Two Buckets and Two Fingers: A Grounding Technique . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed and published on 16 December 2014; republished on 29 October 2015; revised on 5 July 2020

    • Postlude: Demonstration of ‘Two Buckets and Two Fingers’ Grounding Technique

Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice.

Here is a grounding technique inspired by a movie I once saw. I call the technique “Two Buckets and Two Fingers.” There is an edited Summary after the video …



I am going to tell you how to feel grounded. It is a simple technique. You are going to need two buckets. I think you can get cheap ones at the hardware stores.

You take two buckets, and you fill them up about an inch full, with water. Then you take the handles of the buckets, one in each hand, and pick them up just with the last two fingers on your hands …

Image: “Bucket and Two fingers – Grounding Technique,” by Alice B. Clagett, 16 December 2014, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Bucket and Two fingers – Grounding Technique,” by Alice B. Clagett, 16 December 2014, CC BY-SA 4.0

With your body relaxed, hold the buckets of water at your side.

While you are standing there, holding the two buckets, take a survey of your body muscles, and figure out which muscles are relaxed, and which muscles are tensed. This is the position of the muscles when you are grounded.

The next lesson is to let go of the buckets, and just stand there while tensing the appropriate muscles. If you forget, you can always pick up the buckets again.

Keep practicing that for a few days until, at will, you can replicate the dynamics of the muscles while holding the two buckets of water.

That is the tip of the day.

Postlude: Demonstration of ‘Two Buckets and Two Fingers’ Grounding Technique

[Then follows a demonstration of the technique.]

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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grounding, 2u3d, mudras, mudras by Alice,


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