Tag Archives: ego

Thoth’s Emerald Tablet 6 . commentary by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 31 May 2021; published on 1 June 2021
Full title: 
Commentary by Alice B. Clagett on “Tablet 6: The Key of Magic” that is in “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean” (Translation and Interpretation by Doreal)


Dear Ones,

Here is my commentary on “Tablet 6: The Key of Magic” that is in “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean” (Translation and Interpretation by Doreal). There is a Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I am taking a look at Doreal’s “Emerald Tablet 6: The Key of Magic.” I am just offering my own ideas, that seem to coincide remarkably well … amazingly well … with what Thoth had to say, in that Tablet, about the Key of Magic.

And also, I noticed an explanation in the righthand column, that matches my understanding of Black Magic and Spiritual Adepts … what you find in my website … I am looking at the words of Thoth, and then after that I will look at the explanation that is given in the righthand column.

Thoth is speaking of the wisdom of Magic. In the very first day when humankind came to Earth, or was created on Earth … at the very beginning … Thoth says, within those first humans there was both Dark and Light. Those two were fighting within each human being, for dominance or control.

In other words, through man’s Free Will, which would it be? Would the man become more Dark or more Light in that incarnation? The problem is that there are powers, here and about, here on Earth, that are hidden from human beings. Those powers can work for their greater Light, or for their greater Darkness.

Somehow or other, man has to figure out a way to call upon the powers he prefers, to create the outcome he hopes for his own Body of Light and his Soul. That is the secret reason for existing in human form: To be able to make the choices to become that which we choose to become, here on Earth … ever brighter, ever more Light; or darker and darker, and bound down to Darkness.

Now Thoth speaks of ‘Adepts’. I think he is speaking of Black Magic Adepts who are beyond physical form. And he speaks also of ‘Adepts’ who have conquered Darkness and are all bright and Light. In my writings I term them the Demonic Realm (for Darkness) and the Angelic Realm (for Brightness). In Indian lore they call them the Asuras (for beings of Darkness) and the Suras (for beings of Light).

And then recently, in my writings, I have been comparing the relative Light of the Blue Avian Star Beings, that may overlight the ‘Aves’ class of beings … the birds on Earth … especially the songbirds … to the relative Dark (it seems to me) of the Reptilian Race that may overlight the reptiles of Earth … and could be, also, the ‘Dracs’, that may have overlit the Dragon Kingdom on Earth that has dwindled so much these days.

I have a feeling the Dracs are also related to the dinosaurs that are not in form, that are waiting to overlight the return of the dinosaurs on Earth. And I feel that there are both Dark and Light dinosaurs … intelligent … just as there are both Dark and Light human beings … intelligent.

To get back to Thoth: There was a time, long ago, when Darkness seemed to be everywhere. There was Light, but it seemed feeble in its flame. There were people that Thoth calls the ‘Masters of Darkness’. I have run into these; I feel that they inspire these ‘cults that kill’ and the ‘mafias’ that are on the physical plane … sometimes crime gangs too. And so they overlight people who, for a little while, choose greater Darkness for their Souls.

And yet there are very devout people who are surrounded by the Light of the great, bright beings, and find themselves in faiths worldwide that support that brightness.

Speaking a little of the ‘Masters of Darkness’, the things I have noticed, actually on my own … I found this out by experience, but I am very happy to be supported by Thoth in this. Thoth says that they use ‘dark magic’ … I call it ‘black magic’.

There is a power of Darkness. There are ‘power over’ beings, according to “The Law of One.” Darkness has a certain power; and that power brings Dark Magic into the Body of Light of human beings. Thoth speaks of it making a man’s very Soul darker.

He calls these beings … these very formidable beings … ‘Brothers of Darkness’. They are our enemies; that is what the Christian faith sometimes calls them: “The Enemy.” But Thoth speaks of them in the plural.

I have a section in my blog called ‘Slave Planet Blues’. The feeling that I got is that here on Earth, and also in other galaxies, there are human beings and human-derived beings, that are enslaved by these ‘Brothers of Darkness’, who may have taken them off-world. Or it may be, in certain timelines and dimensions, even today … right now … that there exist these ‘prisons’ created by the ‘Brothers of Darkness’ that can enslave the Souls of human beings and bind them down … what they call ‘binding down’; that is one of the spells in my Black Magic section. The question is, how to escape those spells … not how to create them … because the very best creators of those spells are not human; they are ‘megahertz’ more powerful than we.

It is we who have to figure out … along with the help of the Angelic Realm … how to get out of the chains that may bind us.

. . . . .

Now here is a very interesting section by Thoth. He speaks of the ‘mind-space’ of a human being. And he speaks of the ‘Dark Veil’ or the ‘Night Veil’ that the Dark Brothers create around the mind. I call those ‘Mental Filters’; it is a little less scary. Once this Veil is placed upon the mind … once (in my terms) the Mental Filters descend upon the mind … then the Soul may find itself enslaved for the entire incarnation. That is what Thoth has to say.

Thoth’s admonition … and that is something that Lightworkers such as I take very much to heart … is that we must always keep our face turned to the Light. Never look to the Dark … always to the Light. That is the job of a Lightworker: To bring the Light to Earth, and ground it into Mother Earth, so that Earth herself will feel the peace and love and joy that is our birthright, should we will it.

According to Thoth, the ‘Brothers of Darkness’ search out those who have attained Soul wisdom … those whose Bodies of Light and Souls are full of Light … who have spent, perhaps, many lifetimes seeking the Light, and bringing the Light to Earth. The ‘Brothers of Darkness’ look for those people, because they know, if they could turn one ‘Brother of Light’ to the Dark, they could drag down many other people.

Especially, Thoth admonishes that the ‘Brothers of Light’ look to steering clear of the ‘Brothers of Darkness’. Thoth admonishes that, in the end, Darkness shall be gone, and there shall be only Light. The implication is: Why should the Lightworker turn to the Dark, when the Dark’s time is limited, and the Light is ever increasing?

I see here, Thoth explains that the ‘Brothers of Light’ are not human. They know the law of the Universe; they know the planets and their motion; they know the principles of harmony (such as Ma’at represents). It is they who hope to free the Soul of humankind from night and from Darkness. They are always fighting the ‘Brothers of Darkness’.

These ‘Children of Light’ … these ‘Brothers of Light’ … are always walking beside us. So we do not have to call out in a loud voice. In a whisper we can call, and still they will hear us, and they will help us to strengthen the Light in our Bodies of Light and in our Souls.

Thoth calls these the ‘Suns of the Morning’ or the ‘Children of Light’. As far as I can tell from his explanation, they have never known death, and they are eternally One … ‘through all space’ … What could that possibly mean? … through all space, and since the very beginning of time.

I have to say, the Suns of the Morning have to be very, very ancient; and very, very wise; and very full of Light; and capable of helping us human beings. When the first ‘space’ was formed, they were formed. Imagine that!

On the righthand side of the page, on “Emerald Tablet 6: The Key of Magic,” there is an explanation of the text. And this explanation matches … almost exactly … the understanding that I came to … after 20 years of fierce struggle … regarding energies on Earth that the author of the explanation calls the ‘Black Brotherhood’ and the ‘White Brotherhood’ or the ‘White Lodge’.

For politically correct reasons, I feel that this use of the terms ‘Black Brotherhood’ and ‘White Brotherhood’ is misleading. It could lead people to feel that you have a racial prejudice, for instance. In my own thoughts I think ‘Black Magic Brotherhood’ might be better. What do you think? Or you could say ‘Sorcerers’. I might not get immediate concurrence on this, but I feel that ‘White Brotherhood’ might be replaced with ‘Brotherhood of the Light’. ‘Lightworkers’ …

Another name for the ‘Black Brotherhood’ is the ‘Black Dugpas’. That is a term to do with Buddhism, I think, where some Buddhists long ago practiced Black Magic. I have found that there are people in every major religion who practice Black Magic … and many who do not. So the question is: In your own major religion, if you have one, to find out who it is that will help keep your Body of Light light, and who will not. That is a difficult thing to do, because there is a great deal of secrecy around the ‘Black Brotherhood’ … the ‘Black Dugpas’, the ‘Black Sorcerers’, the ‘Black Magicians’, and those sorts. Secrecy is their middle name.

All right now, I am going to take these points one by one, because each is very important, and each matches my own hard-earned learning about it precisely. It goes like this: The ‘Black Brotherhood’, or ‘Black Dugpas’, have their own Dark Spiritual Adepts. So the issue of Spiritual Adepts is a tricky one. It is hard to know whether a Spiritual Adept is for the Dark or for the Light. If there is an issue of Ego in it, and of self-serving, or of serving one’s own group as opposed to other groups, then there is an element of Darkness there. There are, however, Light Spiritual Adepts as well; and that makes it a tricky topic. The editor here says … and I agree completely … the sneaky thing about the Dark Spiritual Adepts is, they accept followers or ‘chelas’, and then they tell them that they will give them magical powers or ‘psychic powers’. That is very interesting to people who are new to that.

The powers that they give them are relatively insignificant. It is the Inner Circle of the ‘Black Brotherhood’ that knows the really powerful Black Magic. And it is the ‘Brothers of Darkness’ that bind them [the members of the Inner Circle] down and enslave them, that have the true control over the ‘Black Brotherhood’ groups. So what you have is a system of enslavement, starting with the Ego of people, and moving into Soul wounding on purpose.

The editor mentions powers that the ‘Black Brotherhood’ have to open the seventh chakra … they call it the Seventh Dimension here … and ask elementals for help. In Brazil the form that takes in the indigenous cults is to call in hostile entities, which then take possession of a person’s body, so that the person becomes the ‘horse’ that the evil entity rides … the ‘donkey’ made a fool of by the evil entity.

Another power that the ‘Black Brotherhood’ Inner Circle has is that of mind control. They can transfer thoughts into the minds of their followers, and they can hypnotize them. I have spoken of this often; it was the first thing I ran into [in the year 1999]. I was horrified, and I did not know what to do. But in the pages of my blog, you will find many techniques that help prevent the ‘Black Brotherhood’ from controlling your mind, or hypnotizing you, or sending thoughts into your mind that are to your detriment and cause Soul wounding.

These thoughts are being promulgated all over Earth all the time. It is up to us to take an active role in preventing them from injuring us. The situation is the more dire because the Inner Circle of the ‘Black Brotherhood is controlled by much darker and denser energies, and very intelligent ones indeed … the energies of the ‘Brothers of Darkness’, those mysterious beings.

. . . . .

Well, here is a scary note: The editor says that, if you sign your name in the ‘Black Brotherhood’ book, you are bound to them for your entire incarnation. I think the ‘Black Brotherhood’ believes this is true. But I am certain that humankind is gifted with Free Will as its birthright; and that, at any time … during any incarnation … it has the choice to reverse the energy flow from Dark to Light. I am certain of this. So do not let any ‘Black Magic Lodge’ convince you otherwise.

As Lightworkers, you know, we do not think about the Dark; we think about the Light. We do not hassle about the Dark or fight the Dark. We think about the Light. And if it seems like the Dark encroaches, we think of the Light. We create more Light. We like light emotions like love and peace and joy … those kinds of things. We think of those and feel them.

There is a fight going on; but the fight that happens within each human is the choice that they have between the Dark and the Light. No one on the outside can tell us that. It is up to us, through our own will power, to decide, I feel. No one can hold you against your will. It may seem so. But it is not true.

In love, Light, and joy,
I Am of the Stars

Citation: “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean,” translation and interpretation by Doreal, revised 2006, ISBN 0-9665312-0-5.


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Doreal, Emerald Tablets, Thoth, Magic, black magic, spiritual adepts, Darkness, Light, mythology, life on Earth, Free Will, Body of Light, Soul, Masters of Darkness, power over, cults that kill, mafia, crime gangs, street gangs, outlaw gangs, religions of the world, Body of Light, Law of One, Brothers of Darkness, The Enemy, Christianity, Slave Planet Blues, binding down, enslavement, reincarnation, mental filters, Veil, Children of Light, Lightworkers, Suns of the Morning, Black Dugpas, Black Brotherhood, Brothers of Light, Children of Light, Brothers of Darkness, chelas, psychic powers, magical powers, ego, White Brotherhood, White Lodge, Ego, Soul wounding, seventh dimension, seventh chakra, elementals, Brazilian cults, indigenous cults, entity attachment, possession, obsession, mind control, hypnosis, thought transfer, Buddhism, esoteric lore, occult, love, joy, peace, Hinduism, Neo-HInduism, Earth, life on Earth, Blue Avian Star Beings, free will, Reptilian Race, Theology, Angelic Realm, Demonic Realm, transcending the Dark, dissolving black magic, black magician, sorcerer, dugpa, drukpa, casting thought forms,

Caveats for Lightworkers Regarding Fitting in with Christian Congregations . by Alice B. Clagett

Caveats for Lightworkers

Image: “The aurora or northern lights shot with a Canon camera over the Víkurkirkja church at Vik in Iceland on a clear night,” by AstroAnthony, 24 November 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Church_of_light.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

Image: “The aurora or northern lights shot with a Canon camera over the Víkurkirkja church at Vik in Iceland on a clear night,” by AstroAnthony, 24 November 2017, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Church_of_light.jpg … CC BY-SA 4.0 International

. . . . .


Dear Ones,


I feel it is important for Lightworkers who wish to join a Christian Church that they restrain their charismatic gifts during regular church services, as outpouring of grace through Spirit can be upsetting to those of the congregation not so gifted.

Continue reading

Charm to Convince Vegetarian Spiritual Adepts to Stop ‘Making You Better’ . channeled by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 23 October 2019; published on 26 October 2019

    • “Charm to Convince Vegetarian Spiritual Adepts to Stop ‘Making You Better’,” Channeled by Alice B. Clagett, Soundtrack and Words

Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

Here is a charm to convince a vegetarian spiritual adept to stop trying to ‘make you better’ while you are asleep. There is an edited Summary after the video …



I have a fix for a problem that Lightworkers may be having … a problem such as I, a Lightworker myself, am having right now. There are some groups of spiritual adepts that will attempt to manipulate the eighth chakra above the head by casting their thoughts into our eighth chakra when we are unawares … when we are not noticing it.

They do this for a very good reason: They want to evolve our Souls with their superior intellects and thoughts and presence there. The problem is that we do not want them to do it without our Awareness about it … without agreeing.

I myself will never agree to let anyone manipulate my eighth chakra … anyone at all, except for my Ascension team. That is their ballpark.

I have been at my wits’ end as to what to do, because when a spiritual adept who is a leader of a group decides to do this, why then by attempting to enter and mind control my eighth chakra above my head … say, while I am resting or napping … what he does is, he brings the karma of all the people that work with him … all of his students … with him, and places it in my head.

That means that, when I wake up, I have to do a lot of clearing for his group. I do not believe in grouping; I believe in advaita … in making one’s relationship with God Himself, and not with other groups on Earth … not with Earthly groups, no matter how good the group.

I feel it is ok to join groups, but it is not ok to glom our karmic reactions with theirs. You know what I mean? It is just a big bother. Say there are a hundred people in this person’s group, and with all good intentions, and without my free will permission, he decides to make me ‘better’ while I am asleep, and unaware.

I did not have an answer. I cannot convince them not to do it, because they think they are on the moral high ground. Today I finally came up with an answer; it is only for the Lightworkers, or other people who are aware of their eighth chakra … the space three to six inches above their head … and want to keep it clear.

The thing of it is this: Most spiritual adepts purify their diet. They are very strict vegetarians. They are very careful about what they eat. And so, you can get them to ungroup from you and go away, by sending your own Awareness up to your eighth chakra, and across to their eighth chakra, and say this … This is the charm! It goes like this …

“Charm to Convince Vegetarian Spiritual Adepts to Stop ‘Making You Better'”
Channeled by Alice B. Clagett
Soundtrack and Words
23 October 2019


Wouldn’t you really like to have a hamburger?   (x3)

That is it. That is the counterspell. It keeps them from making our higher intellects their kind of cottage cheese. The only caveat I have is this: Overusing it might cause a person to get overbearing with other people; so it might be best to use it sparingly.

I would only say it one to three times, and only if it is absolutely important; if you cannot talk to them in the intellectual realm about it, and get them to stop. Say it has become a habit; that would be when I would try it.

You know, many religions feel it is all right to eat hamburger. I myself do not like hamburger that much. I tend to stick to a vegetarian diet myself. So I understand that this charm is quite a temptation as far as diet is concerned. But it is a fix that works right away, because it is socially embarrassing for the head of a spiritual adept group, or for the people that are higher up in that group.

Now you know! To my fellow Lightworkers: I hope this helps! I hope this helps all of you to keep your eighth chakra clear.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

See also this category in my blog: Bow-tie knot


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


Lightworkers, spiritual adepts, Awareness, free will, advaita, grouping, leadership, eighth chakra, charms, spells, counterspells, societal expectations, vegetarianism, meat, hamburger, Soul evolution, spiritual teachers, gurus, arrogance, pride, ego, power over, mind control, karma, Soul clearing, group clearing, glom effect, bow-tie knot, white magic, 2u3d,

How Repeating Astral Phrases Speak to the Character of a Mind Controller . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 28 July 2019; revised on 26 May 2020
Previously titled: Repeating Astral Phrases as a Feature of Our Commensal and Adventitious Microorganisms

    • My life has no quality
    • You have no personality
    • You are one big ego
    • Astral stories about people stealing other people’s keys and walking into their houses, or hacking people’s credit cards and ripping off their money, or taking their lives and their money
    • Hidden microphones and cameras: Total lack of privacy
    • You are a homosexual
    • Are you a homosexual?
    • Budie holers
    • V— D—
    • Conclusions Regarding the Nature of the Mind Controller
    • Inference of Felon Involvement
    • Why a Mind Control Victim Who Is Clair Gifted Hears the Subconscious Thoughts of the Mind Controller

Dear Ones,

This blog has to do with some repeating subconscious malware phrases I had noticed back in 2016. I have two interpretations for the phrases; the first has to do with the character of a mind control cult leader I thought at the time was trying to control my mind.

I have a concern that the mind controller I speak of in the blog might be putting the idea into the minds of men I know, that I am writing about them, when in fact I am not. I hope this makes it clear that the below blog is not written about men I know as friends, relations, or acquaintances.

In addition it seemed to me that my own commensal and adventitious microorganisms had taken up the phrases and ‘made them their own’ by attaching to them significance to do with their own cultural understanding, which I am sure you will agree must be very different from our own.


The malware phrases were …

  • My life has no quality
  • You have no personality
  • You are one big ego
  • Astral stories about people stealing other people’s keys and walking into their houses, or hacking people’s credit cards and ripping off their money, or taking their lives and their money
  • Hidden microphones and cameras: Total lack of privacy
  • You are a homosexual
  • Are you a homosexual?
  • Budie holers, and
  • V— D—

I have two possible interpretations of the malware, which was startlingly foreign to me, from the stance of my personal thoughts.


At first I thought they were the malware or samskaras of a meditation group leader who was an adept at mind control, and who seemed (although I would be the first to say this could not be proven) to be leaping upon me till about December 2016, when I had a surveillance system installed in my Los Angeles home.

Conclusions Regarding the Nature of the Mind Controller

If that were true then judging from the import of the phrases listed below, I would be looking to identify that mind controller as follows: He might have been depressed (‘My life has no quality‘).

He might have been told in his youth: You have no personality. That might mean he was an antisocial personality who used various social masks to fit in with other people; or he might have been an empath who changed personalities depending on the person with whom he was being empathic.

In his younger years, maybe by a spiritual teacher he followed, he may have been told: You are one big ego … and this may have lowered his self-esteem. Or he may have been told it by a woman he admired, and his pride might have been wounded by that statement.

Astral stories about people stealing other people’s keys and walking into their houses, or hacking people’s credit cards and ripping off their money, or taking their lives and their money … Possibly these were past events to do with him or his followers and about which he felt guilty.

Hidden microphones and cameras: Total lack of privacy … I interpreted this as fear of the truth coming out.

“You are a homosexual”“Are you a homosexual?” … and … “Budie holers”… I thought these might mean that the man was a homosexual, or a latent homosexual.

“V— D—” This phrase that I heard in the astral airs over and over again in the year 2016 consisted of two names, a first name and a surname.

The first name was that of a man in the group taught by the person I thought might be the mind controller whose subconscious thoughts I kept overhearing. That person was a long-time follower, very loyal to the leader.

The second name was the surname of a person I thought to be involved in another mind control cult centered in Los Angeles, but which had established meditation groups in other towns … miraculously, it seemed to me … the moment I arrived in them between the years 2019 (the year of the death of my mother) and 2016.

What did the juxtaposition of the two words mean? Had the first person spent time in the group with which the second person was affiliated, or maybe vice versa? Had the first person married the second person? Were the two mind control groups in cahoots? Were both people lovers of the mind controller? Or maybe mind controlled by him? What was up with that, anyway?

Inference of Felon Involvement

The cessation of mind control attempts, subconscious catch phrases, and home invasion thoughts originating in that other mind in December 2016 indicates to me that the mind controller, or else some of his followers, were felons afraid of detection by surveillance cameras. That is the inference I drew.

Why a Mind Control Victim Who Is Clair Gifted Hears the Subconscious Thoughts of the Mind Controller

I feel that the reason a mind control victim who is clair gifted hears the subconscious thoughts of the mind controller, is that the mind controller inadvertently creates a link between himself and his intended ‘mark’, so that thoughts flow back and forth between them, without him being able to stop their flow unless he gives up the mind control attempts. If he were to do that, then little by little the subconscious interchange would cease … as indeed has been the case with the clair interchange between the mind controller in question (whoever he may be) and me, since my home surveillance system was installed in December 2016.


Then after awhile I thought these repeating subconscious malware phrases (or ‘samskaras’) I used to hear on the astral plane might pertain to life cycle activities of or cultural difference among our commensal and adventitious microorganisms.

For instance, It seems the repeating phrase “My life has no quality” has to do with lowered blood sugar; it may be a lament of the yeast cells that inhabit the human body.

The repeating phrase “You have no personality” is apparently a comment of the Martian bacterial colonists of the human colon; it may have to do with prejudice against the yeasts, which are quite a bit more simplistic in their language and thought forms than are the Martians.

The repeating phrase “You are one big ego” is apparently a comment of the Martian bacterial colonists of the human colon; it may have to do with Higher Mental Body functions, as our Martians have a greater influence on the Lower Mental Body, where they live, than on the Higher Mental Body.

Astral stories about people stealing other people’s keys and walking into their houses, or hacking people’s credit cards and ripping off their money, or taking their lives and their money may have to do with our body cells and the Martian bacterial colonists of the human colon recoiling in horror at the attacks of viruses.

Hidden microphones and cameras: Total lack of privacy: This may have to do adjustment by our Martian bacterial colonists of the colon to the awakening of human telepathy globally. The Elder Race, the Martians, are far more telepathic than we, and in fact it was through their expertise in DNA manipulation that most of Earth species came into being. More about this in my blog category: Mars – Martians – the Elder Race

Not mentioned in the above-referenced blog are these repeating subconscious phrases:

“You are a homosexual” … Yeasts say this over and over again, and very enthusiastically, when there is plenty of sugar circulating in the blood, so that they can joyfully accomplish assexual reproduction

“Are you a homosexual?” is used by the yeast inhabitants of our bodies when greeting newly arriving yeasts. As I understand it, they are asking whether the newcomers are the sort that can have sexual reproduction with them, or whether they are they will be reproducing asexually.

“Budie holers” is a repeating, derogatory phrase used by the Martian bacterial colonists of the colon with regard to the HIV virus

“V— D—“ was a repeating, derogatory phrase used by the Martian bacterial colonists of the colon with regard to the viruses that attempt to cause sickness in their human ‘space stations’. They have since moved along to other phrases with the same meaning, but I cannot recall what those are right now.


The viruses talk in a sharp, sinister whisper full of intent to rip off the lives of the people in which they find themselves. They are villainous little dudes; which leads me to think that listening to pure musical harmonics might cause them to fare less well inside us.

If you hear repeating phrases on the astral plane, and know a little about microbiology, I encourage you to to match the phrases you hear to the wants and needs and cultural expectations of some of our commensal organisms as well.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

I added an altered portion of the above blog as a postscript here …

Link: “Hellworld Scenes and Amazing Astral Stories,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 24 May 2016, revised … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-5j0 ..


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

ego, you have no personality, you are one big ego, my life has no quality, murder, identity theft, astral realm, astral plane, private property, freedom of speech, viruses, yeasts, bacteria, Martians, microorganisms, body cells, Lower Mental Body, Higher Mental Body, Elder Race, V— D—, budie holers, HIV virus, you are a homosexual, are you a homosexual, samskaras, malware, interspecies communication, mind control, mind control cults, homosexuality, self-esteem, personality, antisocial personality, empathy, clair senses, telepathy, human telepathy, nonhuman telepathy, amateur sleuth, law enforcement, crime, crime prevention, theft, home invasion, cybercrime, murder, psychic terrorists, psychic spying, crime families, cults that kill,

Drones and Thought Forms . by Alice B. Clagett

    • Local Concerns About Drones in Our Backyards
    • Drones Are Like Other People’s Thoughts Invading Our Space
    • Do Other People’s Thoughts Belong to Us If We Can Clairly Hear Them?
    • Global Telepathy and the Notion of Creative Commons

Dear Ones,

Here is a video about drones and thought forms. There is an edited Summary after the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

Local Concerns About Drones in Our Backyards

I have a story that I heard, on the astral plane this morning, about the drones. There are drones (such as camera quadcopters) that are flying over the back yards in our neighborhoods; there is quite a ruckus at my community chat group Nextdoor … https://nextdoor.com/ … about it, and about how we ought to be able to have our own airspace not invaded by drones … especially since we are concerned about backyard surveillance by would-be bandits.

Drones Are Like Other People’s Thoughts Invading Our Space

Anyway, the conversation on the astral plane was about drones invading backyards, and what to do about it. The thing that we all logged onto, was that the drones are like other people’s thoughts that come into our private space … into our ‘backyards’. And the question is, whether they have the right to invade our backyards or not.

The concept that came up, was that the world of thought is a world of give and take. Other people’s thoughts come into our minds, and our thoughts go into other people’s minds; there is no private ‘backyard’ in our minds.

Do Other People’s Thoughts Belong to Us If We Can Clairly Hear Them?

That speaks to the issue of copyright. A lot of people say … because they hear other people’s thoughts, these days, what with global telepathy and all … that other people’s thoughts are their thoughts; in other words, that those thoughts fall under the umbrella of their own personal ego. But that is not entirely so. And especially, as we become more telepathic, it is not so.

Global Telepathy and the Notion of Creative Commons

As global telepathy proceeds, it will become clear that the thought forms of the world are like Creative Commons or public domain, as opposed to copyrighted documents. So we may find that global telepathy continues onward, that many people are writing on the same topic … almost with the same words sometimes. And that these words are as much the one person’s, as they are the next person’s.

As the people said this morning, on the astral plane: The world of thoughts is a world of give and take. And so, there will be no shooting down or hosing down of the drones that are thought forms of other people that come galumphing into our own backyards. That is what I think … although the issue of drones themselves is a separate issue that I feel must legally be dealt with.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

Filmed on 3 March 2019; published on 11 March 2019; revised on 1 April 2023


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

drones, thought forms, telepathy, creative commons, copyright, synchronicity, ego, global telepathy, human telepathy, plagiarism,