The Angels in the Mason Jar . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 8 December 2015; revised video published on 14 January 2016; transcribed on 4 March 2019


Dear Ones,

This is about the relative power of Light and Dark, and of the Angels and the Demon Horde…



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I wanted to try to explain something to you about the power of the Light, and the power of the Dark. Somebody was asking me, just now, on the astral plane: Why is it that I feel that angels are more powerful than the demon world?

And this is the answer that I came up with. I hope you like it …

Imagine that there is a big mason jar, and it is full of the Light of angels. You are holding the jar up to the sunlight. And the sunlight is the Light of God. And inside the jar, which has almost nothing in it, is the Light of the angels … the Angel Realm. Right?

And inside the jar, along with the Light … if you look closely … you see a few tiny little motes of dust, floating around in there … backlit by the Light of God, the Sun. Right?

Imagine that the mason jar is the astral plane.So what you have there, when we call upon the angels, in the astral plane … The angelic realm is not higher, in layers, like a layer cake … higher than the demon realm. The angelic realm includes the demon realm.

The angelic realm is like the Light of God in the astral world. And the little motes of dust are like the demon realm, in the astral realm. So when you call upon the angelic realm, it surrounds every demon with Light.

I hope that is a good explanation. The angelic realm is not higher, on the astral plane. It is more; it is greater. It is all of it.

Another question came up: Are the angels that express their magnificence on the astral plane the angelic realm totally? No. The angelic realm is greatly greater than the astral realm. But its manifestation in the astral realm is like that mason jar. [laughs]

I think I got that right: The astral realm, the mental realm … Then the dimensions: The fourth dimension, the fifth dimension (the Angelic Realm) … I will see if I can find a good representation about that for you … because representations vary. And especially now that Ascension is happening, more wisdom is coming in.

Till next we meet!

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


Per “An Ascension Handbook” by Tony Stubbs, the astral realm (whose hellworlds house the Demon Horde) is in the 4th dimension. The angelic realm is the 11th dimension.  See …

Link: “What Makes Up the Different Dimensions of Our Reality?” from “An Ascension Handbook” by Tony Stubbs, at “Manifestation Station” … ..

Steve Beckow’s explanation also seems quite true to me. He channels that, although angels manifest in the lower realms, they do not exist within time and space. See …

Link: “Do Angels Live on Planets and in Dimensions?” by Steve Beckow, 18 June 2014 … ..


Photo of mason jar lights in the video … Image: Lamps, from Wicker Paradise, Flikr, … CC BY 2.0 Generic, ..

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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ascension, angelic realm, dimensions, demon horde, demon realm, light of God, power, hell, heaven, demonic realm,


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