The Adverse Forces . by Sri Aurobindo . referral by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 12 August 2013; revised

Dear Ones,

There is an excellent analysis by Sri Aurobindo, of Integral Yoga fame, regarding the Adverse Forces, which, in addition to the hindrance of the urges of the vital body, set forth obstacles to enlightenment. The Adverse Forces are very conscious beings who attempt to divert a person from the spiritual path. At every turn, and with every step, as it would sometimes seem.

When our native sense of joy is clouded, these beings are haunting their way into our consciousness. Their methods are manifold and their determination increases to meet the strength of our own determination. Their purpose is to test our Souls and allow us, through trial and error, to arise to ever higher levels of Soul understanding.

Sri Aurobindo advises neutrally witnessing their endlessly inventive psychic attacks.

Here is the text: SatPrem: “Sri Aurobindo, or the Adventure of Consciousness” … .. 

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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demonic realm, adverse forces, Sri Aurobindo, dark network, Integral Yoga, Vedanta, neo-Hindu, Hinduism, negative astral beings, neutral mind, demonic realm, vital body,


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