Ways to Deal with Rogue Towns and Crime Gang Towns in the United States . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and filmed on 2 February 2020; published on 16 August 2020
Location: Los Angeles, California

    • Rogue Town: Counterfeit Money Laundering to Tourists or Through Local Banks
    • Rogue Town: Siege as An Option to Bring It Into Line
    • Real Estate Seizure Gambit in a Putative Rogue Town
    • Dealing with Rogue Towns, from a Federal Standpoint
    • Conclusion

Dear ones, there is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I would like to talk a little today about the things that probably will not go wrong with America but that, in the worst case scenario might take place in a few small towns of America. And so these are things that we should look out for and have a plan for in advance, just in case. That is how I feel. It has to do with social unrest and the economy of the United States.

Rogue Town: Counterfeit Money Laundering to Tourists or Through Local Banks

There is a chance, in the coming years, that one of these scenarios might come up: It might be that a town might have a sheriff or police officer who is in collusion with a crime gang, or a mob or mafia … a crime family. And the crime family or crime gang might be producing its own counterfeit United States ‘money’.

They might be passing it out to the tourists who come into town, and laundering it in that way. Or they might be laundering it through the local banks to other parts of the country.

Now if that happens … if the crime gang controls the town … what we have, as far as I can tell, is secession from the United States. The reason for that is, one of the things the Federal Government does is provide a currency for all the states in the United States.

If a town chooses to produce its own currency, then in effect it is setting itself up as a sovereign nation with its own currency, trading on the goodwill and the economic success of the larger governing body, the United States.

Rogue Town: Siege as An Option to Bring It Into Line

If that were to happen, I wonder if the Department of Homeland Security would be the place to go to try to get the situation handled. I say that because, in a broad sense, the actions of a crime gang town might be considered terrorist actions, I suppose, or secessionist actions, and maybe one of those definitions might be covered by the Department of Homeland Security, which might have enough personnel to take care of it.

If the economy is tight here in America, federally, then one way to handle such a situation of a rogue town would be to create a stage of siege to barricade the incoming and outgoing traffic on the roads to other parts of the country, and to prevent air flights from coming in.

The advantage of this would be … with luck … less loss of life than, say, sending in a SWAT team or a National Guard, or worse yet, doing a pinpoint strike.

So that is my idea … something simple. If that did not work, after a length of time, then I would look at more serious action.

Real Estate Seizure Gambit in a Putative Rogue Town

There is one other thing that LI think might happen; and I think, in this case, it would be a different sort of action that would be taken: It is possible that there may be some small towns coming up, where, if a person from another part of the country buys real estate there … if it is a crime town, like the one I described above … they may find that they are arrested on trumped up charges by, say, the sheriff or police officer who is in league with the crime family, and that their only way of getting out of the situation … or worse yet, execution … would be to give their land to the rogue law enforcement officer for a mere dollar, for a pittance … for nothing … in exchange for a lighter sentence or no death sentence … or a chance to leave town and never come back, as in the old days in the Wild West, the days of formation of the country, when laws were rather ‘catch as catch can’.

If that were to happen, that anyone’s real estate could be seized and sold, and they could be In prison with no real reason for it, then in essence, no one could hold property. No one would have property rights in that town, except for the people in the crime gangs.

The crime gang could move into any house in town that it wanted to … say, murder the owners, and falsify the real estate ownership records saying that they were the new owners, and that the house had been sold for a dollar whatever price it might be.

Dealing with Rogue Towns, from a Federal Standpoint

What does this mean in terms of the United States, and social unrest, and secession? To me it means that the most basic right of American people is being violated; the most basic right of property ownership is being violated. And so that town … that rogue town … has violated the United States Constitution.

Again I feel that this is an act of secession. You could consider it a terrorist act too. But in this case what I would do is ask the CIA Factbook to list that town as a place that is too dangerous for Americans from other parts of the country to visit; and to explain why. And I would ask them to issue an advisory that people should not buy land in that area, and to explain why.

It would be kind of like it used to be, to buy land in Mexico: You could not really buy land; you had to go in with a partner who was a Mexican national, if you were American. It might be kind of like that, in rogue United States towns, eventually.

Of course, the other thing that could be done, if property rights are constantly violated, is simply for the United States government to prohibit United States citizens from purchasing land there, if they are not natives of the local area.

Really it would be as if the rogue town were a foreign nation, and the property rights of the mainland Americans would need to be rewritten in the context of that. That is what I feel. We may experience a town or two like that, in the coming years, since everyone is becoming psychic, and they are clearing things out of their energy fields.

Such rogue towns might even exist right now, and they might need a little ‘what for’ … a little getting in tune with the situation in the rest of America. That is what I think.


I would not take this too seriously. We Americans are a strong people, and we can take it in stride, even if it should happen in the rare instance.

Enough talking. You all take care. Love you lots. Have a wonderful February.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Link: “Catastrophic Childhood Experiences: Wifer-Hacker,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 23 April 2017 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-lMP ..

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Small towns of America, rogue towns, Wild West, United States, social unrest, secession, sedition, economy, law enforcement, crime family, mob, mafia, crime gang, counterfeit, finance, tourism, banks, regionalism, decentralization, government,  finance, anarchy, currency, terrorism, sedition, secret service, Homeland Security, rogue towns, military, SWAT team, National Guard, real estate, confidence games, law, execution, capital punishment, crime and punishment, justice, history, property rights, property ownership, United States Constitution, law, terrorism, secret service, CIA Factbook, CIA, Mexico, decentralization, regionalism, countries of Earth, Lioness, Wifer-Hacker, Torturess, Second Up, Ice Princess, Hunter-Snuffer, Heart Vampire, Ice Man,


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