Chakra Renumbering System and Stilling the Astral Sex Organs . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 30 March 2017; published on 8 April 2017

    • Is the Sexual Chakra Really the Third Chakra Rather than the Second?
    • Leapfrog Chakric Resonance: Basal, Navel Point, Throat, and Crown
    • Leapfrog Chakric Resonance: Sexual Chakra, Heart, Third-Eye, and 8th (New-Style)
    • Placing Awareness in the Middle of the Throat Chakra Stills the Drum Beat in the Sexual Chakra

Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I had a few thoughts about the chakra numbering system old-style, and about stilling the astral sex organs. Here is a video, followed by a Summary.



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I had a thought about the chakra numbering system oldstyle …

Is the Sexual Chakra Really the Third Chakra Rather than the Second?

Some say that the sexual chakra is the third chakra, rather than the second. That is they feel its true location is under the left rib (according to the Theosophical texts).

According to my own intuitive experience, though, what the Theosophical texts term the sexual chakra may be an organelle leading to the pranic reserve; through it, I posit, vitality globules enter the astral area beneath the ribs.

Leapfrog Chakric Resonance: Basal, Navel Point, Throat, and Crown

I wondered, if there is a resonance amongst pairs of chakras, skipping one. Like, for instance, the first chakra (the basal chakra), the third chakra (the navel point), the fifth chakra (that would be the throat), and then the seventh (which would be the crown chakra).

Leapfrog Chakric Resonance: Sexual Chakra, Heart, Third-Eye, and 8th (New-Style)

I wonder if there is a harmonic amongst those. And then, also, I wonder if there is a harmonic amongst the second chakra, (the sexual chakra), the fourth (the heart chakra), the sixth (the third-eye point, the pituitary), and maybe the eighth (new-style, just above the head).

Placing Awareness in the Middle of the Throat Chakra Stills the Drum Beat in the Sexual Chakra

The reason I am suggesting about skipping one chakra and moving on to the next chakra, like that, is that I have noticed a synchronicity between my newly-termed ‘third chakra’ … which used to be the ‘sacral chakra’ … and the throat chakra.

And what I found is that, if there is an incessant drum-beat of electromagnetic field energy in the area of the genitals, because of the things that are happening in the media today and so forth … say, a lot of people are watching television, and that is causing that drum beat in their genital area … and then, if I take a look at the energy field in my throat chakra … that is the fifth chakra, so new-style, it would be a muffling or quieting of the second or sacral chakra by the fifth chakra …

Of course, it does not matter what you think the numbering system of the chakras is. But the effect is that, by concentrating on the throat chakra, on the center of the neck, where the two funnels of the throat chakra meet, I found that, when that energy stills in the throat chakra, there is a corresponding pacific or serene effect in the genitals, which relate to the sacral chakra (no matter where we feel it is located).

That got me thinking about ‘leapfrog’ chakra synchronicity. And so, I wonder what might come of that notion of those two separate, paired groups of chakras with ‘but one’ separation. I would be interested in your comments!

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

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chakras, human EMG, human electromagnetic field, meditation, throat chakra, sacral chakra, chakric resonance, chakric numbering, genitals, sex organs, V— D—, School of Theosophy, vitality globules, pranic reserve, astral organelle,


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