On Mastering Desire . by Alice B. Clagett *

This post is on mastering desire.

On Mastering Desire

Image: “Still from the American western film The Desire of the Moth (1917) with Monroe Salisbury, Rupert Julian, and Ruth Clifford, on page 28 of the October 27, 1917 Exhibitors Herald,” by Universal Film Manufacturing Company, 27 October 1917, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Desire_of_the_Moth_(1917)_-_1.jpg … public domain

Image: “Still from the American western film The Desire of the Moth (1917) with Monroe Salisbury, Rupert Julian, and Ruth Clifford, on page 28 of the October 27, 1917 Exhibitors Herald,” by Universal Film Manufacturing Company, 27 October 1917, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Desire_of_the_Moth_(1917)_-_1.jpg … public domain

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  • KAMA-MANAS … The relationship of Desire to Mind
  • NEGATIVE EMOTIONS PREVENT CO-CREATION OF FIFTH DIMENSIONAL REALITY … How the negative emotions of lust, anger, greed, pride, and attachment to the senses, are off-kilter with the fabric of the Universe. Becoming aware of these negative emotions allows us to co-create a truer reality known as the fifth dimension. The fabric of this Universe is woven of Love (which is Space), and Light (which is Time), and Joy (which is Awareness).
  • CHOOSING POSITIVE EMOTIONS SO AS TO NAVIGATE TO THE HIGHER ASTRAL PLANES … Hell worlds are a function of human emotions. Choosing to feel simple positive emotions such as appreciation, gratitude, and joy will get us through the nightmare realms (hell worlds) of the fourth dimension.
  • ON USING PRANAYAM, THE SCIENCE OF BREATH, TO OVERCOME NEGATIVE EMOTIONS … Keeping in mind that negatively aspected clair chatter often emanates from the untrained Lower Mental Bodies of those near and dear to us.
    • The Nature of Desire
    • Awareness of Negative Desire Is Essential to Developing Astral Plane Navigational Skills

Dear Ones,

I would like to talk to you today about Desire and the place where many of us are right now in the Awakening process.

This is about the nature and importance of Desire (which is the function of the astral body) in our current process of mastering the fourth dimension (i.e., the astral plane) and coming into our true power as human beings in the fifth dimension …


Over the holidays, I was reading  “The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena,” a book compiled by Arthur E. Powell, which, as I understand it, consists mainly of channeling of the work of the ascended master Djwhal Khul.

The part I was reading was so deep that I only read a couple of pages on the function of the astral body …

Citation: “The Astral Body and Other Astral Phenomena,” compiled by Arthur E. Powell, published 1927, Quest Book edition 1973, copyright The Theosophical Publishing House, London, Ltd. 1965 … pages 23, 24 and 26

I am sorry to say that, due to copyright restrictions, I cannot quote this passage, which I feel is a very important one. If you are able to obtain a copy of the book and take a look at the three pages cited above, I feel certain it will deepen your understanding on the topics I have presented below.

For me, reading the passage acted as a ‘springboard’ into a merging of the new Ascension knowledge with the older tradition of Theosophy. So you will find below references to the passage in Powell’s book, with my own thoughts on how Theosophical lore represents an astral-realm bridge of understanding, that may help today’s very secular-oriented society deal with the Ascension symptoms and clair abilities they are beginning to experience.

We human beings here on Earth are passing from the merely physical and lower mental realms into a deeper understanding of the astral realms, preparatory to awakening to the fifth dimension, which, for most beings on Earth today, is unexplored territory, depending, as it does, on expansion of the human energy field beyond the causal realm.

The topics described in the above passage are of interest right now because knowing more about the astral body helps us to understand our journey at this moment. I will briefly glance over some of the topics presented by Powell …

The astral body has to do with Desire. Another word for Desire is the word Kâma. The notion of Kâma includes every sort of feeling, and not just thirst, or hunger, or desire to have sex. The Bible calls it ‘the lust of the flesh’ …

15 “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
16 “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
17 “And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.” — 1 John 2 (KJV – public domain)

So as we human beings are journeying into a deeper Awareness of the astral plane, we are, in fact, encountering those emotions.

According to Powell, it is Kâma that binds us to the Duality Play, the world of sensory phenomena. Powell refers to the our animal nature as the ‘ape and the tiger’. The immediate context of this quote from Tennyson is …

“…Arise and fly
The reeling Faun, the sensual feast;
Move upward, working out the beast,
And let the ape and tiger die.”
–from Citation:In Memoriam,” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, public domain

So then Powell goes on to speak about how the quality of desire is knit together with the quality of mind, or Manas, in a human being. Theosophists often refer to the union of Desire and Mind as the driving force of intelligence, Kâma-Manas.

I feel that, typically in men, you will find a greater ratio of Manas, or mind, in this balance, and typically in women, you will find a greater ratio of Kâma, or Desire. The two together create the emotional Awareness of human beings, without which we would never accomplish anything in the world. We could sit, and think … The Thinker, you know? … all day long, but without Desire, nothing would ever come forth into reality.


Now, one definition of the fifth dimension is that we will all realize our innate ability as eternal Souls to become co-creators of reality. In the astral plane that we are engaging in right now, and becoming aware of, that quality of co-creation exists, but because it is only semi-aware, because the Awareness is stifled by the negative kilter of the emotions … what we were talking about: lust, greed, pride or ‘conceit’, anger or rage, and attachment (the ‘five thieves’ as they say in India: kaam, lobh, ahankar, krodh, moh) (1) … these negatively tilted renditions of the basic fabric of Space and Time and Awareness, which is Love and Light and Joy … this slight negative kilter creates a kind of unawareness in us, as true Awareness is of Love and Light and Joy.

So, when we engage in these emotions, we become relatively unaware, and consequently the reality that we create is an untrue, off-kilter version of what is. In the Christian aethos, in the Christian tradition, this off-kilter world expresses itself as a gradation of Light … from hellworlds, through Purgatory, on into the Light of Heaven.


Why is there this difference, this stratification of the astral plane? Because a being, as it begins to realize what it truly is, rises in vibration in the fourth dimension, from the depths of the hellworlds to the highest reaches of heaven.

How does it do this? Through the emotions. Years ago, Tom Kenyon (2), channeling the Hathors and the Hathor Archives, wrote that the emotion of gratitude, and the simple emotion of appreciation, would be what saved us through this process … what would save us from the nightmare realms of the fourth dimension. And I agree to that.

Peggy Black (3), who is his student, also mentions that gratitude is the thing that we need. That word is what gets us a discount on her courses, and that feeling is what gets us through the fourth dimension with ease and grace. And I agree completely with all of that. We can overcome the negativeness of our emotions by simply thinking about gratitude.


One of the things that prevent us from expressing positive emotions is the feeling that we are not safe. Matt Kahn (4) has done quite an interesting video on this just recently, about how we can feel safe.

And his notion about that is, that for every unsafe emotion that we experience, including the list mentioned above … if I feel jealous, for instance, what we can say … if I understand him correctly … is, “I feel safe to be aware that I feel jealous at this moment.”

We could, as I understand it, use this same technique for every negative emotion that we feel. If I feel angry, enraged, whatever it is, what I could say is, “I feel safe to be aware that I feel angry at this moment.”

And by placing this positive tilt on the negative emotion, we can come through this with grace and ease. We can come through this well.


Yogi Bhajan, of 3HO, once gave a lecture on how desires arise automatically in us, and how pranayama, the science of the breath, helps us develop the personality and hone our intellect by expanding the aura, for the sake of prosperity, projection, and personality. For more on pranayama, see …

Link: Healthy Happy Holy Organization (3HO) … https://www.3ho.org/ Search the term: Pranayam

To get back to Matt Kahn, as I recall, he has also spoken recently about getting through this process of Awakening to the astral plane breath by breath … of slowing the breath and relaxing the body when we feel we have been attacked by others on the astral plane. So by becoming aware of our breathing, we can overcome the negative emotions, and also stop negative clairaudient chatter by not reacting as anticipated by any negative clair ‘sender’.

Keeping in mind that this sort of clair chatter often emanates from the untrained Lower Mental Bodies of those near and dear to us.


From this whole discussion, I would like to present just two facts …

The Nature of Desire

One is that Desire, in itself, is not a bad thing. If you imagine that a thought is a car, then Desire is like the gasoline that allows the car to go to the place we have in mind. In the same way, if we have a thought about co-creating the new reality, Desire is the power that expresses this thought as physical reality. So Desire, in itself, is not a bad thing. It is a necessary thing for us, as co-creators of reality.

Awareness of Negative Desire Is Essential to Developing Astral Plane Navigational Skills

And on the other hand, Awareness of negative Desire is essential to this process that we are going through now, because without it, we cannot rise to the fifth dimension, which is defined as a state of supreme joy, and love, and Light. So in order for that to happen, we have to become aware of when we are not feeling that way. And so, to create the true reality, we have to overcome desires that are not true.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 6 December 2017; revised on 20 August 2023


(1) For more on the Five Thieves, see Link: “Five Thieves,” in Wikipedia …  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Thieves ..

(2) For more on the importance of the emotions of appreciation and gratitude during Ascension, see … Link: “The Emergence of Multiple Chaotic Nodes: A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon” … https://tomkenyon.com/the-emergence-of-multiple-chaotic-nodes ..

(3) For Peggy Black, see … https://www.peggyblack.com/ ..

(4) for Matt Kahn, see … http://www.truedivinenature.com/ … Here is his video on finding safety … Link: “Finding Safety – Matt Kahn/TrueDivineNature.com,” Matt Kahn All For Love, 14 October 2014 … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDFzisJBEb8 ..


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desire, sin, 4D, 5D, astral body, astral plane, awareness, co-creation of reality, desire, Djwal Khul, Djwhal Khul, fifth dimension, Arthur Powell, fourth dimension, heaven, hell, kama-manas, Matt Kahn, negative emotions, Peggy Black, positive emotions, pranayam, purgatory, Tom Kenyon, true awareness, awakening, Theosophy, Yogi Bhajan, 3HO, yoga, gratitude, appreciation, lower mental body, purgatory, Five Thieves, clair chatter, telepathy, fear, anger, lust, astral rape, astral intent to harm, safety,


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