Understanding Clair Abilities: Medical Empathy . by Alice B. Clagett

This is about the clair ability of medical empathy.

Understanding Clair Abilities: Medical Empathy

Image: “Les Noisettes (The Nut Gatherers),” by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 30 November 1825, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Les_noisettes.jpg … public domain

Image: “Les Noisettes (The Nut Gatherers),” by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 30 November 1825, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Les_noisettes.jpg … public domain


Dear Ones,


I recall that, in the months leading up to the death of my last uncle, on the clair plane I used to speak with him at night, when all the world was quiet. He was his old self then, young and cheerful, clever and wise.

In his later years, my uncle had a heart condition. I think it must have gotten slowly more serious with time. As a clair Lightworker and a medical empath, I used to experience many unusual events with my heart in the year 2019. It felt almost as if I were having minor heart attacks, but not quite that serious.

I know from a medical test I took in years past that experiences of seeming heart attacks are not TIAs, nor any physical heart events. Rather, they are faint imitations of physical experiences other people are undergoing. Thus it seems to me my uncle must have been suffering small heart attacks in the months leading up to his death.

In support of this medical empath theory, I can say: At his death, the seeming TIAs or minor heart attacks I had been experiencing the prior year completely ceased. My uncle went on to the astral plane, where it seemed to me he was greatly relieved to be, as the final years of failing health must have been difficult to endure, even for a person as equanimitous as he.

In the same way, I guess, a Lightworker or healer who relates to, say, a patient with liver disease and who is dying, might experience fleeting liver pains over the course of the patient’s final illness. A trip to the doctor is, of course, advisable, to rule out the possibility that the Lightworker or healer is ill. If that proves fruitless, then one may assume the fleeting liver pains are empathic reflections of the patient’s illness; especially if the Lightworker’s or healer’s pains cease the day the patient passes on.


All people have a series of ‘best and luckiest’ death dates, just as the day they were born was writ in the stars as best for this incarnation. Lightworkers and healers do feel other people’s sorrows and suffering a little as if it were their own, but it is important for us to let folks go on to the next world at the appointed time. If we try to take their sorrows and suffering on and heal it through our own bodies of Light, thus extending their timeline, then we may be doing others an injustice. In addition, we may be placing an undue burden upon our own bodies of Light. I advise letting people go gently to God when the time seems right to them. That, I feel, is the best kind of death … death at the time their Soul appoints with God.


Further, there are people in the world who spitefully attempt to force upon Lightworkers and healers the burden of their own physical pains. This is a black magic, malware practice born of ignorance of the karmic burden it incurs.

There is karmic distortion amongst some Christians that is similar in nature. Some Christians say that Christ died for us, and that therefore it is ok for them to sacrifice a Lightworker or healer, a Pathfinder or Wayshower, for the good of a Christian congregation. When you think about it, this may be the same sort of thinking that led Judas to hand Christ over to Pontius Pilate. I call that the Suffering Is a Good Thing malware; as a Lightworker, I feel it could not be a feature of New Life on New Earth.

There are few of us on Earth, and our role is important to the Ascension process. Until the Suffering Is a Good Thing malware has cleared from Earth, let us give our own selves the necessary Soul nourishment, and physical respite, so that our bodies of Light shine strong and bright.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Written and published on 26 February 2021; revised on 27 September 2023


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Lightworkers, healers, medical intuitives, empathy, clair senses, health, Western medicine, malware, Christianity, suffering, karma, black magic, transcending the Dark, self-esteem, self-sacrifice, expiation, pariah, scapegoating, death, body of Light,


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