On the Relationship of ‘Dark Songs’ or ‘Heart Harness’ Malware to the Heart Rate . by Alice B. Clagett

Filmed on 22 November 2017; published on 28 November 2017

    • Mountain Climbing Experience: ‘Heart Harness’ Malware and Ramped Up Heart Rate
    • Dark Songs of Negative Astral Beings
    • How a Heightened Heart Rate Dissolves the Dark’s Malware Harnesses and Recreates the Physical Form in Higher Pulsating Light
    • On Training Slowly But Surely, and Safely, to Work Out with a Higher Heart Rate
    • On Changing Our Lifestyle So That It Is Less Sedentary
    • To Continue with My Story …
    • On the Current Energies of Disclosure, and Freeing Up of Dark Bonds on Astral Earth

Image: “Rosa Celeste: Dante and Beatrice gaze upon the highest Heaven, The Empyrean” by Gustave Dore, 1892, Source: Alighieri, Dante; Cary, Henry Francis (ed) (1892) “Canto XXXI” in The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Complete, London, Paris & Melbourne: Cassell & Company Retrieved on 13 July 2009 … in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Paradiso_Canto_31.jpg … public domain … COMMENT: This reminds me of the front funnel of the heart chakra. –Alice Clagett

Image: “Rosa Celeste: Dante and Beatrice gaze upon the highest Heaven, The Empyrean” by Gustave Dore, 1892, Source: Alighieri, Dante; Cary, Henry Francis (ed) (1892) “Canto XXXI” in The Divine Comedy by Dante, Illustrated, Complete, London, Paris & Melbourne: Cassell & Company Retrieved on 13 July 2009 … in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Paradiso_Canto_31.jpg … public domain … COMMENT: This reminds me of the front funnel of the heart chakra. –Alice Clagett

Dear Ones,

This is a video about the ‘heart harness’ malware so often constraining the energy of the heart chakra of human beings. An edited Summary follows the video …



Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

Mountain Climbing Experience: ‘Heart Harness’ Malware and Ramped Up Heart Rate

This is about the relationship of the Dark Network, and negative astral entity malware known as ‘heart harnesses’ … the relationship of those to the heartbeat … the heart rate.

I have spoken of this before, but I have had another opportunity to notice this principle in action just a few days ago, when I climbed a mountain near where I live. And it had been some time since I had climbed a mountain.

It had taken me some time to get over and dissolve some astral malware in the area of my left foot. And so, it took a long time, over a year; but finally the Light came in, and it dissolved it.

And so then I took a hike up the mountain. And what I noticed was: Great resistance to my going up the mountain … in addition to the physical issue of being a little out of condition for mountain climbing.

Dark Songs of Negative Astral Beings

I noticed tons of malware ‘bursting at me’ … tightening upon my torso as I walked up the mountain … in addition to the feeling of the heart working harder than usual, and the heart rate being much faster than usual, I noticed, especially, just songs … evil songs, really; Dark songs of the negative astral entities that had been banded round and affixed to my energy field … flying off of me, and actually flying in clouds around me. You know?

As my electromagnetic field became more and more full of Light, the astral harnesses that I was in … that prevented my heart chakra from fully opening … the harnesses that are so prevalent in the astral milieu of the large cities of Earth … flew off … flew in clouds around me, like Dark birds or ravens circling around …

Image: Ravens Circling Around Actress Tippi Hedren … from the Movie “The Birds” by Alfred Hitchcock … https://lightingthebirds.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/the-birds-alfred-hitchcock-2422003-1024-768.jpg ..

How a Heightened Heart Rate Dissolves the Dark’s Malware Harnesses and Recreates the Physical Form in Higher Pulsating Light

The large harnesses of malware that the Dark lays upon our Souls and upon our electromagnetic fields … our auras … cannot endure a heightened heartbeat; the type of heartbeat that happens when we climb a mountain, or walk up and down stairs a number of times. All, of course, within what our physical body can endure.

On Training Slowly But Surely, and Safely, to Work Out with a Higher Heart Rate

So we have to take careful care, during that time, not to overexert ourselves, as a component of the ‘heart harness’ malware is the mental suggestion that, if we attempt to ramp up our heart rate, we will have a heart attack.

This is not truely so, but mental suggestions made repeatedly, over time, can increase the chance of an event happening. Thus, while returning to training, it is important not to overexert. In that way, slowly but surely, over time, we can safely ramp up the heart rate like I was doing while climbing the mountain, and that will make the malware fly off.

On Changing Our Lifestyle So That It Is Less Sedentary

For reasons that I do not understand, the heightened heart rate destroys the malware, destroys the harnesses, and recreates the physical form in higher pulsating light.

So then ongoing, it stands to reason, that if we place careful consideration on our lifestyle, so that it involves times of higher heart rate, of greater heart rate, then we can stay clear of the malware, no matter what that takes.

A lot of people these days have desk jobs. They watch a lot of television. They do various sedentary things all day long. And that makes them very ripe or the negative alien agenda. In fact, I have a feeling that the lifestyle, these days, is imposed upon us, on purpose, by that agenda, so that they can harness our Light, and siphon it off to the Dark.

So think about lifestyle. No matter what age you are, think about the sedentary lifestyle, and what you can do to foil the Dark.

To Continue with My Story …

To continue with my story: I was very exhausted afterwards, and so then I went home and I went to sleep. And then I went for another mountain walk the next day. And the next day, I went to an exercise class. And after that exercise class, I was extremely exhausted; it was like nothing I have ever experienced before.

It was as if I could not keep my eyes open. And in addition, my eyes were fluttering back and forth, sideways, and then up and down … This was something that has never happened to me before. I could not stay awake, so I went home, and I went to sleep for a long time.

On the Current Energies of Disclosure, and Freeing Up of Dark Bonds on Astral Earth

And I think this is part of these disclosure energies, and this freeing up of the Dark Bonds upon astral Earth that is taking place right now. We ourselves, as humans, are starting to burst the bonds … to burst the harnesses … and to remember our heart energy that we experienced so fully during the High Light times a few years back (during the Solar Maximum).

It seems that Winter Solstice has come early, for some reason. And vast amounts of malware are flying off of humankind, both individually and in groups, and as societies …

Image: “Hitchcock’s The Birds,” ravens circling upward through grey clouds, into a black hole in the clouds, by Tartaritantana … https://img00.deviantart.net/d74e/i/2012/078/0/8/hitchcock__s_the_birds_by_tartaritantana-d4t968x.jpg  … and …  https://tartaritantana.deviantart.com/art/Hitchcock-s-The-Birds-291001569 .., COMMENT: This image looks to me like the front funnel of the heart chakra with ‘Dark songs’ or ‘heart harness’ malware in it. –Alice Clagett

The next day, I woke up, and something incredible had happened. There had been a great healing all over my body … especially the left side of my body, which represents relaxation. And in the core of my strength, I felt invigorated, and strong, and young.

Even today, all day long, it has been the same thing. Something miraculous, I feel, has happened on Earth, in the last week … something incredible. Along with all the social and political and corporate and industrial and knowledge-base updates that have been taking place … and the clearings of the Dark … so, in the same way, is clearing our Body of Light … as Star Kinder, Star Children of the Universe.

So, everyone! Happy Winter Solstice! And we brought it in a month or so early! And Happy Thanksgiving! We have great reason to give thanks!

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

malware, negative alien entities, Alfred Hitchcock, The Birds, heart harnesses, heart rate, physical conditioning, sedentary lifestyle, heartbeat, psychic heart attack, heart chakra, heart energies, dark network, Solar Minimum, Solar Maximum, Winter Solstice 2017, almanac,


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