The Clink of a Reptile’s Toes . a fanciful poem by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 11 February 2018
Added poem to: Tiny Anthologies: Wild West Poems

  • “THE CLINK OF A REPTILE’S TOES,” a Poem by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Words

Dear Ones,

This poem is fictional in all regards, including, but not limited to characters, events and figures of speech. The place name is also fictional, and the names of people are added for poetic effect, not having to do with anything about their fictional lives …

Drawing: “Astral Reptilian: Lizard Man 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 27 May 2021 CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”… Drawn after a sculpture for which I have no attribution.

Drawing: “Astral Reptilian: Lizard Man 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 27 May 2021 CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,”… Drawn after a sculpture for which I have no attribution.

A Poem by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
11 February 2018


There was a fellow in Desperadoville
Who loved to kill for a sexual thrill

A wise guy stopped by who said, “My gosh …
You make your kills with swashbuckling panache!

“I have one request … ‘Cause
These kills make such messes …
Once monthly, finesse this  …

“Then say goodbye
To the townspeople’s sighs,
To their nightmares and cries …
Go and give it a try!”

So he tried this advice,
And at first it seemed nice

But the beat of his heart
Did a Humphrey Bogart
When he practiced that art

And, quick as Jack Robinson,
He ditched that lesson

Day after day, began
Once more rampagin’

One night, drinking liquor,
This hard hitter figured:
“The trouble’s your ticker!

“It’s too fast a racer
I’ll put a pacemaker
Inside it. Then killin’
Won’t be so thrillin’

“Cause when I think ‘hatchets’
My heart just won’t ratchet
Up, due to this gadget.”

So he found a doctor
To make up an order
To purchase the gizmo
To KO his MO

A life of crime
Don’t stop on a dime
It worked for a time

Then the day arrived
When he contrived

A vast panorama …
A homicide drama …

That went off as expected
For he fled, undetected
And savored the deed with espresso

This is far from the norm
He surmised, all forlorn …
My heart didn’t vet the crescendo

He moped for a while
Though it wasn’t his style …

“I’ll have to make hay
In a cold-blooded way,”
He declared: “Easy come, easy go!”

–a fanciful poem by Alice B. Clagett
11 February 2018

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Video: “Play It Again Sam, Casablanca, AS TIME GOES BY,” a 1941 movie … ..

Video: “Casablanca – Rick’s ‘play it again Sam'” … ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

poems, poems by Alice, desperadoes, crime, pacemakers, physical form heresy, religion, poetry, American poetry, American poets, religion, heresies, reptilian mind, reptile brain, antisocial personality, psychology, psychiatry, law enforcement, outlaws, Wild West, drawings by Alice,


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