The Other Side . a story by Alice B. Clagett

Written on 1 July 2018; published on 13 April 2021

Dear Ones,

Here is a story I wrote a few years ago, about a childhood memory …

“The Other Side”
A Story by Alice B. Clagett

When I was young, we lived on a country road on the East Coast. The mail arrived every weekday, and as we got older, mom would let us walk down our long, gravel driveway to the State Road … walk across the road: That was a big deal! … and get the mail for her.

In earlier years, she would take us down to the road on training expeditions: Walk down the driveway …

I’m tired! We would say.
We’re almost there! Would be her reply.

Then we would arrive at the State Road. Across 2 lanes of asphalt the mailbox loomed.

Look this way, Mom would say.
Three heads would turn to look.

Are any cars coming? She would say.


Look that way, She would say.
Three heads looked the other way.

Are any cars coming that way?


Quick, then, let’s cross the road!

Hearts beating fast,
………………..we made it to
……….…………………………the other side.

. . . . .

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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stories by Alice, stories, adventures with Alice, afterlife, safety, child-rearing, 2u3d,


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