Sacrificial Lamb Heresy . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 18 November 2021
Location: Santa Monica Mountains, California

Image: “Behold the Lamb of God,” photograph by Floyd Hightower, 23 September 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY 3.0 Unported .. DESCRIPTION: Sculpture of John the Baptist and the Lamb of God

Image: “Behold the Lamb of God,” photograph by Floyd Hightower, 23 September 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … … CC BY 3.0 Unported .. DESCRIPTION: Sculpture of John the Baptist and the Lamb of God

Dear Ones,

On the astral plane in the Spring of 2020 I heard about this malware, which I term the ‘Sacrificial Lamb Heresy’. As I recall, I overheard the thought of a member of a Christian church. It seemed to be the thought of a woman, but it may have been the thought of a man, or of several people at once.

It went like this: “She has brought this trouble upon us. [Meaning that I had warned the people there about some bad men I saw on the church grounds.] We will sacrifice her to those men, and they will leave us alone. It is all right to do that, because Christ sacrificed Himself on the Cross for us.”

As a Lightworker, I hold that peace, love, Light and joy are the birthright of all human beings on Earth. Thus I feel it is important that we help protect each other from the Dark. I feel that we Christians must align with God and the Angel Realm, who engage in Spirit Warfare against the Demonic Forces. I stand against the Dark, and for the Light, now and always.

I would never knowingly throw another human being into the Dark in hopes of placating the Demon Realm. I figure that is not the Christian thing to do. Rather I feel we Christians must help protect, inspire, and uplift each other insofar as we may.

Christ did not want to die on the Cross, but God wanted Him back home in heaven, I feel. His followers could not save Him on the day He died on Calvary. But we Christians, across the world today, can help save each other from the snares of Satan and from the wiles of wicked men. We need not fall for the painful thoughts and actions entailed by the Sacrificial Lamb Heresy. Do you not feel it to be so?

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars


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Christianity, philosophy, heresies, Lightworkers, scapegoating, blood sacrifice, human sacrifice, black magic, transcending the Dark, Soul wounding, malware, Spirit warfare, Angelic Realm, Demonic Realm,


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