Richmond Attacker . a drawing by Alice B. Clagett

Imaged and published on 23 October 2020

Dear Ones,

Here is a drawing I made of a man in a nightmare I had on a Sunday afternoon a few weeks ago. I have described the nightmare in the caption.

Later I thought I must have seen a full-head Halloween mask, maybe even one on a man of another race … maybe even a Caucasian of similar build and with, say, very similar Soul wounding. I have not had found such a full-head Halloween mask for sale online yet; have not had time to take a look.

If such an event had actually occurred, I could see where a full-head mask might be very misleading.

In addition, in the vision, the white ‘slaver’ looked put-on, like a paste of confectioner’s sugar powder with a little water added, for instance …

Image: “Richmond Attacker, Sunday, 11 October 2020,” by Alice B. Clagett, 23 October 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0 … DESCRIPTION: I am not completely sure I got the date right. I know it was on a Sunday afternoon, most likely 11 October 2020, that I had this nightmare. A man approached from behind a woman walking on a street in Richmond, Virginia. Moving quickly, he stuck a poisoned prison ‘shiv’ into the outside of her right upper arm. She looked at her arm and saw a piece of metal stuck into it. She could only see the outside of the metal; that was circular and looked about as big as the end of a bullet about 9/16 inch in diameter; there was no marking on it. The end of the weapon pressed the skin around it in a little; there was just a tiny circlet of dark blood outlining the edge of the weapon where it pierced the skin. I intuited that the weapon was thin and hand-shaped, tapering to a very sharp point inside the arm. The woman said: “Oh, look what M— D— did,” and tried to get the weapon out. She said: “I can’t get it out.” Then she fell down face up at the edge of a median curb in the street. Another woman walked quickly up and exclaimed: “I told you to wait right there till I came back. What have you done?” and leaned down to try to help her. The injured woman struggled to breathe; her breaths came faintly. On the psychic plane I said: “Make sure her chin is up to clear the airway.” The second woman did that, then said: “Now it is better.” Then she used her cell phone to dial 9-1-1. When she dialed that number I had the vision of the attacker, which I attempted to portray in this image. There was thick white ‘slaver’ coming out of his mouth. The ‘slaver’ obscured his lower lip. His skin was black; blue-black beneath the eyes, which looked oriental. His face was expressionless.

Image: “Richmond Attacker, Sunday, 11 October 2020,” by Alice B. Clagett, 23 October 2020, CC BY-SA 4.0 …

DESCRIPTION: I am not completely sure I got the date right. I know it was on a Sunday afternoon, most likely 11 October 2020, that I had this nightmare.

A man approached from behind a woman walking on a street in Richmond, Virginia.  Moving quickly, he stuck a poisoned prison ‘shiv’ into the outside of her right upper arm. She looked at her arm and saw a piece of metal stuck into it. She could only see the outside of the metal; that was circular and looked about as big as the end of a bullet about 9/16 /inch in diameter; there was no marking on it. The end of the weapon pressed the skin around it in a little; there was just a tiny circlet of dark blood outlining the edge of the weapon where it pierced the skin. I intuited that the weapon was thin and hand-beaten, and tapering to a very sharp point inside the arm.

The woman said: “Oh, look what M— D— did,” and tried to get the weapon out. She said: “I can’t get it out.” Then she fell down face up at the edge of a median curb in the street. Another woman walked quickly up and exclaimed: “I told you to wait right there till I came back. What have you done?” and leaned down to try to help her.

The injured woman struggled to breathe; her breaths came faintly. On the psychic plane I said: “Make sure her chin is up to clear the airway.” The second woman did that, then said: “Now it is better.” Then she used her cell phone to dial 9-1-1.

When she dialed that number I had the vision of the attacker, which I attempted to portray in this image. There was thick white ‘slaver’ coming out of his mouth. The ‘slaver’ obscured his lower lip. His skin was black; blue-black beneath the eyes, which looked oriental. His face was expressionless.

. . . . .

In love, light and joy
I Am of the Stars


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

drawings by Alice, crime, law enforcement, murder, prostitution, drug use,


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