Romance, Romance . by Alice B. Clagett

Written and published on 13 June 2013; revised


Dear Ones,


Starting at about marker 22.11 on this video, Bill Ballard talks about Romantic Love. He continues on to discussion of the merkaba.

Video: “6-11-13 Bill Ballard ~ Through the Portal of the Anterion Conversion into 5D ~ True Clearing,” pearls2u, 11 June 2013 … ..

He shows, with his hands, a counterclockwise motion of the heart chakra. This is counterclockwise from the point of view of him, the observer, standing behind himself and watching his own heart chakra spinning. If someone else were standing in front of him and looking at him, to them it would look like a clockwise motion.

So I tried moving my left hand in the same counterclockwise motion around my heart for a while, with the intention and visualization of getting my heart chakra spinning. Then I placed my hands on my knees, and voiced the intention: Let me express my merkaba now! Quite an interesting experiment!

Image: Person standing in a white merkaba … ..


Earlier in the tape, starting at about marker 17, Bill uses his hands to describe karmic involvement as a circular, counterclockwise proton flow extending out from himself, into the space in front of him. It seemed like he was describing this circular flow as being parallel to the ground, but at his own heart level.

So I had an idea – when I feel karmic involvement, what would happen if I moved my hand in a clockwise motion, at heart level, parallel to the ground? Would that clarify the magnetics, and maybe even stop the karmic involvement?

Worth a try, anyway.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars

PS: I found a great deal more of interest on Bill’s tape. If you get a chance to view it, hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


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heart clearing, karma, sacred geometry, Bill Ballard, merkaba, romantic love, unconditional love,


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