How a Person’s Deeds Can Be Seen in Their Aura or Energy Field . drawings by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 22 May 2019

Dear Ones,

For people who are clairvoyant or EMF-sensitive, it is easy to observe the tenor of a person’s life, whether to good or to evil. Here is how the energy field of an ordinary person appears to those who are clairvoyant; as can be seen, he more or less fits in with the energy of his surroundings …

Effected Image: “How a Person’s Deeds Can Be Seen in Their Aura or Energy Field 1: An Ordinary Person,” adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 22 May 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Sketch of bearded man sitting in a chair. His body is tinted very light beige … CREDIT: Adaptation of “St. Paul in Meditation,” by Rembrandt, 1629, from, in Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

Effected Image: “How a Person’s Deeds Can Be Seen in Their Aura or Energy Field 1: An Ordinary Person,” adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 22 May 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

DESCRIPTION: Sketch of bearded man sitting in a chair. His body is tinted very light beige …

CREDIT: Adaptation of “St. Paul in Meditation,” by Rembrandt, 1629, from, in Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

The change that takes place when we have a habit of thinking evil thoughts, and then acting them out in real life, happens in the subtle body called the Body of Light. It becomes dark, as if a shadow has been cast upon it …

Effected Image: “How a Person’s Deeds Can Be Seen in the Aura or Energy Field 2: A Person Bent on an Evil Life,” adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 22 May 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Sketch of bearded man sitting in a chair. His body is tinted light grey, as if a shadow has fallen upon it … CREDIT: Adaptation of “St. Paul in Meditation,” by Rembrandt, 1629, from, in Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

Effected Image: “How a Person’s Deeds Can Be Seen in the Aura or Energy Field 2: A Person Bent on an Evil Life,” adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 22 May 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

DESCRIPTION: Sketch of bearded man sitting in a chair. His body is tinted light grey, as if a shadow has fallen upon it …

CREDIT: Adaptation of “St. Paul in Meditation,” by Rembrandt, 1629, from, in Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

Conversely, when we have a habit of thinking good thoughts, and then living our lives in accord with those thoughts, the Body of Light begins to softly glow with a golden white color, as if lit from within by a whitish, golden Light …

Image: “How a Person’s Deeds Can Be Seen in the Aura or Energy Field 3: A Person Who Lives a Saintly Life,” adaptation of a Rembrandt sketch by Alice B. Clagett, 22 May 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from "Awakening with Planet Earth," … DESCRIPTION: Sketch of bearded man sitting in a chair. His body is tinted golden white, as if a softly diffused light shines within it … CREDIT for drawing: “St. Paul in Meditation,” by Rembrandt, 1629, from, in Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

Effected Image: “How a Person’s Deeds Can Be Seen in the Aura or Energy Field 3: A Person Who Lives a Saintly Life,” adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 22 May 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” … DESCRIPTION: Sketch of bearded man sitting in a chair. His body is tinted golden white, as if a softly diffused light shines within it … CREDIT: Adaptation of “St. Paul in Meditation,” by Rembrandt, 1629, from, in Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

Effected Image: “How a Person’s Deeds Can Be Seen in the Aura or Energy Field 3: A Person Who Lives a Saintly Life,” adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 22 May 2019, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”

DESCRIPTION: Sketch of bearded man sitting in a chair. His body is tinted golden white, as if a softly diffused light shines within it …

CREDIT: Adaptation of “St. Paul in Meditation,” by Rembrandt, 1629, from, in Wikimedia Commons, public domain.

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In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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clair senses, clairvoyance, electromagnetic sensitivity, ascension skills, good, evil, samskaras, proclivities, body of light, drawings by Alice, effected images,


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