Transforming Dense Energy . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 29 May 2015; published on 30 May 2015; revised

    • Photo by Alice

Dear Ones,

This is about how the experience of high and beautiful states of the heart allows transformation of some denser energies … There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice.

Yesterday I was sitting in meditation with heart’s compassion. I think this came up because of Kuan Yin clearing from Judy Satori’s website And I have been thinking a lot about the energy of the heart, and so forth.

Some other people agreed to sit with me on the clair plane, all at the same time, and so there was an immense energy of the heart coming through … heart’s compassion, heart’s mercy, heart’s love, and like that. It was flooding everything … It was an extraordinary clair group experience. It was terrific; and it went on and on. It was great!

And so then, when I finished up … when it just naturally came to an end after a while … after a few minutes, the most amazing thing happened … something not at all expectable: An energy strand came up. It was one of the densest energy strands I have ever experienced … an energy strand of pure, Satanic evil!

It is good to understand that, when we get deeply, deeply into the clearing of the heart, and into the heart energy, those kinds of energy strands come forth from the mind, and from the hologram, and from the Universe because they know that it is time to clear. They are attracted to this love energy because that is what will clear and uplift and refine them.

So I say: Should this happen to you, do not take it too seriously! It is just a chance to practice your alchemical abilities, as Peggy Black … … says.

  • It is a chance to be the alchemist,
  • And it is a chance to transform the reality.

In 3D-4D, you can always expect, when you feel a very pure emotion, that the opposite emotion will start to well up, to clear out. It is a natural thing, not a bad thing.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Photo by Alice

Image: “Knapp Ranch Park and Environs,” by Alice B. Clagett, 29 May 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Knapp Ranch Park and Environs,” by Alice B. Clagett, 29 May 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0


Link: “Morning Messages” by Peggy Black … .. for inspiration regarding transmutation and personal alchemy:


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


heart energy, transformation, compassionate heart, dense energy, evil, Peggy Black, personal alchemy, Quan Yin, transforming energy, Kuan Yin,


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