Cult Deprogramming: On Recovering from Long-Term Mind Control . by Alice B. Clagett

Excerpted and published on 4 February 2020

    • On Being Held Mentally Hostage
    • Stockholm Syndrome
    • Freeze/Fawn Response

Dear Ones,

Today I thought to provide this excerpt from a longer article (1) for you, as the topic might otherwise be overlooked in the context of the long blog in which it originally appeared. Here is the excerpt ..


Now I would like to turn to people who have been flowed-through to, by an antisocial personality; in other words, people who have been mind controlled by an antisocial personality or Dark Soul.

On Being Held Mentally Hostage

When a person is in a mental hostage situation … where they cannot escape from someone else’s Soul wounding … especially in a situation that involves remote mind control … and sometimes if the person is physically close to the antisocial personality, as is the case when an antisocial personality is in prison, and has cellmates around him … then that gives the impression … that in fact could be true, unless you have the proper tools at hand … that you are being held hostage by someone else’s mind, right?

Stockholm Syndrome

This is like the Patty Hearst situation … which is called Stockholm syndrome … which is when you do what you can, to get by, because you cannot escape …

Link: “Patty Hearst,” in Wikipedia … ..

Freeze/Fawn Response

It is also called the Freeze/Fawn Response, where the baby deer is confronted with a great predator, and then freezes on the spot, or else tries to play with the predator, because it has no other options. It cannot fight. It really cannot run away far. It is confronted with a predator that is far more fierce and strong than it is, and incredibly fearsome. And so what it tries to do is, it tries to go along and get along. It tries to do whatever the predator says.

Link: “Surviving My Past: In Support of All Who Have Survived the Trauma of Abuse,” by Matt Pappas, 8 March 2017 … ..

And I think that is frequently characteristic of people who are being mind controlled by these people called antisocial personalities or Dark Souls. I can see why sometimes they are given more pejorative names, like ‘the Controllers’ or ‘the Hybrids’ or ‘the Reptilians’ or ‘the Illuminati’, you know … because people feel like they cannot escape them.

And so they do this freeze/fawn syndrome … this Freeze/Fawn Response. Fight or Flight … neither one of those works. Instead they cave in.

In coming out of that, as soon as you have been able to neutralize the antisocial personality with one of the techniques that I have explained here … or more that are probably ‘in the astral air’ and soon to be available to humankind … the thing to do is to read up on Stockholm syndrome … its causes and its treatments … and to use that information to recover, as soon as possible, from the trauma of remote mind control.

That is my thought on that. You all take care. Love you lots.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


(1) Link: “Syncretic Theory on the Antisocial Personality and the ‘Elementary’ (Black Soul or Dark Soul),” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 9 November 2016; published on 12 November 2016; transcribed and revised on 4 March 2019 … ..


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cults, mind control, antisocial personalities, Dark Souls, Black Souls,  Stockholm Syndrome, cult deprogramming, psychology, psychiatry, freeze/fawn response, fight or flight, psychic terrorists, illuminati, controllers, hybrids, reptilians,


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