The Two-Year-Old and the Trash Truck . a song by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 4 August 2015; revised on 2 December 2018

  • “The Two-Year-Old and the Trash Truck,” a Song by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Lyrics
  • A Couple More Hints

Dear Ones,

Here is a song to help send bad clair speak right out the door; repeat, till the coast is clear ….

. . . . .

“The Two-Year-Old and the Trash Truck”
A Song by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Lyrics
4 August 2015


The message is not for me.
Nobody’s gonna open that door.
The message will not be read.
The trash truck will carry it away-ay-ay- ay-ay- ay-ay- ay-ay!…ay-ay-ay-ay! [BIG SIGH]

. . . . .

A Couple More Hints

  • Create a visual image of the message, the door, and the trash truck going off down the street as you sing.
  • Continue the ay-ay-ay part till completely out of breath. The numbers of ay‘s may vary from repetition to repetition.
  • Give yourself a refreshing rest between repetition.
  • Just sing if it is fun. The moment you get tired of singing, stop!

This song and visualization can also be used for clearing our own oft-repeated negative phrases — such as …

  • There’s not enough time
  • There’s not enough money … and last, but not least,
  • I’ll never find love.

These negative tape loops are our booby traps in life! The minute you hear yourself thinking something like this, give the above song and visualization a try.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


affirmations, Ascension, malspeak, prayers, protection, sanctuary, samskaras, songs, visualizations, 2u3d,


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