On Existing in Harmony with Other Beings on and Beyond Earth . channeled by Alice B. Clagett *

Written and published on 21 August 2016; revised on 8-14 September 2021 and on 27 December 2023

      • Elephants, Dolphins, and Whales
      • Trees
      • A Call to Reach Out Telepathically
      • Rocks
    • 2A. Introduction
    • 2B. Devas and Nature Spirits
    • 3. Jinn and Afrits
      • A Final Word About the Jinn
      • Afrits
    • 4. Dragons
    • 5. Demons, Devils, Satan, and the Fallen Angels
    • 6. Pleiadian Raiders
    • 7. Astral Thuggees or Elementaries
      • My Drawings of Thuggees
      • Drawings of the Thuggees of India, from Wikipedia
    • 8. Novice Ascended Masters
      • Introduction
      • Novice Ascended Masters
      • Aspirants (Followers) of Novice Ascended Masters
    • 9. Ghosts and Shades
    • Beings of Light: Our Star Brethren
    • The Angelic Realm
    • God-Awareness
    • “The Great Invocation” of Djwhal Khul Through Alice Bailey
    • “Invocation Beyond Time and Space” by the Hathors through Alice B. Clagett

Dear Ones,

Here is a series of videos on the topic “On Existing in Harmony with Other Beings on and Beyond Earth.” There are Summaries after the videos …


Hello, Dear Ones, It’s Alice. I Am of the Stars.

I am here in a parkland setting today to bring to you a series whose overall title is “On Existing in Harmony with Other Beings on and Beyond Earth,” by Alice B. Clagett. This series is divided into various sections that I will be approaching in videos.

First there is the “Introduction’; and a section entitled “Sentient and Nonsentient Beings.” Then there is a small section on “Sentient Physical Beings”  that I will be discussing today.

After that, there is a section on “Sentient Astral Beings”; that is the fourth dimension. I will be taking that, little by little, in subsequent videos.

Then the fifth dimension: “Sentient Beings Beyond the Astral Realm.” And that will be in succeeding videos in the series.

Here we go today: The “Introduction.”


As worldwide telepathy is set in place as a result of the Awakening, more and more human beings are beginning to become empathic. They are feeling the hearts of other humans, and of other beings on Earth, no matter how small and seemingly insignificant these beings are.

We begin to talk, not only with all humankind everywhere, but also with our pets, wild animals, flowers, and trees. We begin to know and respect the many beings on the astral plane. We begin to communicate with the beings of Light that undertake Earth’s care, and with the angels, the devi, and the nature spirits of Earth.

And so, as our senses reach out and make ‘first contact’ with the many other beings who have, all this time, been sharing this great Earth with us, we can feel their hearts just as if they were our own hearts. We humankind are beginning to understand what it is like to live in harmony with other sentient beings here on Earth.


All beings everywhere express the Light and love, the Divine intelligence of God. And so, all beings are worthy of respect and care. On both the physical and the astral plane, there are beings of two types: sentient beings and nonsentient beings.

Sentient beings are aware that they exist. Nonsentient beings exist in joy, without knowledge of themselves as other than everything in God’s great creation.


Elephants, Dolphins and Whales

Humankind is pretty much onto the need to respect other sentient beings on the physical plane, such as elephants, dolphins, and whales. Laws are being set in place to protect these sentient species.


Image: “Tree Spirit,” adapted from Image by PixhightY from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Image: “Tree Spirit,” adapted from Image by PixhightY from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Last week, I began talking with the spirits of trees (not the nature spirits protecting them, but the trees themselves). Trees are also sentient beings [smiles]. The tree just started listening! [This is an oak tree.]

Trees are also sentient beings living right amongst us. Our lives depend on their ability to produce oxygen for us to breathe. Efforts are being made to preserve the life of trees, to plant new trees in cities and reforest where fires and lumbering have diminished their numbers.

Still, senseless decisions are made by urban forestry crews in cities such as Santa Monica and West Hills in the greater Los Angeles Area, to cut down our beautiful old trees, and plant, by whim or fancy, other trees.

Were our foresters to know the agony they cause by these killings, their hands and their killing weapons would no doubt be stayed forever.

I pray that our urban foresters, and our lumberjacks, will soon develop the telepathic skills to communicate with trees, and to understand what needs to be done to co-exist in harmony with this great, wise, and loving group of sentient beings, the trees of Earth.

A Call to Reach Out Telepathically

As worldwide telepathy is set in place, let those of us so called, reach out telepathically to these sentient physical species in love and Light and peace. This reaching out, in itself, will provide the avenue for the unfoldment of harmony with other sentient beings on physical Earth

. . . . .

That is it for this portion of the series, Dear Ones. May God be with you, and stay with you through all your days. Goodbye from the tree, too … beautiful being that it is.


Goodbye from the rocks, too. You know, rocks have sentience too. If you would like to hear what a rock has to say, place your hand on the rock. Or lie on the rock. And dream the rock dream for an hour or two, in the shade of a beautiful oak tree.

You will learn what the rocks know. And the rocks have been around for a very long time.


2A. Introduction.

This second video is the beginning of a series on ‘Sentient Astral Beings’ (beings in the fourth dimension). It is very short; and it goes like this …

I have read that there are many, many species of astral beings, just as there are, counted to date, 8.7 million species of physical animals and plants on Earth. I would just like to approach some broad categories here. In this video, the category is ‘Devas and Nature Spirits’.

2B. Devas and Nature Spirits.

Still with us on Earth, and co-creating the physical realm through their astral weavings, are the great Devas, members of the Angelic Realm, and the joyful throng whose work they lovingly supervise: nature spirits, faeries, elves, brownies, gnomes, elementals, and so on.

I have written a lot about these in my blog; you can take a look at my blog category: Devas – nature spirits – nature elementals

There you will find a cornucopia of information and images that are unique in the world today … absolutely unique … and will help you to understand the wonderful world of the devas, the nature spirits, and the elementals.

I wish you luck in that great adventure. As well, I wish you ‘hands-on’ luck in your own telepathic experience of these incredible beings, without whom there would be no physical beings on Earth!

3. Jinn and Afrits.

This, the third in the series, has to do with the Sentient Astral Beings known as the ‘Jinn and Afrits’. The Jinn are known in the West as ‘Genies’. The singular of the word ‘Jinn’ is ‘Jinni’. So these are all the same beings: Jinn, Jinni (the singular), and Genies (as in the story “Arabian Nights”).

Islam has known of these beings for centuries, yet they are almost unknown in Western culture. They are family oriented, power loving, and possessed of powers with regard to the Plane of Forces greatly superior to those of humankind.

The Jinn and Afrits love dry, sandy places. We humans have been testing atomic weapons and waging war in their homelands. I say: Let our military forces, and those of all nations, consider the rights of the Jinn and Afrits to live in peaceful harmony with humankind. Let us set aside the deserts of Earth as their respected dwelling places.

Here is a warning: Let them be to themselves. Looking to history, to see what attempting to align with them can bring about, we have the example of King David, who formed an alliance with them.

True, he was able, through genocide of foreign tribes … 50,000 men, women and children were slain … to gain control of the regions round about where he lived. But through karmic involution, this act of genocide brought about the Dark Times of the Holocaust, during which millions of Jews died.

A further result is unending war in the Middle East, where the Jews and the Arabs are encroaching on desert homelands of the Jinn and Afrits. It is the Jinn and Afrits that can cause Jews and Arabs to war on each other, by ratcheting up their aggressive instincts.

[You know, a little breeze just came up; this topic has brought me to the attention of the local Jinn … but only a mild interest is stirring, so far. We will see what happens as I attempt with this video … The Jinn are the masters of the winds, and of the vortices of Earth … of the electromagnetic energy grids … and also of the whirlwinds of Earth, or the tornados and the waterspouts of Earth. That was an aside.]

To repeat: It is the Jinn and Afrits that can cause Jews and Arabs to war on each other, by ratcheting up their aggressive instincts. Why would they do this? Because both Jews and Arabs are invading their homelands, and giving birth to more children that take more of the territory belonging to the Jinn and Afrits. This human territorial expansion into the deserts threatens the children of the Jinn and Afrits.

The Jinn and Afrits have inhabited Earth far longer than has humankind, and they have equal rights to live here.  They are worthy of respect. Let our intentions toward them be respectful and peaceful.  Let us no longer unwittingly wage war on their homelands.

As to what will happen during the Awakening, their aspect is of power and respect for power, reveling in the powers of the natural world.

This energy strand may be best suited to a long sleep, during the Age of Light, though it is entirely suitable to the 10,000-year Ages of Darkness on Earth. They may choose to live quietly during this Age of Light or to enjoy life on a dry planet elsewhere during this Age of Light.

They are, however, quite fond of Earth. It is their homeland, just as it is ours. Discussions are underway with the Galactic Council regarding their options. I am certain that their great wisdom will see them through to the proper interim path.

Image: “cd-cover-2964313_640″ [adapted], by Stefan Keller from Pixabay, KELLEPICS, Pixabay content license

Image: “cd-cover-2964313_640″ [adapted], by Stefan Keller from Pixabay, KELLEPICS, Pixabay content license

I feel that the ‘Jinn Baby Sliders’ [the children of the Jinn] are those that maintain the purity … the pristine nature … of our own chakras, our human chakras, and those of other beings on Earth. That is because the chakras are like vortices; they are like whirlwinds, and the Jinn Baby Sliders like to slide around there. That ‘sliding around’ heals up our electromagnetic field.

I also found out that the Jinn love to enjoy riding through matrices … the vortices … the vile and peaceful and balanced vortices of Earth. That riding through that they do maintains the purity and the pristine nature of the electromagnetic field of Earth herself.

So it seems to me … though they love power, and though some may choose to move to another world … there will no doubt be a contingent of Jinn that stays here, on their home planet, where they love to be. That is my thought on the topic right now.

A final word or two regarding the Jinn: The Jinn are quite something with which to communicate … if you get a chance to talk with them. You may wish to affirm that they are a very resplendent people … very bright, full of Light and wisdom and power. You may wish to affirm: I am humbled by your wisdom, noble Sir!

For more on discourse with them, go to my blog … Link: “Dealing with the Disincarnate Gods,” by Alice B. Clagett, 10 May 2016 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-5g1

When you get there, search for the word Vyasa, and read the following text. It is clear to me, from that text, that the ‘Disincarnate Gods’ (whom I term ‘Novice Ascended Masters’) work with the Jinn, as the conversation described there is couched in terms used by the Jinn cultures. For more on the fate of the ‘Novice Ascended Masters’ during this time of transition, see below in the current blog.

Here is an aside: A Jinni drew this portrait of himself in a ‘dust devil’ (a little whirlwind) at Joshua Tree, California. The image and drawing are by Alice B. Clagett …

Image: “Dust Devil in Joshua Tree, California: Jinn 1 Drawing,” by Alice B. Clagett, 10 September 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..

Image: “Dust Devil in Joshua Tree, California: Jinn 1 Drawing,” by Alice B. Clagett, 10 September 2016, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com ..

See also … Link: “Whirlwind – Vortex – Blessing,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 10 September 2016; published on 18 September 2016; transcribed on 26 November 2019 … https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com/whirlwind-vortex-blessing-by-alice-b-clagett/ ..

Afrits. I have just a little on the ‘Afrits’, which are related to the Jinn. These beings are variously termed Ifrit, efreet, efrite, ifreet, afreet, afrite and afrit.

I have never run across an Afrit, but I have heard they are pretty fearsome; they may delight, for instance, in causing murder, auto accidents, and other calamities for humankind. I feel their attitude towards humans is hostile, as is the attitude of some supervisory nature spirits (not Devas, but those who do their work on a lower level), who have been driven half mad by human disregard for the natural world.

I cannot advise as to diplomacy regarding the Afrits. Avoiding them might be best, till more is known about them.

4. Dragons.

As far as I know, the last astral dragon, which was sequestered deep underground, and had been ‘waiting it out’ in a brooding, mildly malevolent manner for a long, long time, left Earth by intentional dissolution just as the Shift occurred. I had the privilege of being on uneasy telepathic truce terms with it. It was glimmering green-scaled, and its eyes were wondrous piercingly glowering knowing,

Image: “The Last Dragon,” adapted from Image by Victoria from Pixabay – Pixabay License

Image: “The Last Dragon,” adapted from Image by Victoria from Pixabay – Pixabay License

in a way that only the longest-lived of beings may be. I greatly respected its ancient store of wisdom, and felt with great poignancy its fierce courage and its dissolution.

Though humans are far inferior to dragons in mental power and in longevity, there is something about humans that dragons superiorly enjoy … to do with our spunk and unpredictability, our courage and hope and faith, despite our short life span and the life challenges that each of us inevitably faces.

On other worlds, dragons still walk and fly and roam about, but not here, not now, not during the Age of Light that has now enveloped our beloved planet. Those that wish to know more of dragons must go off-planet, or wait it out about 2,000 years, till the next Age of Darkness makes Earth a more attractive habitat for them.

Demons, Devils, Satan, and the Fallen Angels.

Demons are dark and ugly in appearance; to me, they look like dark, ominous clouds hovering round, and sometimes enveloping, human beings. As of a few weeks ago, the last demons have left the great cities of Earth. There may be a spare demon or two, here or there, hiding out in a dark anomaly or bubble. If so, these will soon be gone off-world, or else through transformation to their God nature.

Image: “Demons,” adapted from Image by Curious Hunter from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Image: “Demons,” adapted from Image by Curious Hunter from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Image: “Demons,” adapted from Image by Curious Hunter from Pixabay – Pixabay Content License

Devils are astral animals. They used to appear to me to be red and fiery. They could change their size at will, but back in the day … before December 2012 … so as to do their work on their human ‘cattle’, they would often appear to be 2 or 3 feet long. Often 5 or 6 would ‘mine’ the electromagnetic field of one human being at night, turning heart energy to Darkness fit for their own nourishment.

This was before the Shift in December 2012. After that date, they found it harder and harder to turn our energy fields to the Dark. They began to turn on one another, consuming each other. Now there are none left at all on Earth, as far as I can tell.

Image: Saint Benedict Exorcises a Devil, from “Saint Benedict Stories” by Spinello Aretino, 1387, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Spinello_Aretino_Exorcism_of_St_Benedict.jpg … public domain … DESCRIPTION: White-robed, tonsured clerics and saints capture a 4-foot, black devil with small, webbed wings. The devil is sitting on a more-or-less square slab of white rock. The devil has a snarling aspect, and fangs on its lower jaws. It has 4 fingers on each hand, and 4 toes on each foot. The fingers and toes end in claws. It has a short tail, is somewhat hairy, and has, it looks like, 4 horns, which slant backwards and are only slightly curved, on its head.

Image: “St Benedict of Nursia exorcises the devil from man possessed,” in a fresco by Giovanni Antonio Bazzi (‘Il Sodomo’), between 1505 and 1508, “Life of St Benedict, Scene 13: Benedict Frees a Monk.” from the Territorial Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sodoma_-_Life_of_St_Benedict,_Scene_13_-_Benedict_Frees_a_Monk_-_WGA21575.jpg … public domain …

DESCRIPTION: White-robed, tonsured clerics and saints perform an exorcism. One cleric scourges a man’s back with long twigs. Another, with hood up and beardless, with a pleasant smile, shoos the devil down the stairs from a building. The devil is about 4 feet tall, red, and wiry. It has hold of the cleric’s robe at the level of his groin, and looks at him spitefully. The devil has horns on its kneecaps, and claws on its fingers. It has short, red, webbed wings.

Image: Saint Benedict Exorcises a Devil, from “Saint Benedict Stories” by Spinello Aretino, 1387, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Spinello_Aretino_Exorcism_of_St_Benedict.jpg … public domain … DESCRIPTION: White-robed, tonsured clerics and saints capture a 4-foot, black devil with small, webbed wings. The devil is sitting on a more-or-less square slab of white rock. The devil has a snarling aspect, and fangs on its lower jaws. It has 4 fingers on each hand, and 4 toes on each foot. The fingers and toes end in claws. It has a short tail, is somewhat hairy, and has, it looks like, 4 horns, which slant backwards and are only slightly curved, on its head.

Image: Saint Benedict Exorcises a Devil, from “Saint Benedict Stories” by Spinello Aretino, 1387, in Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Spinello_Aretino_Exorcism_of_St_Benedict.jpg … public domain …

DESCRIPTION: White-robed, tonsured clerics and saints capture a 4-foot, black devil with small, webbed wings. The devil is sitting on a more-or-less square slab of white rock. The devil has a snarling aspect, and fangs on its lower jaws. It has 4 fingers on each hand, and 4 toes on each foot. The fingers and toes end in claws. It has a short tail, is somewhat hairy, and has, it looks like, 4 horns, which slant backwards and are only slightly curved, on its head.

Image: “A painting from the Rila Monastery in Bulgaria,” from Wikipedia … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rila_Monastery_wall_painting.jpg … CC BY 2.5 … DESCRIPTION: There are three frames: The first shows a holy man, and a woman accompanied by an angel. The second shows a holy man, and a woman accompanied by a devil; her angel is standing to one side with a worried expression, In the third frame there are people on a road, and a cart pulled by two white cows. there are devils cavorting about in the air. The inscription for the third frame adjures folks to avoid magicians and healers, who are said to be servants of the devils. These devils are grey, or black with red wings, perhaps hybrids resulting from red devils and black devils intermixing.

Image: “A painting from the Rila Monastery in Bulgaria,” from Wikipedia … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Rila_Monastery_wall_painting.jpg … CC BY 2.5 …

DESCRIPTION: There are three frames: The first shows a holy man, and a woman accompanied by an angel. The second shows a holy man, and a woman accompanied by a devil; her angel is standing to one side with a worried expression, In the third frame there are people on a road, and a cart pulled by two white cows. there are devils cavorting about in the air. The inscription for the third frame adjures folks to avoid magicians and healers, who are said to be servants of the devils. These devils are grey, or black with red wings, perhaps hybrids resulting from red devils and black devils intermixing.

Link: “How the Demons and Devils Are Getting Smaller and Smaller,” by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 27 November 2016; published on 5 December 2016 … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-6va ..

Satan used to be a living, walking, and flying force in the noospheric plane of Earth. I did not like him at all; one must be brusque with such sorts, and unequivocally aligned with the Light. Only the Angelic Realm can counter the powers of Satan on Earth during the Age of Darkness. Only very recently, he was ferried off-world, to a place where the there are plenty of other such beings.

Image Markup: “Scary Tree: The Man Who Lost His Head and Became a Black Magician,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com … COMMENTS: It looks like Satan himself, or maybe a great demon in the tree, with the head of a black magician near the roof Satan’s mouth … almost as if a black magician who ‘sold his Soul to Satan’ had been imprisoned in the trunk of a great oak tree, along with the evil spirit itself. That is quite an imaginary tale, but I feel it has a good lesson: Selling one’s Soul for worldly rewards may look good on the face of it, but in the long run there will be nothing but regrets.

Image Markup: “Scary Tree: The Man Who Lost His Head and Became a Black Magician,” by Alice B. Clagett, 18 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

COMMENTS: It looks like Satan himself, or maybe a great demon in the tree, with the head of a black magician near the roof Satan’s mouth … almost as if a black magician who ‘sold his Soul to Satan’ had been imprisoned in the trunk of a great oak tree, along with the evil spirit itself. That is quite an imaginary tale, but I feel it has a good lesson: Selling one’s Soul for worldly rewards may look good on the face of it, but in the long run there will be nothing but regrets.

The Fallen Angels were Archangel Michael fractals that agreed to stay with Earth during the recent 10,000-year Age of Darkness. As Earth transformed to greater Dark, according to their prior agreement to oversee the Age of Darkness, the Fallen Angels also change … became what we term ‘fallen’.

As civilization advanced, the great cities of Earth became their fiefdoms. Various among us Lightworkers, Pathfinders, Wayshowers, and healers have ‘read them their rights’ so that the Galactic Council can assign them to rehab to get their great fields of Light back in tiptop shape.

From their off-world transformational Light baths, they will be reassigned to Earth or to other galaxies. There are plenty of positions awaiting their care.

Image: “Fallen Angel,” by Alexandre Cabanel, 1847, in English Wikipedia … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandre_Cabanel#/media/File:Fallen_Angel_(Alexandre_Cabanel).jpg … public domain … DESCRIPTION: This is a winged being resembling a long-haired young man with a glowering look. He is reclining on a rock. Above him in the air are angels in an elevated state of being. COMMENT: This image is cropped.

Image: “Fallen Angel,” by Alexandre Cabanel, 1847, in English Wikipedia … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandre_Cabanel#/media/File:Fallen_Angel_(Alexandre_Cabanel).jpg … public domain …

DESCRIPTION: This is a winged being resembling a long-haired young man with a glowering look. He is reclining on a rock. Above him in the air are angels in an elevated state of being … COMMENT: This image is cropped.

Drawing: “Fallen Angel,” adapted and compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 22 June 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com … DESCRIPTION: Head and shoulders of a brown being with nine toad eyes. The legend reads: Fallen Angel … CREDIT: Adaptations of the image “The Eye of a Toad” Daipeem (Bufo viridis), by Matt Reinbold, 26 May 2009, CC BY-SA 2.0

Drawing: “Fallen Angel,” adapted and compiled by Alice B. Clagett, 22 June 2018, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

DESCRIPTION: Head and shoulders of a brown being with nine toad eyes. The legend reads: Fallen Angel …

CREDIT: Adaptations of the image “The Eye of a Toad” Daipeem (Bufo viridis), by Matt Reinbold, 26 May 2009, CC BY-SA 2.0

6. Pleiadian Raiders.

The astral beings on Earth of Pleiadian Raider descent are overlighting some of the human antisocial personalities and serial killers. These astral Pleiadian Raiders may number 200 to 500 in form in the world today. They will be removed off-world for the next 2000 years because Earth will be too bright for them to exist in.

There are a few planets, far from here, that are good habitats for the Pleiadian Raiders. In past, while the Fallen Angels (who were fractals of Archangel Michael) still walked the Earth and flew through her skies, they would ferry these Souls to their new off-world homes after they passed from form.

The experiment with the Pleiadian Raiders … who are ‘service to self’ (that is a category in ‘The Law of One,” which you can find online at https://www.lawofone.info/ … here on Earth during the Age of Darkness, was to find common grounds for these beings with those beings in the astral realm who are in ‘service to others’, in a temporary ‘playground’ or habitat where both could meet and intermingle.

There is still a great deal of mystery on both sides … Pleiadian Raider versus Beings of Light … and further experiments are likely to take place in the next Age of Darkness.

The solution for us human beings, when we deal with these two types of astral and higher beings, will lie in our developing neutral minds, along the lines of the Buddhist teachings, and also in our respect for all life everywhere. These teachings of neutral mind and of respect for free will and the All are also set forth in “The Law of One” (which was just mentioned).

From the point of view of the Raiders, primary social values are: Being respected, gaining power over others, and accruing wealth. As their stance is one of ‘supreme ego’, they tend to coalesce around humans seeking enlightenment; by amping up a person’s own ego, they present the ascending human with the phenomenon of the ‘Dweller on the Threshold’. This is the last test, the glass ceiling that must be transcended in order to reach the level of Christed and Buddhic consciousness.

Because of their presence here on Earth during the Ages of Darkness, the state of Christed and Buddhic Consciousness for the human being is much harder to achieve during those times, when Raiders stand as the ‘Hounds of the Barrier’, as described by Thoth in “The Emerald Tablets” as translated by Doreal …

Link: “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth,” translated by Doreal, in Crystalinks … https://www.crystalinks.com/emerald.html … Search the term: Hounds of the Barrier

If you get a chance, why not take a look at “The Law of One (The Ra Material)” and “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth,” and learn what you may? There is a great deal of wisdom in both of them.

7. Astral Thuggees or Elementaries.

Astral thuggees or elementaries are the astral forms of humans who used their psychic abilities to their own advantage, while disregarding the notion of right and wrong. They can no longer find human incarnation suitable to the coarseness of their astral matter.

They were until recently crowding round and interfering with the heart energy of all psychic humans currently in incarnation, as they have a sense that heart energy interferes with the Soul choices that got them into this fix.

My Drawings of Thuggees. I have some drawings for you; these drawings are from my blog entitled “Astral Thuggees.” See what you think of them! …

Composite Drawing: “Astral Thuggees,” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com … COMMENT: Self-portrait is part of the drawing.

Composite Drawing: “Astral Thuggees,” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com … COMMENT: Self-portrait is part of the drawing.

Here are the drawings of the Astral Thuggees that are flying about in the above composite drawing …

Drawing: “Astral Thuggees 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

Drawing: “Astral Thuggees 1,” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

Drawing: “Astral Thuggees 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

Drawing: “Astral Thuggees 2,” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

Drawing: “Astral Thuggees 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

Drawing: “Astral Thuggees 3,” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

Drawing: “Astral Thuggees 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

Drawing: “Astral Thuggees 4,” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

Drawing: “Astral Thuggees 5,” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

Drawing: “Astral Thuggees 5,” by Alice B. Clagett, 9 January 2021, CC BY-SA 4.0, from “Awakening with Planet Earth,” https://awakeningwithplanetearth.com

The entire astral realm is being transformed through the Light, and these very dark beings are also being transformed. For instance, they are no longer crowding round and interfering with the transfer of heart energy by Lightworkers; this new thing has happened within the last month.

Well so, that is the story about astral thuggees or elementaries. One of the troubles with them is that, if they are very spiritually adept, and learned a lot about the higher chakras, they might be hovering up above your head, in the astral realm … in ghostly form … the seventh or eighth chakras, the ninth chakra, up there [above the head]. So it is something to look out for.

You can place your consciousness there … high above your head … and you can hear what they are saying to you. Then you can use yoga, or other techniques for strengthening your energy field, in order to avoid their noxious influence.

Drawings of the Thuggees of India, from Wikipedia. Here are drawings of the ‘thuggees’ of India in physical form. These drawings are from Wikipedia …

Image: “Thugs Blinding and Mutilating Traveler,” by Unknown artist, 1829–1840, scanned from plate between pages 80 and 81 of Citation: Peers, Douglas M. (2006). India under colonial rule: 1700-1885. Pearson Education. ISBN 978-0-582-31738-3 … from English Wikipedia …  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Thugs_Blinding_and_Mutilating_Traveller.JPG … public domain … DESCRIPTION: The travelers are dressed as Hindu Brahmins … COMMENT: From my own experience with psychic assault, I surmise these thugs, led by a ‘thuggee guru’, may have been able to sneak up on their victims by inducing a ‘psychic swoon’ through the use of black magic.

Image: “Thugs Blinding and Mutilating Traveler,” by Unknown artist, 1829–1840, scanned from plate between pages 80 and 81 of Citation: Peers, Douglas M. (2006). India under colonial rule: 1700-1885. Pearson Education. ISBN 978-0-582-31738-3 … from English Wikipedia … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Thugs_Blinding_and_Mutilating_Traveller.JPG … public domain …

DESCRIPTION: The travelers are dressed as Hindu Brahmins …

COMMENT: From my own experience with psychic assault, I surmise these thugs, led by a ‘thuggee guru’, may have been able to sneak up on their victims by inducing a ‘psychic swoon’ through the use of black magic.

Image: “A group of Thugs strangling a traveller on a highway in India in the early 19th century,” by Anonymous Indian artist. Made for Capt. James Paton, Assistant to the British Resident at Lucknow, 1829-1840, from Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thugs_Strangling_Traveller.jpg … public domain … DESCRIPTION: “A groups of Thugs strangling a traveller on a highway in India in the early 19th century. One member of the group is gripping the traveller’s feet, another his hands, while a third member is tightening the ligature around the traveller’s neck.” … COMMENT: From my own experience with psychic assault, I surmise these thugs, led by a ‘thuggee guru’, may have been able to sneak up on their victims by inducing a ‘psychic swoon’ through the use of black magic.

Image: “A group of Thugs strangling a traveller on a highway in India in the early 19th century,” by Anonymous Indian artist. Made for Capt. James Paton, Assistant to the British Resident at Lucknow, 1829-1840, from Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thugs_Strangling_Traveller.jpg … public domain …

DESCRIPTION: “A groups of Thugs strangling a traveller on a highway in India in the early 19th century. One member of the group is gripping the traveller’s feet, another his hands, while a third member is tightening the ligature around the traveller’s neck.” …

COMMENT: From my own experience with psychic assault, I surmise these thugs, led by a ‘thuggee guru’, may have been able to sneak up on their victims by inducing a ‘psychic swoon’ through the use of black magic.

Image: “Guru Multhoo Byragee Jogee, a native of Ajmere aged 90, in jail (1840),” by Colesworthey Grant, 1844, Image extracted from page 099 of A series of miscellaneous rough sketches of Oriental heads. [Published by Colesworthey Grant.]” … Original held and digitised by the British Library. Copied from Flickr … from Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ORIENTAL_HEADS_p099_Multhoo_Byragee_Jogee._T%27hug_Convict,_Native_of_Ajmere,_aged_90.jpg … COMMENT: From my own experience with psychic assault, I surmise these thugs, led by a ‘thuggee guru’, may have been able to sneak up on their victims by inducing a ‘psychic swoon’ through the use of black magic.

Image: “Guru Multhoo Byragee Jogee, a native of Ajmere aged 90, in jail (1840),” by Colesworthey Grant, 1844, Image extracted from page 099 of A series of miscellaneous rough sketches of Oriental heads. [Published by Colesworthey Grant.]” … Original held and digitised by the British Library. Copied from Flickr … from Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ORIENTAL_HEADS_p099_Multhoo_Byragee_Jogee._T%27hug_Convict,_Native_of_Ajmere,_aged_90.jpg

COMMENT: From my own experience with psychic assault, I surmise these thugs, led by a ‘thuggee guru’, may have been able to sneak up on their victims by inducing a ‘psychic swoon’ through the use of black magic.

Image: “HINDOO THUGS AND POISONERS – FROM A DRAWING BY MR. W.CARPENTER,” by William Carpenter, 1857, from Columbia.edu, originally from Illustrated London News … from Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thugs_and_poisoners.jpg … public domain … COMMENT: From my own experience with psychic assault, I surmise these thugs, led by a ‘thuggee guru’, may have been able to sneak up on their victims by inducing a ‘psychic swoon’ through the use of black magic.

Image: “Hindoo Thugs and Poisoners.–from a Drawing by Mr. W. Carpenter, Jr.,” by William Carpenter, 1857, from http://www.columbia.edu … originally from Illustrated London News … from Wikimedia Commons … https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Thugs_and_poisoners.jpg … public domain …

COMMENT: From my own experience with psychic assault, I surmise these thugs, led by a ‘thuggee guru’, may have been able to sneak up on their victims by inducing a ‘psychic swoon’ through the use of black magic.

8. Novice Ascended Masters

Introduction. I am hearing the sound of an airplane overhead, and that is interesting. Often I hear the channeled voices of Novice Ascended Masters floating down from high above, as if they were the great, cruel overlords of my energy field. Often they sound like that.

To begin at the beginning: The trouble about the Novice Ascended Masters is that they have an intention to become Ascended Masters, but they are not quite there yet. As you will see from what follows below, that can cause some trouble with their followers because, when the Novice Ascended Masters hit the ‘hitch’ in the Light … the dark ‘bubble’ in the Light, then that can ricochet in the subconscious realm and the unconscious realm of all their followers. If they have a large following, then that can be quite a commotion in the noosphere. So they are trying, but they are not quite there yet, and that creates a little trouble.

Novice Ascended Masters. Like all beings on Earth, humans who chose the Ascended Master path have a learning curve to go through. The first step on this path, that of the station I term ‘Novice Ascended Master’, is no doubt the hardest.

In that station, the spiritual aspirant gains all the psychic powers, but has not yet transcended ego. At this stage, the Novice Ascended Master becomes, on the astral plane, a god of Death or a Force of Nature, and his embodied followers will be seen to be carrying out his wishes in this regard. In other words, they may be murdering on his behalf, or they may be controlling the elements of nature for their own benefit, or for their own, increasing wealth.

From the noxious position of ‘god of Death’ or ‘Force of Nature’ the Novice Ascended Master will eventually be released, and much more quickly so, I feel, during this time of great Incoming Light.

In these days, here on Earth, the thousand-year journey of beingness as a god of Death or a Force of Nature must take place in a year or two. Consequently, the Novice Ascended Masters have been having a hard go of it since about the year 2,000.

Aspirants (Followers) of Novice Ascended Masters. Those who look up to the Novice Ascended Masters as their gurus and spiritual guides would be much better off, during these times of Ascended Earth, if they were to turn to one of the great, fully Ascended Masters, perhaps the Master to whom their own beloved Novice Ascended Master turned for inspiration. Or these aspirants may wish to turn to the Angelic Realm, or to God and God alone.

If they are determined to cling to their own Novice Ascended Master, who himself is going through great suffering in clearing through his own ego, and the mistakes in terms of ‘power over’ he made during his last incarnation, then they cannot expect succor or help or aid from him.

Rather, they will see exponential multiplication of their own suffering, especially if they find themselves driven to worship of those dark astral entities, such as Satan, the demons, and the devils who have now left Earth. In such a circumstance, they will find themselves serving no power still honored or capable of maintaining a stronghold on Awakening Earth.

If the error made by their guru had to do with using his psychic powers for the advancement of his group, rather than for the good of all humankind, while disregarding the issue of morality … along the lines of ‘any means to suit this noble end’ … then clinging to their guru during the Shift will lead them to express this error in the third dimension, with possible physical law-enforcement ramifications for themselves. That is to say, they may be arrested for their crimes, and in worst case scenario, sent to prison for life, or perhaps executed for their crimes.

For more on the Novice Ascended Masters, you may look to this blog  …

Link: “Dealing with the Disincarnate Gods,” by Alice B. Clagett, 10 May 2016 …  https://wp.me/p2Rkym-5g1 ..

I have later found that what, in Hindu literature, is termed the ‘Disincarnate Gods’ is likely referring to the Novice Ascended Masters. So then, the state of Disincarnate Godhood is the trying stage that Novice Ascended Masters reach, where they are, on the astral plane, gods of Death or Forces of Nature.

These are two of the most awesome powers, or psychic abilities. It is a difficult thing to rise above them because, as human beings, we revel in the ability to control our environment.; and this is one of the most awesome means of controlling the environment.

Yet, I have read in the Hindu texts that those who achieve that state of Disincarnate God become, after awhile, disillusioned with it. It is just too much of the same thing, over and over again: killing and killing and killing … or being the ‘weatherman’, the man who can cause a tornado, cause a hurricane, cause a thunderstorm, cause a drought … all those things.

After awhile it gets a little old, I guess; and that being wants to return to Earth and start fresh, in his attempt to become a full-fledged Ascended Master.

9. Ghosts and Shades

Ghosts or shades are the kama rupa (this is a Hindu term) or ‘desire elemental’ (which, in the yogic texts I have read, relates to the subtle body known ‘Lower Mental Body’; or, in modern terms, the ‘gut brain’) of human beings who have passed on. As the New Light comes in, here on Ascending Earth, these ghosts or shades are clearing toward joy and love and Light.

Image: “Ghosts 2,” adapted from Image by Angeline1 from Pixabay – firaangella1 – Pixabay Content License

Image: “Ghosts 2,” adapted from Image by Angeline1 from Pixabay – firaangella1 – Pixabay Content License

Those ghosts of humans who have died suddenly, as through accident or suicide, have a harder time clearing as the New Light comes in; but I am confident that they will clear, maybe taking a little bit longer, or having a bit tougher go of it, as the influxes of Light change their very essence.


This section has to do with sentient beings beyond the astral realm. It also contains hints and tips on how we can relate to these beings … or to the higher realms without their help.

I have a caveat for you: When I speak of the different dimensions, it seems cut-and-dried, but in fact, it is not so cut-and-dried. There are human beings existing in astral form and higher … in the third dimension and higher, including the fourth dimension (the astral plane) either negative (hellworlds) or positive (heavenworlds); and in between, in the purgatory worlds, or even in ‘limbo’, for instance.

There are beings we think of as astral beings that exist in dimensions higher than the astral, but not lower.

There are beings of Light that exist in very high dimensions … very, very high up … some not even formed (without form) … and many with form.

So it is good to keep in mind that the categories I use in this video are just general baskets of categories: Physical form, astral form, and sentient beings beyond the astral form (which is what we are talking about today).

Beings of Light: Our Star Brethren

Beings of Light, our sisters and brothers of the stars, are now able to communicate with humans without distortions of Light. Those of us humans who are developing telepathy mat join with our Ascension Team, including our dear families of Light, to help Earth through this transition in love and peace and joy.

Know that communications you receive in English from the higher realms are distortions of the Light: these beings of Light … our star brethren … communicate through Light language and through the sounds of Light. So if you hear something in English, you can raise an eyebrow, and wonder what it really is to which you are listening.

Angelic Realm

The angels have ever been at the ready, able to cut through the black magic spells of the beings that roam Earth during the great Ages of Darkness. And now too, during this great Awakening of Earth, they are ready to be of service to humankind and Earth. All we need do is ask for their help. But here is the hitch: Ask we must, or that Angelic aid may not be granted.


Direct alignment with God in will, in heart, and in mind, is much more readily at hand during the Awakening, as the Incoming Light is destroying misunderstandings caused by distortion of the Light during the recent Great Age of Darkness. Now, we can all rise to a state of Christed and Buddhic Consciousness, of satori, enlightenment, illumination, and God-Awareness, if we set our hearts and Souls to this end.

Here are two tools I know of to help us attain alignment with God …

“The Great Invocation” of Djwhal Khul Through Alice Bailey

For alignment with God and God alone, may I suggest “The Great Invocation” of Djwhal Khul? This invocation is available online at a link called “The Great Invocation” by Alice Bailey in a site called “Theosophy Wiki,” Currently … and I hope you can find it still … it is at … https://theosophy.wiki/en/Great_Invocation

Link: “The Great Invocation,” by Alice Bailey, in Theosophy Wiki … https://theosophy.wiki/en/Great_Invocation ..

Check in the “Theosophy Wiki” website, in case that url no longer exists. I feel certain you can find “The Great Invocation.” It was channeled through Alice Bailey by Djwhal Khul.

It is currently with the Theosophical literature. That is why I cannot add it to my blog … it is still under copyright. It is terrific; so take a look there, and see what you think.

Here I have channeled the prayer …

Video: “‘The Great Invocation’ by Djwhal Khul,” channeled by Alice B. Clagett, filmed on 19 November 2014, published on 3 July 2014 … https://youtu.be/IrE4QJg_Ai0 ..

“Invocation Beyond Time and Space” by the Hathors Through Alice Clagett

So as to avail ourselves of all the help now available to us from sentient beings beyond the astral realm, may I suggest this invocation? …

Spirit to Team!
Optimize timelines and dimensions!
For the All, through Free Will! 


There is a great deal more that can be said about interspecies communication. You can search my blog for: “Compendium: Interspecies Communication”

Link: “Compendium: Interspecies Communication,” by Alice B. Clagett, published on 2 February 2019; updated … https://wp.me/p2Rkym-bym ..

That has links to many of the most important blogs I have done on that topic.

You should know that almost all those blogs are personally channeled by me, and new to the world. Where they are not new to the world … but just research … then I mention that specifically in the blog, so that you will know the difference.

I feel certain that great adventures wait for you there, though your reading of the blogs noted in that Compendium.

God bless you all,
And keep you safe,
And be with you
Through all your days.

So long for now.

In love, light and joy,
I Am of the Stars


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Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


demons, Satan, fallen angels, devas, nature spirits, elementals, thuggees, ghosts, shades, jinn, afrits, novice ascended masters, disincarnate gods, astral thuggees, elementaries, dragons, ifrit, genies, Ifrit, efreet, efrite, ifreet, afreet, afrite, Incoming Light, Pleiadian Raiders, The All, Free Will, neutral mind, Law of One, Thoth, Emerald Tablets, hounds of the barrier, dweller at the threshold, worldwide telepathy, plane of forces, war, Middle East, angelic realm, Christ consciousness, cities of Earth, beings of light, Great Invocation, Invocation beyond Time and Space, unusual beings on Earth, Djwhal Khul,  King David, Bible, genocide, holocaust, Judaism, service to self, service to others, languages of light and sound, clair senses, empathy, interspecies communication, sentient beings, nonsentient beings, sentient physical beings, elephants, dolphins, whales, cetaceans, trees, rocks, commensalism, symbiosis, human telepathy, nonhuman telepathy, inn, genies, afrits, interspecies communication, sentient beings, astral beings,  telepathy, dragons, demons, devils, Satan, Fallen Angels, Pleiadian Raiders, thuggees, astral thuggees, elementaries, 8th chakra, 9th chakra, 10th chakra, novice ascended masters, disincarnate god, force of nature, god of Death, ascended master, ghosts, kama rupa, beings of Light, Star brethren, angelic realm, Alice Bailey, Djwhal Khul, School of Theosophy, Hathors, Invocation Beyond Time and Space, The Great Invocation, Ascension Team, dimensions, fifth dimension, fourth dimension, third dimension,


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