“This Present Darkness” 4: Transfer of the Victim’s Awareness from the Physical Plane to the Astral Plane . comments by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 2 April 2021
Location: San Fernando Valley, California

Image: “Cottage Girl with Dog and Pitcher, a fancy picture by Thomas Gainsborough, 1785, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thomas_Gainsborough_005.jpg … public domain … COMMENT: This painting reminds me of the sense of social isolation that occurs when a person is subject to demonic mind control entrainment techniques such as psychic spying, lock down, the Code of Silence, and enforcement of strict celibacy.

Image: “Cottage Girl with Dog and Pitcher, a fancy picture by Thomas Gainsborough, 1785, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thomas_Gainsborough_005.jpg … public domain …

COMMENT: This painting reminds me of the sense of social isolation that occurs when a person is subject to demonic mind control entrainment techniques such as psychic spying, lock down, the Code of Silence, and enforcement of strict celibacy.

    • Psychic Spying – Remote Viewing for the Dark
    • Lock Down
    • Code of Silence
    • Strict Celibacy

Dear Ones,


This is one of several blogs relating psychic events that have happened to me since 1999 to the events described in Frank Peretti’s book …

Citation: “This Present Darkness,” by Frank E. Peretti, published by Crossway, 1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton, Illinois 60187, copyright 1986, 2003, ISBN-13: 978-1-58134-528-5, 376 pages … available on Amazon as “This Present Darkness Paperback – June 26, 2003” … https://www.amazon.com/This-Present-Darkness-Frank-Peretti/dp/1581345283/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=This+Current+Darkness&qid=1617367060&sr=8-2 ..

It is my hope that others may find support, solace, and ways to keep themselves safe by reading about this. Knowledge is power. If we know our enemy, then we can protect ourselves against him. But if we do not know our enemy, we have not a chance to do so, I feel.


Psychic Spying – Remote Viewing for the Dark

After demonic obsession or possession, I have clairly observed, then follow a series of ‘entrainment’ techniques, including fear that one’s telephone and computer may be bugged or hacked, fear that one is being spied upon, concerns about mind-controlling ‘nanobots’ and notions about satellite or airline observations. For more on this, see my blog category: Psychic spying – remote viewing for the Dark

Lock Down

If a person believes these psychic suggestions by members of the Dark, then he or she will become cut off from normal human communication. For instance, he might be afraid to go outside for fear the satellites or airlines might spot him. He might be afraid to order a hamburger at a hamburger joint, for fear there may be nanobots in it. He might be afraid to pick up the phone or work on the computer, for fear he will be spied upon. In that way, like the wealthy but germ-phobic Howard Hughes, he may find himself caught fraught within himself, unable to reach out to his fellow human beings, and all the more susceptible to hints and innuendos conveyed to him by demons on the psychic plane. Amongst black magickers, this is termed ‘lock down’, or so I heard on the astral plane.

Code of Silence

There may be mesmeric enforcement of dictums never to speak to other human beings. As justification for this, there may be the whispered suggestion that a man or woman cannot be truly spiritual unless he or she observes the Code of Silence. This is so much nonsense, I feel, as I have discovered that speaking with the physical voice brings me onto the physical plane. I find speaking with the physical voice to be a good technique to use, even if there is no one else around, as a way to move from astral cognition to physical grounding.

The answer is to speak with the tongue and the physical voice; this can be done by phone or in person. One can even speak to oneself, if no one else is around. The simple, physical act of using the tongue and making the sound of the voice in the air moves a person back into the physical realm.

Strict Celibacy

There may be the dictum that the act of sexual intercourse is not spiritual, and must be avoided. As this act is grounding and as it harmonizes the body cells, and helps us to create human bonding relationships, and to cast off demonic astral cording, it makes sense that the Demonic Realm would be against the act of sexual intercourse. I call this ‘the cull’; the technique is similar to that used by con artists in the physical realm. con

Down through the ages, and also in the annals of psychiatry and psychology, it has been made clear that intimate human relations are important to emotional health. I myself go with common sense, and not Demonic interference, in this regard.


The result of these entrainment techniques is a displacement of the astral body slightly upward, as shown in the image below …

Image: Silhouette of a woman wearing a dress and high heels, side view, with a yellow shadow whose top is two feet above her head, adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 29 January 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com … CREDIT: Silhouette is from Pixabay …  https://pixabay.com/vectors/woman-posing-silhouette-standing-150477/ … CC0 Public Domain, free for commercial use, no attribution required.

Image: Silhouette of a woman wearing a dress and high heels, side view, with a yellow shadow whose top is two feet above her head, adapted by Alice B. Clagett, 29 January 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

CREDIT: Silhouette is from Pixabay … https://pixabay.com/vectors/woman-posing-silhouette-standing-150477/ … CC0 Public Domain, free for commercial use, no attribution required.

The part of the astral body above the head is subject to psychic influences, whether malevolent or benevolent. This state, I feel, is something to be avoided, as it prevents grounding and also prevents normal interactions with other people and with the world around us.

For more on this, see my blog section:  Grounding – earthing

Here are five techniques to help bring the astral form back into proper alignment with the physical body …

Link: “Affirmation for Grounding to Mother Earth,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 4 December 2020; published on 15 December 2020 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-l1F ..

Link: “Two Buckets and Two Fingers: A Grounding Technique,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed and published on 16 December 2014; republished on 29 October 2015; revised on 5 July 2020 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-j3b ..

Link: “A Sure Course . Grounding . ‘Trilocating’,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 13 February 2014; revised and republished on 5 March 2018 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-8qi ..

Link: “Conscious Awareness . Feeling the Heels . Grounding,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 2 April 2012; revised and published on 1 January 2018 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-8bL ..

Link: “Meditation: Feeling the Heart and Grounding to Earth,” by Alice B. Clagett, written on 20 November 2015; published on 26 November 2015 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-4k9 ..

Link: “Mudra for Grounding to Mother Earth,” by Alice B. Clagett, written and published on 7 October 2014; revised … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-2dV ..

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

obsession, possession, mesmerism, mind control, Demon Realm, emotions, fear, overcoming mesmerism, lock down, entrainment, psychic spying, lock down, social isolation, celibacy, grounding, Christianity, religions of the world, Neo-Hinduism, Hinduism, demon realm, Black Magicker, Castratrux – Basal Vampire, Tinkerbell, Theology, God,


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