pours forth the Light of the Worlds, and sometimes withdraws, like a sigh or a smile, back into itself forever.

But how can it be ‘forever’ when time does not pass? How can we think of loss, where there is not one ‘thing’ to hang our hats on? What can we envision, that has not been envisioned? How can we know what the Unknown knows? Where can we be, when we are not? When we are not, who are we?

In Light, love and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 25 May 2020; revised and video created on 15 June 2022; revised video created on 18 June 2022.


The text-to-voice program I used is “Natural Text Reader” … https://www.naturaltextreader.com/  … The voice sometimes used as my own is English (US), Karen, slow.

Citation: “Good Omens,” TV mini-series (2019), starring David Tennant, Michael Sheen, and Frances McDormand, in IMDb … https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1869454/ ..

Image: “Strolling Along the Seashore,” by Joaquin Sorolla, 1909, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Joaqu%C3%ADn_Sorolla_y_Bastida_-_Strolling_along_the_Seashore_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg … public domain

Image: “Strolling Along the Seashore,” by Joaquin Sorolla, 1909, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Joaqu%C3%ADn_Sorolla_y_Bastida_-_Strolling_along_the_Seashore_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg … public domain

Image: “Strolling Along the Seashore,” by Joaquin Sorolla, 1909, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Joaqu%C3%ADn_Sorolla_y_Bastida_-_Strolling_along_the_Seashore_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg … public domain


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

physics, astrogeophysics, ascensioneers, lightworkers, ascension, visions, visions by Alice, Solar Cycle, almanac, cosmos, cosmic mind, fifth dimension, fourth dimension, third dimension, dimensions, culture, movie reviews by Alice, duality, advaita, Incoming Light, lila, conspiracy theory, maya, Awareness, eternal now, Ascension team, Bridge to Formlessness, Logos, Solar body, Galactic body, Multi-galactic diamond, Laniakea, Universe, Multiverse, Soul Bridge, Soul, Atma, mysticism, my favorites, miscellanea, multidimensionality,

Three Advaita Meditations . channeled by Alice B. Clagett

Excerpted and adapted on 2 April 2020 from a blog written on 30 January 2015

  • ‘I’M NOT THAT’ MEDITATION, Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
  • ADVANCED ADVAITA MEDITATION, Channeled by Alice B. Clagett

Dear Ones,

As they say on the path of Advaita (which means ‘not-two’ in Sanskrit), the true Self, which is pure consciousness, is the highest Reality, Brahman, also pure consciousness. The truth about the illusion of the world of Duality, about Tantra, is the knowing that there is no ‘two’. There is only Awareness. I am That. I am I. 

Here are three meditations to increase Awareness of Advaita …

. . . . .

Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
30 January 2015

Image: “Candle Flame,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 April 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Candle Flame,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 April 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0

For this meditation you will need a candle, matches, and something to snuff the candle with.
Sit in a dark room. Spine straight. Relax your body.
Light the candle, and place it in front of you, on a table or on the floor.
Inhale and exhale deeply three times.
Watch the candle flame for 1 minute.
Then snuff it out.
Sit in the Darkness, and watch the Darkness for 1 minute.
Then lIght the candle again, watch for a minute, snuff it, and sit in the the Dark another minute.
Continue a total of 5 times.
At the end of your meditation, before you get up,
Inhale and exhale deeply three times.

. . . . .

Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
30 January 2015

Sit in a quiet place. Spine straight. Relax your body.
Inhale and exhale deeply three times.
Think of a word that describes who you are. Then say to yourself: I’m not that!
Think of another such word. Say, I’m not that!
And so on, till you’ve run out of thoughts about who you are.
Then just sit, with that empty mind.
At the end of your meditation, before you get up,
Inhale and exhale deeply three times.

. . . . .

Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
30 January 2015

Sit in a quiet place. Think of nothing …
Do this daily, until you can do it at ease.
Then carry this practice of the Quiet Mind into your daily life.

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Note: This blog is excerpted and adapted from … Link: “Overcoming Power Over and Stepping into Fractal Awareness,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 30 January 2015; revised … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-6hL ..


Link: “Advaita Vedanta” in English Wikipedia … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advaita_Vedanta ..

Link: “Taoist Stillness Practices: Slowing the Whirly-gig of the Mind,” by Tom Kenyon … https://tomkenyon.com/taoiststillness ..


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

meditation, meditations by Alice, advaita, 2u3d, duality, Awareness,

The Human Heart, Aligned with That of God, Unveils Great Mysteries . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 28 December 2019
Previously titled: A Thought for the New Year


Dear Ones,

I found a note in my hand in my well-worn copy of the book “How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali” and was inspired to write this message for my star kindred here on Earth. The occasion is New Years Day 2020 …


It is the error of men to try to control the world … and the error of women to try to save it. In truth, there is no world beyond our sphere of influence … no world beyond us, against which we struggle in vain. Our realm of endeavor … our purpose of attaining human form … lies right within us.

May I master my wayward mind through contemplation of my heart, as Patanjali advises …

Citation: “How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali,” translated with a commentary by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood, copyright 1953, 1981 by The Vedanta Society of Southern California … See page 187;  the chapter “III. Powers,” number 35, which states (to paraphrase) that it is through contemplation of the heart that we master our own minds.

May I learn to control, not the world … not the ways of power, nor the ephemeral billboard of worldly fame, nor the intricate Dark web of political intrigue … but rather to control myself. May seek to I save myself, through God’s grace.

May I humbly seek to align my heart with the Great Heart of God which, beating and pulsing through the pathways between the stars … those byways of the Angel Realm … informs and enlivens all beings everywhere … from the tiniest cosmic ray to the greatest star; from the humblest mineral form to the most sentient of beings; and in our earthly realm, from the poorest and most desperate of humankind to the popes and presidents of countries and of international conglomerates.

Who knows but what the well tuned heart might sing the song of God’s mighty Universe; and, taking Archangel Michael by the hand, traverse with him the farthest reaches of His great creation! So may each of us, I pray, walk with utmost reverence the great interstellar paths, and come to know, in the truest sense, that we humankind are children of the stars.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Patanjali, starseed, star beings, Angelic Realm, Archangel Michael, universe, aligning with God, mastery of mind, self-sacrifice, fourth chakra, heart chakra, advaita, power over, theosophy, enlightenment, self-control, politics, government, corporations, religion, mysticism,

Charm to Convince Vegetarian Spiritual Adepts to Stop ‘Making You Better’ . channeled by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 23 October 2019; published on 26 October 2019

    • “Charm to Convince Vegetarian Spiritual Adepts to Stop ‘Making You Better’,” Channeled by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Words

Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

Here is a charm to convince a vegetarian spiritual adept to stop trying to ‘make you better’ while you are asleep. There is an edited Summary after the video …



I have a fix for a problem that Lightworkers may be having … a problem such as I, a Lightworker myself, am having right now. There are some groups of spiritual adepts that will attempt to manipulate the eighth chakra above the head by casting their thoughts into our eighth chakra when we are unawares … when we are not noticing it.

They do this for a very good reason: They want to evolve our Souls with their superior intellects and thoughts and presence there. The problem is that we do not want them to do it without our Awareness about it … without agreeing.

I myself will never agree to let anyone manipulate my eighth chakra … anyone at all, except for my Ascension team. That is their ballpark.

I have been at my wits’ end as to what to do, because when a spiritual adept who is a leader of a group decides to do this, why then by attempting to enter and mind control my eighth chakra above my head … say, while I am resting or napping … what he does is, he brings the karma of all the people that work with him … all of his students … with him, and places it in my head.

That means that, when I wake up, I have to do a lot of clearing for his group. I do not believe in grouping; I believe in advaita … in making one’s relationship with God Himself, and not with other groups on Earth … not with Earthly groups, no matter how good the group.

I feel it is ok to join groups, but it is not ok to glom our karmic reactions with theirs. You know what I mean? It is just a big bother. Say there are a hundred people in this person’s group, and with all good intentions, and without my free will permission, he decides to make me ‘better’ while I am asleep, and unaware.

I did not have an answer. I cannot convince them not to do it, because they think they are on the moral high ground. Today I finally came up with an answer; it is only for the Lightworkers, or other people who are aware of their eighth chakra … the space three to six inches above their head … and want to keep it clear.

The thing of it is this: Most spiritual adepts purify their diet. They are very strict vegetarians. They are very careful about what they eat. And so, you can get them to ungroup from you and go away, by sending your own Awareness up to your eighth chakra, and across to their eighth chakra, and say this … This is the charm! It goes like this …

“Charm to Convince Vegetarian Spiritual Adepts to Stop ‘Making You Better'”
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
23 October 2019


Wouldn’t you really like to have a hamburger?   (x3)

That is it. That is the counterspell. It keeps them from making our higher intellects their kind of cottage cheese. The only caveat I have is this: Overusing it might cause a person to get overbearing with other people; so it might be best to use it sparingly.

I would only say it one to three times, and only if it is absolutely important; if you cannot talk to them in the intellectual realm about it, and get them to stop. Say it has become a habit; that would be when I would try it.

You know, many religions feel it is all right to eat hamburger. I myself do not like hamburger that much. I tend to stick to a vegetarian diet myself. So I understand that this charm is quite a temptation as far as diet is concerned. But it is a fix that works right away, because it is socially embarrassing for the head of a spiritual adept group, or for the people that are higher up in that group.

Now you know! To my fellow Lightworkers: I hope this helps! I hope this helps all of you to keep your eighth chakra clear.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

See also this category in my blog: Bow-tie knot


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Lightworkers, spiritual adepts, Awareness, free will, advaita, grouping, leadership, eighth chakra, charms, spells, counterspells, societal expectations, vegetarianism, meat, hamburger, Soul evolution, spiritual teachers, gurus, arrogance, pride, ego, power over, mind control, karma, Soul clearing, group clearing, glom effect, bow-tie knot, white magic, 2u3d,

Masked Mummery: What If a Person Wore a Satan Mask While Having Sex? . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 4 September 2018; revised and republished on 4 July 2021

Dear Ones,

What has been coming up in the dream world for clearing, for quite some time now, is this dream: There are a group of people, one woman, several men, and a young child, who engage in a sexual rite, a ‘Masked Sexual Mummery’, on the full moon each month.

Everyone wears Devil outfits, even the young child, whose role is to tantalize and also shake down for blackmail, if that child trafficking line is crossed by the adult members of the troupe. In the dream, one person gets to play the head Devil, and wears a pretty bodaciously evil costume.

Why the masks and costumes? Could be the people in the dream just liked to wear these clothes while having sex … Maybe they find it titivating. Too, when people wear masks while having sex, there is less of a possibility of blackmail through surreptitious movie-making.

Let’s say there is one person who sometimes acts in this performance, a person who loves to feel his heart energy while having sex. He is a very important person, a person of power who, in daily life, has to deal with the low life of the world. He encounters all kinds of really bad people. But he himself has the highest ideals. How then may he hold this disparity?

Masked sexual mummery is one way to resolve the issue: He can feel his heart, while transforming the energy of all those of evil inclinations he encounters in daily life, by assuming the garb … taking on the role … pretending to be really evil.

It might be his way of doing what we Lightworkers call Transformation through the Light; and what Christians call the Sacrament of Communion … a way to uplift the Profane through the sacred energy of the human heart. That might be the conscious intent behind the Masked Sexual Mummery, whether it be something acted out in the third dimension (3D), or whether it be simply a recurring sexual fantasy.

Through the dream world, though, I am getting that there may be unintended consequences of such an act. These have to do with the subconscious mind.

Orgasm is one of the most powerful means of upliftment for humankind; contrarily, it can be a powerful tool for the degradation of humankind. Masks have a very powerful impact on the subconscious mind. It could be the person who has this daydream, or else the people involved in the 3D Mummery … as the case may be … And the full moon is the most powerful time of month for transformation, whether for good or for ill.

It could be that the act of orgasm … while wearing a mask symbolizing evil … imprints upon the subconscious mind, month after month, the conviction that the act of sex is evil, and that the person wearing the mask is the personage portrayed by the mask. The subconscious mind of the masked person may begin to feel that it is the Devil, or that it is in league with the Devil, or that it has made a deal with the Devil, or has sold its Soul to the Devil. Like that.

Subconscious minds … being, as they are, the part of the Iceberg of the Human Mind touching the wavelets of the polar seas I term the Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World … are all connected. What is beneath one man’s ‘belt’ is beneath my belt as well, and beneath yours, and beneath the belt of every human being on Earth.

Once a man’s subconscious mind becomes convinced it is in league with the Devil, before long, the subconscious mind of everyone on Earth will be as convinced of this fantasy as he is.

He being a powerful man, his colleagues will begin to feel that he is a pretty scary guy; maybe even the Devil himself. Then, deep in their subconscious minds, they will need to make a choice: Will I live in fear, or will I turn to courage and strength of heart?

The subconscious mind does not work in a logical way. It works through symbols, images and metaphor. It attributes a particular emotion to a particular symbol or image … not a thought, but generally speaking, a strong emotion.

Thus when the subconscious minds of the associates of this person visualize him, they ‘see’ the Devil, and they feel fear. Their Soul says: Fear not! This fear that I have is simply a fiction of my subconscious mind. 

So then the subconscious mind says, in that peculiar, short-cut kind of way that is typical of its operation: There is no Devil! If challenged about it, the subconscious mind will say, defensively: Everyone on Earth agrees with me about this.

This is not entirely true. That courage is a better emotion than fear is unarguable. That their associate … who monthly assumes the aspect of Satan … is not the Devil himself, is also  unarguable. That they need not fear the Devil is a given. That the act of sex is a sacred act, through which we may find communion with God, is a Truth I hold to be self-evident; a Truth even greater than the great truths of which Thomas Jefferson (1) once spoke.

Our right to uplift the world through joyful orgasm is the unalienable right of every human being on Earth. This is the fundament of the human being, the great transforming act that which enlivens us, and sets us free, and makes us happy.

If joyful orgasm may bring us to the very feet of God, then what may Satan be? Can we even propose that a being such as Satan exists?

Yes, I feel, Satan does exist. He prowls the waves of the Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World in the form of a man who wears the mask of a Devil while performing this, God’s most sacred act of Sexual Communion.

Satan is that which calls the act of sex Evil. Satan is that which feels the act of sex to be Profane. Satan is that which must wear a mask before the very throne of God.

Let us remove the masks, and meet God face to face, whether it be in this once monthly act of bliss, in peaceful contemplation, in worship, in celebration of our working life, in communion with the family of man, or in nightly Surrender to the Divine.

Let us set Satan aside, and find God each moment, in the air that enters our lungs, vivifying this human form. Let us find Him in the outreached hand clasping the hand of those we encounter on life’s path; in the eyes of the children that trust in us, and in the words of those like Thomas Jefferson, who know with certain surety that Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness are God’s gifts to each of us.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


(1) From the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, and enacted by Congress on 4 July 1776 …

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

“That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. ” — from Link: “Declaration of Independence,” in Wikipedia …  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Declaration_of_Independence ..

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World, astral realm, dreams, visions, Masked Sexual Mummery, full moon, demon realm, false authority, subconscious mind, child trafficking, child rearing, duality, acting out, masks, sacred sexuality, sexuality, human rights, heart energy, Christianity, Sacrament of Communion, Transformation, profane, sacred, orgasm, deals with the devil, fear, courage, subconscious metaphor, subconscious images, subconscious symbolism, Thomas Jefferson,  God indwelling,  advaita, government, Satan, Satanism, Holy Communion, neo-Hinduism, Hinduism, Kali, trimurti, my favorites, miscellanea, See No Evil, orgasm, symbolism,