Halloween Special: Ghostly Hauntings, as Seen by the Intuitive . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 26 October 2018

Dear Ones,

These paintings offers a good representation of the way that AV chips of ghostly memories present themselves to me at scenes where people who have passed on with unresolved Soul wounding may leave ghostly imprints in a geographic location … often a family home or a representation of workaday life, as in these paintings by Tim Bruce (1) …

Image: “Family Ties,” art by Tim Bruce …  https://www.timbruce.com/uploads/1/4/5/1/14514964/7107016.jpg … DESCRIPTION: Semitransparent images of family members around an old log cabin

Image: “Remember When,” art by Tim Bruce …  https://www.timbruce.com/uploads/1/4/5/1/14514964/8276117.jpg … DESCRIPTION: Semitransparent image of a man plowing in a cornfield, superimposed on a grassy meadow

The AV clips are like short, semitransparent or transparent videoclips of actions taking place while the people were alive. So far, in my ghost-sighting experience, the scenes are stored for viewing at the location. When I first happen on them, they play.

So far, for me, they only play one time. But maybe (and, I feel, most likely) they may play again for the next intuitive passerby, until the ghostly image is ‘laid’.

Keeping in mind that … according to my feeling about it …  a ghost is not a person … it is only a fractal representing the Soul wounding of a person who has passed on. The person himself or herself … the Soul and the subtle forms … may be experiencing a Hellworld, a Purgatory world, or a Heavenworld at the same time as I am viewing the ‘ghost’.

Or they may already have reincarnated, leaving the ghostly image to slowly decay and transform to the underlying Light. Or they may, through their new incarnation, resolve the prior incarnational Soul wounding, so that the energy of the ghostly apparition … and the underlying deeply negative emotion of the scene it portrays … suddenly exhaust themselves.

Or a living person, out of the kindness of their heart, may offer prayers asking God to have mercy on this Soul, and the apparition may be ‘laid’ in that way, and the Soul of the person freed of the anguish borne by the ghost.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


(1) For more of Tim Bruce’s Ghost Series artwork, see …

Link: “Ghost Series: Lighthouse Collectors Series: Tim’s Critters,” by Tim Bruce … https://www.timbruce.com/ghost-series.html ..


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ghosts, AV clips, incarnations, reincarnation, afterlife, heavenworlds, Purgatory, hellworlds, prayers for the dearly departed, Tim Bruce, art, ghost laying,


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