Soul Challenges . a story by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 12 April 2013

Dear Ones,

I have been thinking about my mom lately. I thought about how important it was to her to be a certain weight, dress in a certain way, and speak ‘just so.’ She and her social circle all seemed to have so much in common. And I never fit in there; I was never like that; it was hopeless to even consider the possibility. It was as if I were the only multicolored duckling in a batch of little golden ducks. Surely a mother would notice this.

I remember a story my mom told me … that a mother duck would take just about any orphan baby duck under her wing … and she proved this to me with the ducks we raised. I remember how often she reassured us children that she loved all of us equally.

I guess loving me despite the differences was one of her Soul challenges this time around. And keeping my heart open when others’ hearts are not is one of mine.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

This blog has been added here … Link: “Compendium: My Childhood and Family, and Later Years,” by Alice B. Clagett, compiled and published on 21 March 2020; republished on 29 March 2020 … ..


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stories by Alice, soul challenges, unconditional love, ugly duckling, motherly love, stories,


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