Category Archives: Image words

Image Words: Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 21 March 2021

Image: “Black Horse Fly, Tabanus atratus, Upper Marlboro, Maryland,” by USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab from Beltsville, USA, 26 August 2013, in Wikimedia Commons,,_U,_Face,_MD_2013-08-21-16.06.31_ZS_PMax_(9599360121).jpg … public domain … COMMENT: Well I remember the horse flies lurking in the trees at the edge of the field I had to cross to get to my grandmother’s house as a child. I remember how they would buzz insistently round my head; how useless were my attempts to shoo them away; how painful the sting of the horse fly was; and how it raised a welt where it bit. I am amazed to find that this photo was taken in my home town, Upper Marlboro, Maryland.

Image: “Black Horse Fly, Tabanus atratus, Upper Marlboro, Maryland,” by USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab from Beltsville, USA, 26 August 2013, in Wikimedia Commons,,_U,_Face,_MD_2013-08-21-16.06.31_ZS_PMax_(9599360121).jpg … public domain …

COMMENT: Well I remember the horse flies lurking in the trees at the edge of the field I had to cross to get to my grandmother’s house as a child. I recall how they would buzz insistently round my head; how useless were my attempts to shoo them away; how painful the sting of the horse fly was; and how it raised a welt where it bit. I am amazed to find that this photo was taken in my home town, Upper Marlboro, Maryland.

Dear Ones,

Some while ago, I clairly heard of a man who, unaccountably, unzipped his trousers at a public concert. From the astral airs I gathered he had repeated that act from time to time. According to the astral stories, no one could figure out why, as in almost all his social interactions he was known for his spiritual demeanor and self-effacing speech.

For a long while, in the dream world, I have found this same man seems to have experiences of demonic obsession or demonic possession. According to the astral airs he founded a Satan cult that worshipped first Satan, then Ba’al (Baal), then Beelzebub.

From that I got the subconscious image word ‘Lord of the Flies’, which is used to describe Beelzebub, might cause worshippers of this demonic entity to act out through indecent exposure, especially during moments of demonic obsession or demonic possession (as that form of dementia is termed in the Christian religion).

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Image: “The Great Red Dragon and the Beast from the Sea,” by William Blake, 1805, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain … COMMENT: Some say the Great Red Dragon, as depicted by William Blake in this painting, is Satan. Others feel he is the demonic entity Beelzebub, ‘Lord of the Flies’. I associate this image with the catastrophic childhood case study of the man I nickname ‘Castratrux – Basal Vampire’ because of the stories about him that sift through the astral airs. Is it a glom, or is it a person in real life? Likely no one will ever know.

Image: “The Great Red Dragon and the Beast from the Sea,” by William Blake, 1805, in Wikimedia Commons … … public domain …

COMMENT: Some say the Great Red Dragon, as depicted by William Blake in this painting, is Satan. Others feel he is the demonic entity Beelzebub, ‘Lord of the Flies’. I associate this image with the catastrophic childhood case study of the man I nickname ‘Castratrux – Basal Vampire’ because of the stories about him that sift through the astral airs. Is it a glom, or is it a person in real life? Likely no one will ever know.


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Castratrux – Basal Vampire, antisocial personalities, psychology, psychiatry, law enforcement, image words, subconscious mind, indecent exposure, paraphilia, mind control cults, cults that kill, catastrophic childhood case studies, circle of one, catastrophic childhood experiences, obsession, possession, Satanism, Christianity, acting out,

Image Words: The Phrase ‘Backend Hacking’ . by Alice B. Clagett

Written on 11 January 2021; published on 28 January 2021
Location: Malibu Creek State Park, Santa Monica Mountains Recreation Area, Los Angeles County, California 

Dear Ones,

I had an intuitive thought just now that for those software programmers who work with the ‘backend’ of programming … like ecommerce and so forth … that if you are hacking and breaking into the ‘backend’ of other people’s online ecommerce solutions, then there is a chance that your subconscious mind might misinterpret all that. You might find yourself tending toward or participating in rectal rape, whether M2M or M2F.

The language of the subconscious mind and of the dream world consists of ‘image words’, as I have discussed in prior blogs. The subconscious mind had a lot to do with fear of death (first chakra), sexuality (second chakra), and desire to conquer the world (third chakra) … the impulses of the first three chakras oldstyle that comprise the ‘lower triangle’ of yogic lore.

The image word ‘backend’ is another word for the ‘fanny’. If an image word like ‘backend’ is spoken or thought all day long in a work context, the subconscious mind can misinterpret the image word in the world of subconscious thought as being in a sexual context, or in the context of desire to conquer the world through rape, which would be a combination of the impulses of the second and third chakras.

Acting out that subconscious ‘image word’ programming can cause your family life to break up, with your wife and child, your family, and it can cause you to gravitate into M2M rectal intercourse activities.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

image words, subconscious mind, cybercrime, hacking, rape, rectal intercourse, first chakra, second chakra, third chakra, lower triangle, personal chakras, chakras,

Image Words: Stalking in the Physical Realm Caused by ‘Following’ Online . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 28 December 2020

Dear Ones,

You may recall the term ‘image words’ which I have described before as the language of the subconscious mind …

Link: “‘Image Words’: The Vocabulary of the Subconscious Mind,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 25 May 2019 … ..

I have come across a potentially physically dangerous image word that contributes to the recent phenomenon I term ‘virtual reality psychosis’. That is the words ‘follow’ and follower’ that are used for subscriptions to websites. (WordPress and Youtube are two of many such sites.)

Apparently these terms are creating in the subconscious minds of the followers and of the people being followed the image of one person pursuing or stalking another person.

That people are carrying around handhelds with them makes the notion of ‘following’ seem physical as well: One person posts a blog or comment, and then notice of this action appears on the follower’s handheld. It may seem as if the follower is being ‘followed’ in the physical realm by the blogger because he or she is needing to read messages on the handheld. In other words, he or she is being ‘followed about’ by messages from the blogger.

Over the years, I have run across several instances of people who are very ‘plugged in’ ‘following’ me in the physical realm. To me it seemed like physical ‘stalking’, as if their subconscious mind was reading my subconscious mind and queuing in on where I was headed, then passing by me in that location, without the conscious mind logging onto the physical encounter.

There were a series of odd occasions on which it seemed to me that various people might have been stalking me; yet though danger was sensed, nothing bad ever happened …

Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: Fatal Dungeons and Dragons Game?” by Alice B. Clagett, partially excerpted on 23 April 2020 from blogs filmed on 15 March 2018 and on 20 November 2016; revised on 11 June 2020 … ..

It was almost as if these people’s subconscious minds were tangled up and glommed together in an imagined game of ‘Fatal Dungeons and Dragons’ … which my subconscious mind logged onto. I would see the cars of the people, or the people themselves, in incongruous, widely dispersed settings. Intuitively, I would sense the need for caution. Yet nothing came of these events; like wisps of smoke, the encounters would take place on the physical plane; and then within an hour the cars and the people would disperse. It was just exceedingly odd … unfathomable, really.

There have been more and more such odd encounters in the last two years. It is as if the ‘stalkers’ or ‘followers’ do not consciously recognize me, although I may know them. It is almost as if they were subconsciously ‘acting out’ in a fugue state. For instance, this man that I knew from prior acquaintance passed me twice in as many days, in locations far apart, yet he did not recognize me …

Link: “The Stalker: Encounter with a Multiple Personality?” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 9 July 2019 … ..

In one such instance, with a different person, I walked up to them. They did not recognize me at all, although I had been their acquaintance for a long time. There was no one else around. It was as if they were staring into space before them. I was there, right in front of them, but they did not see me. Yet when I got to about 3 feet in front of them, and accosted them, they ‘snapped out of it’.

In another instance I recall I was in a remote area of the Arizona Desert … somewhat lost, but not very much so. By luck, at an intersection I found a service station with wi-fi. Just as I got there my cell phone rang. The person calling was someone I knew, but not someone who had ever called me before or since. Intuition told me the person had fallen into a ‘stalking’ mode, and was attempting to triangulate my position for GPS geolocation. I could tell from the tone of voice … which I characterize as ‘cat about to eat the canary’ … that if I kept talking my geolocation might be determined, and this might not result in anything good for me. So I said goodbye quickly.

Along the same lines, I remember walks in the Santa Monica Mountains in 2017 and 2018, where I was carrying my cell phone. Why I should do so is a good question, as cell phone reception is almost always compromised in remote locations in the mountains, and that would be where I would be most in need of cell phone transmission, for lack of people passing by, in case of a fall.

At any rate, during those years I carried my cell phone on mountain walks. Almost every time I went for a walk I would hear a ‘pingback’. I surmised these pingbacks had to do with geolocation, and intuition told me someone was hoping to involve me in an imaginary stalking scenario. Why would that be? It seems to me the internet ‘following’ is causing this imaginary stalking game to occur.

I recall in 2019 I decided the psychic chase was by far not my cup of tea, and I stopped carrying my cell phone on mountain walks. Then one of my acquaintances casually asked if I were still using my cell phone, and by that I got my ‘make’ for the psychic stalking game I had been encountering.

Here is another instance: For years now, my home phone rings daily with one of three sales messages. I have tried by every available means to make the messages stop; unsuccessfully so, until I tried using a whistle. Here is the question: What would be in it for the salesman, to be constantly harassing people about home improvements and ways to abate utility costs, after the people say they are not interested? It seems to me this could be another form of ‘stalking’ created by the ‘follow’ image word.

Then there is the ‘actor impersonator’ phenomenon that I have encountered on 5 occasions since 2015. In the first four instances, I feel it could have been just a case of mistaking the identities of strangers as being people I know. But in the most recent instance, which occurred only a month or so ago, it was clearly an ‘actor impersonator’ phenomenon …

I was in the parking lot of my church about mid-day. I was going to sit under the tent where church services are held; I noticed a man sitting in about the middle of the tent. I went up to greet him, and noticed he was made up to look like a man I knew: Almost identical body type, same height, same age, but with an odd, blonde wig on, with hair that curled up from his shoulders. His voice was quite different from that of my acquaintance, and his tone, unlike that of my acquaintance, was somewhat derogatory or ‘blaming’. In addition, he had strikingly odd ‘painted on,’ dark brown eyebrows that looked like this (or the reverse of this) …


Drawing: “Actor Impersonator with Blonde Wig and Striking, Stippled Black Eyebrows,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0

Drawing: “Actor Impersonator with Blonde Wig and Striking, Stippled Black Eyebrows,” by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0

Drawing: “Actor Impersonator with Blonde Wig and Striking, Stippled Black Eyebrows,” drawn and colorized by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0 … COMMENT: This drawing reminds me of the Pleiadian Raiders.

Drawing: “Actor Impersonator with Blonde Wig and Striking, Stippled Black Eyebrows,” drawn and colorized by Alice B. Clagett, 28 December 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0 … COMMENT: This drawing reminds me of the Pleiadian Raiders.

. . . . .

What could possibly be more odd that that, I ask! When I walked up to him, he said his name was ‘Tim’ and that he had been going to the Sunday services at the church for about two years. While he talked, he was looking at the handheld in his lap, as if he were reading a movie script. I had a feeling there was likely a person named Tim who had been attending Sunday services, but that maybe this unusual person might not be that same Tim. If that were so, then what might explain his odd appearance there? Could the ‘actor impersonator’ phenomenon perhaps be a takeoff on the game of stalking or following, I wonder?

Here are variations on the theme: I recall an instance in 2011, or thereabouts, when an acquaintance decided I was a drug dealer out to get him; and in about the year 2018, another case where a group of acquaintances decided I was a CIA agent out to get them. Why would these hard-to-shake instances of paranoia be occurring in people I had known to be completely sane in years past? I gather it might be another manifestation of a sense of helpless panic caused by the ‘follow’ image word.

Thus I gather that the image word ‘follow’ must be part of the current virtual reality psychosis that many appear to be experiencing. And a very important part, as it may result in stalkings and murders on the physical plane. For instance, there is a chance that a habit of viewing movies to do with stalking might ratchet up to stalking human beings because of the extra ‘umph’ added by the ‘follow’ phenomenon. As well, during hunting season there is a chance that stalking deer might ratchet up to stalking human beings because of the ‘follow’ phenomenon, I feel.

I am guessing we do not need to be nearly so ‘hooked up’ or ‘plugged in’ as modern culture surmises. It could be, for instance, that the astral stories that have been so prevalent in my mini-noosphere … and those of others with whom I have spoken … and the ‘glom effect’ that can cause violent astral scenes, may be partly caused by our being too ‘plugged in’, by ‘following’ and being ‘followed’ by too many other people.

To be on the safe side, for the time being, I have eliminated ‘following’ as an option for my website. The minute I did so, the astral stories and psychic hullabaloo I experienced over the four-day Christmas holiday abated. Time will tell whether this welcome change will be long-lasting.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

The two drawings above have been added here … Link: “Tiny Anthologies: Diverse Drawings 9,” by Alice B. Clagett, compiled and published on 8 March 2022 and following … .. 


See the blog category: Subconscious and unconscious symbolismVirtual reality psychosis – handheld psychosis – cell phone psychosisActing out – ahimsa – nonviolence … Fugue state – dissociative fugue … Glom effect … Astral stories


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


image words, mind, subconscious mind, subconscious symbolism, unconscious symbolism, virtual reality psychosis, fugue state, drawings by Alice, Alice’s perilous tales, Adventures with Alice,

Antisocial Personality: The Victory Dance . by Alice B. Clagett

antisocial personality

Drawing: “Antisocial Personality Social Mask,” by Alice B. Clagett, 3 February 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” ..

. . . . .

  • THE VICTORY DANCE [Heart Vampire, Hunter-Snuffer, and Wifer-Hacker]
    • A Facebook Victory Dance [Heart Vampire, Alluring Calm, Hunter-Snuffer and Wifer-Hacker]
    • Sunset on Facebook [Heart Vampire, Three Houses, Hunter-Snuffer and Wifer-Hacker]
    • Disclaimer

Dear Ones,

I updated a blog about the ASP (antisocial personality) sense of humor today, and added some personal details to it.

If you would like to read the revised blog in its entirety, see … Link: “Telltale Signs of the ASP Sense of Humor,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 15 March 2018; revised on 15 April 2020, 23 April 2020, and 11 June 2020 … ..

A new section regarding the ASP ‘Victory Dance’ is below …

THE VICTORY DANCE [Heart Vampire, Hunter-Snuffer, and Wifer-Hacker]

The Victory Dance is a variant of the ‘Memento’, in that it acts as a memento of a kill; in addition it presents the memento to the world in such a way that no one is the wiser. For example, the Victory Dance may appear to be a commemoration of the ongoing life of the person who has been murdered.

The murderer offers remembrance of the kill under false cover, as a ‘taunt’ to Normals who, viewing the Victory Dance, feel the anticipatable sense of friendship and empathy towards the person killed. But the killer can use the victory dance to relive the thrill of the remembered murder.

A Facebook Victory Dance [Heart Vampire, Alluring Calm, Hunter-Snuffer and Wifer-Hacker]

Here is one instance I encountered through psychic inquiry in years past: Apparently the murderer put up a facebook page supposedly belonging to the victim, who was a professional woman. As I recall, that was in the year 2014.

There were only a few conversations on the facebook page; these were clustered around the date when the page was created. The dates of first entries on the facebook page apparently indicated the murder date.

There was a photo of the woman apparently murdered, standing together with the couple who ordered the kill. There was another photo of the victim, standing next to two other women who, I felt, may have been targeted; this may have been a warning to knuckle under, or else a statement of intent to kill.

In the instance in question, it seemed to me that there were sly comments by the killer posing as a facebook friend; these comments had to do with a new persona invented to cover his tracks … a new name, a new profession, a face job intended to confound law enforcement searches. One comment led me to believe that the killer might have take on the identity of a well-respected person who had passed on in recent years, and whose profession was the same as that of the murdered woman.

Sunset on Facebook [Heart Vampire, Three Houses, Hunter-Snuffer and Wifer-Hacker]

Here is another instance I encountered through psychic inquiry, also in 2014: A facebook page was put up for another woman apparently murdered by the same couple. That page offered a photo of the victim, still living; the time of day was sunset. The word ‘sunset’, in this context, had special significance to the antisocial couple in question; it had to do with a street name known to them. In addition, the image word might be taken to signify the end of the life of the victim.

It seemed to me that the facebook page might be a tribute to the woman’s life, as she had been known to the couple for many long years, In addition, it was a victory dance; it commemorated a kill, without providing an inkling of that to the casual ‘Normal’ who viewed the page.


I ought to add that I do not know whether the people spoken of above are living or dead. It could be I was completely wrong in my interpretation of the facebook pages. It is possible that I was logging onto the mind of a serial killer at that time … It was during a summer visit to Durango, Colorado, as I recall … and that the killer’s emotions and mental images somehow got mixed up with those of other Normal people.

Nevertheless, I feel that my description of these facebook pages represents the antisocial ‘take’ on the pages, though they may have been put up in total innocence by a Normal. The antisocial personality has a unique way, I feel, of torquing round what we Normals feel to be reality, till it suits his own world view.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

The above blog has to do with Heart Vampire, Hunter-Snuffer, Wifer-Hacker, Alluring Calm, and Three House Hostess, but it is just an excerpt from another blog.

Excerpted on 14 April 2020 from a blog published on 15 March 2018; revised on 15 April 2020 and 29 December 2022
Previously titled: The Victory Dance


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

notices, antisocial personality, victory dance, excerpts, Heart Vampire, Hunter-Snuffer, Wifer-Hacker, Alluring Calm, Three Houses,

The Wedding Ring . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 19 January 2020; published on 22 January 2020


Hello, Dear Ones,

This video has in it one of the dreams I had last night. There is an edited Summary after the video. After that is a new section in the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I thought I would give you a dream report today. Last night was a very difficult night for me because of the dreams that rolled in to my bedroom from other people. I remember last night I was woken up by bad dreams, and then I concentrated on the area of the eighth chakra above the head, and logged onto some causal and karmic metaprograms that were happening with other people of whom I have heard and do not have much to do with in the physical realm. Those were food for thought for me.

I saw a dream from another person. It was a married couple. The man had a severed finger in his hand … not his finger, but someone else’s. He was trying to get a wedding ring off the finger; it was stuck on there.

So that immediately got my attention. Then I heard the man going over the story. It had to do with that he had just cut the wedding ring finger off of his wife because he could not get the wedding ring off, and he wanted the wedding ring.

Later in the story his wife woke up and said: What has happened here?

He explained; and she said that she wanted the finger back … that maybe the hospital could sew it back on. He said he had ground it up in the meat grinder.

The story was so traumatically dramatic for me that it took me awhile to realize that it is just a subconscious way of depicting, or graphically showing, with body parts, a man’s notion that he would like to be married no longer.

So the subconscious mind, in its way of creating stories out of image words is very different … far more traumatically dramatic, in the case of negative emotions, than is the logical, thinking mind. When we use the left brain for cognition, we simmer down quite a bit on the raw emotions of the feral drives. That is what I think.

You will note that I use my own higher intellect to figure out and try to diminish the trauma that I felt from viewing that movie.

[End of video]


I intuited later that morphine addiction apparently causes dreams of body part excision such as cutting off of the wedding ring finger described above. As well, I feel it can lead to dreams of genital mutilation (of oneself or another person), or of ‘cutting’.

Other such dreams I have encountered on the psychic plane are ‘conspiracy theory’ long and involved, and long-sustained dreams of bribing doctors to unnecessarily excise body parts of people the morphine addict dislikes.

The usual plot line I encounter is a false diagnosis of cancer, with excision of the healthy body part(s). One story had to do with a behavioral psychologist here in Los Angeles who purportedly (in the dream world) had five operations for intentionally false diagnoses of progressive cancer, then moved to Colorado, maybe to escape dreams of a morphine addict ‘playing doctor’ during sexual daydreams, and then acting out in real life.

Some years ago I also heard on the astral plane ‘conspiracy theory’ long and involved, long-sustained dreams about murdering people and excising their body parts with intention to sell them, then finding the body parts were not well preserved enough to sell.

I feel these sorts of dreams piggyback onto the dreamtime realm of the morphine addict or the long-term morphine user because morphine is used by doctors to deaden patients’ pain during operations. So the dreams of excision of body parts are real, and somehow attach to the product morphine, as if they were part of the astral makeup of the drug.


Along similar lines, I myself have had repetitive experiences of eating Spam for breakfast, then falling asleep and dreaming of warfare amongst neighbors on my street. I found these dreams unaccountable, as this sort of warfare has never actually happened in my neighborhood.

Quite recently it came to me that Spam was rationed to soldiers during World War II, and may have picked up an astral component of war scenes because of that. Then when I eat a slice of spam, the energy thread of warfare somehow translates into the context of territorial aggression in my personal context.


Of course, this brings up the overall notion that all foods may have astral components … ‘visions’ or energy threads that are carried along with the food for reasons similar to those described above. If so, clearly one would hope to avoid foods with nightmare tag-along visions.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


dreams, eighth chakra, image words, subconscious mind, subconscious symbolism, symbolism, morphine, body parts, conspiracy theory, Western medicine, sleep, acting out, playing doctor, psychology, psychiatry, astral matter, Spam, The Surg, morphine, drug use, hard drugs, paraphilia,