Violence Against Transgender and Crossdressed Sex Workers . by Alice B. Clagett

Written on 12 May 2018; published on 18 May 2018. Text in green font is not in the soundtrack.


Dear Ones, Here are a soundtrack and Summary to do with the issue of violence against transgender and crossdressing sex workers …




Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I have been trying, for a long time, to get to the bottom of this issue of violence against transgender people and crossdressing people. I came across something today, just very briefly, about that. I think that the issue that involves danger and violence against transgender and crossdressing men has to do with sexual preference.

There is a big movement, in the world today, to allow people to have their own choice in sex partners. Kind of a feeling of: I love this person … or … I love that person … or … I prefer this or that type of person. And I think that is a very healthy and good movement: That people should be able to choose what they want in a sex partner.

However … and this is just a guess … It could be that this issue of violence against transgender and crossdressing men has to do with sex work. It could be that men who pay sex workers that they think are women because of transgender changes or crossdressing changes, and then find, at the last moment, that they are relating to someone who is not their own sexual preference, become very angry … especially if they are drunk. And then violence occurs.

So in the one case, if this is true, in the one case there is the issue … which I support … of choosing your own sexual preference, whether it be …

  • the traditional male-female relationship,
  • or what they call male-to-male or M2M,
  • or F2F … female-to-female,
  • or a love triangle involving three people,
  • or polygamy, having more than one husband or wife,
  • or polyamory, romantically loving more than one person at a time,

Whatever your preference is, then if you feel  joy in your heart, through it, then that is fine.

But if one person tries to trick another person into not fulfilling their preference with regard to sexual relationships, then that is not good.

  • One case is: Seeking out and finding your joy in sexuality and sexual fulfillment.
  • And the other is: Tricking a person into not getting that joy.

That is my thought on that for today.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Link: “List of people killed for being transgender,” in WIkipedia … ..

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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

sexual preference, sexual alternatives, transgender, crossdressing, deceit, trickery, guile, sexual fulfillment, sex workers, prostitution, violence against transgender, monogamy, F2F, M2M, homosexuality, love triangle, polygamy, polyamory, alternative sexuality, sexual preference, psychology, psychiatry,


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