For the Relatives of Sara Chapman Thorp Bull and her daughter Olea Bull Vaughan . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 3 July 2018

Dear Ones,

From a clair perspective, it seems to me that it might do a world of good … if it has not already been done … to take a little dirt from atop the graves of Sara Chapman Thorp Bull and her daughter Olea Bull Vaughan, each in its own separate wrapping or small box.

I intuit that it might be well to bless these, and then to convey them to Bergen, Norway.  One might ask a trusted person there to scatter the contents, one at a time, on the grave of Ole Bull, who, as I understand it, was buried in Bergen. Then, ask that your trusted person say a prayer for each of these dearly departed Souls.

In that way, if a curse of any sort was placed upon these ladies in their passing … such as, for instance, the Curse of Enchainment to the Grave … the curse might be alleviated or removed entirely.

If this were to prove impractical, then prayers said at the graveside, or in memory of these two ladies, might be a wonderful thought.

It has been quite some time since the passing of Ole Bull, Sara Chapman Thorp Bull, and Olea Bull Vaughan. Nevertheless, it is always a good idea to say prayers for, or at the graveside of, our ancestors, as well as our departed friends.

Of course, in almost every instance, all is well, and the Soul quickly finds itself in the comforting care of its angel guardians. Yet if not they, then we, as family and friends of our dearly departed, may greatly benefit by our own well-intended prayers for them.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

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Ole Bull, Sara Chapman Thorp Bull, Olea Bull Vaughan, ghosts, curses, spells, prayers, blessings, laying a ghost, afterlife, history, dearly departed, ancestors, angelic realm, curse of enchainment to the grave,


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