Cybercrime Hackware – Stalkware: Car Infotainment Systems Gone Rogue ? by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 25 July 2019

Dear Ones,

Some while ago, I had the strangest intuition regarding car infotainment and GPS systems; on the psychic plane, I heard there is backend hackware or stalkware installed that allows the cyber criminal purchaser to track the location of any car, globally, through GPS. The systems that came up in the clair chatter were auto Bluetooth, Pandora, and GPS systems (OEM, rather than after-market).

I heard also, on the clair plane, that the Secret Service … would this be United States Secret Service, such as the FBI, the CIA, or Homeland Security; or would it be a foreign Secret Service? … had intended to use this equipment to track and apprehend drug traffickers,  to compensate for a dwindling budget and reduced staffing, but that it had gone rogue through double dealings by a United States expatriate entrepreneur who designed the hackware or stalkware, and who was later expelled from the country he removed to (possibly Japan?).

Sometimes clair chatter has some truth to it, and sometimes it is just Hollywood fiction. Are there any facts out there regarding this astral rumor? Have there been any legal actions filed, for instance?

If there is any truth in the clair chat, then it would be important to find a way to disconnect these devices from our cars, to prevent our being tracked and subjected to crimes of convenience by drug dealers, Mafia sorts and street gangs, I feel.

I wonder if there are savvy auto mechanics out there who could provide this niche market service for car technophobes?

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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cybercrime, law enforcement, automobiles, hackware, Pandora, Bluetooth, auto technophobes, auto infotainment, mafia, auto mechanics, Japan, international intrigue, crime families, killing cults, street gangs, stalking, stalkware, Secret Service, CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, drug dealers, drug war, disclosure, conspiracy theory,


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