Black Magicker II : Fable about a Black Magician . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 4 September 2016; published on 5 September 2016; transcribed on 1 December 2018

    • Story of a Black Magician
    • How God’s Cause Is Always Served
    • How a Black Magician May Attempt to Foil the Saints’ Intention to Help Souls Evolve
    • More on the Story of the Black Magician
    • The Concerns of the Black Magician’s Followers
    • The Death of the Black Magician
    • His Dying Wish: To Seek Vengeance on His Followers
    • The Black Magician After Death
    • What Happens When the Followers Call Upon a Deceased Black Magician for Help
    • The Troubles that the Astral Shell of a Black Magician Can Cause, If a Demon Gets Into It
    • How the Black Magician’s Dying Wish of Vengeance Created Schisms Amongst the Followers
    • A Prayer That Brings Peace to a Black Magician and His Followers
      • Prayer for the Black Magician and His Followers, channeled by Alice B. Clagett
    • Prayer in Case of Disagreements Amongst Family and Friends, channeled by Alice B. Clagett

Image: “Justice and Divine Vengeance Are Pursuing the Criminal Murderer,” by Pierre Paul Prud’hon, 1808 … from Wikimedia Commons …’hon_-_Justice_and_Divine_Vengeance_Pursuing_Crime.JPG … public domain

Image: “Justice and Divine Vengeance Are Pursuing the Criminal Murderer,” by Pierre Paul Prud’hon, 1808 … from Wikimedia Commons …’hon_-_Justice_and_Divine_Vengeance_Pursuing_Crime.JPG … public domain

Dear Ones,

Do you remember Aesop’s fables … short stories, each intending to teach a moral? (1) Here us a fable about a black magician … an astral story, not a true reality, but nevertheless helpful because of the wisdom it imparts.

Beneath the video is an edited Transcription, and beneath that is an earlier Outline of the video.



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I have a story to tell you today … an astral story … It has a good lesson, though. I am pretty sure it is a fable; but in my parlance, you could say that it is a timeline that is not expressing itself as an Awareness timeline for the people involved. The fable goes like this …

Story of a Black Magician

There was once a black magician who had great charismatic appeal. And he was responsible, through his psychic powers, and the powers that he harnessed from the many followers that he had … so the story goes … he was responsible for the psychic death of a person who was very rich.

The reason that this death occurred was for potential financial gain for this black magician and for his followers. Then later … the story goes … with the desire to express his psychic powers as power in the world of man, he chose to use his powers to cause the psychic death of a very great Soul who was in a position to guide his people in a very Christ-like way, through many difficulties.

My position is that all things come from God, and all things that happen are God’s. And so there is nothing that can happen … whether it might seem to us to be because of the powers of the black magician, or whether it might seem to be through God’s blessing … all the things that can happen, that we observe during our lifetime, are God’s things. They are God’s phenomena manifesting in the world.

And so, while I do not hold with the notions that a black magician can cause terrible calamity in the world, or chaos, or change for the worse … yet, a black magician does believe that. And often, phenomena occur in the world that seem to support the notion of the black magician.

How God’s Cause Is Always Served

But God’s cause is always served. Always. And so the end result is always God’s. You see what I mean? But, to get back to this fable …

How a Black Magician May Attempt to Foil the Saints’ Intention to Help Souls Evolve

The reason that the black magician arranged for the ‘psychic death’ of this very great person in the world was that the Soul qualities of this great person would have led many, many people in the direction of Soul evolution and betterment … which was in contrast to the goals of the black magician. That was the reason given, in this astral story, for this killing.

More on the Story of the Black Magician

Then, in addition, it was said that this black magician had caused people who had a lot of money to gravitate to him … to give their money to him … And that he had caused some physical harm to some of his followers … And that he had unorthodox tastes in sexuality … and that the followers of this black magician were concerned because, like him, they had an interest in worldly power attained through psychic powers, in worldly goals … in money, in sexuality, and in holding positions of power behind the power of people in the world … positions of power that could not be brought to account; that would be so hidden, through the power of black magic, that no one would ever know the harm that was done to humankind because the manifestations of black magic were involved.

The Concerns of the Black Magician’s Followers

So, the astral story goes, these followers had a concern that the practices in the world … in the physical world of this black magician which were unorthodox …  were not according to societal expectations … might cause them embarrassment; might cause them loss of personal power and prestige; and ‘social weight’, I guess you would say.

So there was that undercurrent of concern of the followers. And then there was the apparently massive psychic ability of the black magician.

The Death of the Black Magician

After many years of consolidating his position of power in the world, there came a time when the black magician was a little older. His health was, perhaps, not quite as good as before. And there came a time, on a public occasion, when it seemed to his followers that he was about to manifest this tendency towards sexual behavior that was considered socially unacceptable.

Now he had taught his followers the power of psychic heart attack … which is something I have discussed in other blogs. He had taught them that; and threat of that … or actually carrying out that … is one way that they had amassed a financial position in the world.

So his followers in those days … no longer supported on New Earth today … but in those days, long, long ago, they knew how to sit together and cause psychic heart attack. Since they all were sitting, and since they all were concerned about the social acceptability of the behavior they felt was about to take place, they, through psychic means, caused the black magician to have a heart attack.

His Dying Wish: To Seek Vengeance on His Followers

He fell dead, right then and there. But at the moment of this passing … so the fable goes … he said to his followers: I will see you all in hell! For he knew what had happened. He understood. And his Soul left his body in a state of desiring to seek vengeance. This I feel to be a self-inflicted Black Magic Extreme Unction, and also a curse of Black Magic Extreme Unction upon the dying spiritual teacher’s followers.

The Black Magician After Death

From my readings on the topic, in the arcane texts, it seems to me that what happens when a black magician leaves his physical body, and is unable to walk back into another physical body, is that the astral form of the black magician … which has become very coarse … the matter of the astral form of the black magician has become very, very coarse and dense, through the practices that he performed on Earth in that incarnation, and perhaps, many prior incarnations.

For this astral matter to degrade, and dissolve into its atomic particles, takes a very long time. And until that astral form degrades and dissipates, the mental body is trapped inside that astral form. When it is finally cast off, the mental body can go on to Soul learning in the higher realms.

So we are talking about a very long time, as this astral form degrades.

What Happens When the Followers Call Upon a Deceased Black Magician for Help

At first, if the followers continue on, after the passing of the black magician, and if they call upon him for help when his mental body is still trapped within the astral form, they will hear telepathically, from the astral plane, a voice more like reason … more like what he was once, long ago, before his passing … before his decline in health. They will hear what they feel to be that very person, advising them.

As they offer devotion to him, the astral form of the deceased but still astrally lively black magician … that is surrounded by a thick, coarse shell of astral matter … will gain in vitality. And so, it will become harder for the black magician’s mental body … and harder for the Soul itself … to be freed of the astral body.

The Troubles that the Astral Shell of a Black Magician Can Cause, If a Demon Gets Into It

Finally, there comes a time when the mental body frees itself from this astral cage or prison. And what is left, as the mental body ascends towards the heaven worlds, is what is termed an astral shell, or shade, or ghost.

This shell has an appearance of vitality, if it is walked into by, say, a negative astral entity such as a demon or a devil. It contains the Soul signature astral voice of the black magicker, and the Soul wounding of the energy field of the emotions of the black magicker, and the intention towards utter evil of the demon that is carrying that astral shell. And yet that shell answers when the devotees of the black magicker call. So it seems, for a while, to be him.

As time goes on, and as the astral shell continues to disintegrate, it becomes less and less so; and more and more clear become the qualities of the demon that is seemingly vitalizing the empty astral shell.

If the followers of the black magician continue to call upon him and offer devotion to him, then the demon that is in the shell will gain more and more power over them.

How the Black Magician’s Dying Wish of Vengeance Created Schisms Amongst the Followers

Let us go back to the last words of the black magician: I will see you all in hell! What does that mean, for this group of followers? It means that, as long as they follow and offer devotion to the black magician who has passed on, he himself … or perhaps, after he leaves, the demon that finds its way into his astral shell, and tricks the followers into believing it is still him … will arrange for a series of worldly events where followers are pitted, in hatred, against other followers.

In other words, followers will be turned towards hatred against each other. This is because he, the deceased but greatly revered the leader of that group, feels hatred towards his followers. So the followers themselves are filled with hatred that emanates down from the astral form of the deceased black magicker, into their astral forms.

Now let us say that someone in the group feels great devotion to this black magician: The black magician’s goals are his goals. The black magician’s life is his ideal in his own life.

And he may not know that he is dealing with a black magician. He may be bedazzled by the allure of the psychic powers involved, and think that these indicate that the black magician is the most wonderful person on Earth to follow.

Very often this is the case; this is why people make contracts, for instance, with the demon realm. It is why they make contracts with the jinn and the ifrit. It is why they get involved with many powerful beings that know very well how to trick humankind into contracts that are not to their own advantage.

So let us say that this follower does his or her very best to follow in the footsteps of the black magician; perhaps bedazzled and tricked into thinking that this would lead to Soul advancement. Then the personality of the black magician will slip into the Soul field of this follower who yearns to be like him. And this follower will be turned against all of the black magician’s followers. And in the same way, this follower will feel absolute hatred towards the other followers, and will wish to see all of them in hell … or will visualize them as already being in hell.

Here we have, essentially, a Cain and Abel scenario, where those people, all of a kind, find themselves hating each other.

A Prayer That Brings Peace to a Black Magician and His Followers

What is the solution to this thing? This is a very difficult problem, because the people there are bound together out of love and admiration for a leader who wants to see them in hell.

Now you may be thinking: Is this not often the case, in the third-dimensional reality? Is it not often the case, that we feel great love and devotion to someone who may not have our best interests in mind? Very frequently this is found, in the third dimension, is it not?

So the solution that I propose for the black magicker and his followers, also applies in all the situations where we find that we have given our heart to someone who does not feel, so much, their heart, in dealing with us. And it goes like this …

In the case of the black magician, if you are speaking for his followers … or for any spiritual leader, or for the leader of any group … you can say: May this leader be blessed with unconditional love for his followers! May his followers be blessed with unconditional love for each other!

Then in the case of family and friends, you can say: May that person be blessed with unconditional love for me, and may I be blessed with unconditional love for them!

. . . . .

Prayer for the Black Magician and His Followers
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
4 September 2016

May this leader be blessed
with unconditional love for his followers!
May his followers be blessed
with unconditional love for each other!

. . . . .

Prayer in Case of Disagreements Amongst Family and Friends
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
4 September 2016

May that person be blessed
with unconditional love for me,
and may I be blessed
with unconditional love for them!

. . . . .

Pretty cool, huh? Pretty easy … but not immediately apparent!

God bless you all and keep you, in unconditional love, and peace, and Light, and joy.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Link: “Black Magicker: The Series,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 23 April 2020 … ..

Link: “Catastrophic Childhood Experiences – Compendium: Black Magicker,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 12 August 2020 … ..


(1) See Link: “Aesop’s Fables” … ..


  • Story of a black magician
  • How God’s cause is always served, even when someone acts in the world with the notion that he or she is acting ‘against’ God
  • How a black magician may attempt to foil the intention of Saints to help many Souls evolve, and why he may wish to do so.
  • More on the story of a black magician
  • Psychic powers of a black magician and his followers (such as mind control, psychic heart attack, astral rape, curses and spells) 
  • Continuing with the story, how he killed many through his psychic powers, how, in the end, his followers caused his death through psychic means, and how, with his dying breath, he cursed them with these words: “I will see you all in hell!”
  • The black magician’s desire to seek vengeance turned him, on the astral plane, against his followers. He could still communicate with them on the clair plane, and through his telepathy with them, he attempted to fulfill his desire for vengeance against them.
  • The astral form of a black magician is very coarse, and takes a long time to dissolve after he passes on.
  • The devotion poured forth by the black magician’s followers will increase the vitality of his astral form, the result being that it will take longer for his astral form to be cast off (at which time his mental body can go on to the lengthy period of Soul learning that is part of the education of all humans after they pass on)
  • When the black magician is finally able to cast off his coarse astral shell (or ‘shade’ or ‘ghost’), it may be taken up and inhabited by a negative astral entity, such as a demon or devil. How this evil entity can, while inhabiting the astral shell, mimic the Soul signature of the black magician. Thus, through telepathy, he can trick his followers into fulfilling its evil wishes.
  • Continuing with the astral story: The black magician wrought vengeance on his followers, turning one against the other, goading each to seek to drag the other down to hell.
  • Then when he left his astral shell behind, a series of negative astral beings, such as demons and devils, took up tenancy in it.
  • Through their evil astral powers, these negative astral entities persuaded his followers to carry out commands detrimental to their Soul evolution.
  • The awesome psychic powers of the black magician, even after death, can bedazzle followers into believing that he is the most wonderful teacher on Earth.
  • This bedazzlement with psychic powers also leads people into contracts with demons and devils and so forth … contracts where the fine print invariably causes Soul wounding.
  • The problem of giving our heart to someone who does not feel, so much, his or her heart in dealing with us.
  • In praying for the leader of a spiritual group, whether or not he or she is a black magician, you can say:
    • “May this leader be blessed with unconditional love. May his followers be blessed
      with unconditional love for each other!
  • In praying for someone you are in relationship with, whether that relationship be casual or close, you can say:
    • “May [this person] be blessed with unconditional love for me.”
    • And “May I be blessed with unconditional love for [this person].”


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


psychic heart attack, curses, spells, unconditional love, blessings, prayers, stories, stories by Alice, psychic murder, psychic rape, black magician, black magicker, psychic heart attack, vengeance, curse, hellworlds,  walk-in, astral matter, incarnation, astral body, mental body, afterlife, ghosts, shades, astral shell, negative astral being, demons, devils, demon realm, Soul signature, Soul wounding, awareness timeline, psychic powers, societal expectations, hatred, schisms, Cain and Abel, jinn, ifrit, mimicry, psychic theft, anger, 2u3d, Black Magic Extreme Unction, Black Magicker,


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