Call to Action Regarding the Entertainment Industry . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 18 September 2018; published on 30 September 2018


Dear Ones,

This video offers a Call to Action regarding the entertainment industry, in both the international and the local arena. There is a Summary after the video.



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

This is a Call to Action regarding the entertainment industry. As I understand it, international relations suffer because of the violent, overtly sexual, and recreational drug content of the movies that are exported from the United States. I speak specifically of the Islamic countries and of China, which have different ethics … more strict ethics … than the ethics exhibited by the movies that are exported.

I would like to ask for sanctions on exportation of those sorts of films to foreign countries, in the interests of international diplomatic relations with the world.

In addition, because the young people of the United States are being influenced by the entertainment industry towards these dark actions of violence, crime, promiscuity, and overuse of recreational drugs, I would like to request that United States localities … cities, counties, and state governments … consider taxation of films with this type of content, with the intention of earmarking the sums received for maintaining additional law enforcement personnel to take care of the violence that ensues, and for healthcare facilities to help people through rehabilitation after they become addicted to drugs.

So those two things I ask for …

  1. In the international arena, politics, governance in the United States, I am asking this of Washington DC itself: That sanctions be placed on exportation of films that may adversely influence our image as a country abroad.
  2. And the other, on the local level: A tax to deal with the increased cost incurred by our communities because of the nature of the films and movies put out by the entertainment industry.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

movies, movie industry, entertainment industry, government, diplomacy, State Department, Washington DC, local government, California government, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, sin tax, taxation, drug addiction, drug rehabilitation, healthcare, crime prevention, law enforcement, mass media, calls to action, health, community health, United States image, countries of Earth, United States,


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