Dark Night of the Soul . Slave Planet Blues! . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 2 June 2015; revised 9 July 2017; transcribed on 15 November 2018
I have added comments on Martian bacterial colonists of the human ‘space station’ (the human body)

    • The Societal Expectations Mental Filter
    • Judgment and Blame, Unconditional Love, Sexual Taboos, the Veil, and Our Infinite Co-Creative Potential
    • Vision by Alice: Slave Planet Blues
    • Dark Night of the Soul and Martian Bacterial Colonists of the Human Colon
    • Faith in God
    • The Healing Presence of Beings of Light
    • Conclusion
    • Postscript 1: Sublime-ation of Darkness
    • Postscript 2: Vocational Skills and Soul Skills
      • Stories by Alice: Job Hunting and Skill Sets
      • Dark Night of the Soul and the Skills of Letting Go, of Surrender, and of Faith
      • Free Will and Divine Intervention

Dear Ones,

This is about a Dark Night of the Soul experience regarding blame, judgment, and ostracism. The dynamic of Ego, societal expectations, and our co-creative power. Letting go, surrender. facing the void, nothingness, not knowingness. Developing the skills of personal transformation, sublimation, and faith in God.

I listened to Judy Satori’s 27 May 2015 show “Beyond Healing” (5pm PT) on Bob Charles’ Pyramid One Network. On the show, Judy Satori mentioned that in the last few weeks we had been experiencing the energy of the Aldebaran Stargate, which is the energy of New Beginnings, of Soul clearing, and of unusual weather changes on Earth. I feel it is possible that the Aldebaran Stargate energy may have had something to do with the content of the video.

After the Video is a heavily edited Summary of the video.



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice.

I have been doing Judy Satori’shttps://www.ascensionlibrary.org/Kuan Yin (Quan Yin) activations of Light for close to a week now. I have been concentrating on major blocks to the heart chakra. There are so many things that I am interested in; but I thought the heart is the center of everything … So if I cannot decide where to start, that would be the place to start. So that is what I did.

In the evening, I have been doing this meditation … drinking a lot of water, and then the transformation process happens. The easy stuff happened at the beginning, you know? The delightful stuff. Then it started getting down towards the really difficult stuff. And no doubt there will be more of it.

So, just to give you an idea about yesterday: Yesterday was very commotional: From the point of view of my emotional body, I felt sad all day long. And there was no particular reason for it. Overwhelming sadness … grief …  from the seat of my Soul and from my high heart.

I can remember blaming a lot of people for it, with no particular cause involved; I just felt like blaming people in my mind, you know? And yet, the energy was welling up, and out, and there was no cause; there was no reason.

So then last night, things had gone so tumultuously all day long that I thought: Gosh, I will not do that activation of Light tonight! … When the emotional body gets all upset, it feels like the end of the world; it really does. And so I thought: I just cannot take one more night of activations of Light!

I was in such a state, when I went to bed, that I had a vision: I sat up, and I was doing a meditation, and I had a vision, which I am going to tell you about …

The Societal Expectations Mental Filter

A little background here: Lately, in the last month, I have been dealing with a nexus … a mental filter … the societal expectations mental filter … that involves …

  • The ego … which is my mode of interacting with this reality;
  • Societal expectations … upon which the ego depends for interaction with reality, and for its definition of itself; and
  • The unlimited co-creative power of humankind, which is my birthright, and which, in my current reality, is not manifested, or appears not to be manifested for anyone in this world. (But I will grant you that the hologram that I see, is only my own.)

What has been coming up, in the clairaudient realm, has been the demands of society … the demands that I not speak my truth; that I not live the mission of my Soul … the demands that I not feel my heart energy … over and over again.

Judgment and Blame, Unconditional Love, Sexual Taboos, the Veil, and Our Infinite Co-Creative Potential

The other thing that I kept running across, was being blamed for things, over and over again. It felt like other people were judging me, and blaming me. Whoever I thought of … any person that I thought of … it felt like what I was receiving were thoughts of my own personal limitations: The need for me to ratchet down from unconditional love and from the ability to co-create everything … to ‘fulcrum’ down into a reality that does not recognize that.

For one thing, what I would hear was that I was always forcing people to feel sexual. And that is interesting, because one of the things that we learn, when we start to explore our central vertical power current … what they call kundalini energy: The sushumna, the ida and the pingala (the three channels) … is that we start to sense what they call the pranic column energy … what they call the ‘hara line’ … and we start to master the flow of energy amongst the chakras.

And so for me, the idea of the energy of the second chakra … sexual energy … is part of a whole; part of a whole cascade of energetic responses that allows us to realize our greatness as human beings. I do not have a societal notion about the energy of the second chakra. Instead, I have a notion that that energy is part of my outpouring of creative impulse, as form in the world.

It seems that, for many, that energy is confined to a societal tableau in which one can express only through procreation with a person of opposite gender. And so, people seem to get stuck in that.

And then around that … encapsulating that energy … is a repressive societal energy which pushes that energy down, through the taboos regarding alternate lifestyles. Beyond that Veil formed by repressive energies is the infinite co-creative potential of people.

So first we have to let go the judgment around what we term ‘sexuality’, in order to reach the infinite co-creative potential of humankind. I am not saying that this has to be reflected in behavior. But in our minds, we need to let go the cage of that thinking … that societal expectation. This is the core of my blogs regarding sacred sexuality. (See my blog category: Sacred sexuality ). And it has to do with the vision that I had last night.

Vision by Alice: Slave Planet Blues

As I recall, the vision went like this … It is somewhat more involved, because the mind does tend to make fantasies that are very involved. … And so, the vision was something like this: I imagined that I was in an alternate world where there was no free will. And I … no surprise! … imagined that I was being judged by a tribunal of people who all said that I had no Soul, and that I was a bioengineered, human-looking program that was intended to destroy the entire world!

Now that is judgment! And that is a world where every being can experience the third chakra negative, bigtime: Power over, powerlessness … a Slave Planet. And the theory was that I had been bioengineered … nightmare, right? [laughs] …  I had been bioengineered to take humans off-planet … to a Slave Planet … where they would not be able to ascend. And that millions of people had been transported, through me, off-world, for that reason … Let’s see; how did it go? … Oh, yes …

And that I was not really the person who commanded this space station. The commander of this space station was talking to me, and claiming that he was the one that was supposed to have control. But I … a bioengineered product … had somehow cottoned to the notion that there is free will, and stepped out … of my own accord … into a notion that I could control my own destiny. Totally scary stuff! [laughs]

So, here were all the beings that I could hear, on the clair plane … agreeing that I was some aberrant servomechanism [‘servo’ means ‘slave’] that refused to serve [laughs] …

I can feel my gut brain talking right now. This is what my gut brain is saying: I am a servant … or something or other … The food that comes in, I have to digest. I have to do what the unconscious thought cloud of the world bombards me with. I have to think those thoughts all day long

This is the neurons in the gut that they have discovered, right? Adam Hadhazy and his story …

Link: “Think Twice: How the Gut’s ‘Second Brain’ Influences Mood and Wellbeing,”  in “Scientific American,” 12 February 2010, by Adam Hadhazy … https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/gut-second-brain/ ..

And so the neurons in the gut are creating this vision of a Slave Planet that I have created, and that I have transported all my friends and relatives, and a lot of strangers too, and caused their total destruction. And that there is no hope of escape, because somebody or other has stolen my Soul, and damaged it to such an extent that it cannot be used.


Dark Night of the Soul and Martian Bacterial Colonists of the Human Colon

On second glance, in November 2016, it seems to me that this vision may have to do with the social memory complex of the bacteria (Martian bacteria) colonizing my gut …

Link: “Compendium of the Martian Archives: Bacterial Colonists of Earth.” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 July 2017, updated, https://wp.me/p2Rkym-7sz ..

This social memory would no doubt be Martian-species-centric.

  • Suppose, for instance, that Martian bacteria set up ‘space stations’ in individual human bodies when Mars became uninhabitable.
  • Suppose they feel they have Souls and humans do not (just as humans feel they have Souls and bacteria do not).
  • That humans exist to serve them.
  • That we are machines that have gone awry during the recently concluded Age of Darkness, exercising free will in ways that are detrimental to our physical functioning, and
  • That we are causing Martian genocide through our eliminative processes.

Surely there are a large contingent of helpful or biologically neutral bacteria in our bodies. Suppose there are ‘good’ Martian bacteria in our gut that are for a co-operative experience of reality … who believe, for instance, in a human-Martian coalition in which the ‘space station’ of the human body is run by committee, and might agree that Martian colonists (bacteria) be bioengineered to help the human body function properly, or bottomline, to coexist in it without harming it?

Suppose there are radical, warlike ‘bad’ Martian bacteria who believe humans exercising free will ought to be eliminated, and only docile, subservient humans ought to be kept alive. Oh gosh … could this radical contingent be bioengineering deadlier bacteria, for instance? Or harmful viruses?


Faith in God

So there I am, in the midst of this nightmare, and I am actually in the middle of a meditation … so it is like a vision. I remembered the prayer of Saint Frances, where Saint Francis says he wants to align with God …

Link: “Prayer of Saint Francis,” in Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prayer_of_Saint_Francis ..

If we could just align our will with God, our purpose with God, in every moment … And I thought: If ever there was a moment, this is the moment to align my will with God, and let God take care of everything … you know? … And to take all my co-creative power, of which they say I have quite a bit … and which they say has been totally misused …

And how am I to know the truth of this situation? Perhaps I have no Soul! Perhaps I am wrong about everything! Perhaps everything I have ever said or judged or done … every decision I have ever made … has been against the Will of God. Who am I to know this? I am not God. Right?

But even if I am a faulty being, that has no reflection as God consciousness, nevertheless there is a role for me in Creation. And God will know this role. That is what I thought: God will know this role.

And this is what I told them: I will place my faith in God.

Their whole gig was: What do you want? What do you decide? … You know? Will you let these people go?

And that was the first thing that I did; I said: I will let these people go, that have been ill influenced by my decisions which were not in alignment with that of the Creator of All … of God … of Source. I will let them all go; let them no longer be enslaved.

That was the first thing. And that not only frees them, but it frees my karma … if a person with no Soul could be said to have no karma.

So then the second thing is: Whatever it is that I am … this faulty servo-mechanism; this ego that forgets the true nature of reality, that forgets that God is All … whatever that is that I am, I align that with God. And I ask Source … I ask God … to decide that for me, the disposition of that which I am.

The Healing Presence of Beings of Light

And so then there was quite a commotion. I was tired, so I just wanted to rest then. So, I reclined, to rest. And what I felt was Beings of Light all around me, making changes in my aura. And they said: Well, what can we do about all this? She has appealed to God …

And I also appeal to the laws of this Universe … not just the laws of this solar system, or the laws of this galaxy … But I said: Let the laws of this Universe be blended … like a flower blooms … with the laws of this particular small part of All that is.

The Beings of Light came in, and they said: Well, the best that we can do … since you are a ‘free-standing’ person … without a group … and you believe only in God, and in aligning with God’s will … we are going to have to put you on your own alternate world, all by yourself. There will be no more sentient beings there. It is just going to be you.

And they tried all these things like … The control beings would be saying something like: And you may not live till tomorrow … like that. And I said: God’s will! … It is completely up to God. And then they said: And you have no Soul; so you have no afterlife. So I said: God’s will! So what? [laughs]

And all this time … I am thinking in retrospect … really, they were talking to my ego, not to my Soul.

And so, I gave up on everything … all my preconceptions about how things are, and so forth. I was lying down, and Beings of Light were working on me, and explaining things to me.

From this I gather, that in this alternate world where I am right now … if you consider that just as a working mental filter … I am that which is Gaia, as well as that which seems to be this being. [i.e., Alice] All the history of Gaia is within these energetic bodies and this physical form that I am. And I am that transport system … as is each of us human beings. I am that transport system that allows all beings to go and experience God, and everything that is close to God, in the higher dimensions.

I am not so different from everyone else; but many people are just not there yet. They are not at that place where they want to experience the world of all possibilities: They are just not there.

So in the meantime, I am safely on an alternate world where there are no sentient beings with whom I need interact; and where there is direct communication with Source. (That solitary planet thing just lasted till the following morning’s church service!)

All’s well that ends well, in the nightmare department. [laughs] And then, until the next thing comes up … and the next Dark Night of the Soul is resolved, I am very happy to say that I am at a point where I can just be who I am, for a little while, and look forward, with great joy, for the next chance to jump into the Void.


Now I gather from this that these types of visions … which I have had a time or two in the past … are a very creative attempt, by the Hand of God, to allow me to integrate the deep emotions of the unconscious mind, and of the unconscious Collective Mind, with the outpouring created through the three heart centers, so that humankind … and so that I … can impulse onward, into the regenerative stage of this great Planet, and this great Galaxy, and this great Universe.

So the vividness … the depth of fear … the depths of not-knowingness that we encounter in what might be termed the ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ are the springboards from which we can leap into deeper faith, and deeper co-creative ability, aligned with the Will of God. This is the Void of which many have spoken recently. (Mystic scholar Mirabai Starr … http://mirabaistarr.com/ … was also speaking on this topic in the May 2015 “Spring on Maui” retreat with RamDass and others.}

The Void is the Dark Night of the Soul, and letting go … surrender … to Divine guidance. That step into nothingness … that step into nothingness … is the beginning of our mastery. It is the tool with which we need to become familiar, in order to achieve this co-creative skill.

At first … the very first few times … it is very scary. But as time goes on, and as faith deepens, we can become adepts at this; I am certain of it. All humankind will do so.

So for now: Talk to you later. Love you lots.

Postscript 1: Sublime-ation of Darkness

I would just like to add a little postscript. In a situation like this, which, as I mentioned, has come up before, what seems like a terrible nightmare, that ends in a way that is unexpected, and like that … what seems like a terrible experience of subconscious energies … To me it seems like what is really taking place is an upwelling of Darkness … an upwelling of incomplete understanding of the way things are … from the Collective Subconscious of humankind … from the Unconscious Thought Cloud of the World … which is always connected with my own lower chakras.

So what is happening is a clearing … a clearing, for me, of those energies … and I would say, for all those that wish to be involved in this transformative process … but not a clearing for those who do not wish to be.

So there is no element of control here, or of power over … but merely a conscious bringing-up of a bolus of subconscious, very Dark, deep, dense subconscious energies, which comes up the spinal column … Through the heart chakras it is transformed … and into the higher chakras. Through the indigo, way high up, is transformed into something totally different; not just for me, but for all those other beings who are participating in the process and who wish for transformation.

And so what appears to be a nightmare, is really a process of … they call it, in psychology, ‘sublimation’ … I call it ‘sublime-ation’ … the changing into the superconscious mind, of these things: Total transformation.

Postscript 2: Vocational Skills and Soul Skills

Stories by Alice: Job Hunting and Skill Sets. In the many years I used to work for a living, before my happy retirement, I undertook many, very varied jobs, until I reached a point where I started saving for retirement, and I went on staff in the University of California system, in the lowly position of Administrative Assistant.

But for all the prior years, I had had all different sorts of jobs. And the question, when you switch from one job to the next, is: How do you phrase your resume? How do you persuade your next employer that you have experience about something? And, from books about resume-writing, the thing that I learned is this …

The thing that I carry forward from one job to the next job is not so much the details or facts of the work that I do, but the set of skills that I acquire along the way. So every time I was job hunting, I would look at the skills I had acquired in past jobs, and then look at the notice for the new job I was interested in, to see if I had the skills that would be needed. If so, then I would submit a resume that included those skill sets which had been learned in each prior occupation. And it was a very successful technique, I would say. By thinking of skills rather than the factual content of the jobs I had been doing, I would have no trouble getting future jobs, even if they were not in my previous experience.

It is a wonderful thing to think of: the skills, rather than the factual content of what we are doing.

Dark Night of the Soul and the Skills of Letting Go, of Surrender, and of Faith. And how does that apply to the current nightmare scenario resolution? … the ‘sublime-ation’ process? Well, I am looking at last night, and what I see … the main thing that springs out … is the development of letting go, and surrender, and faith in the unknown … in a situation of Dark Night of the Soul, to have that faith that carries us through.

And last night was a chance to practice that. And how can we practice that, unless  what we experience contradicts the very fundament of our faith … the idea that we have a Soul … the idea that we live in a caring Universe.

When all those things are called in question, what still remains? That faith … that faith in God carries us through these experiences of death and near death, death of the ego, and so forth. Only that faith can do it; only that faith.

So last night was a chance to practice my faith skill.

Free Will and Divine Intervention. The other thing I learned, is that where the mental mind cannot resolve an issue, where it seems there is no way out, no way of creating agreement amongst peoples, that God always finds a way to allow free will to express itself. That God will always find a way. So that was the second thing: Not only that I can develop faith, but also that there will be a solution through God.

So in those terms … in terms of the developing skill set, and the ongoing possibilities … I think last night was a wonderful success … a trying situation, a difficult day, and the outcome was really wonderful.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Image: “Flowers 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 June 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Flowers 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 June 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Flowers 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 June 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Flowers 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 June 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Flowers 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 June 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Flowers 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 June 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Flowers 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 June 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Flowers 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 June 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Flowers 5,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 June 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Flowers 5,” by Alice B. Clagett, 2 June 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0


For information on quieting the vital body, see …

Link: “Chapter 6. Quieting the Vital,” in “Sri Aurobindo, or the Adventure of Consciousness,” at “Satprem” … https://www.aurobindo.ru/workings/satprem/adventure_of_consciousness_e.htm#019 ..  

For information on the four centers of consciousness, see …

Link: “The Centers of Consciousness,” a subheading in “Sri Aurobindo, or the Adventure of Consciousness”… https://www.aurobindo.ru/workings/satprem/adventure_of_consciousness_e.htm#014 ..

For more on the experience of death as transition to the fifth dimension, see Tom Kenyon’s mp3 “Bridge between the Worlds,” explained here …

Link: “The Fifth Perspective: Transcending Space and Time,” A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon … https://tomkenyon.com/the-fifth-perspective-transcending-space-and-time … The link for the mp3 is near the bottom of that webpage.


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


dark night of the soul, ego, forgiveness, free will, Gaia, grief, heart clearing, letting go, power over, self-esteem, transformation, void, yoga, blame, central vertical power line, co-creative power, darkness, faith, fear, feeling the heart, Gaia, God consciousness, God’s will, grief, heart chakra blocks, integration, judgment, Judy Satori, kundalini, nothingness, pranic energy, Quan Yin, sacred sexuality, sadness, sexual blame, sexual taboos, slave planet, societal expectations, speaking our truth, sublimation, Unknown, third chakra negative, Tom Kenyon, transformation, unconditional love, unconscious mind, societal expectations, ego, judgment, ostracism, Mars, Martians, Martian bacteria, star brethren, JScambio, heart chakra clearing, ego, societal expectations, free will, freedom of speech, Soul mission, pranic column, hara line, free will, societal expectations mental filter, afterlife, align with God, Saint Francis, faith, Divine intervention, stories by Alice, photos by Alice, 2u3d, bioengineering, New Beginning, taboos, Taurus, Aldebaran,


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