Endosymbiontic Microbial Thought Processes . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 17 September 2017

    • Microbial Clair Chatter Inside Us
    • On Working Clairly with Our Endosymbionts to Uplift Humankind and Optimize World Population
    • On the Benefits of Mutual Accords with Our Commensal Microbes
    • Dirge of the Microorganisms During Human Defecation, Channeled by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Words
    • Cloned-Individual Consciousness and Clone-Member Loss as a Feature of Bacterial Ethos

Dear Ones,

This is about clairaudiently heard endosymbiontic microbial chatter, and how we can help guide it into channels that may uplift the world and optimize world human population. There is an edited Summary after the video …



Microbial Clair Chatter Inside Us

You know, these various strains of microorganisms that we have within us, are picking up names for themselves. They are starting to become somewhat sentient … semi-sentient.

And right out front are the Martian bacteria, which are deeper thinkers, and technologically adept.

And then a very happy-go-lucky, or very sad, very emotional being is the yeast Candida.

And then we have ‘terror-on-the-high-seas’: the paramecia.  [laughs]  Apparently, there are no paramecia in the human body. Mostly, they live in stagnant pools of water.

Apparently, the microbes are picking up this process of naming themselves, and naming the other semi-sentient species that inhabit us … our commensal organisms, our endosymbionts.

I am toying with the notion that … because they have done this one their own … they may be inappropriately naming themselves and each other. And that there may be names that we could provide that might be more uplifting and more full of Awareness than the ones that they are using now.

So if you notice your microbes using, over and over again, certain names, and you can get them to agree to try out new names that you feel are more uplifting, that might be one way to help uplift humanity … because, in order for us to be uplifted, all of our dependent species … our endosymbionts … must also be helped to be uplifted as well.

On Working Clairly with Our Endosymbionts to Uplift Humankind and Optimize World Population

I also think that these simple phrases that are being used, in the case of the yeast Candida, could be altered a little bit, in the future, to help the human population adjust itself better than it has in the past …

Just because there is an interdependence between the extremely prolific multiplication ability, and the desire of human beings to also ratchet up on sexual daydreams, and so forth; and these daydreams might lead to action (having sexual intercourse, which might result in population increase). 

So by helping our yeast population ratchet down a little on ‘multiplication’ and ‘arithmetic’ and so forth, we might actually help to tailor the changes in numbers of human beings on Earth.

On the Benefits of Mutual Accords with Our Commensal Microbes

I think we can also help turn the human psyche from negative to positive by making sure that we acknowledge and respect the communications of the semi-sentient and sentient species that we cohabit this human frame with.

We cannot always help them to be happy. For instance, if we were tailoring the yeast population, they might not be happy.

Dirge of the Microorganisms During Human Defecation
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
7 September 2017

I was just hearing a kind of a dirge of a lament … like a death song … It is very beautiful, actually. It used a person’s name. We do not know the reason for it; but it could have been defecation on the part of a human (not me, at that time).

Someone inside someone else’s human body was lamenting the loss of the microorganisms that were eliminated from within the human body through excretion. And the sound of the dirge went like this … I will not say the name that they called it, because that is purely arbitrary, based on some thought form of the human, probably. The name was M— D—, but I will say Um Umm instead. It went like this …

Oh, Um Umm, I do love you!    [repeated many times]


Cloned-Individual Consciousness and Clone-Member Loss as a Feature of Bacterial Ethos

If this had to do with the Martian bacteria, you know, they are constantly losing a portion of their members through excretion, if they live in the colon. It is a bittersweet kind of thing, because they have a cloned-individual consciousness that continues, even when some of their clone-members are lost.

I was very touched by it, actually. It is a process of grieving that happens to this species … if, in fact, that was this species, and that was what was happening … It happens to them day after day.

So! A racial lament! A beautiful, touching lament for the loss of their cloned brothers and sisters.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

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commensals, endosymbionts, clone consciousness, bacteria, yeasts, human population, interspecies communication, microbiology, Martians, commensalism, protozoa, microorganisms,


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