Urban Legends: Black Magic, the Tachyon Field, and Electronic Devices . by Alice B. Clagett

    • About Electronics Going Down During Solar Events
    • The Urban Legend About Using the ‘Tachyon Field’ as a Weapon of War . Or Is It the ‘Attack Y’all Field’?
    • The True Story: Hatred of Women Expressed Through Group Energy
    • The Urban Legend (Continued): Authority by Government Grant to Kill Women?!
    • The Truth About the Tachyon Field Experiment
    • What to Do When the Incoming Clair Vibe is Hatred of You Specifically
    • The Moral: Hatred Destroys This World, But Love Builds It Up
    • Electronics Are Halfway Between the Physical and the Astral Plane
    • On Exercising Our Trimurti Powers Wisely

Dear Ones,

After this video there is an edited Summary …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

About Electronics Going Down During Solar Events

I have something short and sweet to tell you about black magic and electronics. I have spoken in other blogs about how, during times of solar flair … Solar Events … lots of times my electronics will act kerflooey and go down … just stop working … especially during X-flares or multiple M-flares. That has not been happening much in recent years, but I have experienced a lot of near misses happening.

What I notice is that the astral air thickens with telepathy about other people’s curses; for instance, if I am on the internet, I might hear them saying: Get off the internet! Get off the internet!

And I do not want to, because I am working on something, right? They do not know what they are doing, I feel. But their subconscious minds are demanding that I get off the internet. From my own energy field what happens is, a kind of a sparky energy starts coming out of my eyes, and a kind of a sparky energy … little sparks … starts coming out of my heart chakra as well.

I believe it is these energies of annoyance or aggravation that are causing the trouble with the electronics. So what I do now, when I start to hear something annoying on the clair hearing plane, is that I get up and walk away from the electronics. If I stay away from the electronics for a little while, then that that whole thing clears, and I can go back and work safely.

So there is a fail-safe mechanism, and that is our own hearts. We can stop this stuff from happening if we rise to Awareness of the subconscious things that are happening all around us, and we act on that information in a conscious way.

The lesson or moral I would draw from this is that hatred tears things down, on Earth. Even annoyance and aggravation are a very mild form of hatred that destroys things: Electronics stop working, and phones stop working. All kinds of things stop working.

But love is the energy that will co-create the New Reality on Earth.

The Urban Legend About Using the ‘Tachyon Field’ as a Weapon of War . Or Is It the ‘Attack Y’all Field’?

There is an urban legend about the ‘Tachyon Field’ that could be produced during group meditation when somebody mind controls everyone else in the group. There was a wild astral story going round, some years ago, to the effect that this Tachyon Field could be used as a weapon of war by the military. Because of that, I prefer to call it the ‘Attack Y’all Field.’

The True Story: Hatred of Women Expressed Through Group Energy

But the truth of the matter is that this field of energy that was happening, happened because the leader of the meditation was feeling anger and hatred, and upset against women.

He was leading a mixed group of men and women in meditation. And so what happened was that he and the other men in the group that were under his command, used that energy to attack the women in the group.

The Urban Legend (Continued): Authority by Government Grant to Kill Women?!

A grant was approved for the study of this ‘weapon of war’ … so the Urban Legend has it … and a trial was begun, using the women in the meditation group as test subjects. The question, to be proven or disproven, was: Could the ‘attack y’all field’ be used by the men in the meditation group to destroy the women in the group? The Pentagon would pay good money for this, or so this amazing urban story went. 

The experiment was undertaken. Some of the women passed on because of it. Others felt that their lives were endangered, but if they rested in faith, then they came through it all right. So, at least according to the astral stories, there were some deaths … some people going missing … and then other people that rose to faith and got through the whole thing.

The Truth About the Tachyon Field Experiment

The ‘attack y’all field’ is the energy of hatred, of misogyny, of loathing, of anger, of annoyance, of grievance … some kind of negative energy of the heart chakra that goes out and attacks the person that is the object of that emotion.

It is much worse in a group, if a bunch of people get together and decide they are going to attack someone. Whether it is a bunch of women attacking a man, or a bunch of men attacking a woman, or attacking someone of the same gender, it just does not matter. It is the numbers of people that feel hatred for some particular person, or perhaps for a smaller group, that cause the trouble and the mischief on Earth.

What to Do When the Incoming Clair Vibe is Hatred of You Specifically

If you are targeted like that, what they say is: Send the energy back, transformed with love. With your mind and with your open heart you say …

May you be blessed with unconditional love!

There is nothing that the black magic realm can do with that … nothing at all. This is the energy of Christ consciousness that you send back. And there is no response from the lower realms … from the hellworlds … for that. It cannot be.

The Moral: Hatred Destroys This World, But Love Builds It Up

It is the same with electronics, you see.

Other people’s hatred, directed at us, can influence our electronics to temporarily go down.

In the same way, hatred destroys this world.

But our loving heart energy can influence the electronics to work perfectly, proving that love builds this world. Why is this?

Electronics Are Halfway Between the Physical and the Astral Plane

We can influence the electronics to work perfectly because electronics are halfway between the astral realm and the physical realm in the way that they work … and the energy that they work with. So we can see in them that they are more sensitive to the energy of our human electromagnetic fields.

As such, as half-astral inventions, they can prove this point that hatred destroys this world; it is that ‘Shiva, Shiva’ thing. And love builds this world up. That is that ‘Brahma’ feeling: Love builds the world up. And then there is Lord Vishnu, who sustains creation. After Lord Brahma creates … manifests … reality, it is Lord Vishnu that dreams the dream of the illusion until a new illusion is built.

On Exercising Our Trimurti Powers Wisely

This is the Trimurti: Lords Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu. All beautiful … all absolutely beautiful energies, but can we use them wisely? Can we use the Shiva energy to destroy what ought to be destroyed? And can we use the Brahma energy … the great energy of creation … to build that which must be built for New Earth?

And can we let that ‘tachyon field’ thing go? It is time!  And it is time to stop worshiping Lord Shiva just because we feel angry; do you not feel it to be so? Lord Shiva ought to be the thing that we use, with great discretion, to tear down the old so that the great New can begin … a New Beginning for Earth, do you not agree? 

That is all for now. Talk to you all later.

Image: “Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva Seated on Lotuses with Their Consorts, Saraswati, Lakshmi and Paravati respectively. ca 1770. Guler, India,” at V&A Museum … in Wikipedia .. public domain … DESCRIPTION: The three greatest Hindu deities are shown here together with their consorts. They are sometimes regarded as a trinity, who together represent aspects of the supreme godhead. The four-headed Brahma, holding copies of the oldest Indian sacred scriptures, the Vedas, together with his consort Saraswati, symbolises the power of creation. Next to him the blue Vishnu, with his consort Lakshmi, represents the energy that upholds and preserves creation. To their right Shiva, with his wife Parvati, embodies the power of destruction. All three divine couples sit on lotus flowers, which are one of the most ancient Indian symbols of purity and spiritual power. This painting may have been made for the enjoyment of a local nobleman or ruler and was probably the work of local artists in north-west India.

Image: “Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva Seated on Lotuses with Their Consorts, Saraswati, Lakshmi and Paravati respectively. ca 1770. Guler, India,” at V&A Museum … in Wikipedia .. public domain …

DESCRIPTION: The three greatest Hindu deities are shown here together with their consorts. They are sometimes regarded as a trinity, who together represent aspects of the supreme godhead.

The four-headed Brahma, holding copies of the oldest Indian sacred scriptures, the Vedas, together with his consort Saraswati, symbolises the power of creation.

Next to him the blue Vishnu, with his consort Lakshmi, represents the energy that upholds and preserves creation.

To their right Shiva, with his wife Parvati, embodies the power of destruction. All three divine couples sit on lotus flowers, which are one of the most ancient Indian symbols of purity and spiritual power. This painting may have been made for the enjoyment of a local nobleman or ruler and was probably the work of local artists in north-west India.

Photos by Alice

Image: “Pink and Purple Bougainvillea,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..

Image: “Pink and Purple Bougainvillea,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..  

Image: “Pink Bougainvillea,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..

Image: “Pink Bougainvillea,” by Alice B. Clagett, 13 November 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0 International, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..  

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed on 13 November 2016; published on 14 November 2016; revised on 17 March 2023
Previously titled: Black Magic, the Tachyon Field, and Electronic Devices


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


hatred, love, tachyon field, war, misogyny, Trimurti, electronics, black magic, astral plane, physical plane, annoyance, aggravation, psychic crime, psychic murder, plane of forces, quantum physics, urban legends, government grants, law, Solar Events, mind control, faith, Christ consciousness, quantum physics, Brahma, Saraswati, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Shiva, Parvati, New Beginning, photos by Alice, Heart Vampire,


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