Personal Recollections: Rising to Awareness in the City of the Angels . by Alice B. Clagett *

    • First Lesson: Our Own Subconscious Anger Can Kill Our Family and Friends
    • What We Learned: We Humans Create, Through Our Shadow Side, the Play of Duality. Yet We Are Not That. We Are Pure and Brightly Shining, Eternal Soul
    • Second Lesson: Energies of Rape and Killing
    • What We Learned: To Witness with a Neutral Mind

Dear Ones,

This is a video on an experience of rising to Awareness of the subconscious thought cloud of the world, by a handful of people in Los Angeles, over several decades beginning in about the year 2000. There are a Soundtrack and a lightly edited Summary after the video …





Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I am going to tell you a story now. A few years back, I was living in Los Angeles, And I, and a couple of other women, and a few other men … a few more men than women … a handful, altogether, of people, all serious spiritual students … lifelong spiritual students, all of us … were coming to Awareness, together, of the subconscious thought cloud of the world.

And we did not know anything about it. It was all completely new to us. We did not know what was happening. And we had many, severe, strict learning experiences from God during that time. And we are still all a little bit sore, in our individual consciousness, at each other, right now, with the notion that maybe one of us caused it to happen.

And very specifically, they think that I caused it to happen to them. And I think it was their fault. [laughs]

But in the broad view of things, it was something that was happening to all of us … even though we were not all of the same faith, or of the same spiritual group, or like that … for some reason, God plunked us all in this situation of coming to Awareness of the subconscious thought cloud of the world.

It was a very rocky road! And I am going to tell you two anecdotes about that, that set us back immensely.

First Lesson: Our Own Subconscious Anger Can Kill Our Family and Friends

One was the coming to understanding that anger … subconsciously held and repressed anger … was causing humankind to strike out at other members of their own families and groups, while they were sleeping, and attempt to cause fatal diseases or fatal physical problems, such as heart attack or cancer, or just general cursing wishes.

And this was something that we could not come to terms with at the time: The knowledge that we, ourselves, in this Realm of Duality, were, through our Shadow side, creating the great ills of humankind … and even more so, to those that were enmeshed in our own karmic web … such as family and friends and workplace people, and so forth.

So that was one learning experience.

What We Learned: We Humans Create, Through Our Shadow Side, the Play of Duality. Yet We Are Not That. We Are Pure and Brightly Shining, Eternal Soul

And then, past that, what happened was the rising above that, to the neutral mind, and the understanding that this is the working of the Realm of Polarity, the Dual Realm … and that within us is that strong, clear, bright Spirit of the Divine … that eternal Soul that has bravely taken on the responsibility of creating this reality.

rising to Awareness

Image: “Incoming Light: Vallecito Reservoir 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 19 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Incoming Light: Vallecito Reservoir 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 19 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0

So, quite a learning experience! And the knowledge from that was an immediate understanding of our multidimensionality … because that experience of creating the Shadow and the Light, in this Dual Realm, is superimposed upon the more glorious understanding of our presence, and the Light that we carry in the Fifth Dimension.

That is the first thing about the lesson that we learned.

[Sound of a cow lowing} … What was that? I think there is a very upset cow down there … There is this beautiful, private campground down here on the northeastern edge of Vallecito Lake. It is closed right now. And the cows are roaming around, just at will, down there. [short video clip of roaming cows]
rising to Awareness

Image: “Vallecito Reservoir 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 19 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Vallecito Reservoir 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 19 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0

Second Lesson: Energies of Rape and Killing

So now, on to the second thing that we learned. That is the only other thing I am going to talk about right now.

There was a time when the men, in this very small handful of people, some years ago, began to rise to consciousness of the raping, killing instincts in men.

And those that were the most conscious, and who were most appalled, in that group, followed that trend of deep, dark energy consciously, as it coursed through Los Angeles. And they unwittingly felt that they were responsible, at that time, for that energy.

What the energy was doing was, it was rising up … especially on Friday and Saturday nights in Los Angeles, when many people are intoxicated, and under the influence of recreational drugs, and frequenting places where they can pick up other people for, generally, just a one-night or one-hour stand.

So there was that very Dark, dense energy in Los Angeles at that time, and probably still now. And so, during those times, the consciousness of that handful of people who were coming to Awareness of individualization noticed and, in horror, followed the energies that were going forth, which would glom together, and gather in vast ‘herds’ of unknowing energy … of raping and killing energy … and settle upon some person.

It was as if there were a malevolent spirit … say, the Fallen Angel of Los Angeles, as some presume … which I think is now gone … I hope! I have done my best, and so have others! … for all the big cities of Earth.

And the way of it … when we sensed their presence … was to call our Ascension Team and say: Read them their rights, by Cosmic Sovereign Law!

This way of speaking we learned from … Link: “Ascension Glossary” … … CC BY-SA 3.0Search for the term: Cosmic Law Evolution Edict

And then we would hear quite a commotion, a carrying on, and reading of rights, and protestations of loopholes that might be used, and so forth … and finally, a carrying off of the energy.

What We Learned: To Witness with a Neutral Mind

But all that is an aside. And to get back to this learning experience for this small handful of people: We would be carried along, on this wave of raping and pillaging and killing energy, and it would settle … as if there were some malevolent intelligence involved … which might be the Fallen Angel of a particular city … that settled on someone weaker, someone that was a little afraid … it could be a man or a woman … and caused a feeling either that they were being raped, or that their heart was stopping and that they were being killed. They would fall down dead, sometimes.

We were all horrified … those that knew. Horrified, and feeling responsible. [sighs]

And also there was this wave of being raped, and being killed, energy that went round. And I finally attained a neutral mind with regard to that. I finally came to a higher understanding that allowed me to escape from that energy.

Yet I could hear women, all over the city of Los Angeles, screaming in terror, in their subconscious minds, as they slept.

And the men also finally arrived at some understanding about that: That they were a being of infinite Awareness and eternal Light … they were a beingness that saw what was happening here, and were not part of it.

So, there is that story. I went on and on. Please do excuse me.

In love, light and joy,
Alice B. Clagett
I Am of the Stars

See also this companion blog …

Link: “Recognizing and Rising Above the Unconscious Mind,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 19 September 2015 … ..

rising to Awareness

Image: “Vallecito Reservoir 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 19 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image: “Vallecito Reservoir 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 19 September 2015, CC BY-SA 4.0


Link: “Alice’s Perilous Tales: Karmic Traps, Recurrent Fantasies, Blame and Forgiveness,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 15 February 2015, published on 24 October 2015; transcribed on 4 October 2018; revised on 29 January 2019 … ..

Filmed on 19 September 2015; posted on 21 September 2015; revised May 2016 and transcribed 12 October 2018


Creative Commons License
Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


subconscious thought cloud of the world, anger, awareness, consciousness, duality, eternal soul, fallen angels, neutral mind, shadow, stories by Alice, stories, Alice’s perilous tales, Vallecito Reservoir, astral murder, astral rape, astral killing, Soul, shadow of our personality, fiefdoms, multidimensionality, individuation, individualization, myths, cities of Earth, Los Angeles, curses, glom,


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