Why Do Trans Stalk? . by Alice B. Clagett

    • Skit 1: Tableau of Trans, Nanny, and Makeup Artist
    • Skit 2: Tableau of Trans, Nanny, and Nun
    • Skit 3: Lesbian or Demure Trans and Gay Woman
    • Skit 4: Trans, Makeup Artist, and Lapdog
    • On Being Stalked

Dear Ones,

Here is a video on archetypal images of transvestites and transgender individuals. The question is posed: Why do some trans stalk women? Why am I being stalked?

There is an edited Summary after the video.



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I am going to explain, as well as I may, in terms of archetypal symbols, the trans encounters I have been having for the last number of years. and the effect that they have had on me.

I think that these encounters have to do with someone that I know, but I do not know who that person is. Obviously that person knows who they are. I am hoping that these explanations may help.

It seems to me that the performance art that I have been watching … or in my own terms, ‘subject to’, over these years has to do with the stuckness of the Soul … of Soul wounding in someone. I cannot say who; maybe quite a few people in the Atlantean age.

Skit 1: Tableau of Trans, Nanny, and Makeup Artist

There have been skits. I will take one for starters. There was a skit featuring a trans person … that is a person who was born as a man and is now either dressed as a woman, or else changed as to gender, into a woman. And so the first person in the first skit was a trans person

I have come up with an image to show you. It says ‘trans’ on it. I could only come up with a photo of a woman. But the look and feel of the trans person that I saw was very like this …

Why Do Trans Stalk?

Image: “Trans,” adapted from Image by Jim Cooper from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Image: “Trans,” adapted from Image by Jim Cooper from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

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… very super-feminine, very sexual, very well-made-up, very appealing to men, I feel. So I am using that ai-generated image for the trans personality.

And then in the first case … and in another case as well … there was a character that I call the ‘nanny’, or the ‘babysitter’, or the ‘mother substitute’. I have this image for that …

Image: “Nanny,” adapted from Image by Sibeal Artworks from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Image: “Nanny,” adapted from Image by Sibeal Artworks from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

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… the ‘nanny’; a much-older person born woman and posing as woman in the skit, and about a foot shorter than the trans person.

In the first skit there was another person. That was what I call the ‘makeup artist’.

Image: “Makeup Artist,” adapted from Image: “man-5996080_640,” by Makc from Pixabay — Iarisons2006, Pixabay content license

Image: “Makeup Artist,” adapted from Image: “man-5996080_640,” by Makc from Pixabay — Iarisons2006, Pixabay content license

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He did not have a beard. It was a man born as a man, it seemed to me. And very handsome; very good looking … the ‘makeup artist’.

What happened was this: I was at a spiritual retreat center in Encino, CaliforniaI had been there many times before, in many circumstances. In fact, I was one of the co-facilitators of a meetup there. We met outdoors. The meetup was called “Rumi and Meditation.”

I was one of three co-facilitators. There was a particular spot where we all sat when we met once a month or so when I was around town.

I had the cart full of things that I needed for the meetup. I was trundling the cart along the sidewalk on my way to the normal meetup place. I saw, at the meetup place, sitting in what was usually my seat, this splendid trans person. Next to the trans person was the nanny, a person of much smaller stature.

As I walked up I saw … disappearing into the administration building of the retreat center … the makeup artist. Apparently he had just ‘made up’ the people for the performance art.

As I approached the trans person and the nanny, the trans person got up and splendidly walked or paraded past me, with the nanny just behind or nearby, and then went off in the direction of the makeup artist. All these actors were Caucasian.

The first thing I noticed is that the trans had taken my seat … had taken my role … had wanted, it seems, to be the star of my show.

Along that line there is a role that I play when I am in a social situation. That role is ‘straight woman’ …

Image: “Straight Woman,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 18 January 2024, , CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..

Image: “Straight Woman,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 18 January 2024, , CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..

. . . . .

I play the role of the ‘straight woman’; and I dress very conservatively in most circumstances. That is my role as the conservative straight woman.

This role is a pose so as to get along with other people because my true role, as I feel it, in the world right now is the role of ‘Lightworker’ …

Image: “Lightworker,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 4 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..

Image: “Lightworker,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 4 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..

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I am a Lightworker. But nobody relates to that in the world at large, and in my sacred circles. They just do not recognize that role. So I pose as the older straight woman.

I was on my way to the meetup, and I was posing at that time as the older straight woman, very conservative.

There is this in addition: It seemed to me that the trans person thought of him/herself as extremely good-looking; and that any straight woman would be jealous of her and covetous of her beauty … and might also attack the trans sexually or attack her in rage … and that the nanny protected the trans from these types of attacks. That was what I got from that first encounter.

So: Trans, and the nanny, who is a type of woman who can get along with trans. And the makeup artist, who is important to the role of the trans as being very beautiful, as being very appealing to the men that the trans hopes to attract.

Why were they there at the spiritual retreat center? They wanted to make a statement to me. They knew I was there because Meetup publishes its meetings. They knew that I was one of the coordinators.

But why me? Well at first I thought it was just a mistake; maybe it was just a coincidence. But recently I was at a church service in Chatsworth, California; and the whole skit was performed once again. And the people involved sat down directly in front of me … in the pew in front of me.

So I began to get that this was a message specifically for me … a message from someone that I do not know, and that the message … without any words being spoken, conveys a significance to that person … a significance of which I am not aware.

I am trying to figure it out. This is a treasure hunt.

Skit 2: Tableau of Trans, Nanny, and Nun

Just before the service started the trans person came in. it was a very ravishing trans person, dressed very seductively, very alluringly. It was a different trans person … a different race. The trans was accompanied by a nanny of the same race as that of him/herself. In this case the trans and the nanny were oriental.

The nanny sat right beside the trans. And instead of the makeup artist, there was another performer standing in the aisle. That was a person that I call the ‘nun’. The nun was Caucasian, middle-aged, and slightly but not very plump. Now you see here the Madonna …

Image: “Nun,” adapted from Image: “The Virgin in Prayer,” by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato, between 1640 and 1650, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sassoferrato_-_Jungfrun_i_b%C3%B6n.jpg … public domain

Image: “Nun,” adapted from Image: “The Virgin in Prayer,” by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato, between 1640 and 1650, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sassoferrato_-_Jungfrun_i_b%C3%B6n.jpg … public domain

. . . . .

I could not find an image of a nun; but it was a nun in traditional habit who was standing against the wall and looking at me. The overall look of the nun was very like this image of the Madonna … very holy, very saintly, very sacred. So I am using an image of the Madonna to represent the nun.

So I was at church. I was dressed very conservatively as a straight woman … very quiet, very demure … and I was sitting behind them.

The first thing I got is that the dress code of the church was being violated by the trans person; not by the nanny, but by the trans person.

I also got that the nun standing against the wall was not really a nun; the nun was a performance artist, I thought. The nun was standing against the wall, between our two pews.

It seemed to me that the nun was there to reinforce the nanny as a protector of the trans person … as if the trans person felt that I held rage towards them, and that I would express it during the service.

My feeling about this is that it is likely that the trans person substituted me as the object of the rage that is within them. I will talk about that a little later on.

It seems to me that … because the trans person dresses so ravishingly at church, even though that is not the dress code of the church … it seems to me that the trans person finds it very important to be the only woman that is admired; the woman that outdoes all the other women in the church, and wins all the men.

In the trans person’s second skit there were two ways that women could be included in the trans world view; the first was the nanny, the protector, the one who is always loving, no matter what the trans does (just as in the first skit).

The second was nun; and this was new. I think, at the church it might have been a statement … this is just my guess … a statement that the role played by the trans at the church was sacred, and ought to be taken as a sacred thing rather than being laughed at, or sneered at, or scoffed … rather than me getting angry. It ought to be taken as a sacred thing.

So that was the second skit about which I am going to talk.

Skit 3: Lesbian or Demure Trans and Gay Woman

There was another skit at the same church a few weeks later. It was a woman … or perhaps a demure trans person … who was ushering people into the parking lot … dressed with exposure of the legs … ignoring the dress code of the church. The usher was a middle-aged, Caucasian woman, very alluring and very demure.

About that usher, I thought that there may have been an intention to attract me, in a gay-woman way, as a way of ushering me into a world where genders are reversed. In other words, it may have been an attempt to usher me into a different archetype for the trans world.

We have the nanny, we have the nun, and it may be that Skit 3 was an attempt to state that there is another possibility … that of the ‘gay woman’.

The problem is, I am not these things. I am the ‘straight woman’ at the church. I am the ‘Lightworker’ online.

I am not a gay woman. So I do not fit in, you see? I do not fit into that milieu at all. You might even say that I am in a different timeline and dimension from the trans world. It is completely different from my world. In that way there would be a lot less friction … a lot less commotion … if it were to be considered that I live in a different sort of reality.

Skit 4: Trans, Makeup Artist, and Lapdog

I will give you another example: Some while ago there was an incredible skit as I exited the door of my local Canoga Avenue post office. This skit used completely different people but somewhat similar roles.

There was a trans person who was portrayed as being of a race different from those of the trans persons in Skits 1 and 2. The trans person seemed to me to be a Caucasion person portrayed with blackface as being an African American. The trans was very alluring, very good-looking, and dressed in an outrageous fashion that was bound attract attention.

The trans was walking towards me … towards the door of the post office … carrying two baby carriages behind. One of them had a lapdog in it.

Image: “Lapdog,” adapted from Image by Leia Ohana from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Image: “Lapdog,” adapted from Image by Leia Ohana from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

. . . . .

I am not too sure of the role of the lapdog. I had an idea that a woman might have that role with the trans person … might have the role of ‘pleasing their lap’, if you get me … might be considered ‘a dog’, for being not very pretty, compared to the trans person … might be just the ‘lapdog’ in the baby carriage that he carries along behind him.

On the other hand, the lapdog might symbolize a role of the trans or gay man as a ‘lapdog’ who offers cunnilingus to an older woman, then steals her money and then deserts her. The notion that the I might be the lapdog might be thought of as a substitution or switching of the trans ‘lapdog’ role onto my person.

Standing beside the trans was the makeup artist … a young, good-looking Caucasian man, but different from the makeup artist in Skit 1, who at a quick glance had seemed to me to be a famous actor, or someone resembling him. This second makeup artist was standing there, waiting for the play to unfold.

There was no nanny.

The feeling I got at that time was that my life was in mortal peril, so I exited right away. I would like to explain about that.

The trans was made up as an African American homeless woman. I think the producers of the skit thought … because of a photograph that had been in my blog of an African American babysitter I had as a child that I would take a cotton to the trans, as if the trans were my nanny or babysitter, and that I would be attracted to the trans and would want to talk to them.

I thought they thought I was like their mother or mother substitute, and that they held great rage against their mother … which rage they were transferring to me and thinking that I held great rage to them … and that this mixup about the rage would result in an outburst of rage against me that might involve physical violence.

On Being Stalked

I say that partly because for many years prior to that, the same trans person … in various guises … had been stalking me wherever I went … stalking and stalking.

From online, the prognosis for stalking is not so good. A lot of women lose their lives because of stalkers. The police department does not seem to be very helpful in that. It is up to us women to think of a way to get free of these stalkers and to keep safe.

Stalking I think has to do with control … the need to control other people. There is quite a bit online about controlling behavior, and getting away from it, and trying to find a social circle that talks and reaches compromises, rather than attempting to control or manipulate other people.

If for instance a person is trans but under cover, and you as a straight person meet this trans person, and then they get the notion that you are in on the secret, it is possible that … in order to keep the secret of their trans activities … they might stalk in trans guise (so as to avoid detection) … and that they might feel such a strong need to protect themselves that they might stalk and murder.

There is a very strong need to keep trans activities secret, in many cases … because such activities are not socially acceptable. The trans person in these cases about which I am talking was very deeply ‘under cover’ because the makeup and the disguise made it very difficult to figure out who they really were.

Every time I saw that person stalking me I got the feeling of being in mortal peril. There must have been a load of violent negative emotion behind the makeup.

Now it is not socially acceptable to say this. And I agree with society in general that there are many trans people who do not have this drawback of being dangerous.

But in my case … because of the stalking … because of the skits by many different people of many different  races … I feel there has been a lot of money put into this performance art with regard to me. And I am not sure why.

I know that there is Soul wounding. I know that there is a ‘hangup’. I wish I could be of more help to those of you who are experiencing this.

I think there is a sub-segment of trans that are extremely dangerous people.

Maybe you will have ideas about this topic. I would welcome those ideas.

I hope that the trans people that may have been involved in this … if you reply, please do your best to be polite, and to observe the decorum of this blog, because very impolite, very out- there comments are deleted for the sake of my other readers.

I ask that you be forthright and honest about your feelings, and about what you think these symbols mean,

  • What does ‘trans’ really mean?
  • Why is it necessary for you to be the only woman, for instance?
  • Why do you have to be the very best woman and shove all the other women out?
  • Why can I not have a life?
  • Why can I not have a male friend?
  • What does this mean to you?
  • Why is it so important?

I cannot figure it out. There are so many people in the world! You could have your own social circle, in which you are greatly admired.

You are the star of the show. You are the star of the nightclub! Everyone wants you!

You do not need to keep coming around me. Why me?

You can find a nanny that really loves you, no matter what. I am not that person; I say it like I see it.

I see something really wrong. Something is really wrong. If for 24 years you have been stuck on stalking me, there is something really wrong! You know?

Just get on with it. Go on with your life. Be with your own circle of admirers.

You do not need to do anything at all with regard to me, do you not think that? It must be very expensive. Why do this? Just do not do it anymore.

I ask you: Why stalk? Why not let it go?

Even if … say … you are obsessive compulsive, you can easily switch that obsession and that compulsion to another object … or maybe all day long switch … switch … switch … so that people are not so greatly affected by the stuckness of that obsession.

Then as far as the makeup artists is concerned, I do not relate to that. I do my own makeup. I think the makeup artists are doing a wonderful job with you. I am glad that you have a makeup artist.

As far as the nun is concerned: I think that you should leave clerical orders to the people that earn them, and not pretend to be a nun, or a monsignor, or a pastor. Just let those people be,

You are talking more about the profane than the sacred, I feel. You feel that hatred is a form of loving relationship, I feel. But it is not. When you really enjoy the presence of another person, that is a good relationship. That is a relationship that is full of Light.

When you go to a place in order to create Darkness, as has seemed to be the case … as if you intend ‘dumping on me’ in all these places … that is not love; that is hatred.

There is a very great difference between love and hatred. One is Light … good for Lightworkers. One is Dark … not good for Lightworkers; not good for anyone.

Please keep in mind that I am really a Lightworker … posing as a regular, conservative straight woman, but not, in my heart, like that. I am a Lightworker.

I am posing as a conservative straight woman. You are posing as a very alluring, very attractive, show-stealing sexual woman. We do not need to conflict over this, because my true role in life is Lightworker.

I do not think I am getting anywhere with this … except to say that the roles you create all around you, and show to me … they have nothing at all to do with me.

It is not my purpose in being on Earth to relate to the trans, to the nanny, to the makeup artist, or to the fake nun. It is just not my role; you see? It is like you are trying to fit a round peg into a square hole.

I get that you might want to kill me because I do not fit your world view. But you can just say:

Spirit to Team!
Optimize Timelines and Dimensions!
For the All,
Through Free Will!

… and you will find yourself in a world where I do not exist. That is definite! If you optimize your timeline sand dimensions you will find me … the millstone around your neck; the obstacle you have to eliminate at all costs … gone from your universe forever! You do not have to be subject to cause and effect.

Just because you were born of a mother, does not mean that you have to carry a mother … like a millstone around your neck … for the rest of your life. I do not have to be that person. And I am not that person; I am a Lightworker.

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I hope this helps, but I have a feeling I am not on pointe because I am not in that world and I do not know what is going on.

God bless you all,
And keep you safe,
And be with you
Through all your days.

In love, light and joy
This is Alice B. Clagett.
I Am of the Stars … and so are you!

Filmed and published on 18 January 2024; revised on 19 January 2024.


“Why Do Trans Stalk?
by Alice B. Clagett
Filmed on 18 January 2024
Location: San Fernando Valley, CA

Produced by Shoes
on 18 January 2024
CC BY-SA 4.0 International


Image: “Trans,” adapted from Image by Jim Cooper from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Image: “Nanny,” adapted from Image by Sibeal Artworks from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Image: “Makeup Artist,” adapted from Image: “man-5996080_640” by Makc from Pixabay — Pixabay content license

Image: “Nun,” adapted from Image: “The Virgin in Prayer,” by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato, between 1640 and 1650, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons. wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sassoferrato_-_Jungfrun_i_b%C3%B6n.jpg … public domain

Image: “Straight Woman,” self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 18 January 2024, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..

Image: “Lightworker,”  self-portrait by Alice B. Clagett, 4 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0
International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..


Music by Music_Unlimited from Pixabay
“Dreamy Ambient Background Music” — Pixabay License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0 International)  Attribution: By Alice B. Clagett.  More license information

trans, transgender, transvestite, heterosexual, misogyny, stalking, murder, sacred sexuality, divine feminine, divine masculine, alpha female, Soul wounding, crime prevention, obsessive-compulsive disorder,


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